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SGML/XML Contact Addresses |
Note: This document is no longer actively maintained. It now serves as a partial record of XML activity in 1997-1998.
The following listing of contact addresses represents occasional effort to register contact addresses. An attempt is made here to maintain a modest list of addresses for entities within the SGML orbit. Omissions are fortuitous only, and may be rectified by the submission of a contact address form or its email equivalent (see above). The owners of the addresses are requested to assist by sending notification of address changes. For other efforts of this kind, see:
- Seybold Publications. Seybold maintains a comprehensive online Vendor Directory that is likely to contain an address for any major SGML 'publisher'. The Seybold Vendor Directory is published in print format annually within Seybold's SSR series, but the updated online document is maintained in public view in the interim. *Perhaps taken offline now: fetch the latest text version of the Vendor Directory from Seybold -- but if you can't connect, here's a version from February 14, 1996 [mirror copy made August 08, 1996], and an older mirror copy from December 01, 1995.
- Steve Pepper's Whirlwind Guide - List of SGML/XML Vendors
- OASIS Member Lists. Many members are SGML/XML vendors and service providers. See:
the membership listing.
- Bob DuCharme's list of DBMS vendors who claim to support SGML. [local archive copy]
- SGML Directory from Exeter University. As of April 11, 1995, the online directory listed some 64 companies which offer SGML software/services. The Directory is valuable in that many of the entries provide information about SGML software in significant detail -- although some information (collected in 1994) is now dated. [local archive copy]
The following supplemental listing is unfortunately somewhat uneven -- for which I apologize. It is supplied here because it adds a few details: (a) some electronic addresses (HTTP, GOPHER, FTP, or EMAIL links) that are relevant to the named entities; (b) additional addresses, in alphabetical (ASCII) sort order; (c) brief overview of the activities surrounding an SGML-supporting entity. In a short time, we hope, all SGML resource providers will have Web home pages with complete information so that only terse pointers to them are necessary in a document of this kind.
Contents Listing
- AIS/Berger-Levrault
- ActiveSystems
- Adobe Systems Incorporated
- Advent 3B2
- Agave Software Design, Inc.
- Allette Systems
- AND-USA, Inc.
- Andyne Computing Limited
- ANSI (American National Standards Institute)
- Apex Data Services, Inc.
- ArborText
- Architag International Corporation
- ATLIS Consulting Group
- Auto-Graphics, Inc.
- Avalanche
- Bingham Associates
- British National Corpus
- Canadian Strategic Software Consortium
- CAP Ventures
- Chadwyck-Healey
- Chrystal Software [Astoria]
- CIRCE (Centrum voor Informatica Research en Consultancy Europa)
- CITEC Information Technology
- Copernican Solutions Inc.
- Corel Corporation
- Crane Softwrights Ltd.
- CSW Informatics Ltd.
- Database Publishing Systems, Ltd.
- DataChannel
- Data Conversion Laboratory
- Datalogics, Inc.
- Design Intelligence Inc.
- Digitome Ltd.
- Document Management Solutions, Inc.
- DOSCO Document Systems Consulting GmbH
- The eFa Group
- Elanders Publishing
- Electronic Book Technologies (EBT)
- Electronic Commerce Connection, Inc.
- Electronic Data Foundry, Inc.
- Electronic Publishing Special Interest Group (EPSIG)
- Elsevier Scientific Publishers
- Enigma, Inc.
- Excosoft
- [Exoterica Corporation] -> OmniMark Technologies
- Falch Infotek AS
- Ferntree Computer Corporation
- Fine Line Publishing Services
- Folio Corporation
- Fotek NV
- Frame [now Adobe]
- Fulcrum Technologies Inc.
- Graphic Communications Association (GCA)
- Grif S.A.
- HaL Software Systems
- Highland Consulting [cf. ISOGEN International Corporation]
- High Text, S.A.R.L.
- InContext Systems
- Incremental Development, Inc.
- InfoAccess Inc.
- InfoDesign Corporation
- Information Architects, Inc. - See Architag
- Information Dimensions
- Information Management Consulting
- Information Strategies, Inc.
- Information Technologies Oy
- INFORIUM - The Information Atrium Inc.
- Infrastructures for Information
- INNODATA Corporation
- INSO Corporation
- Intel Corporation
- InterDoc Corporation
- Interface Electronics Inc.
- Intergraph Corporation
- Interleaf
- ISO (International Organization for Standardization)
- International Press Telecommunications Council (NTIF)
- ISOGEN International Corporation
- Jouve Software, Inc.
- Kluwer Academic Publishers
- Lexicon Systems, Inc.
- Logical Design Solutions, Inc.
- Martin Hensel Corporation
- Megginson Technologies Ltd.
- Microsoft Corporation
- Microstar Software Ltd.
- MID/Information Logistics Group
- Miles 33
- Movement, Inc.
- Mulberry Technologies Inc.
- Naggum Software
- Newspaper Association of America (NAA)
- Nice Technologies
- Novell
- Ntergaid, Inc.
- OASIS - Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards
- Object Design
- Oblisk Interactive
- OCLC Online Computer Library Center
- OmniMark Technologies
- Open Information Interchange (OII)
- Open Text Corporation
- Oracle Corporation
- Ovidius
- Passage Systems Inc.
- Penta Software, Inc.
- Phoenix Data Labs
- Pindar PLC
- Pira
- POET Software
- Prescott Group
- Progressive Information Technologies
- Pro Text
- Publishing Development AB
- Recording for the Blind
- Research Institute of America
- Reed Technology & Information Services
- Richard Light Consulting
- RivCom
- SDI Solutions
- Sema Group Belgium
- Seybold Publications
- SGML BeLux
- The SGML Centre
- [SGML Open, see OASIS]
- SGML Resource Center
- SGML Systems Engineering
- The SGML Technologies Group
- SGML University
- Society for Technical Communication
- SoftQuad Software, Inc.
- Sörman Information AB
- Spyglass, Inc.
- Step Two Designs
- Stilo Associates
- STEP Sturtz Electronic Publishing GmbH
- Sybase, Inc.
- Synex Information AB
- Technology Appraisals Ltd.
- TechnoTeacher, Inc.
- TeX Users Group
- Texcel International
- Text Encoding Initiative (TEI)
- Texterity
- Text Science, Inc.
- Text Structure Consulting, Inc.
- Textuality
- TIME LUX sarl
- Unicode Consortium
- USAF SGML Repository
- US Lynx
- Veo Systems, Inc.
- Vicom Multimedia Inc.
- Vtopia, Inc.
- watAGE Inc.
- Xerox Business Services (UK)
- XMLXperts
- XSoft
- Xyvision Inc.
- Zandar Corporation
- ZIFTech Computer Systems, Inc
Advanced Information Systems/Berger-Levrault
35, Rue du Pont
92200 Neuilly-sur-Seine
Tel: +33 1 46 40 10 60
Fax: +33 1 46 40 18 44
18, rue des Glacis
54017 Nancy Cedex
Tel: 83 35 51 52
FAX: 83 37 56 72
[CR: 19970401]
"ActiveSystems Inc., based in Ottawa, Canada, is a leader in the practical application of SGML (ISO 8879). With roots in SGML back to the mid-80's, ActiveSystems (until 1994 known as CTMG) established its early reputation as the developer of the ActiveServer SGML database, an "off-the-shelf" object-oriented SGML database. ActiveSystems currently specializes in SGML integration including document management using SGML object databases, conversion to and from SGML and HTML, Internet delivery, Interactive Electronic Technical Manuals (IETMs) and CD-ROM publishing. The expertise of ActiveSystems' highly skilled and knowledgeable staff enables the company to deliver sound SGML solutions at a reasonable cost. The company is growing rapidly in North American, European and Asian markets. Building on its long history in the SGML business, ActiveSystems has attracted an impressive array of clients including, IBM, Nortel, Hitachi, IEEE, Lockheed Martin, Macmillan Publishing, and Navistar." [adapted from the company description]
ActiveSystems Inc.
11 Holland Avenue, Suite 602
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
K1Y 4S1
Tel: (613) 729-2043
FAX: (613) 729-2874
[CR: 19961012]
"Adobe FrameMaker+SGML is an integrated authoring and publishing tool that supports structured as well as unstructured documents. The product provides a fully editable WYSIWYG view of the document as well as and interactive structure view. The user-friendly interface hides the technicalities of SGML from the end user." Recently added features (5.1.1, October 1996) include: Attribute support, Structured tables, CALS table import/export, Enhanced entity support, Mapping for ISO Public Entity Set to display characters, Automatic insertion of child elements, Automatic generation and management of ID values, Automatic hyperlink generation for ID/IDREFs, Hierarchical style specification.
Adobe Systems Incorporated
345 Park Avenue
San Jose, California
USA 95110-2704
Tel: 408-536-6000
TEL: 1-800 843-7263
FAX: 408-537-6000
[CR: 19980203]
"Advent has been supplying and supporting turnkey publishing systems based around its 3B2 publishing software worldwide since 1986. Advent 3B2 provides a simple and effective way to edit and format fully marked-up SGML text without compromising the integrity of the tagging. 3B2 incorporates the application builder, the page formatting engine, an interactive SGML parser and the output formatting device."
"In contrast with most solutions, 3B2 SGML allows fully tagged SGML documents to be imported, validated, parsed, edited and typeset using the embedded SGML mark-up. These activities can be performed without any addition, substitution or compromise to the original file and allows the final (typeset) marked-up file to be validated and saved for archiving in true SGML format."
Advent Publishing
Systems Ltd
3B2 House
12 Bath Road
Old Town
United Kingdom
Phone: +44 1793 51 14 32
Fax: +44 1793 53 66 16
[CR: 19970903]
"Agave's SQml-Publisher allows large and complex documents to be published in minutes by providing direct access to SQL data from within SGML or XML documents. Using SQml-Publisher, SQL queries can be included in any SGML or XML source document and when parsed, produces SGML or SML destination documents with merged, formatted data returned by the SQL query. SQml-Publisher is HPUX 10.X, Solaris 2.X, Windows NT/95 compatible, works with off-the-shelf SGML or XML document editors and adheres to all SGML specifications and may be used with existing DTDs or some Agave provides."
Agave Software Design, Inc.
701 East Plano Parkway, Suite 305
Plano, TX 75074 USA
Tel: +1 972.424.6662
FAX: +1 972.424.1644
A WWW site for Asia/Pacific SGML/HTML. "Allette Systems has been heavily involved with technical documentation procedures and systems for the past seven years. Areas of particular expertise include legal and legislation, defence (CALS), dictionaries and reference material, procedures, aviation and hypertext publishing. Allette Systems is particularly skilled in successful SGML projects. . .Allette Systems is the regional representative for Exoterica Corporation [OmniMark Technologies] of Canada. . . Allette Systems co-founded and runs the Asia Pacific SGML Users' Group (membership 600). It co-organizes the SGML Asia Pacific Conferences, with the Graphics Communication Association (GCA), which have been held in Singapore in recent years. As well, Allette Systems maintains a World-Wide Web site with a special area (the House of SGML) for promoting and locating SGML resources."
Allette Systems
10/91 York St
Sydney 2000
NSW, Australia
Phone: +61 2-262-4777
Fax: +61 2-262-4774
[CR: 20010116]
"AND is a software development and publishing firm with a broad range of products and services. From Electronic Publishing to geographical databases - our focus is on quality, performance, and customer service. Our products use a combination of open standards and proprietary technology to create systems that blend the best of both."
The Candle Building
111 Market Place, Suite 1070
MD 21202 USA
Tel: +1 (800) 543-6210
FAX: +1 (410) 659-1288
Andyne Computing Limited
552 Princess Street
Kingston, Ontario
Canada K7L 1C7
Phone: 613-548-4355
Fax: 613-548-7801
Technical Support:
Customer Services:
Director, Corporate Communications:
Connect Newsletter Editor:
American National Standards Institute
11 West 42nd Street
13th floor
New York, N.Y. 10036
Telephone: + 1 212 642 49 00
Telefax: + 1 212 398 00 23
[CR: 19970114]
"Apex Data Services, Inc. offers a full range of data conversion services. Apex specializes in creating highly intelligent databases from both hard copy and electronic sources. Apex guarantees, and frequently surpasses, a minimum of 99.995% accuracy and also guarantees 100% structural integrity in all converted data. Apex places a high emphasis on competitive pricing, superior quality, fast turnaround time, and excellent customer service."
"Apex offers extensive SGML conversion services and has converted databases of virtually all types of source material, including scientific, medical, legal, financial, and social science data. Industry-standard DTD's such as the Text Encoding Initiative (TEI), as well as a wide variety of customized DTD's have been used in Apex's SGML conversions. Apex also offers DTD development assistance in an effort to improve the efficiency of your SGML conversions."
