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SGML/XML Bibliography. News and Popular Sources |
The bibliographic list below cites articles mostly of a non-technical nature: articles from trade journals, news magazines, and other brief, popular or ephemeral sources. Some references point to works that are no doubt of permanent significance, but for which I have inadequate bibliographic information. Abstracts are generally not supplied. No guarantee is made about the accuracy of the information content in the articles (trade journals are sometimes not well refereed), nor even of the bibliographic information itself, since frequently I have not checked the citations myself. The order of these entries is not significant at this time, though one may observe an approximate alphabetic sort on author-name, or (key) title-word.
Reference List
Abernathy, Joe. "Here's How to Do Business on the Web. [Review of SoftQuad's HotMetal Pro]." PC World 13/3 (March 1995) 52.
The text of the article is available via the SoftQuad WWW server.
[CR: 19950716]
"Aerospace Firm Installs SGML-based Engineering Documentation System." <TAG> 6/8 (August 1993) 12. ISSN: 1067-9197.
Brief article on an SGML-based document production system by Allied-Signal Propulsion Engines (Phoenix, AZ). In the first test for a 1500-page proposal containing 1200 figures, "The cycle time for [document] layout was reduced from fourteen to three days." The composition engine is Datalogics Pager.
[CR: 19971230]
"AIS Software's Balise 4.0 Release, and HTML Package." <TAG>: The SGML Newsletter 10/12 (December 1997) 10. ISSN: 1067-9197.
A note on the release of Balise 4.0, scheduled for delivery in January 1998. Announced new support includes: "1) Direct handling of Word/RTF documents for easy conversion into SGML structures; 2) Native support of the emerging XML standard; 3) XML document processing with or without DTD; 4) A new set of functions for accessing and manipulating SGML DTD information (DTD API); 5) Handling of markup-level SGML structures such as marked section boundaries, SGML entity boundaries, SGML comments, etc.; 6) Transparent handling of large, disk-based indexed structures ('persistent maps') for easy manipulation of large volumes of structured data; 6) Processing of large SGML documents stored as disk-based SGML trees ('disk-based Balise Documents'), allowing easy handling of large SGML/XML information volumes." XML support via the (prototype) parser: "1) Complete support of the XML specification, including Unicode support, 2) Support of DTD-less Well Formed XML Documents, and 3) Custom extensions allowing parsing of DTD-less SGML documents ('XML documents with traditional SGML syntax')." See: "AIS Software announces Balise Release 4.0" and "AIS Software releases the Balise HTML Package", or the Balise Home Page.
[CR: 19961201]
"AIS Software Announces the Release of Balise 3.1." <TAG> 9/11 (November 1996) 8. ISSN: 1067-9197.
Balise excels at (SGML) data transformation in concert with event-driven and tree-based data processing models. Release 3.1 uses a "plug-in" architecture for dynamic libraries and shared libraries, including the new Balise ODBC Gateway for Windows. See the entry for AIS (Advanced Information Systems) / Berger-Levrault for further links and information on Balise.
[CR: 19980508]
"ArborText Unveils XML Style[r], Version 2 ." <TAG>: The SGML Newsletter 11/4 (April 1998) 9. ISSN: 1067-9197.
Note on ArborText's announcement for XML Styler Version 2, an enhanced stylesheet editor for XML. See the press release, or the ArborText Home Page.
[CR: 19971106]
"ArborText's Adept 7." <TAG>: The SGML Newsletter 10/10 (October 1997) 8. ISSN: 1067-9197.
Announcemnt for the release of Adept 7, which adds XML and Java sypport. "ADEPT software is based on Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML), an international standard for the exchange of structured text and document information. ADEPT 7 also supports the emerging Extensible Markup Language (XML), a simplified version of SGML that addresses the shortcomings of both SGML and Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) for delivering highly intelligent and interactive information over intranets and extranets." See the the press release from ArborText for other details.
[CR: 19971227]
"ArborText Includes XML, Java Support in Adept Version 7." SunServer 11/12 (December 1997) 21.
Summary: "Compatible with SunOS, this new release adds XML and Java support, two critical technologies for deploying knowledge management applications on intranets and extranets. Adept 7 reads and writes native, non-proprietary XML and can automatically convert documents between XML and SGML. Adept software is based on Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML), an international standard for the exchange of structured text and document information. Adept 7 also supports the emerging Extensible Markup Language (XML), a simplified version of SGML that addresses the shortcomings of both SGML and Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) for delivering highly intelligent and interactive information over intranets and extranets." See the online document.
"ArborText's ADEPT Products." SGML Users' Group Newsletter 29 (November 1994) 16-17. ISSN: 0952-8008.
[CR: 19960329]
"ArborText to Port SGML Editor to OS/2 for IBM." Seybold Report on Publishing Systems 25/12 (March 26, 1996) 5). ISSN: 0736-7260.
Summary: "ArborText has announced that it is developing an OS/2 version of its Adept SGML editor, the result of a large order from IBM. IBM will be using Adept to create documentation, initially at a North Carolina facility of its Network System Division. Well-placed sources pegged the size of the order at hundreds of seats. IBM will be using its own DTD, IBMIDDOC, to author its documents. The Adept editor, which originated in Unix, was ported to Windows, minus the composition facility, in 1995. The OS/2 version, which will be functionally equivalent with the Windows version, should be ready for beta testing in April, although ArborText has not yet demonstrated the product in public. The first production release is scheduled to roll out to selected customers in July. General shipments and support for Asian languages (and Unicode character sets) won't come until the end of this year."
A note on the plans to port ArborText's Adept SGML editor to OS/2, as a result of a contract with IBM. IBM will use the IBMIDDOC DTD.
See : "March 14, 1996. ArborText announced today that it is developing a native OS/2 version of its ADEPT*Editor software, the world's leading tool for editing SGML-based information. Beta testing will begin in April and production shipments to selected accounts will begin in July. General shipments and Asian language support are scheduled for the end of the year. . .In a related release, ArborText announced an agreement with IBM to provide them with ADEPT*Editor for their SGML editing needs. Pricing for the OS/2 version is the same as the Windows version: $1350; trade discounts are available."
[CR: 19970726]
"ArborText Releases Adept/Global 6.5." <TAG>: The SGML Newsletter 10/7 (July 1997) 15. ISSN: 1067-9197.
Note on the release of Adept version 6.5 by ArborText Inc. The new version includes Japanese support via double-byte characters (Unicode based). The Adept Command Language (ACL) is also now enhanced to work with double-byte characters: ACL strings are now in Unicode. The article also reports on a CALS award to ArborText. See the ArborText server.
[Extracted from the news item]: "ArborText, Inc... today announced the 6.5 release of its ADEPT Series with Japanese language support. The new version includes Unicode (ISO 1046-1:1993) as the character encoding standard to provide Japanese language support for double-byte characters. Release 6.5 provides full SGML-based editing and composition in Japanese using the native operating system input methods and fonts. ADEPT 6.5 supports users that need encoding standards, such as Shift-JIS and JEUC, by reading and writing documents in the standard operating system-specific character sets through built-in or external mapping. Composition output is top-down, left-to-right and supports the specific line breaking conventions of the Japanese language."
[CR: 19960828]
"ArborText to Release Beta of ADEPT 6.0." <TAG> 9/8 (August 1996) 14. ISSN: 1067-9197.
Description of ADEPT series version 6.0 for UNIX and OS/2 (scheduled for August, 1996). The release prepares ADEPT for a document management solution, code named "Willow." "Major enhancements of the 6.0 release include: Improved ease-of-use, Capability to list differences between documents, Expanded Application Program Interface (API), Expanded graphics support, Support for redundant license servers, Compatible with existing Windows' release. Specific improvements in ease-of-use include simplified menus, a powerful toolbar with tool tips, support for multiple open documents, popup menus, tear-off menus, and several enhancements to onscreen formatting. The new release also supports many new graphic types including EPSF 1.2 and 2.0, TIFF, GIF, JPEG, and BMP." See further:
[CR: 19960520]
"ArborText and IBM, and Asian Language Versions." <TAG> 9/5 (May 1996) 14. ISSN: 1067-9197.
IBM will create and maintain SGML information using ArborText's ADEPT-Editor for OS/2, using the IBMIDDOC DTD. ArborText has also announced plans for and Asian language version (Chinese, Japanese, Korean) of ADEPT-Editor and ADEPT-Publisher, supporting editing and composition. "ArborText has chosen UNICODE (TM) as the character encoding standard to provide Asian language support. Although this 16-bit scheme supports most of the world's languages in a single system, ArborText will release support for Modern Chinese, Traditional Chinese, and Korean in subsequent phases because of differences in fonts, keyboard input methods, and encoding standards. ArborText will support users who need encoding standards, such as JIS and EUC, through built-in or external mapping routines. Because UNICODE also supports English and European character sets, users will be able to create documents with multiple languages." See also:
[CR: 19960712]
"ArborText Authors 'Virtual Documents' [Willow Initiative]." The Seybold Report on Publishing Systems 25/19 (June 30 , 1996) 27. ISSN: 0736-7260.
A description of the Willow API which connects SGML authoring tools, integrating Adept into a number of document management systems. Partners in the Willow initiative include Documentum, InfoDesign, Texcel, Xyvision, and Computer Resources International.
"The Willow initiative delivers this new solution by adding "object awareness" to the company's flagship ADEPT*Editor tool and by adding an unprecedented level of tight integration to document management systems. Through object awareness, ADEPT*Editor will allow teams of authors to collaborate simultaneously on virtual documents as easily and as naturally as they edit single documents today. ADEPT*Editor will allow authors to create an object of any size and containing any number of other objects, all the while providing a simple document view. Authors will be able to create new objects by simply selecting a section of a document and pressing a key." [see from the Web site]
[CR: 19951228]
"Adept PowerPaste Fact Sheet." SGML Users' Group Newsletter 31 (June 1995) 13. ISSN: 0952-8008.
The article summarizes features of Adept PowerPaste - a conversion package for creating non-SGML documents into conforming SGML documents. The conversion tool is interactive. Contact: ArbotText, or link to the ArborText WWW Home Page.
[CR: 19960329]
"Adobe Spinoffs Continue as Datalogics, Curo Exit." Seybold Report on Publishing Systems 25/12 (March 26, 1996) 5). ISSN: 0736-7260.
A note on the most recent fate of Datalogics, which was sold to Frame in July 1992. Adobe is now splitting off Datalogics as a separate company, although Adobe will maintain an interest in the company. Jim McNeill is the new president of Datalogics.
[CR: 19970916]
"Adobe Systems Becomes Microstar's Newest SGML Solutions Partner." The Gilbane Report on Open Information & Document Systems 4/3 (September - October 1996) 15. ISSN: 1067-8719.
Adobe joins the 'Mainstream SGML' program, for "SGML-driven component management" and simplified publishng systems. "Mainstream SGML" is an industry initiative sponsored chiefly by Microstar.
[CR: 19970916]
"Adobe Systems Ships Adobe FrameMaker+SGML." The Gilbane Report on Open Information & Document Systems 3/6 (January- February 1996) 20. ISSN: 1067-8719.
Anouncement for the availability of Adobe's integrated system for page composition, text editing, graphics handling, and interactive structure validation.
[CR: 19970207]
"SGML Solutions for Autos." <TAG>: The SGML Newsletter 9/12 (December 1996) 12. ISSN: 1067-9197.
Four companies under the Valley Forge Group are working to build a comprehensive DTD for the automotive industry: Chrystal Software, Grif SA, and Synex Information AB will join the Valley Forge Group (Valley Forge T.I.S., Gutenbergstr. 25, 85748 Garching-Hochbrueck, bei München). Among other goals: Entwicklung und Integration von SGML-Viewers für u.a. MS-Windows. Contact: Tel. +49 89 32671330, or Email:
[CR: 19950716]
"Latest News from Information Dimensions: BASISplus now available on Silicon Graphics." SGML Users' Group Newsletter 27 (May 1994) 15. ISSN: 0952-8008.
Description of BASIS SGMLserver.
[CR: 19950716]
"BDC InfoVision Ltd Announces Version 3.0 of DRUID-View." SGML Users' Group Newsletter 28 (August 1994) 21-22. ISSN: 0952-8008.
DRUID is a family of SGML products. DRUID-View is the document-retieval component, while DRUID-Author is an SGML conversion/editing tool.
[CR: 19950828]
Bedford, J. "Electronics Letters: The SGML implementation." Learned Publishing: Journal of the Association of Learned and Professional Society Publishers 8/1 (1995) [39- ]. ISSN: 0953-1513.
[CR: 19960716]
"Call for Contributions [to BeLux 1996 Conference]." <TAG>: The SGML Newsletter 9/6 (June 1996) 14. ISSN: 1067-9197.
A note on the conference of October 31, 1996, in Brussels, Belgium. Contact Paul Hermans: for details and proposals, and see the SGML BeLux entry for other details on the group.
[CR: 19950716]
"Latest News from SGML BeLux [October 26, 1993]." SGML Users' Group Newsletter 26 (February 1994) 19. ISSN: 0952-8008.