Apex Data Services, Inc.
12355 Sunrise Valley Drive, Suite 680
Reston, VA USA 20191-3458
Tel: 703-264-1300
FAX: 703-264-1330
"ArborText supplies SGML authoring and publishing software that allows collaborative workgroups to create and maintain technical manuals, parts catalogs, legal databases, encyclopedias, and similar collections of information. The ADEPT Series software runs on PCs with MS-Windows and on leading UNIX workstations. ArborText focuses on delivering highly adaptable systems to meet the needs of organizations with large volumes of information."
ArborText, Inc.
1000 Victors Way, Suite 400
Ann Arbor, MI 48108-2700
Phone: +1 734 997 0200
Fax: +1 734 997 0201
[CR: 19981002]
On October 1, 1998, Information Architects announced that 'Information Architects' would become Architag International Corporation. Architag Solutions is the largest division of Architag International Corporation, providing consulting services; Architag University, formerly 'SGML University' is the training division. Architag Press is to publish the <TAG> Newsletter.
[to revise] "Information Architects is a full-service provider of consultants skilled in structured information systems. Our consultants, programmers, and analysts have years of experience in the selection, installation, and training of SGML-based publishing systems, as well as experience installing structured database, workflow, and configuration management systems. Our consultants provide nationwide support from our offices in Denver, Colorado and Rochester, New York. Our main philosophy is that we are not exclusively affiliated with any vendor of hardware, software, or services, and so are able to offer completely objective advice in order to meet our client's needs."
Information Architects
6989 S. Jordan Road, Second Floor
Englewood, CO 80112
"ASSET (Source for Software Engineering Technology [Division of SAIC]) is primarily an on-line broker of digital products for the information technology and scientific communities. We feature an electronic commerce system that supports on-line access to a growing inventory of professional software products as well as a number of other product and information services."
As of 1 December 1995, ASSET allows free downloading of all distribution A (unlimited access) assets from its library. You no longer need a special ASSET account. Library materials include many SGML resources: "The WSRD library contains documents, software components, vendor advertisements and information on software reuse practices. There is information on both public domain and commercial assets."
[CR: 19961130]
The ATLIS Consulting Group provides a variety of SGML consultancy services: Document Analysis, DTD Development, SGML training, SGML Systems Design, Data Conversion, etc. As a group of SGML specialists, ATLIS Consulting believes that "Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML) can ultimately reduce production costs . . . decrease production time . . . and facilitate outputting to multiple formats (including full-text or abstracts for CD-ROM or on-line), producing spin-off products, or simply providing large amounts of information to your staff or clients."
ATLIS Consulting Group
8728 Colesville Road
Silver Spring, MD 20910 USA
Tel: +1 310-578-4326
Fax: +1 301-650-2043
[CR: 19960902]
Harvey Bingham is "Principal SGML, DSSSL, and Electronic Publishing Consultant" for Bingham Associates. The current Tables Technical Committee co-chair for SGML Open, Harvey Bingham has produced three major technical works relating to SGML and DSSSL. With a broad range of industry experience, he has been responsible "for shaping dozens of government and industry applications of SGML." Bingham Associates provides technical consulting on document applications, bringing to bear its "experience and contributions developing industry applications of SGML, and knowledge of national and international standards."
Bingham Associates
Zero Essex Street
Lexington, MA 02173
Tel voice: +1 (617) 862-6908
[CR: 19990211]
CAP Ventures - Strategic Consultants to the Digital Document Revolution. "CAP Ventures is the leading market research and strategic consulting firm focused on digital document printing, publishing, management, delivery and document software. CAP Ventures' analysts provide technology advice and market strategies for vendors and corporate users in the digital printing and publishing industry and allied fields. CAP Ventures assists equipment, software and supplies vendors, and users of digital document technology to leverage opportunity, and to make their businesses more successful."
- CAP Ventures Home Page
- DSS - Dynamic Content Software Strategies - "CAP Ventures' Dynamic Content Software Strategies (DSS) group provides expert, unbiased analysis of technology and market trends related to managing and sharing dynamic content. This includes XML applications, Knowledge Management, Groupware, Document Management, Intranet/extranet publishing, and other applications involving text and data integration."
- SGML market study:"Markets and Applications for the Standard Generalized Markup Language. A 1997 Multi-Client Research Study by CAP Ventures, Inc."
- Knowledge Management
- A CAPV Publication The Gilbane Report on Open Information & Document Systems. "The Gilbane Report on Open Information & Document Systems covers document management and document computing technology and business applications. The report provides an objective analysis of technology issues and market trends in the fast growing area of document and information system technology."
- Document Software Strategies Consulting Service
- List of document system vendors
CAP Ventures, Inc.
600 Cordwainer Drive
Norwell, MA 02061
Tel: +1 617-871-9000
Fax: + 617-871-3861
Chadwyck-Healey is the developer of the electronic Patrologia Latina, English Poetry Full-Text Database, etc. A number of the texts are encoded using TEI-SGML, and can be searched using SGML-aware software. See the main Chadwyck-Healey entry for fuller details.
[The UK]
The Quorum
Barnwell Road
Tel: +44 1223 215512
Fax: +44 1223 215514
[The US]
1101 King Street
Alexandria, VA 22314
Tel: 703 683-4890
Toll Free: 800 752-0515
Fax: 703 683-7589
[CR: 19980128]
"Chrystal Software specializes in content management, enabling organizations to leverage the content within high-value documents for real business value. The company's flagship product, Astoria, is one of the world's leading authoring support systems. Chrystal Software has a worldwide presence, with partners in key markets and customers in automotive, telecommunications equipment, publishing and other industries. Using Astoria, these companies are able to achieve real benefits in improved time to global market; simultaneous distribution to the Web, paper and CD-ROM; and delivery to markets of one. A Xerox New Enterprise, Chrystal Software is growing rapidly and gaining the attention of the general marketplace."
"[Chrystal Software's] Astoria is one of the world's leading authoring support systems. An organization with multiple authors can use Astoria to manage the collaborative authoring process, enabling access control, versioning, reuse and distribution to multiple formats including the Web, paper and CD-ROM. The software manages whole documents, document fragments and information components including graphics, video, voice, and structured (e.g., SGML, XML) or unstructured text. Astoria supports organizations with hundreds of authors, reviewers and readers, and can be installed and operational in less than a day." [from profile]
Chrystal Software
10875 Rancho Bernardo Road, Suite 200
San Diego, CA 92127-2116 USA
Phone: 1.619.676.7700
Fax: 1.619.676.7710
Email (general):
Email for XML support:
"CIRCE, het Centrum voor Informatica Research en Consultancy Europa, houdt zich al met SGML bezig sinds de acceptatie van ISO 8879 in 1986. . . In 1987 deden wij met subsidie van Economische Zaken het SPIN Klein Onderzoek 0710.11: "Gebruiksvriendelijke implementatie van SGML". Met de Mark-It parser werd zakelijke correspondentie automatisch getagd, uitgevoerd via LaTeX en opgeslagen in het databasesysteem Oracle."
Telefoon/fax: 020-699.89.66
[CR: 19961006]
CITEC - "Creative and Intelligent Technology." Citec International Ltd is a privately held Finish company founded 1984, with a department called Citec Information Technology (IT). IT is CITEC's fastest growing business area. There is also a branch office in Sweden. The IT group consists of 35 professionals involved in SGML/HyTime consulting, DTD development, Information system engineering based on SGML, Technical documentation and computer animations on the international market. They have also developed an SGML/HyTime browser called MultiDoc Pro." [adapted/augmented from OASIS description and the CITEC Home Page]
CITEC Information Technology
Silmukkatie 2
P.O. Box 109
VASA Finland
Tel: +358 61 324 0700
Fax: +358 61 324 0800
TEL: after 12th October, 1996: +358 6 324 0700
FAX: after 12th October, 1996: +358 6 324 0800
Email: [Joakim Östman, Citec Information Technology R&D manager
[CR: 19960827]
Copernican Solutions provides SGML training, supports SGML-based Web authoring, and provides system development and integration. "Copernican Solutions is specifically in the business of developing SGML applications. In doing so, we develop many tools that may be of use to others. Some will become products while others exist in our "tool chest." We can put these tools to work for your company. We provide SGML consultants and system developers to develop sound SGML technology and applications. As well, our developers have a set of tools which they can rely upon for certain aspects of SGML development like: parsing, validating, transformation, formatting, etc."
Note that the WWW site moved from '' to "" in August, 1996. [check links below]
Copernican Solutions Incorporated
1313 Fifth St. SE, Suite 311
Minneapolis, MN 55414
TEL: +1 (612) 379-3608
Email: (R. Alexander Milowski)
Email: (Matt Cohen)
Corel Corporation
1600 Carling Ave
Ottawa, ON, Canada K1Z 8R7
[CR: 19981109]
'Crane Softwrights Ltd. is a federally-incorporated Canadian consultancy
offering Computer Systems Analysis services since April 1997. We focus
primarily in structured text processing related to the international
Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML - ISO 8879:1986) family of
standards, including the Document Style Semantics and Specification
Language (DSSSL - ISO/IEC 10179:1996), the Extensible Stylesheet Language
(W3C XSL WG), and the Extensible Markup Language (W3C XML WG). We are an
active member of both the Organization for the Advancement of Structured
Information Standards (OASIS) industry consortium as well as the Graphic
Communications Association Independent Consultants Cooperative (GCA-ICC).'
Crane Softwrights Ltd.
BOX 266
Tel: +1 (613) 489-0999
FAX: +1 (613) 489-0995
Email: G. Ken Holman, Chief Technology Officer
[CR: 19960818]
"CSW Informatics Ltd was founded in 1989 and has gained an international reputation for its expertise in all aspects of SGML data management and delivery.
Now, as an associate company of the Clifford Thames Group, CSW has combined high quality SGML consultancy with the printing, publishing and data conversion services of Clifford Thames."
Our broad range of services covers all your requirements from initial feasibility studies, product selection and systems design, through data preparation and systems development to document production and maintenance."
CSW Informatics Ltd
Oxford Centre for Innovation
Mill Street
Oxford OX2 0JX
Phone: +44/01865 794789
Fax: +44/01865 205008
Email: (Kelly He, CSW Informatics Ltd)
Database Publishing Systems, Ltd. provides a range of SGML/XML/HTML products and services, including: consulting, training, systems and applications development, integration. DPSL are:
- Specialists in large volume reference information publishing systems
- Specialists in the commercial application of standards to produce maximum customer benefits
- Integrators of the leading products on the market
- Recognised leaders in the field
Database Publishing Systems, Ltd.
Attention: Pamela Gennusa
PO Box 361
608 Delta Business Park
Great Western Way
Swindon, Wiltshire SN5 7XF
United Kingdom
Tel: +44 (0) 1793 512515
Fax: +44 (0) 1793 512516
Email: [Nigel Bray]
Email: [Pamela Gennusa]
[CR: 19971212]
"DataChannel was founded in October of 1996 to provide information management solutions for corporate intranets. DataChannel was founded by David Pool, who previously founded SPRY, Inc. Under Pool's leadership, Spry created Internet in a Box, the first Internet software package."
"DataChannel provides a unified framework for introducing the latest Web tools and new content types into an organization. Its 'personalized desktop channels' provide a database-driven foundation for companies and their employees to customize their Web applications and content environment around company-specific organizational and business categories. [...] DataChannel's first product, Channel Manager is [an] Intranet administration tool that allows IS managers to manage Web channels and other information sources on employee desktops. The product includes content management and presentation tools that allow corporations to deliver up-to-the-minute Web content designed specifically to meet the custom needs of each department, group or individual within the enterprise."
DataChannel Inc.
155 108th NE Suite 400
Bellevue, Wa 98004
Tel: 425 462-1999
FAX: 425 637-1192
"Data Conversion Laboratory provides conversion services and software designed for publishers and technical documentation developers. DCL's unique approach goes beyond conversion; DCL actually upgrades and reorganizes legacy documents to the new and more exacting requirements of SGML and Web publishing. The company supports all major electronic formats including FrameMaker, Interleaf, Bookmaster, Folio, Quark, MS Word, troff, Xyvision, Ventura, WordPerfect, HTML . . . plus paper and microfilm."
Data Conversion Laboratory (DCL)
184-13 Horace Harding Expressway
Fresh Meadows, NY 11365
Tel. (718) 357-8700
FAX: (718) 367-8776
DL WriterStation - SGML Authoring & Editing tools
DL Composer - SGML Composition Engine
Datalogics, Inc.
101 N. Wacker Dr. Ste 1800
Chicago, IL 60606
Tel: +1 312-853-8200
FAX: +1 312-853-8282
Email: (Kevin J. McNeill)
[CR: 19990111]
"Design Intelligence creates core software technology and development tools for advanced publishing. At the heart of our product offerings is our Automated Layout Engine. This unmatched Engine technology brings a set of document content together with an independent design, and then automatically performs smart, flexible layout for a chosen medium such as paper, web or both. With our unique set of technologies, methodologies, and expertise, we offer our customers substantial value by enabling them to extend their own products and solutions to include automated layout of variable content. Soon, we will offer XML-based publishing technology as well."
Design Intelligence, Inc.
1111 Third Avenue, Suite 1500
Seattle, WA 98101 USA
Tel: +1 (206) 343-7797
FAX: +1 (206) 343-7750
[CR: 19980915]
"Digitome is a software company that specialises in document management, and is a division of the P.A.S. group. Digitome specialises in using SGML and XML as a basis for multiple platform electronic and paper publishing. SGML (Standard Generalised Markup Language, ISO 8879) is an international standard for documents stored in computerised form. XML (eXtensible Markup Language) is a W3C initiative, based on SGML, to replace HTML as the lingua franca of the Internet. Using SGML and Digitome's own IDM technology we build electronic publishing solutions that allow the automatic production of Lotus Notes, Windows Help, Microsoft Multimedia Viewer, Folio Views, World Wide Web, Ventura, FrameMaker, Microsoft Word, Ventura, TeX, Quark. . ."
Irish Office
Digitome Ltd.
13 Herbert St.
Dublin 2
Telephone: + 353 1 6621499
Facsimile: + 353 1 6621056
US Office
2221 Peachtree Road
Suite D-429
Atlanta, GA 30309
Telephone: +1 (404) 816 1016
Facsimile: +1 (404) 816 1013
[CR: 19980414]
"DOCUMENSA is a Quebec-based documentary engineering company. Its mission is to provide powerful state-of-the-art solutions in document management and information retrieval. Turnkey solutions include software products, training, consulting and installation services, as well as custom development of documentary systems. DOCUMENSA provides training courses on its proprietary software and on SGML (Standard Generalized Markup Language), designs and implements documentary systems, and provides consulting services on these systems. [The company has developed] EdiBase <SGML>, a multi-platform software based on a client-server architecture; it is SGML-compliant and designed for managing and publishing documentary databases on CD-ROM or the Internet/intranets."
Etienne Bouillère
801 Sherbrooke Est, Bureau 615
Montréal (Québec)
Canada H2L 1K7
Tel: +1 514 524 7722
FAX: +1 514 524 5441
[CR: 19980310]
"Document Management Solutions, Inc. is a team of professional technical experts and experienced users with over 100 years of combined background in electronic publishing, SGML, XML and document management systems. DMSi achieves results quickly and objectively, providing a cost-effective solution for your technical resource requirements. " DMSI is a member of OASIS.
Document Management Solutions, Inc.
2261 Market Street, Suite 302
San Francisco, CA 94114
Tel: +1 415.864.8832
Fax: +1 415.863.4302
[CR: 19970212]
Heidelberg-based SGML consulting firm; offers SGML seminars, etc. Two of the principal investigatorss (and founders) are: Robert Erfle and Günter von Zadow
DOSCO Document Systems Consulting GmbH
Mannheimer Strasse 1
D-69115 Heidelberg
Telephone: +49-6621-14 86 0
Telefax: +49-6221-14 86 19
Email: (Robert Erfle)
Email: (G. von Zadow)
[CR: 19981224]
"The eFa Group, a Montreal based XML training and consulting firm, announces the availability of an XML tutorial (at in french explaining the syntax of the language and some concepts of XSL, XLink and XPointer. The web site also includes a demonstration on the benefits of the use of XML in the air transport industry for both content management and e-commerce. The demonstration shows how the new proposed XQL language can be used to retrieve repair procedure from an aircraft troubleshooting manual in XML format."
[CR: 19961108]
"Elanders Publishing is involved in electronic and paper-based publishing of directories, encyclopedias, product catalogues and technical documentation. Elanders Publishing delivers a complete set of services, enabling our customers to publish their material on CD-ROM, floppy disks and Internet (World Wide Web) as well as on paper. Using standards like SGML and relational database technology, our customers now experience new ways of publishing their material; as complete information products or as highly targeted subproducts on the medium of choice. Also, SGML and databases enable all versions of the information to be based on one single information source." [from the Company Overview, below]
Elanders Publishing (Elanders Norge A/S)
PO. Box 1156 Sentrum
0107 Oslo
Email: [Mr. Jon Urdal]
Email: [Mrs. Anne Marit Danielsen, Group leader, electonic publishing]
tlf: +47 22 636400
fax: +47 22 636591
For the most accurate and up-to-date information on EBT's SGML products and electronic texts prepared in DynaText (DynaWeb) format, contact EBT directly. A few pointers here may help.
- Note: EBT has now been acquired by INSO Corporation
- Electronic Book Technologies, Inc. WWW server
- General information on EBT and its SGML products: email to
- An 'ebt_wire' mailing list for support of EBT software products
- DynaWeb: DynaWeb is commercial grade Web server software that, in addition to standard HTTPD Web server features, converts DynaText (EBT's industry leading, standards-based online publishing system) electronic books stored in SGML into HTML on-the-fly for rapid navigating and searching by any Web browser. This product effectively shields publishers from the evolving HTML standards by allowing them to store and manage documents in the stable SGML format, and subsequently re-target the information to the latest version of HTML with minimal incremental effort. Note: Sites publishing online with DynaWeb include [January 1996] Ameritech, Brown University Scholarly Technologies Group, Chadwyck Healey, Chipcom, Control Data, Cray Research, EMC, General Motors, Information Handling Services, International Standards Organization, JYACC, Kinetic Technologies, Inc., Motorola, Novell, R.R. Donnelley, Siemens Nixdorf, Silicon Graphics, Inc., SunSoft, Mountain View, CA, SunSoft, Chelmsford, MA, Sybase, UNISYS, ZGDV (Computer Graphics Center) Darmstadt, Germany.
- Rainbow DTD and Rainbow Makers (EBT Remote file
- Search DynaWeb text collections [DWEB-COLLECTIONS]: EBT Books, User Books, Literary Texts (Oxford Text Archive), Religious Texts)
- Search Oxford Text Archive literary texts [use DWEB-COLLECTIONS if this link fails]
- Search Religious Texts (Old Textament, New Testament, Quran, Book of Mormon); [use DWEB-COLLECTIONS if this link fails]
- See Novell entry for description of some SGML literary texts in EBT's DynaText format
- See description of the Chadwyck-Healey electronic texts (English Poetry Database, Patrologia Latina) using EBT's DynaText and the TEI SGML encoding
- Description in Steve Pepper's "Whirlwind Guide"
- Description on SGML Open Member List
EBT's SGML products and services:
- DynaText Electronic Book Publishing Systems (electronic document delivery)
- DynaBase (document management systems)
- DynaTag (data conversion)
- DynaWeb (enables direct Web-client access to the powerful DynaText search engine)
Electronic Book Technologies, Inc.
One Richmond Square
Providence, RI 02906 USA
Tel: +1 401 421 9550
Fax: +1 401 421 9551
WWW: http:/
[CR: 19971205]
ECC's primary focus is in the delivery of services in the emerging electronic information industry. Our staff were pioneers in the information field and have hands-on experience in developing electronic and on-line information resource systems."
Electronic Commerce Connection, Inc.
13017 Wisteria Drive
Box 333
Germantown, Md. 20874
Tel: 301-540-8251
FAX: 301-540-4268
[CR: 19980310]
The Electronic Data Foundry is a document and information management consulting company specializing in the implementation of the SGML family of standards including XML, HTML, DSSSL and HyTime. We offer a wide range of information and document management services including: Data Conversion, Software Engineering, Document Analysis, Product Design, DTD Development, Project Management, FOSI and Style Sheet Development, Research and Development, Training, Consultation, World Wide Web Design and Management." The Electronic Data Foundry president is Mr. Eric Freese [980310]
Electronic Data Foundry, Inc.
4047 Kitty Lee Road SW
Iowa City, Iowa 52240-8994
Tel: +1 319 338 1333
FAX: +1 319 338 2207
"The Electronic Publishing Special Interest Group (EPSIG) was established in 1986 to the use and continuing development of ISO 12083, the Electronic Publishing Standard. Our mission has since broadened to include a host of interests and projects to improve the electronic publishing industry as a whole."
100 Daingerfield Road, 4th floor
Alexandria, VA 22314-2888
Tel: 703/519-8184
Fax: +1 (703) 548-2867
[CR: 19980421]
Elsevier Science is one of the leading publishers making progress in the area of direct SGML support for authors. The Elsevier server has an article DTD, entity set [for version 1.1.0], and documentation for using the DTD. The current version [June 12, 1995] is 2.2.1. See bibliographic entry for the DTD documentation.
[Files for version 1.1.0 were: (a) 13883 Jun 15 14:10 art.dtd (The Elsevier Science full-article dtd); (b) 37125 Jun 15 14:10 art.ent (The entity set used with the above mentioned dtd); (c) 265174 Jun 15 14:10 (The documentation of the above mentioned dtd; see the bibliographic entry).]
- Elsevier Science has developed a DTD
- Elsevier Science Home Page
- Connect via FTP site
- Elsevier Science Full Length Article DTD version 3.0.0, [mirror copy]
- SGML declaration for the Elsevier Article DTD; [mirror copy]
- Documentation for the Elsevier DTD, or; [mirror copy], or: via a Web server
- See also the document in the file [101422 Aug 24 11:13]. It is the PostScript version of the article "Standard DTDs and Scientific Publishing," by N. A. F. M. Poppelier, Eric van Herwijnen, and C. A. Rowley. EPSIG News 5/3 (September 1992) 10-19. [mirror copy]
- Article by Anna Sabasteanski on the use of SGML by Elsevier for production of the New England Journal of Medicine.
- [April 21, 1998] "The future of HTML, from the perspective of Elsevier Science." By Sebastian Rahtz and Herbert van Zijl, April 9, 1998. On XML/HTML. Paper for W3C Workshop - "Shaping the Future of HTML." May 1998. [local archive copy]
Elsevier Science BV
PO Box 211
1000 AE Amsterdam
The Netherlands
[CR: 19980720]
Enigma Inc. provides professional electronic publishing solutions to corporate, government, and commercial publishers worldwide. Its flagship product is INSIGHT, which supports SGML/XML and delivers electronic publications on CDROM, the Internet, or intranet. INSIGHT features a built-in viewer, search engine, conversion utilities, and stylesheet editor. Typical INSIGHT applications include technical documentation and manuals, policy and procedure manuals, catalogs, and reference publications.
Enigma, Inc.
Waltham, MA 02154
Tel: +1 781-290-0080
Tel: +1 888-ENIGMA-INC
FAX: +1 781-290-5858
Email: Anne Shannon
[CR: 19980807]
"Excosoft is a Swedish software producer specialising in information processing systems. Our products turn unstructured textual and visual information into an easy-to-access, easy-to-read and easy-to-use knowledge base. Exco's Documentor "is a new revolutionary tool for professional document production. It makes it possible for the author to build structured documents for enhanced overview, easy access and improved reuse. Documentor has the ability to interprete an arbitrary Document Type Definition (DTD) without the need for time-consuming pre-programming or extensive adaptions makes it possible to read SGML document instances that follow a new DTD immediately. DTDs are styled interactively from within Exco Documentor itself, which significantly reduces the lead time for the inclusion of new DTD's. Exco Documentor supports all DTDs that follow the ISO 8879 Restricted Concrete Syntax specification." Exco's ExcoConf is an "SGML-compliant" system which "organises unlimited numbers of documents and tracks version changes through entire lifecycles. Easily integrated into new or existing projects it supports any size development team and provides the high degree of visibility necessary for successful management control.tool for both Configuration Managers and Designers."
Electrum 420
s-164 40 KISTA
Tel: (+46 8) 703 91 90
Fax: (+46 8) 703 94 90
For mer informasjon kontakt: (Generell informasjon) (Informasjon om priser etc.) (Teknisk informasjon) (Opplysninger om brukere etc.)
Var adresse:
Falch Hurtigtrykk as
Stanseveien 21
Postboks 130, Kalbakken
0902 Oslo
Tlf.: 22 90 25 00
Fax.: 22 90 25 99 (Infotek, Administrasjon, Salg, Produksjon)
Fax.: 22 90 25 98 (Data)
[CR: 19961120]
"Ferntree Computer Corporation sponsors SIM, the Structured Information Manager. SIM is a native SGML database with a full-text search engine which is able to search structure as well as content. SIM is designed to manage very large complex stores of data and stores and indexes SGML, MARC and RTF natively. SIM also accommodates multimedia formats."