[CR: 19960826]
Boeri, Robert J.; Hensel, Martin. "Hope for the SGML Savant is Near & Far Away." CD-ROM Professional 9/6 (June 1996) 49-50. Author's affiliation: [Boeri:] Information Services Division, Factory Mutual Engineering; [Hensel:] Founder, Martin Hensel Corporation.
"Abstract: Microstar Software Ltd. has developed integrated Standard Generalized Markup Language tools. The Near and Far line of products is utilized but does have limitations in the integration and proprietary formats. It will assist an individual to learn the language and develop document type definitions."
[CR: 19951208]
"Boston SGML Users' Group." <TAG>: The SGML Newsletter 8/11 (November 1995) 16. ISSN: 1067-9197.
Notice for a newly formed SGML Users' Group in the Boston area. Call Susan Ryan ( or Mark Ketzler (
[CR: 19950716]
"CALS in Europe SIG." SGML Users' Group Newsletter 27 (May 1994) 12-13. ISSN: 0952-8008.
Open letter from Frances Dagg announcing the closure of the CALS in Europe SIG [after having met its defined objectives].
[CR: 19950716]
"Canadians Establish a CALS Industry Steering Group." <TAG> 6/8 (August 1993) 15. ISSN: 1067-9197.
Describes the CALS ISG constituted at a meeting in Montreal in June, 1993. The ISG will promote both defense and non-defense applications of CALS. The article supplies an overview of the ISG's mission, background to its formation, and the interim structure.
[CR: 19980612]
"Chrystal Software's Astoria 3.0." <TAG> The SGML Newsletter 11/5 (May 1998) 9. ISSN: 1067-9197.
A brief note on the availability of Astoria 3.0, which now supports XML.
Cleveland, John L. "SGML: A Solution to Content Portability." Folio: The Magazine for Magazine Management 24/4 March 1, 1995 28.
[CR: 19950716]
"Conformance Testing Standard [for SGML Parsers] Up for Vote." <TAG> 6/9 (September 1993) 7. ISSN: 1067-9197.
Description of the ANSI standard which defines tests for SGML systems.
[CR: 19970824]
"New SGML Resource: The SGML FAQ Book." <TAG>: The SGML Newsletter 10/8 (August 1997) 16. ISSN: 1067-9197.
A brief note on the publication of The SGML FAQ Book, by Steve DeRose, through Kluwer Academic Publishers. See the bibliographic entry for complete information on this important book.
[CR: 19961113]
"Founding Meeting of DLSIG [Datalogics Special Interest Group]." <TAG> 9/10 (October 1996) 14. ISSN: 1067-9197.
A note on the founding meeting of DLSIG, the Datalogics Special Interest Group, on September 10, 1996. For further information, contact Dianne Kennedy (1-630-941-8197;
[CR: 19970825]
"DataChannel Releases XML Viewer ['As We Went to Press...]." Seybold Report on Internet Publishing 1/12 (August 1997) 2. ISSN: 1090-4808.
Note on the hiring of R. Alexander Milowski by DataChannel, and the recent release of XML viewer. URL:
"Datalogics Adds OS/2 SGML Editor to Suite. New WriterStation features API, Presentation Manager User Interface." Seybold Report on Publishing Systems 22/7 (December 21, 1992) 24). ISSN: 0736-7260.
A review of WriterStation/PM, OS/2 edition, based upon Datalogics' WriterStation for DOS. It uses the SGMLS parser, and a spell checker from Proximity.
[CR: 19970825]
"Diebold Picks ArborText for SGML Authoring." Seybold Report on Publishing Systems 26/21 (August 4, 1997) 48). ISSN: 0736-7260.
Summary: Diebold is a leading supplier of financial transaction machines, and maintains some 600 service manuals (plus 900 bulletins) for customers. ArborText's Adept SGML editor has been selected for this task because it provides the native SGML support and integrated composition facilities needed by the firm.
"ArborText, the world's leading provider of industrial strength software tools for document management and enterprise publishing, today announced that Diebold, a global leader in card-based transaction systems and security and service solutions, has chosen ArborText's ADEPT software as the basis for its new authoring and publishing system. The transition to an ADEPT solution provides Diebold with greater system stability in the face of evolving document system needs. The ADEPT products were selected as "best-of-breed" after extensive in-house evaluations and market research. Using ADEPT.Editor, ADEPT.Publisher and the ADEPT Command Language, in conjunction with Diebold's Document Database Manager (DDM), Diebold expects to achieve significant improvements in document consistency, availability and time to market." See the press release.
[CR: 19951228]
"Digitome Ltd. Implement SGML Based Publishing System for the ACCA." SGML Users' Group Newsletter 31 (June 1995) 18. ISSN: 0952-8008.
"The ACCA has published electronically, a comprehensive database of accounting standards, auditing guidelines and associated legislation. The system, known as FiND - Financial Information Database - is maintained in an SGML document repository. . ." Contact ACCA at: +44 171 3965924, or contact Digitome.
[CR: 19960125]
"DigiTome Drives SGML to Lotus Notes. $15,000 for engine, $10,000 for driver." Seybold Report on Publishing Systems 25/8 (December 31, 1995) 24-25. ISSN: 0736-7260.
DigiTome has a technology to create Lotus Notes databases from SGML source files. IDM is a windows-based programming toolkit that converts SGML into WinHelp, HTML, or Lotus Notes formats.
[CR: 19970825]
"Documation '97 East Conference." <TAG>: The SGML Newsletter 10/8 (August 1997) 16. ISSN: 1067-9197.
See the main conference entry for more information.
[CR: 19950716]
"Documensa Announces EdiBase<SGML>." SGML Users' Group Newsletter 29 (November 1994) 17. ISSN: 0952-8008.
EdiBase<SGML> is "SGML-compliant textbase retrieval software". Especially adapted to CD-ROM and terminological and other record-oriented databases. Contact the Montreal firm at: Tel. +1-514-524-7722, or email
[CR: 19951228]
"DOCUMENSA Produces the National Bibliography of Quebec on CD-ROM." SGML Users' Group Newsletter 31 (June 1995) 13-14. ISSN: 0952-8008.
The CDROM contains some 300,000 bibliographic references and 200,000 authority list referrences. The records were converted from MARC to SGML, and are indexed using the EdiBase SGML search and retrieval software from DOCUMENSA. EdiBase SGML uses a client-server architecture and runs on Windows and Mac. Contact: , or link directly to the DOCUMENSA Home Page.
"Document Manager From Down Under: Ferntree Offers University-Developed SIM System Based on SGML. [Ferntree Computer's Structured Information Manager (SIM) supports Standard Generalized Markup Language]." Seybold Report on Publishing Systems 24/9 (January 16, 1995) 23.