"SIM has a World Wide Web gateway and employs standard Web browsers as one of the available clients. SIM interfaces are easily customisable to suit user applications which include a commercial Web subscription service, a national research database, a legislative drafting system and a grants application management system. SIM is Australian-developed and supported by RMIT Multimedia Database Systems Group."
Ferntree Computer Corporation
GPO Box 3000
8-10 Hobart Place
Canberra, ACT 2600
Tel: 06 248 8488
FAX: 06 247 6773
[CR: 19980813]
Fine Line Publishing Services is now RivCom.
[Now obsolete description:]"FLPS offers writing and editing, graphic design, translation and consultancy services to help organisations large and small communicate effectively with their staff, their customers and the world at large." Clients include Shell International Petroleum, WWF International, Unisource Mobile, Database Publishing Systems Ltd, Hoover, Hitachi and Panasonic (among others).
Fine Line Publishing Services
Unit 9
Lotmead Business Village
Swindon SN4 0UY
United Kingdom
Tel: +44 (0)1793 790802
Fax: +44 (0)1793 790812
World Wide Web:
[CR: 19971107]
Text and Document Engineering. SGML/HTML services. Managing editor: Steven Van den Bergh.
Fotek NV
Entrepotstraat 3
B-9100 Sint-Niklaas
+32-3-7601120 tel
+32-3-7601130 fax
+32-3-7601125 modem
Fulcrum Technologies Inc.
785 Carling Avenue
Ottawa, Ontario
Canada K1S 5H4
Tel: (613) 238-1761; 1-800-FULCRUM
Fax: (613) 238-7695
GCA is a "volunteer non-profit membership association, the Graphic Communications Association (GCA) was formed in 1966 to apply computer technology to printing, publishing, and related industries. From 14 founding firms, GCA has grown to a worldwide organization with over 350 member organizations and tens of thousands of individuals who participate in our training programs, conferences, standards development committees, and technical studies." [from the WWW Home Page]
Graphic Communications Association
Attention: Marion Elledge (Director, Information Technologies)
100 Daingerfield Road, 4th Floor
Alexandria, VA 22314-2888 USA
Tel: (1 703) 519-8160
Tel: (1 703) 519-8157
FAX: (703) 548-2867
TELEX: 510-600-0889
"Established in 1991, GRIF S.A. developed and brought to market the first user-friendly range of SGML authoring tools recognized as having done an excellent job of making the SGML standard easy-to-use for non experts. Today, GRIF S.A. is the leading Europe-based SGML company and develops and markets a full range of software products for creating, modifying and viewing SGML-compliant documents. GRIF's product offering addresses the needs of companies that handle large volumes of documents and for who quality, productivity, exchangeability and time to create and maintain are critical factors. Compliance with international standards for structured documentation offers these businesses numerous advantages, of which the most important include the reduction in costs and lead-times, security, guaranteed homogeneity, longevity of investment, vendor independence. . ." [from the profile]
Immeuble "Le Florestan"
2 Boulevard Vauban
BP 266
78053 St Quentin en Yvelines Cedex
Tel: +33 (1) 30 12 14 30
Fax: +33 (1) 30 64 06 46
"The OLIAS Browser provides an integrated environment for retrieving and displaying both SGML and World Wide Web documents. Its full text search and hypertext capabilities make it easy for the end user to located, retrieve and display documents from large information collections. The information is dynamically formatted for presentation, including complex graphics and images." [from the Home Page]
HaL Software Systems
3006A Longhorn Blvd.
Austin, Texas 78758 USA
Telephone: +1 (512) 834-9962
Fax: +1 (512) 834-9963
High Text is an 'Electronic Document Engineering' Company. One of its specialty areas is "Topic Navigation Maps."
5 rue d'Alsace, 75010 Paris, France
Tel: +33 1 42 05 93 15
Fax: +33 1 42 05 92 48
Contact addresses:
Email: Bruce Humphrey, BHUMPHREY@VNET.IBM.COM
[for participation in IBM Beta Program]
[for questions about the IBM BookManager Server]
Email: (Helen Carter)
[for IBM BookManager BUILD SGML Development]
Tel: 800 426 2279 (toll free in the USA)
[For more information about IBM BookManager]
Note on IBM:
A summary of IBM's corporate commitment and contribution to SGML much deserves to be written. I have collected some historical data for this summary, but have not yet finished the writeup. Perhaps more than any, IBM Corporation pioneered technologies that demonstrated the value of descriptive markup. Charles Goldfarb's extensive efforts to develop the ISO 8879 SGML Standard were supported by IBM. IBM has also contributed significant pieces of SGML software into the public domain, including ARCSGML (IBM Almaden Research Center SGML Parser, by Charles Goldfarb - predecessor of the SGMLS parser developed by James Clark) and YASP (IBM Yorktown Advanced Parser, by Pierre Richard and others).
[CR: 19980528]
'Incremental Development helps organizations structure both text and surrounding business processes with an emphasis on simplicity and skill transfer.'
Incremental Development, Inc.
560 Ontario Street
Toronto, ON M4X 1M7
Tel: 416/962-6285
Fax: 416/962-6743
Email: Charlie Halpern-Hamu, PhD.
"Information Dimensions provides corporations and government agencies worldwide with tools for strategic document management through the BASIS(r) suite of industry-leading document database management software." [from the Home Page]
[CR: 19980905]
"Information Management Consulting is the consulting practice of Dr. Charles F. Goldfarb, the inventor of SGML and HyTime, and technical leader of the teams that developed them into their present form as International Standards. His ideas have been put into practice by thousands of the world's leading information developers -- including the U.S. Government, the IBM Corporation, the European Community, and the World Wide Web. We have two service offerings, consulting and seminars, which are offered throughout the world." [from the consultant's Web page]
Information Management Consulting
13075 Paramount Drive
Saratoga CA 95070
Tel: +1 (408) 867-5553
FAX: +1 (408) 867-5794
[CR: 19980526]
ISI: "Creators of the Multimedia Publishing Productivity Suite: Versioning - Linking - Change management - Controlled language." ISI assists in the planning and integration of solutions for SGML-based publishing. "Since 1990, ISI has successfully planned and implemented solutions for some of the nation's largest companies as well as smaller organizations facing publishing challenges on tight budgets." "ISI's SGML-based applications work with each other and with software from ArborText and other leading vendors to greatly increase your staff's editorial productivity and reduce their job stress level." Editing tools include: SGML Version Manager, SGML Change Manager, SGML Hyperlink Manager, SGML Language Manager, Global Event Manager.
1801 Robert Fulton Drive - Suite 400
Reston, Virginia 20191
Tel: (D. C. Metro) 703-648-1799
FAX: 703-716-3021
Email: [Barry Schaeffer]
Index Information Technologies Oy
Otsolahdentie 8 D
02110 ESPOO
Phone : +358-0-461 977
Fax : +358-0-462 849
Sähköposti :
Myynti :
Tuki :
"InfoDesign Corporation, a JCALS subcontractor, provides system integration services implementing Full Structured Information Systems and SGML-based document management applications, SGML services, and training in SGML and CALS." Products include WorkSMART (suite of data management and process management tools).
InfoDesign Corporation
7700 Leesburg Pike
Falls Church, VA, 22043
+1 703 827 5541 (voice)
+1 703 827 5548 (fax)
"INFORIUM was established in 1990. Its products are based on research that has been carried out at the University of Waterloo, as well as the Waterloo Foundation for the Advancement of Computing (WATFAC.) Using a Standards-based approach, INFORIUM provides software solutions using SGML and SQL database technology on the Microsoft Windows platform. Users can search, view and update text from a central database, as well as easily prepare extensive reports. INFORIUM has extended the standard relational database to effectively and efficiently handle text. The structure of the database is OPEN to the user, providing maximum flexibility and ease of maintenance."
Infrastructures for Information
116 Spadina Ave., Fifth Floor
Toronto, ON
Canada M5V 2K6
Tel: 416 504-0141
FAX: 416 504-1785
Email: (Michel Vulpe)
[CR: 19960820]
"INNODATA is a worldwide electronic publishing services company specializing in superior quality data conversion for Internet, CD-ROM, print and online database publishers around the globe. Services include all the necessary steps for product development and data capture: the highest accuracy data entry (99.995%+), OCR, SGML and custom coding, hypertext linking, imaging and document management systems, page composition, copyediting, indexing and abstracting, and applications programming. The Company also offers medical transcription services to health-care providers through its Statline division."
INNODATA Corporation
Three University Plaza
Hackensack, NJ 07601
TEL: +1 (201) 488-1200 (US)
TEL: +44 117-958-6690 (Europe)
[CR: 19961005]
"Inso Corporation is a leading provider of multilingual software products for proofing, electronic reference, and information management. The Company's Information Management Tools allow users to easily locate, retrieve, import, and view information, regardless of format or structure. . . [extracted/adapted from the Home Page]"
INSO Corporation
31 St. James Avenue
Boston, Massachusetts 02116-4101
Phone: (617) 753-6500
Phone: 1-800-733-5799
Fax: (617) 753-6666
Intel has a number of product component technical documents online in SGML, accessible via the Web. They are being used experimentally as part of a pilot program [September 1995].
[CR: 19961005]
"InterDoc Corporation is a leading management consulting partner for digital document solutions. As digital document technology redefines the way we create, manage, and distribute documents, there is an increasing need for unbiased consultants to support the strategic directions and decisions. InterDoc Corporation is assisting vendors and end-users in the opportunities created by the digital document revolution." [adapted from the Home Page]
InterDoc Corporation
625 President Kennedy
Suite 1705
Montreal, Qc H3A 1K2
Phone: 514-288-7501
Fax: 514-288-7596
[CR: 19980829]
"Interface manufactures a broad range of products and provides consulting and technical services to solve technology problems for libraries. Interface provides a suite of programs designed to create and manage EAD finding aids. Internet Archivist<EAD> uses plain English to encode finding aids. Traditional Windows features like Wizards create the structure of SGML tables with a WYSIWYG tool. Tags can be automatically learned as information is encoded and then automatically applied to subsequent identical data. The system forces compliance with the beta or Version 1 of the DTD based upon user preference. Finding aids can be generated in SGML-EAD, HTML with and without frames, and text formats. A search engine is available to provide HTML searching of meta-info.
Interface Electronics Inc.
4579 Abbotts Bridge Rd
Duluth, GA
USA 30097
Tel: +1 770-623-1066
FAX: +1 770-623-8001
Intergraph Corporation
Huntsville, AL 35894-0001 USA
Tel: +1 205 730 2000, or
Tel: +1-800-345-4856
Fax: +1 205 730 9478, 1-205-730-9441
International Organization for Standardization
1, rue de Varembé
Case postale 56
CH-1211 Genève 20
Telephone: + 41 22 749 01 11
Telefax: + 41 22 733 34 30
Telex: 41 22 05 iso ch
Telegrams: isorganiz
[CR: 19961025]
International Press Telecommunications Council, together with the Newspaper Association of America, is developing a DTD for use by the news industry. UTF ("Universal Text Format") was the name of the new standard being adopted by the news distribution industry; the more recent name is NITF (News Industry Text Format).
International Press Telecommunications Council
10 Sheet Street
Windsor, Berkshire
Phone: (+44)1753 833728
Fax: (+44)1753 833750
[CR: 19990326]
"ISOGEN solves business problems with systems based on Formal Public International Standards, including SGML, XML, HyTime, XLL, DSSSL, XSL, CGM, SQL, OQL, etc. ISOGEN's contribution to and involvement in various standards bodies ensure that all ISOGEN work is based on first principles, from the most complex IETM/ASM system, to the highest capacity content server system, to the simplest knowledge capture system. ISOGEN's good working relationships with every major software vendor of commercial-grade standards-conforming software ensure that all tool options and combinations are carefully considered and planned, resulting in the best possible outcomes for all ISOGEN systems."
ISOGEN began operations in 1991. "In June, 1994, divisional employees had the opportunity to acquire Highland Consulting back from its parent company. In light of growing adoption of SGML, and in the perspective of a large backlog of work, they acted in an affirmative way. In July, 1994, ISOGEN INTERNATIONAL CORP was formed and incorporated as the new owner-entity of Highland Consulting. Since then, ISOGEN as experienced steady manageable growth and success, with three operating divisions, each with its own function."