[CR: 19960325]
"EBT Supports SGML Open Catalog Standard." <TAG>: The SGML Newsletter 9/3 (March 1996) 10. ISSN: 1067-9197.
Summarizes the announcement by EBT and the related document "Using Catalogs and MIME to Exchange SGML Documents (IETF Draft Document).
See also the press release on the EBT WWW server: "Electronic Book Technologies, Inc. (EBT), the premier supplier of integrated CD/Web publishing solutions, today announced support for using the SGML Open Catalog standard to enable interchange of Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML) documents on the Internet. SGML Open Catalog is a widely embraced industry standard that enables SGML systems to interoperate in traditional CD-ROM or LAN environments. The SGML Open Catalog includes an extension mechanism that EBT has utilized to apply the Catalog standard to the Internet. This will enable exchange of SGML documents on the World-Wide Web, as well as via electronic mail. The use of SGML Open Catalogs on the Internet is described in the document, 'Using Catalogs and MIME to Exchange SGML Documents,' that is being considered by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF)." [mirror, text only]
[CR: 19961231]
"EBT Puts Japanese News Online." The Seybold Report on Publishing Systems 25/18 (June 17 , 1996) 34. ISSN: 0736-7260.
A note on the decision of Japan's leading newspaper, Asahi Shimbun, to use Electronic Book Technologies' products DynaTextJ and DynaWebJ in a program to deliver news on CD-ROM and on the Web. The newspaper has a daily circulation of 8.25 million, more than four times that of the Wall Street Journal. See: the press release; [mirror copy].
[CR: 19951220]
"EBT Updates DynaWeb Server." <TAG> 8/12 (December 1995) 15. ISSN: 1067-9197.
DynaWeb 2.0 with FreeFrames is to be available in first quarter 1996. FreeFrames offers a template mechanism for creating multiple views of information. "Frames" divide HTML pages into multiple scrollable regions within supporting browsers like Netscape. See the press release.
[CR: 19960803]
Jones, Chris. "DynaBase Brings SGML Files to the Web." InfoWorld 18/11 (March 11 1996) 51.
[CR: 19960325]
"Netscape Plug-ins for DynaText 3.0." <TAG>: The SGML Newsletter 9/3 (March 1996) 11. ISSN: 1067-9197.
Report on Netscape plug-ins for DynaText as demonstrated by EBT at Internet Expo: Adobe's Acrobat Amber Reader, InterVU PreVU MPEG video player, Macromedia's Shockwave for Director, Microsoft Word Viewer Plug-in from Inso Corporation, VREAM's WIRL virtual reality 3D browser, FigLeaf Inline, etc. DynaText's plug-in facilities create an opportunity for developers to leverage the value of Netscape applications by allowing them to work with DynaText.
"EBT Announces Asian Language Version of DynaText." SGML Users' Group Newsletter 26 (February 1994) 21-22. ISSN: 0952-8008.
The Asian version handles multilingual documents through SGML constructs and multi-byte character encoding technology.
[CR: 19950925]
"EBT Signs Asian Pacific Distribution Agreement." <TAG>: The SGML Newsletter 8/8 (August 1995) 11. ISSN: 1067-9197.
A note on a distribtion agreement between Electronic Book Technologies and Hong Hong Printing. Hong Hong will resell EBT's DynaText family of products in Malaysia, Singapore, and Hong Kong. See also the press release on the EBT server [mirror copy].
[CR: 19950925]
"EBT DynaWeb 1.0 Server Available." <TAG>: The SGML Newsletter 8/9 (September 1995) 20. ISSN: 1067-9197.
"DynaWeb serves out HTML on the fly directly from large DynaText electronic books stored in SGML. Powerful DynaText searching capabilities (full text, Boolean, proximity, structure-aware, wildcards, etc.) are fully enabled. DynaWeb has been shipped to Ameritech, Bell South, Brown University, Chadwyck Healey, Control Data Corp., EMC, General Motors, Information Handling Services (IHS), International Standards Organization (ISO), JYACC, Motorola, Novell, R.R. Donnelley, Semiconductor Research, Siemens Nixdorf, Silicon Graphics, SunSoft, Sybase, UNISYS, and VISA.
"DynaWeb is commercial grade Web server software that serves large SGML documents to Web browsers for rapid navigating and searching. DynaWeb provides important benefits to both DynaText(tm) publishers and to Web end-users by enabling remote Web browsers to fully exploit DynaText-like functionality on the Web, at the same time requiring minimal effort on the part of publishers to set up and maintain. The DynaText/DynaWeb environment provides publishers with a single solution for cross-platform publishing via the Web, CD-ROM, and LAN/WAN.
"DynaText SGML-based electronic books (often several hundred MBs) are orders of magnitude larger than HTML files, which are typically in the 2KB to 100KB range. To enable Web browsing of large DynaText books, DynaWeb automatically chunks the document, generating a TOC on-the-fly directly from the SGML structure in the electronic book. Users can navigate through the TOC hierarchy, selecting only information manageable by the Web browser. Additionally, all hypertext links in DynaText electronic books are converted to HTML links on-the-fly. These features free publishers from the time and expense of maintaining many small HTML files and associated hypertext links."
DynaWeb connects Web client browsers to the full functionality of the DynaText search engine, including support for fulltext, wildcard, Boolean, proximity, context, and complex searching. End users can quickly locate relevant information with searches that span multiple electronic book collections. The number of search hits are displayed alongside an interactive table of contents (TOC). Only TOC entries that contain search hits are displayed to end-users, greatly improving the efficiency for searching large collections of electronic books."
See also the notice on SGI's use of DynaWeb.
"EBT plans to support DSSSL." Seybold Report on Publishing Systems 24/19 June 12, 1995 48. ISSN: 0736-7260.
The article discusses DSSSL, DSSSL Lite, and MIME SGML, all of which are to be supported in EBT's DynaText software, according to an announcement at SGML Europe (Gmunden, Austria). The article also describes the use of DynaText, as demonstrated at the conference, by several EBT customers, including Chadwyck-Healey (The English Poetry Full-Text Database, English Verse Drama, and Patrologia Latina), ZGDV, ICL Client Server Systems, Nokia Telecommunications, IBERIA (Spanish Airlines), Flammarion, Sorman Information AB, and Kauppakaari-yhtyma Oy (leading legal publisher in Finland). See the more detailed press release on the EBT WWW server [mirror copy].
[CR: 19950716]
"EBT Enters [SGML] Conversion Software Market." SGML Users' Group Newsletter 28 (August 1994) 22. ISSN: 0952-8008.
Announcement for DynaTag, a software tool for converting word-processing and publishing system files into Rainbow SGML, and (arbitrary) SGML documents into DynaText electronic books. Contact: +1-401-421-9550.
[CR: 19960727]
"INSO Buys EBT for $39.8 Million. Plans to Integrate Technologies." Seybold Report on Desktop Publishing 25/20 (July 15 1996) 28. ISSN: 0736-7260.
INSO of Boston is buying EBT (Electronic Book Technologies) for $39.8 million in cash, plus $5.2 million if EBT meets specified business objectives. EBT, with 150 employees, will be joined to INSO (formerly with 200 employees) with a goal of integrating some of the EBT and INSO products. INSO's technologies are in the area of "linguistic tools": spell checking, thesaurus tools, hyphenation routines, online dictionaries, proofing software, language-aware searching, etc. EBT specializes in document delivery tools for large electronic books.
"EBT in Japan." Seybold Report on Publishing Systems 24/6 (November 30, 1994) 26. ISSN: 0736-7260.
A note on an agreement between Electronic Book Technologies (Providence, RI) and Gakken Co. Ltd. The latter is a large Japanese publisher who is to resell and support DynaText products in Japan, following the (now complete) creation of an Asian version of Dynatext.
"EBT's DynaWeb Enables Novell to Access Product Manuals." <TAG>: The SGML Newsletter 8/5 (May 1995) 12. ISSN: 1067-9197.
EBT announced that Novell is using its DynaWeb (SGML-based WWW server) to deliver over 100,000 Netware manual pages online. "By using DynaText and DynaWeb with SGML, Novell has completely avoided the redundant publishing process trap," said Kent Summers, EBT Director of Marketing. "If Novell were using an HTML-based publishing model, instead of SGML with DynaText/DynaWeb, they would need to create roughly 4,000 separate HTML files to deliver 100,000 pages of documentation on the Web. Of course, the content, markup, and hypertext links would all need to be created and managed separately from the CD-ROM process; and yet another process would be needed to create the printed documentation. ." See the fuller description in an EBT press release (or alternate source [mirror copy]), mirrored here.
"Electronic Book Technologies [ - Sikorsky]." Seybold Report on Publishing Systems 23/9 (January 3, 1994) 34). ISSN: 0736-7260.
A note on the use of EBT's DynaText (SGML/hypertext document system) by Sikorsky Aircraft as part of an interactive technical manual program for the U.S. Navy. Some 14,000 manual pages have already been converted into DynaText format.
"Electronic Documents [Electronic Book Technologies' DynaText used by Sikorsky Aircraft]." Information Week (November 8 1993) 10.
Brief note on the use of DynaText for 14,000 pages of technical manuals for Sikorsky helicopters. See also a related article in Seybold Report on Publishing Systems.
[CR: 19950716]
"EBT's DynaText Implemented by Sikorsky Aircraft." SGML Users' Group Newsletter 30 (March 1995) 12. ISSN: 0952-8008.
Note on the use of EBT's DynaText System Integrator Toolkit (SIT) to develop IETM browsers for documentation on the UH-60 (Black Hawk) helicopters.
[CR: 19950716]
"EBT's SyBase Project." SGML Users' Group Newsletter 27 (May 1994) 14-15. ISSN: 0952-8008.
Description of the integration of DynaText with Sybase products. Sybase is an Enterprise client/Server Company specializing in CDROM-based document delivery. Contact: +1-401-421-9550.
[CR: 19950716]
"EditTime and TimeLux." SGML Users' Group Newsletter 29 (November 1994) 20-21. ISSN: 0952-8008.
Presentation of the SGML editor EditTime, which supports multilingual documents in the form of ISO 10646 encoding. Only the EC languages are supported by at this time [November 1994]. Contact: +352-40-53-22-1.
[CR: 19970829]
"SGML Options Expand [Enigma Expands SGML Options]." IW [ImagingWorld] 6/11 (August 18 1997) 16. ISSN: 1060-894X.
Note on the SGML version of Insight into Information, which supports Web publishing. "Among the included features are context-based search and retrieval, mapped from SGML elements; integration with XML, HTML, RTF, MS-Word; hyperlinks, audio/video, annotations, bookmarks and table of contents." See: the Enigma Home Page.
[CR: 19950716]
"EPSIG Joins GCARI." <TAG> 7/1 (January 1994) 19. ISSN: 1067-9197.
Support for EPSIG and ISO 12083:1993 will now be managed by GCARI (Graphic Communications Association Research Institute) and McAfee & McAdam. Contact: Tel. +1-703-519-8160.
[CR: 19951228]
"European Commission Provides On-Line Service on Open Information Interchange Standards." SGML Users' Group Newsletter 31 (June 1995) 11-12. ISSN: 0952-8008.
The article describes a new service, including provision for monthly SGML updates (from Martin Bryan). The Open Information Interchange (OII) data is served by the European Commission's ECHO WWW server. The URL: The Open Information Interchange Initiative - See further: OII contact address.
[CR: 19950716]
"European Language Versions of DRUID-View." SGML Users' Group Newsletter 30 (March 1995) 12. ISSN: 0952-8008.
Note on DRUID-Author and DRUID-View. Contact: BDC Vision Ltd, + 44-332-347123.
[CR: 19960828]
"Exoterica Changes Name to OmniMark Technologies." <TAG> 9/8 (August 1996) 16. ISSN: 1067-9197.
After ten years as "Exoterica (Corporation)", the company is changing its name to OmniMark Technologies Corporation, symbolic of its core commitment to the OmniMark line of SGML software products. The new URL:
[CR: 19960716]
"French Publisher Selects OmniMark." <TAG>: The SGML Newsletter 9/7 (July 1996) 12. ISSN: 1067-9197.
Note on the decision of the legal publisher Editions du Juris-Classeur (subsidiary of the Reed Elsevier Group) to license Exoterica's OmniMark for SGML-based CD-ROM production. The legal database on CD-ROM is to incorporate 30 MB of notary law data, with more than 70,000 links.
[CR: 19960520]
"Exoterica Now Fully Owned by Employees." <TAG> 9/5 (May 1996) 11. ISSN: 1067-9197.
A note on the recent purchase of Fulcrum Technologies' minority equity position in Exoterica Corporation by Exoterica employees. Fulcrum had acquired a 34% interest in Exoterica in 1993.
Extract: "Exoterica's President and CEO Acquires Exoterica Common Shares Previously Owned by Fulcrum Technologies: OTTAWA, CANADA, April 9, 1996 - Exoterica Corporation, the developer of OmniMark, the SGML-based hypertext programming language, today announced that John McFadden, the company's founder, President and CEO, has completed the purchase of the minority equity position previously owned by Fulcrum Technologies Inc. Exoterica is now 100% owned by Exoterica employees without any outside ownership interests." From:
[CR: 19950716]
"Exoterica Releases SGML CD-ROM Product." <TAG> 6/9 (September 1993) 6. ISSN: 1067-9197.