"The ISOGEN SOFTWARE division sells, installs, configures, and supports products for SGML and XML documentation from all major SGML- and XML-qualified software vendors. ISOGEN's consultants have first-hand knowledge and experience with most significant SGML, XML, and HyTime tools, making it possible to guarantee interoperability for clients. The ISOGEN SERVICES division is a full-service consulting, system design, and systems-integration group which uses ISO, IEC, and ANSI Standards whenever feasible. The ISOGEN LEARNING division conducts training classes which employ results-oriented learning techniques to accelerate student progress. Interested students thereby gain abilities to be proficient in respective general and specific skills and subject matter." [adapted]
- ISOGEN International Home Page
- ISOGEN LEARNING - Division of ISOGEN: pre-scheduled open enrollment classes and private on-site classes in both generic subjects and software product-specific subjects. For example: SGML for Managers, Getting Started with SGML, Advanced DTD Design, HyTime Workshop, FOSI, DSSSL Concepts and Development.
- Training Courses in 1999
- Summer/Fall 1998 Training Schedule (including XML, XLink)
- ISOGEN LEARNING Spring '98 SGML Training Schedule
- Corporate Background
- ISOGEN Clients and Customers
- Industry-Wide SGML Applications - A listing of [13] major industries in which SGML is used.
- White Papers and Reports - Complete Collection
- ISOGEN Technical Papers by Eliot Kimber and others
- Cool t=Tools and Demos
- On TCIF/IPI: Carla Corkern, "Emerging Data Interchange Standards in the Telecommunications Industry," <TAG>: The SGML Newsletter 8/8 (August 1995) 6
- See also on TCIF/IPI: "Telecommunications Data Interchange Standards Begin to Emerge", by Carla Corkern, Highland Consulting (SGML Open Newsletter Feature Article); [mirror copy, partial links only]
ISOGEN International Corporation
Attention: Carla Corkern or George Kondrach
2200 North Lamar, Suite 230
Dallas, Texas 75202-1072 USA
Tel: +1 (214) 953-0004
FAX: +1 (214) 953-3152
"Jouve Data Management (formerly Maxwell Data Management) focuses on information retrieval products and services for the Aerospace industry. JDM has broad experience with aircraft maintenance data, including data analysis, capture and conversion, data management and SGML DTD application development. JDM has formed close working relationships with major airframe, engine and component manufacturers in the aerospace industry. Current JDM Customers include American Airlines, British Airways, Delta Air Lines, Federal Express, Allison Engines and the Boeing Company."
"Jouve Software Inc (JS Inc) is a full service bureau for Electronic Publishing. It offers consulting in Electronic Publishing, Optical Character Recognition and Intelligent Character Recognition, scanning and file format conversions, SGML authoring and analsysis for DTD, custom development for CD-ROM, imaging/animation/audio services and multimedia application development."
11, Bd Sébastopol
B.P. 2734
75027 PARIS cedex 01,FRANCE
Tel: [+33 1] 44 76 86 00
Fax: [+33 1] 44 76 86 10
Jouve Software, Inc.
17671 Cowan Ave, Suite 200-A
Irvine, CA 92714-6031
Tel: (714) 757-0500
FAX: (714) 757-0515
Jouve Software, Inc.
500 East Main Street Suite 328
Branford, CT 06405
Tel: +1 203 488 6625
Fax: +1 203 481 1133
Kluwer Academic Publishers has been making great strides toward SGML-based publishing, including, most significantly, provision for accepting documents in conforming SGML and using the encoded text directly (not a re-keyed version, with errors!) as input in the publishing process. According to the Home Page: "Some of the new services we will be adding shortly are a true SGML-based publications catalogue accessible via the Web, journal table of contents, author/editor services, and much more."
Kluwer was "first to sign [an] agreement with Pica, Centre for Library Automation in Leiden, on electronic access of full text journal articles within the WebDOC pilot project. Within the WebDOC project, initiated by Pica, a number of Dutch and German academic libraries will cooperate with commercial publishers to offer their endusers access to electronic journal articles."
Kluwer Academic Publishers
Mr M. van der Linden
P.O. Box 17
3300 AA Dordrecht
The Netherlands
Tel.: +31 78 639 23 92
Fax: +31 78 639 22 54
[CR: 19960821]
Lexicon Systems offers SGML training, consulting services, and information design services. "Lexicon Systems specializes in reliable, SGML-based information solutions that offer positive returns over the long term. Our solutions are innovatively designed to reduce incompatibility and rework, improve workflow, and save time and money. To help clients fully achieve the benefits of SGML, Lexicon provides the following consulting services: Document Analysis and Conversion; Document Type Definition (DTD) Development; Application Development; Feasibility Studies; Independent Tools Analysis and Evaluation; Specialized Services (upon request)." Vendor partners include Adobe Systems, Electronic Book Technologies (EBT), and Inforium.
Lexicon Systems, Inc.
6165 Lehman Drive, Suite 204
Colorado Springs, CO
USA 80918
Tel: +1 (800) 700-2712
FAX: +1 (719) 593-9268
..."At Logical Design Solutions, we build systems based on open information standards such as SGML, HTML and the World Wide Web. We believe that standards are the key to building open systems that solve today's problem while creating the foundation to take advantage of tomorrow's opportunities."
Logical Design Solutions, Inc.
571 Central Avenue
Suite 120
Murray Hill, NJ 07974
Tel: +1-800-ask-ldsi
Tel: +1 908 771 9221
Fax: +1 908 771 0430
Email: (Chet Ensign)
[CR: 19980512]
Megginson Technologies Ltd. specializes in XML, SGML, and document systems design and implementation. They "can help you build large, document-based systems, piece by piece. . . If you want help with the big picture, Megginson Technologies can work with you to design end-to-end systems that are fast, economical and robust, taking advantage of off-the-shelf tools and open standards."
Megginson Technologies Ltd.
1337-B Wellington Street, Suite 230
Ottawa, Ontario K1Y 3B8
Tel: +1 (613) 722-8770
FAX: +1 (613) 725-3124
[CR: 19971217]
"Microsoft is working with the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) to advance the XML standard. This standard is already the foundation for many new technologies, such as the Channel Definition Format (CDF) for publishing Web information on desktops."
[CR: 19980203]
"Microstar - Intelligent Document Solutions." "Near & Far Designer (formerly NEAR & FAR) is a critical tool for creating and graphically modifying document models (DTDs in SGML) even with no knowledge of SGML syntax; Near & Far Author is a quick, graphical way to edit structured documents or format or print existing SGML documents in your familiar Microsoft Word 6.0 environment; Near & Far Library (formerly C.A.D.E. Groupware) facilitates document analysis for document design teams."
Microstar Software Ltd.
3775 Richmond Road
Nepean Ontario
Tel: +1 613 596-CADE(2233)
Fax: +1 613 596-5934
WATS: *1 800 267-9975 [Canada and the US]
"MID/Information Logistics Group GmbH is a systems integrator and leading vendor of database publishing systems and SGML based publishing software in Germany. We cover the range from standard software for a few thousand DM to turnkey database publishing systems worth more than a million DM. Our main focus is on large scale applications in a highly organized environment with complex information processing requirements. With our extensive knowledge and comprehensive insight into the organizational and technical aspects of electronic publishing, we build systems that meet the highest standards in terms of efficiency, organizational control and flexibility. We offer consulting on e.g.editing/authoring systems, database storage of SGML documents, document management systems, manifold and versatile accessibility of documents and delivery on different output devices." [from the Short Description/Company Background]
MID/Information Logistics Group
Ringstrasse 19
69115 Heidelberg --- Germany
Tel. +49 (0)6221 1487-0
FAX: +49 (0)6221 23921
"Miles 33 is a leading supplier of integrated systems and services to the Publishing market and Legal profession."
Miles 33 Limited
Miles House
Old Bracknell Lane West
Bracknell, Berkshire
England RG12 7AE
Tel : 00 44 1344 861133
Fax : 00 44 1344 860224
David Page on +44 1344 861133 [England and rest of the World]
Wayne Vincent (+1 203 656 1800) [USA and Canada]
[CR: 19991116]
Movement Inc. services include: "composition engines, conversions, translations, parsers, character sets, scientific, engineering, and mathematical notations, graphics, markup languages (Tex, Latex, HTML, XML, SGML, etc.), and FOSIs. [etc.]"
18401 North 25th Avenue, Suite B
Phoenix, Arizona 85023
Ph: 602.375.2630
Fx: 602.375.2641
Contact: Arlene Beasley
[CR: 19960811]
"Mulberry Technologies, Inc. is an electronic publishing consultancy specializing in SGML- and XML-based systems. Mulberry provides training for SGML and XML, DTD development, SGML/XML design services, and general consulting. These technical services are offered to organizations considering the adoption of one or both of SGML and XML in their publication processes." [adapted from the Home Page]
Mulberry Technologies, Inc.
17 West Jefferson Street, Suite 207
Rockville, MD 20850
Tel: +1 301/315-9631
FAX: +1 301/315-8285
Naggum Software was established in 1986 by Erik Naggum, maintainer of the SGML Repository. The company offers consulting and programming expertise in SGML (Standard Generalized Markup Language [ISO 8879]), as well as in other areas (e.g., UNIX OS, the C programming language, Internet protocols, character representation, GNU Emacs editing environment, and the Common Lisp programming language).
Naggum Software
Postboks 1570 Vika
0118 OSLO
Telephone: +47 2295 0313
Telefax: N/A
Courier: Irisveien 12, 0870 OSLO
Internet information:
Internet domain:
Network: NAGGUM-NET (
[CR: 19990115]
"Formed in 1992 by the merger of seven associations serving the newspaper industry, the NAA is a nonprofit organization representing the $51 billion newspaper industry. NAA members account for nearly 90% of the daily circulation in the United States and a wide range of nondaily U.S. newspapers. NAA also has many Canadian and International members. Educators, university newspapers, press associations and suppliers/vendors are also members. The Association focuses on five key strategic priorities that collectively affect the newspaper industry: marketing, public policy, diversity, industry development and newspaper operations. The role of the NAA Technology Department is to provide leadership and support in advancing existing and emerging technology for the newspaper industry, so that newspapers remain the leading providers of information and advertising."
Newspaper Association of America
1921 Gallows Road
Suite 600
Vienna, VA. 22182 USA
Tel: +1 (703) 902-1600
[CR: 19970220]
"NICE provides products and services in the area of network information management and retrieval, specialising in the Web (Web interfaces to SGML document databases) and SGML (TagWizard SGML add on to Microsoft Word and TagPerfect an RTF to SGML convertor)."
NICE Technologies
55 rue Auguste Piccard
01630 St.Genis-Pouilly
Tel: +33-50420223
Fax: +33-50420286
"The National Information Standards Organization (NISO) is a nonprofit association accredited as a standards developer by the American National Standards Institute, the national clearinghouse for voluntary standards development in the U.S. NISOs Voting Members and other supporters include a broad base of information producers and users including libraries, publishers, government agencies, and companies that provide information services. NISO is a leader in shaping international standards. . .NISO has developed standards such as Z39.50 (Information Retrieval), 12083 (an SGML Tool), Z39,2 (Information Interchange Format), Z39.53 (Codes for the Representation of Language), and Z39.18 (Scientific and Technical Reports)." [Home Page, May 1996]
"The National Information Standards Organization (NISO) is a non-profit organization that develops and promotes consensus-approved standards used in library services, publishing and many other information-related industries. NISO standards address the communication needs of these industries in areas such as information retrieval, preservation of materials, information transfer, forms and records, identification systems, publication formats, and equipment and supplies." [quoted from NISO-L sig block, November 1994].
Other pointers:
NISO Addresses:
National Information Standards Organization (NISO)
P.O. Box 1056
Bethesda, MD 20827
Tel: (301) 975-2814
NISO Press Addresses:
NISO Press Fulfillment
P.O. Box 338
Oxon Hill, MD 20750-0338
Tel: 1-800-282-NISO [6476]
Tel: 1-301-567-9522
Tel: 1-301-975-2814 (Patricia Harris)
FAX: 1-301-567-9553
Novell has done a number of interesting things with SGML, including the preparation of its online manuals in SGML under Electronic Book Technologies' DynaText searching and browsing software. An application more interesting to humanities scholars is the preparation of some literary texts in SGML encoding: the Bible (Old Testament, New Testament), Quran, the Book of Mormon, and the complete plays of Shakespeare. These texts and a runtime version of DynaText are publicly available on the Internet. Pointers to these materials are given in the list that follows.
WordPerfect "SGML Edition"
60 Commerce Park
Milford, CT 06460
Phone: (203) 783-1280
Phone: [US] +1 800.254.9737
Fax: (203) 882-0850
[CR: 20000329
"OASIS, the Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards, is a nonprofit, international consortium dedicated to accelerating the adoption of product-independent formats based on public standards. These standards include SGML, XML, HTML and CGM as well as others that are related to structured information processing. Members of OASIS are providers, users and specialists of the technologies that make these standards work in practice."