A note on The Compleat SGML, containing an online annotated copy of the ISO 8879 standard and some 2400 (non-)conformance tests. The viewing software in the product runs under Microsoft Windows.
[CR: 19960716]
"[Exoterica Now Owned by Employees]." The Seybold Report on Publishing Systems 25/18 (June 17 , 1996) 34. ISSN: 0736-7260.
A note on the sale of Fulcrum's equity share in Exoterica; president and CEO of Exoterica purchased the shares, making the company 100% owned by its employees. Fulcrum had purchased a 34% share in Exoterica in 1993.
[CR: 19960715]
"Exoterica and AIS Update SGML Tools. OmniMark and Balise Simplify the Programming of Data Conversion." The Seybold Report on Publishing Systems 25/14 (April 23 , 1996) 28-29. ISSN: 0736-7260.
The article discusses updates for two of the leading "SGML middleware" tools: sophisticated programming tools that are used for data conversion. Exoterica's OmniMark Version 3 is now able to interoperate directly with a wide range of relational databases. Balise V 3 excels at conversion between different SGML representations of documents. "The Balise software implements a powerful interpreted language with C-like syntax and object-oriented constructs, automated memory management and many specialized features to handle text data in general and SGML structures in particular. The system, which embeds James Clark's new SP SGML parser, is available on all major Unix platforms, PCs under DOS (32-bits), Windows 3.x, Windows 95 and NT" [from Seybold description]. The new Balise directly supports UNICODE, and has incorporated a number of natural-language processing facilities. Balise now also can represent SGML hierarchies as memory-based trees, making complex manipulation operations easier to manage.
[CR: 19960325]
"Exoterica Introduces Next Generation of OmniMark." <TAG>: The SGML Newsletter 9/3 (March 1996) 9. ISSN: 1067-9197.
Note on version 3 of OmniMark, to be beta tested in the second quarter of 1996, and shipped in the third quarter. In the version upgrade, OmniMark will be integrated with mainstream relational database technologies.
See also the information on the Exoterica WWW server: "The chasm you're trying to cross separates your enterprise database assets from your publications. OmniMark is the bridge that lets your publications become part of your information framework. OmniMark provides a single environment for developing the server logic needed to collect, manage, and deliver up-to-the minute document-centric information to your customers. Through print-on-demand, on-line, the Web, or whatever's hot next year. Now you can leverage your investment in RDBMS and client technology with seamlessly integrated SGML technology to develop fully integrated publishing applications faster than ever before. OmniMark Version 3 finds a new role for SGML -- it effectively brings publications into the corporate data model currently dominated by RDBMS applications."
"OmniMark Version 3 introduces several exciting innovations, including a Hybrid Distributed Data Base (HDDB) model which seamlessly integrates SGML with relational database technology. HDDB allows organizations to break their large monolithic SGML DTDs into smaller independent Information Unit DTDs and share information modeling with relational technology. The key benefits are: easier to develop, understand, and maintain document models; simpler processing models; leverage existing IS assets and staff; increased data integrity; and reduced redundancy."
"Folio Views (r) 3.1 SGML Toolkit for Windows." SGML Users' Group Newsletter 29 (November 1994) 18. ISSN: 0952-8008.
"Folio Bundles OmniMark for Turnkey SGML Folio VIEWS Output." <TAG> 7/8 (August 1994) 9. ISSN: 1067-9197.
[CR: 19960329]
"Folio, InContext bring SGML to Journals." Seybold Report on Publishing Systems 25/12 (March 26, 1996) 12). ISSN: 0736-7260.
A note on the plans of Folio and InContext to develop an SGML publishing system for electronic journals. The InContext editor would be hard-wired to the ISO 12083 DTD, and documents authored using the DTD would be importable into Folio infobases.
"Folio and InContext plan to co-develop and market a turnkey SGML system they hope to bring to journal publishers this fall. The package, tentatively called the SGML Journal Publisher, will integrate an inexpensive version of InContext's SGML editor with Folio's "infobase" respository. It is based on the new ISO 12083 DTD, which is an upgrade to the AAP DTDs published in the mid-'80s. The details will be ironed out, but essentially InContext will encourage publishers to give their authors copies of a version of the InContext SGML editor hard-wired to the 12083 DTD. Folio will have an import facility to load 12083 manuscripts into Folio infobases."
[CR: 19950118]
"Frame Technology Ships New SGML Tool." CD-ROM Professional 8/12 (December 1995) 18.
On Frame's product FrameMaker+SGML: "The new authoring and publishing software enables users to create, edit, and publish structured and SGML documents in an intuitive WYSIWYG environment. It combines page composition, text editing, graphics, interactive structure validation, and visual SGML support in one environment. Features for structured authoring include support for native SGML, including arbitrary document type definitions; mapping support for ISO public entity sets; hierarchical style definition; consistent text and graphics import and export capabilities across all platforms; and a starter kit for implementing the DocBook DTD created by the Davenport Group consortium of software vendors."
[CR: 19951209]
"Frame Gets it Right." Seybold Report on Publishing Systems 25/3 (October 9 1995) 20. ISSN: 0736-7260.
Note on Frame's new FrameMaker+SGML, which offers significant improvements over the previous FrameBuilder + SGML Toolkit.
[CR: 19951228]
"Frame Announces FrameMaker+SGML." SGML Users' Group Newsletter 31 (June 1995) 14. ISSN: 0952-8008.
"FrameMaker+SGML" is the next generation of FrameBuilder. It was announced at Seybold Boston in March 1995. Contact: Mark Hamilton at Frame.
[CR: 19950716]
Fred Available for Evaluation." <TAG> 8/6 (June 1995) 12. ISSN: 1067-9197.
Brief description of Fred, a tool developed by OCLC (Online Computer Library Center) to create DTDs from tagged text. See the entry for Fred in this database.
[CR: 19970806]
Frentzen, Jeff. "XML: Clarity for Web Developers, or Confusion?" PC Week 14/33 (August 4 1997) 169.
The author counsels "caution" about XML in light of the "gush" coming from the enthusiatic SGML crowd.
[CR: 19950716]
"Fulcrum Technologies Acquires Position in Exoterica." <TAG> 6/9 (September 1993) 12. ISSN: 1067-9197.
A note on the purchase of a ($1 million) equity position in Exoterica Corporation by Fulcrum Technologies, Inc. The cooperation with Fulcrum will allow Exoterica to develop closer ties in its products between SQL- and SGML-based databases.