Post Office Box 455
Billerica, MA USA 01821
+1 978 667 5115 US and Int'l Voice
+1 978 758 8138 Us and Int'l Mobile
+1 978 667 5114 US and Int'l Fax
+1 877 645 7352 US Only - Locator/VoiceMail/Fax
[CR: 19970924]
"Object Design, Inc., a leader in object data management software, develops and markets the ObjectStore database management system and related tools. . . The Document Object Manager is an SGML-based database utility for building ObjectStore applications. SGML is used to define and describe database schemas, while data additions, modifications, and deletions are handled through simple HTML tags. The Document Object Manager also has an import command which draws any SGML-based data (including HTML and XML) into ObjectStore, preserving all hierarchical and relationship information as ObjectStore links."
Inso Corporation's DynaBase is implemented on top of Object Design, Inc.'s ObjectStore ODBMS. DynaBase stores SGML document components in ObjectStore.
[CR: 19961005]
Oblisk Data Services (ODS), a division of Oblisk Interactive, LLC., is a multi-national company dedicated to providing the highest quality electronic publishing services at the most competitive prices. . .ODS provides a range of high-precision electronic data conversion and data capture services. Our comprehensive line of electronic publishing services includes: SGML and HTML Conversion Services, Data Entry, CD-ROM and On-Line Authoring, Customized Infobases, Mathematical and Scientfic Typesetting, and User Interface Development.. . .Oblisk Data Services was initially formed to accomplish successful SGML conversion projects. We are strictly committed to the manual conversation stage of an SGML implementation." [extracted from Home Page]
Oblisk Interactive
31 West 31st Street, 4th Floor
New York, NY 10001
Tel: 212.465.9817
FAX: 212.465.0783
"OCLC is a nonprofit computer service and research organization whose participants include more than 20,000 libraries in the U.S. and 60 other countries and territories. OCLC services help libraries locate, acquire, catalog, and lend library materials."
OCLC Online Computer Library Center
6565 Frantz Road
Dublin, OH 43017-3395, USA
Tel: 1-614-761-5196
Fax: 1-614-764-0740
[CR: 19990526]
"OmniMark Technologies is a leading supplier of SGML and open standards technology. We develop, support and market OmniMark®, a hypertext programming language. OmniMark is used by the world's leading Information Technology organizations to automate CD-ROM title and World Wide Web application development."
In addition to OmniMark Technologies' powerful OmniMark software line (SGML conversion software), note OmniMark Technologies' CDROM publication The Compleat SGML (see the bibliographic reference and several useful reference papers on SGML: a paper on SGML Table markup; a paper on record bourdaries and their processing in SGML; a paper on SGML content model algebra. These reference works are available free to SGML researchers and developers: see the postal or email address below.
OmniMark Technologies Corporation
1400 Blair Place
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
K1J 9B8
Tel: +1 613 745 4242
FAX: +1 613 745 5560
Tech Support: +1 613 745 8805
Standards information from The Open Information Interchange Initiative: "This OII on-line information set is compiled and maintained by Martin Bryan of The SGML Centre and Man-Sze Li of IC Focus Limited in the UK, under the auspices of the European Commission DG XIII/E."
G. Heine
L-2920 Luxembourg
Phone: +352 4301 33620
Fax: +352 4301 33190
"Open Text markets products for full-text indexing, search, retrieval, and display of text. The software is unequalled in its search and retrieval performance against very large (gigabyte-scale) databases, and includes a set of flexible, easy-to-use application programming interfaces (APIs) to aid in creating custom solutions. The system is totally client-server in its construction; client and server modules are available on many platforms for popular Unix systems, for Microsoft Windows, for the Apple Macintosh environment, and for ASCII terminals. Included is an SGML parser which builds structure indices to support structure-based retrieval; however, search and retrieval may also be accomplished on non-SGML data such as word processing files."
Open Text Corporation
185 Columbia Street West
Waterloo ON N2L 5Z5
Tel: +1 519-888-9910
Fax: +1 519-888-0677
In late 1998, Oracle Corporation "announced sweeping support for the eXtensible Markup Language (XML), the cross-platform data language now being defined by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), and the clear emerging standard for defining, representing, and dynamically sharing information across the Internet. Integrating XML into Oracle's Internet platform will make it dramatically easier for companies to exchange and integrate information stored in databases and then repurpose the information for building Internet applications. Comprehensive support for designing, building, deploying, and managing XML applications will be fully integrated into the Oracle8i database, Oracle Application Server 4.0, and Oracle's Internet development tools."
[Earlier description]: "SGML Designer is an application development environment
that provides a GUI to help users map SGML documents into
Oracle Book. Although Oracle Book itself provides conversion
scripts to map SGML documents based on popular DTDs,
SGML Designer enables users to create a far greater range of
scripts. Oracle Book documents may contain not only text but
also images, sounds and video clips."
Open Software Foundation
11 Cambridge Center
Cambridge, MA 02142-1405
Tel: +1 617 621-8700
[CR: 19971009]
Ovidius - Gesellschaft für elektronisches Publizieren mbh. "Ovidius is a specialist in the field of standards based electronic publishing. We offer the following services: (1) migration to standards based information systems; (2) seminars; (3) systems integration. Furthermore, Ovidius provides a WWW home for MetaMorphosis-free, the free version of MetaMorphosis. MetaMorphosis is a full featured SGML tree transformer." [adapted from the Home Page]
Gesellschaft für elektronisches Publizieren mbH
Dircksenstrasse 47
10178 Berlin
Tel: +49 30 28 30 89-0
FAX: +49 30 28 30 89-29
Email: [Klaus Fenchel]
[CR: 19960901]
[Passage Systems went out of business in mid-1997]
"PASSAGE Systems Inc. is a leader in helping corporate and commercial publishers make the "passage" to on-line publishing. The PASSAGE end-to-end solution includes consulting, training, Passage Online Services, PassageHUB filter technology and the PassagePRO document management system. PASSAGE products and services enable customers to make a full transition using multiple inputs, quickly manage revisions and publish voluminous information to multiple outputs such as CD-ROM, the Web, intranets and print without concern for the latest authoring and delivery tools. PASSAGE has special expertise in publishing applications for the computer and software industry, semiconductor industry, telecommunications industry and trade publishing. Technological specialties include SGML, HTML, PDF, HyTime, Braille & large print (ICADD DTD), DocBook DTD, PCIS DTD, Kanji and other double byte languages." [front page]
"Passage Systems offers an extensive curriculum on SGML syntax and concepts, Internet publishing, SGML technology, authoring for on-line delivery, and related topics. Passage Systems courses are taught by experienced consultants who have been successfully using SGML in innovative ways for many years. Instructors include: Eliot Kimber, Jeff Suttor, Marcy Thompson, Selena Bauer, Kristin Noel and Kate Hamilton."
Passage Systems Inc.
10596 North Tantau Avenue
Cupertino, CA 95014 USA
Tel: +1 (408) 366 0300
Fax: +1 (408) 366 0320
Contact: Marcy Thompson,
Contact: W. Eliot Kimber,
[CR: 19970321]
"Penta Software, Inc. has provided the typesetting, and later, the publishing industry with leading edge and innovative publishing and pre-press solutions for over 20 years. Penta's innovations led the computerization of hot metal typesetting" and now include SGML-based publishing. Penta's DeskTopPro software runs on open UNIX platforms Penta systems, which "has been used in the production of books, journals, catalogs and other large documents since 1975. . . being [one of the] the productive publishing system in existence."
Penta Software, Inc.
107 Lakefront Drive
Hunt Valley, Md. 21030
Phone: +1 (410) 771-8973
Fax: +1 (410) 771-4020
Email: (Scot Arris)
PDL specializes in "data development, conversion, and transition into established and newly emerging electronic publishing standards."
Phoenix Data Labs
1600 W Camelback, Suite 2G
Phoenix, AZ 85015
Tel: (602) 786-5365
Email: (Matt Moot) OR
"Pindar has worked with SGML since 1985 (one year before SGML was officially released). Our services include: (1) Strategic & Technical Consultancy; (2) Document Analysis & DTD Writing; (3) Legacy Data Conversion; (4) Software Development & Integration; (5) User Training."
Pindar PLC
1st Floor, Ryedale Building
60 Piccadilly, York
North Yorkshire YO1 1NX, UK.
Tel: +44 (0)1904 613040
Fax: +44 (0)1904 613110
"Pira International is a leading independent consultancy and research organisation, serving manufacturers, suppliers and users in the packaging, paper and board, printing and publishing industries. We act as the catalyst that stimulates attitude changing and the systems development necessary for innovation management. By providing the essential resources of research, consultancy, training, publications and information, we help companies manage the innovation process. One of the ways in which we do this is by holding events and seminars."
Pira International
Randalls Road
KT22 7RU
Tel: +44 1372 802000
Fax: +44 1372 802238
[CR: 19970712]
"POET Software is an "object database company for desktop, groupware, and Internet applications, [supporting] databases for C++, Java, and OLE Automation objects. [Poet products] comply with the ODMG-93 object database standard, and run on many platforms -- Windows, Windows 95, Windows NT, NetWare and IntranetWare, OS/2, Macintosh, UNIX (AIX, HP/UX, SCO, SGI, Solaris, Unixware)." [adapted from the Home Page]
Wildflower is Poet's Software's SGML repository, to be released in mid '97. It provides for importing SGML documents and building database schemas based upon the document DTD.
POET Software Corporation
999 Baker Way, Suite 100
San Mateo, California 94404
Tel: +1 415-286-4640
Tel: 800-950-8845 (Sales)
FAX: +1 415-286-4630
[CR: 19970606]
"Prescott Group is an Executive Search firm that specializes in placing SGML and software people in North America. We have been in business for 11 years. We work closely and in depth with each candidate, meeting the needs of both the candidates and the company."
Prescott Group
12 Webster Avenue
Cherry Hill, NJ
USA 08002
Tel: 609-354-7651
FAX: 609-354-8274
Email: [Pat Benjamin]
Email: Mike Benjamin
[CR: 19980310]
The TARGET 2000 system is an Oracle-based database system that provides SGML enablement. . . Progressive also "offers a wide range of SGML services. Our experts will analyze the document sets you wish to convert and develop one or more DTDs to describe them, working with your key people and users throughout the developmental process. We will create custom DTDs, modify standard DTDs, or use existing ones."
Progressive Information Technologies
York County Industrial Park
Box 278
Emigsville, PA
USA 17318
Tel: +1 (717) 764-5908
FAX: +1 (717) 764-4092
"Pro Text is an independent full-service bureau for (on-line) publishing. Main competence: Our specialists excel when it comes to document and information analysis, as well as translating the analysis result into a formal definition for a text database (a Document Type Definition) using SGML."
Publishing Development AB
Torpvägen 10
S-175 43 Järfälla
Fax: +46 8 580 375 79
[CR: 19980124]
"Dedicated to the information and practice needs of accountants, lawyers and professionals in related fields, RIA provides editorial analysis of the latest tax, regulatory and business compliance developments."
Research Institute of America Group
395 Hudson Street
New York, N.Y. 10014
Tel: +1 800-678-2185
[CR: 19971101]
"Reed Technology and Information Services (RTIS) provides full-service support for the data technology market, including: integrated system design and development, SGML development and support, legacy data conversion and translation, data management systems, print and electronic page rendering, CD-ROM media, and complete support of the Internet (Web pages, HTML data, database development, retrieval engines, etc.)"
RTIS provides Strategic Planning for SGML Migration, DTD Development, and Data Conversion into SGML. "All RTIS SGML and data technology services are offered at the new facility just north of Philadelphia, PA or on-site."
Reed Technology & Information Services
155 Commerce Drive
Ft. Washington, PA
USA 19034
Tel: +1 (215) 542.2021
Tel: +1 (800) 872-2828
FAX: +1 (215) 542.2080
[CR: 19961106]
Richard Light is "sole trader with more than 20 years experience in information standards and systems for museums and archives. This includes a wide variety of experience with software that deals with hierarchically structured information." He has developed The SGML Tagger, distributed by Oxford University Press.
Richard Light
3 Midfields Walk
Mill Road, Burgess Hill
West Sussex RH15 8JA
Tel: + 44 1 44 423 2067
Fax: + 44 1 44 423 2067
[CR: 19980813]
" RivCom is a leading-edge publishing services company that provides sophisticated delivery and visualisation services for corporate and industrial information, in both printed and electronic forms. We take documents such as procedures guidelines, technical instructions and business models and format and present them in dynamic and visually accessible ways. In particular, we use the information's structure to develop formats that make it easy for the users to find the pages or concepts they need and quickly understand them. It's the next generation of publishing, geared to the needs of business.