[CR: 19950925]
"Fulcrum Invests in Passage Systems: Forms Alliance with SGML Solution Provider." Seybold Report on Publishing Systems 25/2 (September 18, 1995) 27. ISSN: 0736-7260.
Note on the purchase of a 20% minority position in Passage Systems (Cupertino, California) by Fulcrum Technologies. Passage Systems works closely with Exoterica Corporation, another SGML company. The business relationship provides an opportunity for integration of Fulcrum's full-text retrieval technology with Passage Systems' SGML services.
[CR: 19961029]
"GCA's SGML '96 Conference." <TAG> 9/9 (September 1996) 5. ISSN: 1067-9197.
Overview of the conference to be held in Boston on November 18-21, 1996. See the conference entry for other information.
[CR: 19951228]
"GCA's Complete SGML Training Curriculum for 1995 through April 1996." SGML Users' Group Newsletter 31 (June 1995) 13. ISSN: 0952-8008.
Note on the GCA schedule, which may also be found on the GCA WWW server [GCA SGML Conference & Tutorial Calendar]. Or contact GCA via other channels.
[CR: 19970306]
"GCA's New XML/SGML/Intranet Conference." <TAG> 10/2 (February 1997) 13. ISSN: 1067-9197.
Brief description of the March 1997 conference in San Diego, California
For more information on the Extensible Markup Language, see the XML main entry in the SGML/XML Web Page.
[CR: 19960520]
"GCA's New Internet Web Site." <TAG> 9/5 (May 1996) 13. ISSN: 1067-9197.
Note on the recent (May 1996) upgrade to the GCA Web site, which now includes news features, reports, workshop summaries, committee information, and other useful data. The site is now called Graphic Communications Today. The URL:
[CR: 19980229]
"GCA's XML Conference." <TAG> The SGML Newsletter 11/2 (February 1998) 8. ISSN: 1067-9197.
Note on the details for XML: The Conference 1998, "XML: Enabling Next Generation Web Applications." March 23 - 27, 1998. The Westin Hotel, Seattle, Washington.
[CR: 19971227]
"GCA Presents a Special HyTime/SGML Seminar." <TAG> 6/5 (May 1993) 12. ISSN: 1067-9197.
Announcement for a special HyTime/SGML seminar to be held in Santa Clara, California, June 28-29, 1993. The seminar is sponsored by the GCA. The featured speaker is Charles F. Goldfarb, who is to address the topic of Integrated Open Hypermedia (IOH) and its query language, HyQ
[CR: 19970207]
"GCA and SGML Open to Host 1997 Events." <TAG>: The SGML Newsletter 10/1 (January 1997) 4. ISSN: 1067-9197.
GCA and SGML Open announced their decision to co-sponsor a number of SGML-related events in 1997 (SGML Europe '97, SGML Asia, SGML '97).
[CR: 19950716]
"GPO to Expand Use of SGML in Government Printing." <TAG> 6/9 (September 1993) 10. ISSN: 1067-9197.
Summary of a public presentation by Michael F. DiMario, Acting Public Printer, U.S. Government Printing Office. In light of Public Law 103-40, the GPO is planning to provide online versions of the Congressional Record and Federal Register. SGML is to be used in the data structuring to support online searching. The full text of the presentation is available from GCA.
[CR: 19970726]
"Grif's SGML Editor Supports Unicode." <TAG>: The SGML Newsletter 10/7 (July 1997) 14. ISSN: 1067-9197.
Grif S.A. together with Bull K.K. has developed and now announced the Japanese version of Grif's SGML editor, built to use Unicode. The Unicode and Japanese versions of Grif software now run on Windows 95 and NT. In a related note (page 9): Michael Leventhal has joined Grif S.A. as Vice President of Technology
[CR: 19950716]
"GRIF's WYSIWYG Editor for Macintosh." SGML Users' Group Newsletter 29 (November 1994) 18. ISSN: 0952-8008.
Just as the title says. Contact: +33-1-43-22-79-56.
"Grif Announces SGML Authoring Tool for Web." <TAG>: The SGML Newsletter 8/5 (May 1995) 10. ISSN: 1067-9197.
Grif Symposia (by Grif S.A.) is a complete structured-document authoring system which allows authors to edit SGML or HTML documents directly over the World Wide Web, without copying files to their local hard drives. Grif Symposia targets companies who want to use the WWW for business applications, but find HTML too limiting. Symposia Pro is a commercial product limited to the editing of HTML documents. A free, unsupported version of Grif Symposia (called Symposia) is reported to be available on the following URL: Symposia. Better links:, [mirror copy]; INRIA W3 WorkingGroup HomePage; Symposia : A Collaborative Authoring Tool for the World Wide Web; Symposia and Symposia Pro.
[CR: 19960409]
"Grif in Scandinavia." Seybold Report on Publishing Systems 25/13 (March 31, 1996) 2). ISSN: 0736-7260.
Note on the appointment of Celsius Inforum AB as distributor for Grif (SGML) authoring tools in Scandinavia. [See also the note on page 10 of this isue: Grif's SGML authoring tools have been chosen by Mercedes-Benz for implementation of the MSR Doc DTD, a DTD developed by a consortium of German car and component manufacturers.]
[CR: 19951228]
"GRIF SA and INRIA Announce Grif Symposia." SGML Users' Group Newsletter 31 (June 1995) 14. ISSN: 0952-8008.
Brief description of the WYSIWYG editor for HTML/SGML which works over the Internet. See or link to WWW site for Symposia (Internet editing of SGML/HTML documents) for further details.
[CR: 19950716]
"HaL Software Systems announces Version 1.1 of OLIAS Browser." SGML Users' Group Newsletter 29 (November 1994) 18. ISSN: 0952-8008.
Olias displays both SGML and HTML. For Sun and HP workstations. Contact: 1-512-834-9962; email (Joe Schneider).
Hansen, Rebecca. "SGML Promises to Transform Mainstream Document Interchange." MacWEEK 7/25 (June 21, 1993) 40 (3 pages total).
[CR: 19951228]
"Highland Consulting to Sell and Support ArborText's SGML Publishing System." SGML Users' Group Newsletter 31 (June 1995) 18. ISSN: 0952-8008.
Contact: Carla Corkern at Highland Consulting.
[CR: 19951015]
"HoTMetaL Pro 2.0 Wins Award." <TAG>: The SGML Newsletter 8/10 (October 1995) 11. ISSN: 1067-9197.
Note on the PC Magazine's editors' choice of HoTMetaL Pro 2.0 for an award in the category of HTML authoring tools. See Press Release: HoTMetaL PRO 2.0 Wins PC Magazine's Editor's Choice Award on SoftQuad's WWW server, or PC Magazine: Publish to the Web: No Experience Required (offprint).