RivCom is committed to the use of standards-based approaches to solving publishing problems. We actively participate in the development of several international standards for information exchange, and we closely monitor emerging print and Web publishing technologies. This ensures that the solutions we provide will remain effective in years to come." Consultants: [August 1998] Bernard Rivers, Managing Director; Lynn Labieniec, Director of Publishing Services; Tony Stewart, Director of Consulting; Daniel Rivers-Moore, Director of New Technologies; Adrian Rivers, Sales Director; Mac Rubel, Director of Marketing; Boris Moore, Principal Architect.
Lotmead Business Village
Tel: +44 (0) 1793-792000
FAX: +44 (0) 1793-792001
945 West End Avenue
New York
Tel: +1 212 662 6800
FAX: +1 212 662 6900
"SDI is an information services company providing the content development expertise and technology integration to ensure your company's product and marketing information is engaging, clear, compelling, and valuable. Our expertise resides in the technical writers, marketing communication writers, editors, graphic artists, multimedia designers/developers, HTML and SGML consultants, internet application developers, and programmers that provide solutions to your varying information/content needs." . . Our SGML capabilities include: (1) Conversions from proprietary mark up systems to SGML; (2) Authoring mainly in ArborText ADEPT Editor; (3) DTD and FOSI Development; (4) SGML Training; (5) Beta testing (recently tested Microsoft's SGML Author and Microstar's Near & Far" [Mark Zadroga, via Newswire, May 1996]
SDI Solutions
100 Metroplex Drive
Edison, NJ 08817
TEL: 908-572-1111 x13
FAX: 908-572-1678
[CR: 19980414]
In the Seybold Reports, Seybold Publications provides some of the very best technical reporting on SGML products. In particular, the Seybold Report on Publishing Systems consistently covers the major conferences, trade shows, and seminars in which SGML-supporting software is featured. SGML software product descriptions and critical reviews are frequently more detailed in the Seybold Report on Publishing Systems than in any other publication. The Reports include Seybold Report on Publishing Systems (SRPS), The Seybold Report on Internet Publishing, Seybold Report on Desktop Publishing (SRDP), Digital Media: A Seybold Report, and The Bulletin: Seybold News & Views on Electronic Publishing. The series Seybold Special Report is used for occasional/special publications on dedicated topics. Free sample issues of either Seybold Report on Publishing Systems or Seybold Report on Desktop Publishing are available.
Sample links to other locations in this database:
WWW Links:
For other addresses:
Seybold Publications
Subscription Inquiries
PO Box 976
Media, PA 19063 USA
TEL: (800) 325-3830 or (610) 565-6864
FAX: (610) 565-1858
Seybold Publications
Business and Editorial/Production Office
428 E. Baltimore Avenue
PO Box 644
Media, PA 19063 USA
TEL: (610) 565-2480
FAX: (610) 565-4659 or 565-3261
- Seybold Consulting Group. The Consulting Group advises both users and vendors on an individual project basis. Send inquires to Mark E. Walter at the business address above.
- Seybold Seminars Directory
SGML BeLux Users' Group - The Belgian and Luxembourgian chapter of the International SGML Users' Group. "The goals of SGML BeLux are to promote the awareness of SGML in both Belgium and Luxembourg and most of all to create a forum for discussing technical issues, exchanging experience and presenting case studies. Our membership currently includes companies and individuals from various business fields as well as several public institutions and universities."
Contact address:
Paul Hermans (Chair)
Pro Text
Interleuvenlaan 62
3001 Leuven
Tel: +32/16/40 66 81
FAX: +32/16/40 66 91 (fax)
[or WWW:]
"The SGML Centre provides consultancy and advice on the application of the Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML) and related standards/applications... The SGML Centre provides regular reports on current and future developments in the standards arena as part of their work on the European Commission's Open Information Interchange (OII) initiative. Other Services include: information management consultancy, advice on suitable software packages for information, management, document analysis, preparation of SGML Document Type Definitions (DTDs), conversion of documents to and from SGML, training in SGML and related international standards."
The SGML Centre
29 Oldbury Orchard
Glos GL3 2PU
Phone/Fax: +44 1452 714029
"The SGML Resource Center is an independent SGML Consulting firm providing the best in SGML Consulting and Training Services. In addition, up-to-date information about the SAE J2008 SGML standard for the Automotive Industry is provided at this site."
"Dianne Kennedy is an SGML consultant and founder of the SGML Resource Center. She has participated in the development of SGML systems beginning with ATOS in 1986. She currently chairs the DTD Working Group for SAE J2008 and writes for <TAG>. For questions and comments email Dianne at"
SGML Resource Center
146 NorthEnd Avenue, Suite 100
Elmhurst, IL 60126 USA
Tel: +1 708 941 8197
Fax: +1 708 941 8196
Re: SGMLC. "SGMLC is an event-driven implementation of a major subset of the C programming language. It has been designed specifically for processing SGML documents, and the events which are recognised are those which may occur within a system when processing SGML documents; before, during and after the loading of individual documents. Statements written in the SGMLC language may be associated with each event. When a recognised event occurs the associated statements are executed. SGMLC contains a large number of functions designed specifically to process SGML data structures."
Bruce Hunter
SGML Systems Engineering
Banwell House
Banwell, Avon BSS24 6DG
Tel: +44 1934 822911
Fax: +44 1934 822994
Email: SGMLC specific :
Email: general :
[CR: 19980104]
"The SGML Technologies Group is a European group of companies which came into being in November 1996, operating out of London, Brussels, and Luxembourg. Companies that comprise the Group to date are: (1) SGML Technologies Limited, the parent company based in London (founded in July 1996); (2) ACSE sa/nv (Associated Consultants and Software Engineers), the subsidiary in Brussels (founded in December 1989); (3) ISEA sa (International Software Engineers Associated), the subsidiary in Luxembourg (founded in November 1993). Chairman of the Group is Joan Smith, with Jean-Pierre Gaspart as Group Chief Executive Director. There are some 60 staff in the Group, most of whom are university graduates, all being conversant with SGML. Members of one of the early SGML development teams number among the Group's staff."
SGML Technologies Limited
35 Piccadilly
London W1V 9PB
United Kingdom
Tel: +44 171 734 7282
FAX: +44 171 734 4561
Tel: +32 2 705 70 21
FAX: +32 2 705 81 01
ACSE sa/nv
boulevard Général Wahis 29
Tel: +32-2-705.70.21
Fax: +32-2-705.81.01
[CR: 19980105]
"SGML University is a single high-quality source for education and training in electronic document information management, offering courses on SGML and related standards and the products that support them. SGML University provides the electronic publishing industry with a place to network, learn, and teach.
"SGML University was founded to meet the educational needs of electronic publishing professionals. Our courses are designed to give you the tools you need to keep pace with intelligent document management technologies. As an SGMLU student, you can take advantage of a wide range of educational tools, including the SGML University web site, the SGML Power Tools CD-ROM, and a comprehensive, holistic training curriculum. SGML University offers more than 43 courses and seminars all over the world."
SGML University
6989 South Jordan Road, Suite 5
Englewood, CO USA 80112
Tel: 1-888-SGMLU-88
Tel: +1 303-766-0115
FAX: +1 303-699-8331
The Society for Technical Communication's membership "includes writers, editors, illustrators, printers, publishers, educators, students, engineers, and scientists employed in a variety of technological fields. With more than 20,000 members worldwide, STC is the largest professional organization serving the technical communication profession." Various STC chapters sponsor SGML seminars and workshops.
Society for Technical Communication
901 N. Stuart St., Suite 904
Arlington, VA 22203-1854
Tel: (703) 522-4114
Fax: (703) 522-2075
[CR: 19970527]
SoftQuad is the developer of the highly popular Author/Editor WYSIWYG editor for SGML. Other SoftQuad products include: SoftQuad Explorer, SoftQuad RulesBuilder, SoftQuad Sculptor [the application builder], SoftQuad SGML Enabler for QUARKXPRESS [allows you to import your SGML documents directly into QuarkXPress where you can take advantage of its superior page layout and typesetting capabilites], SoftQuad Enactor for Microsoft SGML Author, SoftQuad SGML World Tour, SoftQuad StylesExchanger for DynaText, HoTMetaL Pro [HTML editor], and SoftQuad Panorama [Internet SGML/HTML browser]. See SoftQuad's Publishing & Browsing Tools for the World Wide Web for further details.
Of special interest for SGML on the Internet is SoftQuad Panorama Pro -- an application using electronic stylesheets and navigators (both are themselves SGML documents) which allows browsing and searching of SGML documents served by WWW servers. For details on Panorama (the freeware SGML Viewer for the World Wide Web), see the public announcement and the Information Page: The Wider World of SGML on the Web. If you already have Panorama, link here.
Some other SoftQuad links:
[New address after September 1, 1996]:
SoftQuad Inc.
20 Eglinton Avenue West, 12th floor
Toronto, Ontario
Canada M4R 1K8
Tel: +1-800-387-2777 (North America)
Tel: +1 (416) 544-9000
Support: +1 (416) 544-8879
FAX: +1 (416) 544-0300
[*Until September 1, 1996]
SoftQuad Inc.
56 Aberfoyle Crescent, Suite 810
Toronto ON M8X 2W4 Canada
Tel: +1 416 239 4801
Fax: +1 416 239 7105
[CR: 19980402]
Sörman Information AB is a leading company in Scandinavia designing information solutions mainly for high technology industries. The result is efficient information solutions to support operation, fault isolation and maintenance of high technology systems and equipment. The solutions are all based on SGML/XML to reach cost effective handling of the information. If you need professionalism within the areas of information analysis, SGML/XML and HyTime production, interactive electronic deliveries or information management, contact Sörman at the address below.
Sörman Information AB
Box 3130
Deltavagen 3
Vaxjo, Smaland
Sweden 352 43
Tel: +46 470 720000
FAX: +46 470 727001
Spyglass, Inc.
1230 E. Diehl Road
Naperville, Ill. 60563
Tel: 708.505.1010, ext. 504
FAX: 708.505.4944
[CR: 19970604]
"Step Two Designs was established in early 1996 to provide consultancy services in the areas of vertical market development, general programming, and desktop publishing."
Step Two Designs
PO Box 551
Broadway NSW 2007
Tel: +61 2 9319 7901
FAX: +61 2 9310 2620
"STILO Associates was established in 1992 as a partnership bringing together skills in scientific publishing, project management and software development. STILO is a software package for creating, editing and viewing structured documents: it implements the ISO Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML). STILO can also produce HyperText Markup Language (HTML) documents."
Stilo Technology Ltd.
Empire House
Mount Stuart Square
Cardiff, South Wales
Great Britain CF1 6DN
TEL: +44 (0) 1222 483 530
FAX: +44 (0) 1222 483 530
Email: (Martin Pike)
[CR: 19961119]
"Sybase, Inc. is a leader in client/server and Internet software and services. Sybase, Inc. is focused on four major market segments: on-line transaction processing, data warehousing, mass deployment, and on-line electronic commerce." In support of Sybase software, some 50,000 pages of technical documentation (SyBooks) are maintained in SGML format for electronic publication on CD-ROM and (through DynaWeb) on the Web (SyBooks-on-the-Web).
Sybase, Inc.
6475 Christie Avenue
Emeryville, CA 94608-1050
Tel: 1-800-8-SYBASE
Tel: +1 510-922-3555
Tel: 1-800-456-8893 [United States User Group]
[CR: 19980312]
"About Synex Information AB: Synex Information AB is a high-tech development company specializing in SGML browsing technology, with consulting, training, and implementation services. The company was founded in 1993, as a result of years of research and development of technology invented at the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm, Sweden (KTH - Kungl Tekniska Högskolan)." [from the Home Page]
On March 12, 1998, Inso Corporation announced that it had "acquired Synex Information AB, of Stockholm, Sweden, through a purchase of all the stock of its parent, ViewPort Development AB, for $2,500,000."
Synex Information AB
Kallforsvägen 24
S-124 32 Bandhagen
Fax: +46 8 751 59 07
Phone: + 46 8 647 5225
Email: (Hasse Haitto)
[CR: 19960809]
"SYNLOG as a software engineering company founded in 1990... [now] a specialist in the integration of structured based documentation systems and propose the following range of detailed services about it: (1) Hyper document web/architecture analysis/modelling using various design materials; (2) Definition of the document database models; (3) creation of document models in a database; (4) storage of the documents; (5) integration of document servers; (6) authoring tools integration; etc."
16c, chemin de Malacher
ZIRST 4402
38944 MEYLAN Cedex
Tel: (33) 04 76 90 55 65
Fax: (33) 04 76 90 52 94
[CR: 19980105]
"The Techapps Site is created and maintained by Technology Appraisals (TA). Technology Appraisals is an independent provider of quality information and training for users and vendors of electronic information delivery, networking, telecommunications and distributed computer systems."
Technology Appraisals Ltd.
82 Hampton Road, Twickenham
Tel: +44 (0) 181 893 3986
FAX: +44 (0) 181 744 1149
[CR: 19980916]
TechnoTeacher specializes in the HyTime standard, and is the developer of the GroveMinder, MarkMinder, HyMinder and HyBrowse (HyTime) applications. "The GroveMinder System is an SGML standards-based document management system, capable of locating information in virtually any notation or representation. The HyMinder System is a C++ library used by applications to manage HyTime constructs, and includes TechnoTeacher's implementation of a HyTime engine. MarkMinder is our SGML repository with native support for ISO/IEC 10744 architectures. HyBrowse can browse SGML and HyTime documents, and edits their stylesheets based on element type, constraints, and anchor role. It's available as shareware!"
- TechnoTeacher Home Page
- GroveMinder System (non-technical description); see also the semi-technical description and the technical overview as presented at the International HyTime Conference, August 19-20, 1997, and at the SGML/XML Conference, December 8-11, 1997.
- TechnoTeacher software products
- TechnoTeacher services
- TechnoTeacher library
- About TechnoTeacher
- HyMinder HyTime engine - The HyMinder System is a C++ library used by applications to manage HyTime constructs, and includes TechnoTeacher's implementation of a HyTime engine.
- The HyBrowse HyTime Browser - HyBrowse can browse SGML and HyTime documents, and edits their stylesheets based on element type, constraints, and anchor role. Available as shareware.
- MarkMinder - An SGML repository with native support for ISO/IEC 10744 architectures.
- TechnoTeacher a contributing member of OASIS
- TechnoTeacher FTP Server (CApH, CTS, etc.)
TechnoTeacher, Inc.
3615 Tanner Lane
Richardson, Texas 75082-2618 USA
Tel: +1 (972) 231 4098
FAX: +1 (972) 994 0087
[CR: 19970122]
"The TeX Users Group (TUG) was founded in 1980 to provide leadership for users of TeX, Donald Knuth's revolutionary typesetting system. It represents the interests of TeX users worldwide."
TeX Users Group
1850 Union Street Suite 1637
San Francisco, California 94123 USA
FAX: +1 415-982-8559
[CR: 19961106]
"Texcel International is a leading supplier of document management solutions. Texcel provides software and services that can help dramatically streamline the generation, assembly, management and delivery of documents and the information they contain. Our flagship product, Texcel Information Manager, is a scalable, repository-based SGML-smart compound document management system for generating, assembling, and managing document information, including text, graphics, and multimedia. In Europe we are the premier distributor of the leading SGML editor from ArborText."
Texcel AS
Gaustadalleen 21
0371 Oslo 3
Tel: +47 22 372077
Texcel Research, Inc.
One Kendall Square, Suite 2200
Cambridge, MA 02139 USA
Tel: +1 (617) 621-7004
[CR: 19980605]
Texterity provides a "new generation of service for publishers; [they] are able to compose pages for book printing and produce CD-ROM and Web products -- all from a single source of data. Through use of the Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML) Texterity's customers and clients will benefit from automatically enforced style consistency unparalleled in traditional systems. Texterity's premier service is the Book Bank -- where they convert your product's content into Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML), and help you publish in all media."
- Texterity Home Page
- Texterity Clients and Their Stories
- Texterity Book Bank - Exploit SGML
- History and Staff
- See: "Mosby's GenRx Success." Martin Hensel narrates how "Mosby-Year Book, Inc., acquired GenRx (The Complete Reference for Generic and Brand Drugs) from another publisher in early 1995, at which time the 3,000-page drug reference was issued annually in print. From the beginning, Mosby's goal was to continuously update the content and sell it in print, on CD-ROM, on the Web, and in custom multititle editions. Texterity was chosen in June 1995 to design and build the editorial and production systems. A year later, the print and CD editions were being produced directly from a single set of SGML (Standard Generalized Markup Language) master files. In January 1997, Mosby released its very successful intranet and Internet product, GenRx.
[CR: 19960824]
"Text Science, Inc., specializes in electronic text processing research, consulting, and software development, with particular expertise in all facets of Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML) and intranets."
Text Science Tower
Attention: Michael Leventhal
1800 Lake Shore Avenue, No. 14
Oakland, CA 94606 USA
Tel: +1 (510) 444-2962
FAX: +1 (510) 444-1672
[CR: 19971228]
"Text Structure Consulting, Inc. provides consulting services in the Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML) and in SGML tools, particularly Adobe FrameMaker+SGML. Services include: 1) Document analysis, 2) DTD preparation, 3) Project planning, 4) FrameMaker+SGML application development (including EDDs, read/write rules, conversion tables, and FDK clients). In addition to performing such services independently, Text Structure Consulting, Inc. will guide or assist customers in their own implementations. Text Structure Consulting, Inc. was founded in 1996 by Lynne Price. Lynne has been active in the SGML community since 1985. She participates in both US and international SGML standards committees and is the editor of the standard on Conformance Testing of SGML Systems."
17225 San Franciscan Dr.
Castro Valley CA 94552
Voice/fax: (510) 583-1505
[CR: 19960821]
"Textuality is a vehicle for the services of Tim Bray, formerly of Open Text and the New Oxford English Dictionary Project. I am available for work in the areas of SGML, Web Business, HTML, HTTP, VRML, and most areas of publishing technology." Tim Bray has a broad background in network-based text processing technologies, having worked "5 years sysadmin & network management for DEC & GTE, 3 years at the New OED Project, 7 years at Open Text Corporation," and most recently at Textuality.
101-1965 West Fourth Avenue
Vancouver, BC
Canada V6B 5X5
TEL: +1 604 488 1167
- Product: EditTIME (UNICODE-enabled SGML editor)
- Description in Steve Pepper's "Whirlwind Guide"
- See: "TIME LUX EditTIME, version 1.0," SGML Users' Group Newsletter 31 (June 1995) 16-17.
PB 2565
L-1025 Luxembourg
Tel. +352 40 53 22 1
FAX: +352 40 50 09
[CR: 19970122]
The Unicode Consortium maintains the Unicode standard, (mostly equivalent to) ISO/IEC 10646 (UCS - the Universal Multiple-Octet Coded Character Set).
The Unicode Consortium
P.O. Box 700519
San Jose, CA 95170-0519 USA
Tel: +1 408 777 3721
Fax: +1 408 777 3784
[CR: 19970605]
"The USAF has been in the SGML investigation and development process for approximately eight years. This involves supporting publishing of technical manuals with paper output, as well as content-tagged data base forms, and interactive electronic presentations."
"The Web site contains the approved as well as the developing SGML templates that the Air Force is requiring in technical manual acquisitions, viz.,pertaining to Technical Manual Specifications & Standards (TMSS), Digital Support Suite (DSS), Air Force Product Data Systems Modernization (PDSM). These templates include DTDs, FOSIs, and various other SGML based templates. The DTDs are intended to be universal in application, the remainder of the templates are developed to "run" on the JCALS engines. All templates are available for download directly from the WEB page."
US Air Force
4027 Col Glenn Hwy, Ste 300
Dayton, Ohio
USA 45431
Tel: +1 937 257-2229 x 120
FAX: +1 937 257-5881
[CR: 19970131]
US Lynx offers solutions in publishing technology, including SGML tutorials and services: "US Lynx provides training and consulting services to companies and organizations entering the SGML world. SGML is an innovative approach to information management and automated publishing -- both on paper, CD-ROM, and online. . . US Lynx offers a full range of SGML services -- planning, analysis, preparation, review, training, custom software, data analysis and design, and publishing delivery systems."
US Lynx Inc.
Customer Service, 4th floor
853 Broadway
New York, NY 10003
Tel: +1 212 673-3210
FAX: +1 212 673 5261
[CR: 19980424]
[Formerly CNgroup.] "We were recently created as a spinoff of the CommerceNet Consortium. Our mission is to define the next generation of Internet Commerce: Open, Component-based Commerce Networks. We conduct R&D and consult on technology and methods that will turn the Web into interoperating business objects." [19980424]
Veo Systems, Inc.
4005 Miranda Avenue, Suite 150
Palo Alto, CA 94304
Tel: +1 (650) 858-7711
FAX: +1 (650) 858-4925
[CR: 19980212]
Vicom's Product Development Team "develops proprietary software solutions that satisfy a wide range of business needs in digital media asset management, multimedia publishing, electronic commerce, and health and safety training. Nereus is a database-driven multimedia publishing system for "fully integrated, high volume multimedia publishing system with a unique multi-site, multi-user authoring tool suite . . . no run-time licenses for electronically-distributed documents."
[CR: 19980331]
Vtopia - "structured information motivators" enabling interoperable applications through XML. Products ["Q1 and Q2 1998"] include woodstock <markup> (XML composition and processing) and woodstock <fastlane> (XML-based transaction processing).
Vtopia, Inc.
830 W. Main Street, Suite 325
Lake Zurich, IL 60047
Tel: +1 800-361-6798
[CR: 19961121]
"watAGE Inc., located in Waterloo, Ontario . . .focuses on research and applications for leading-edge online technologies. Through business and academic partnerships, we hope to advance the understanding and application of SGML technology and explore the potential for online documentation, learning, and communications services. watAGE specializes in SGML solutions to the organization of information. We produce custom Document Type Definitions (DTDs) and converters to permit authors to create and display sophisticated documents simultaneously in print and in HTML formats for use on the World Wide Web and on CD-ROMs." [extracted/adapted]
Email: Paul Beam (
Email: Janyce A. McGregor (
Email: Marianne Taylor (
Email: Dave Schneider (
[CR: 19960820]
"The Xerox Business Services Document Technoloy Centre in Mitcheldean (UK) offers SGML conversion services." It has been offering SGML SGML conversion services for the past six years.
"From paper or electronic format to SGML, the DTC converts documents for many organisations such as the European Patent Office, British Patent Office, Austrian Patent Office, CCH, and other organisations."
"Utilising XBS software, customised solutions can be offered to customers which are cost-effective and meet the requirements 100%."
Xerox Business Services (UK)
Beech House, Rank Xerox Business Park
United Kingdom
GL17 0DD
Tel: +44 1594 592 764
FAX: +44 1594 592 710
Mobile: +44 802 310 050 (SRW)
Email: [Susanne Richter-Wills, Development Manager, Xerox Business Services]
[CR: 19980501]
Under the direction of Dianne Kennedy (founder and principal consultant of XMLXperts), the XMLXperts group offers a variety of XML consulting and training services. XMLXperts is a member of OASIS and GCA.
[CR: 19980806]
Xyvision is a publicly held corporation founded in 1982. Its principal markets are aerospace and defense manufacturers, heavy equipment, electronics, computer and transportation companies, financial and legal publishers, professional associations, government agencies, and commercial printers and publishers. Its SGML-based document management and production systems have been leading competitors in these arenas for many years. "Since shipping its first systems in 1983, Xyvision has installed more than $300,000,000 in systems worldwide." [980129 factoid]
"Xyvision provides publishing and document management solutions and services that leverage the value of an organization's information assets and automate the production of paper and digital documents." . . . "Parlance Document Manager (PDM) is a client/server information management system that stores document elements as information objects in a central database, allowing these elements to be shared and reused in multiple documents." The publications [produced with PDM] "often have a long shelf life, need frequent revisions, and require output in a variety of formats including Interactive Electronic Technical Manuals (IETMs), Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML), Hypertext Markup Language (HTML), Portable Document Format (PDF), and loose-leaf paper manuals. PDM supports objects of varying sizes and formats, including SGML, and provides version control, built-in workflow, and content management that automate editorial processes for large, complex publishing projects. . . Xyvision Parlance Publisher (XPP) automates the composition and pagination of long, complex documents and provides speed and power that is unattainable with desktop systems. Key features include tag-based composition enabling easy translation from SGML, composition of complex tables and mathematical equations, high-quality typographic controls, and automatic production of looseleaf insert pages."
Xyvision, Inc.
30 New Crossing Road
Reading, MA 01867-3254
Tel: +1 781-756-4400
FAX: +1 781-756-4330
Email: (Jonathan Parsons, Director of Product Marketing, Publishing Products)
Email: (udy Cox,Director, Marketing Communications)

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