[CR: 19950716]
"HyTime Query Language Tutorial Available." <TAG> 6/9 (September 1993) 5. ISSN: 1067-9197.
Announcement for version 1.1 of Eliot Kimber's tutorial introduction to HyQ, the query language defined in the HyTime standard. Network URLs for an online version of the document are given. [See further the bibliographic entry in this database.]
[CR: 19951228]
"The Second GCA HyTime Conference." SGML Users' Group Newsletter 31 (June 1995) 13. ISSN: 0952-8008.
Announcement for the 2nd International Conference on the Application of HyTime, Vancouver, August 15-16, 1995. Eliot Kimber is to offer a HyTime course. See the main conference entry.
[CR: 19950716]
"GCA's 2nd International HyTime Conference." <TAG> 7/7 (July 1995) 12. ISSN: 1067-9197.
Announcement for the second annual CApH meeting, August 1995, in Vancouver, BC.
[CR: 19951209]
"[IBM Signs Enterprise-wide License Agreement for Exoterica's OmniMark." Seybold Report on Publishing Systems 25/4 (October 23 1995) 10. ISSN: 0736-7260.
A note on the use of OmniMark by various groups within IBM for SGML translation tasks. Over 100 new sites acquired or became distributors for OmniMark in 1995.
[CR: 19980413]
"ISO 12083 Survey for Paris Meeting." XML Files: The XML Magazine Issue 04 (March 17, 1998) 20.
Summary: "A serious review of ISO 12083 is under way. There is a concern about whether the standard is usable the way it is. This standard was based upon early 1980's AAP standard and was then rewritten and balloted as ISO 12083. As the standard has been used, flaws have been revealed. Also times and technology have changed so much that the audience and mission of the standard must be reviewed." The results of the survey are to be reviewed at a WG6 ISO 12083 meeting in Paris (SGML/XML Europe '98) May 17, 1998. Dianne Kennedy.
The article is available online. For more on ISO 12083, see the main entry: ISO 12083 DTDs [EPSIG].
[CR: 19980413]
"ISO 12083 Update and Survey." <TAG>: The SGML Newsletter 11/3 (March 1998) 16. ISSN: 1067-9197.
Announcement for a "serious review" of ISO 12083, formerly known as the AAP DTD. The notice and call for comments (from Dianne Kennedy) is available online from the GCA (XML Files). For more on ISO 12083, see the main entry: ISO 12083 DTDs [EPSIG].
[CR: 19961029]
"Real World Applications of ISO 12083 Conference." <TAG> 9/9 (September 1996) 12. ISSN: 1067-9197.
A brief report on the first conference dedicated to publishing based upon ISO 12083, held at the Loews New York Hotel in New York City, July 31, 1996. It was co-sponsored by EPSIG and Datalogics. Case studies included presentations by Ted Freeman of Allen Press, Sheridan Press, and Robert Kelly for APS (American Physical Society). Apropos of the last-named: Physical Review Letters (PRL) now uses SGML in the journal production process. See the conference description for other details
[CR: 19950925]
"International HyTime Conference '95." <TAG>: The SGML Newsletter 8/8 (August 1995) 1-5. ISSN: 1067-9197.
Overview of the conference of August 16-17, 1995, in Vancouver, BC. See the main conference entry.
[CR: 19980229]
"I4I Acquires Grif S.A.." <TAG> The SGML Newsletter 11/2 (February 1998) 10. ISSN: 1067-9197.
Announcement by I4I (Infrastructures for Information Inc.) that it would acquire Grif, a leading European software publishing and development firm that was established in 1991. "GRIF's product suite includes the highly-regarded GRIF SGML Editor, based on advanced technology initially developed at l'Institut National de Rechereche en Informatique et en Automatique (INRIA). The product suite also includes GRIF Application Toolkit Environment (GATE), GRIF ActiveViews, and GRIF Application Builder software tools. In 1997, GRIF released its Symposia product line, including GRIF Symposia pro and GRIF Symposia doc+, which provide complete corporate Internet/intranet publishing and Web site management capabilities. Symposia products are based on GRIF's core SGML engine."
[CR: 19950925]
"Plug-in SGML Engine by Infrastructures for Information." Seybold Report on Publishing Systems 25/2 (September 18, 1995) 26. ISSN: 0736-7260.
Description of version 1.1 an interactive SGML toolkit (SGML Application Server, SAS) designed to allow incorpotration of SGML functionality within new and existing applications. The current version consists of DLLs for Windows and C objects. The functions for SGML parsing and DTD navigation can be called by database engines, word processors, page makeup programs, etc. See an online draft of the text for this article (partial links; earlier: SSF Preview: SGML)
[CR: 19970207]
"I4I's SGML Tool." <TAG>: The SGML Newsletter 9/12 (December 1996) 13. ISSN: 1067-9197.
Note on the S-4 Desktop, "designed to SGML-enable desktop applications. It is used to provide SGML support services to word-processors, composition tools, databases, forms packages, and electronic review applications, among other such applications." The product is to ship 1Q 1997. See:
[CR: 19950925]
"SGML Publishing: I for I, Integrating SGML." Seybold Special Report. Seybold San Francisco; Seybold Report Editors Name their Hot Picks 4/ 1 (September 26, 1995) 7. ISSN: 1069-7217.
The brief article features Infrastructures for Information (I for I) new SGML toolkit as a promising new SGML offering. I4I will show its S4-Browser for Microsoft WinWord 6.0. The S4-Browser permits reviewing and annotation of SGML documents. A compantion product S4-Editor can be configured for operation with Winword.
[CR: 19980930]
"IBM, Corel Sponsor SGML Open." Seybold Report on Publishing Systems 25/6 (November 30, 1995) 38. ISSN: 0736-7260.
Note on the addition of new members to SGML Open. IBM and Corel have joined the consortium as sponsoring members, while Sunsoft, Stonehand, and the National Security Agency (NSA) and Electronic Information Age Inc. have joined as associate members. Other recent sponsor members joining SGML Open include: Andyne Computers, Falch Infotek, Martin Hensel, Information Atrium, and Lexicon Systems.
"Information Dimensions' New BASIS SGMLServer." SGML Users' Group Newsletter 26 (February 1994) 22. ISSN: 0952-8008.
Brief description of the information storage manager designed to accept, query, retrieve, and manipulate SGML document components as objects.
[CR: 19950716]
"InContext 2.0 for XSoft." SGML Users' Group Newsletter 30 (March 1995) 12. ISSN: 0952-8008.
Announcement for version 2.0 of InContext, XSoft (Xerox) structured document editor for Windows. The software also bundles Adobe's Acrobat for viewing/printing InContext's documents via PDF.
[CR: 19951228]
"InContext Introduces InContext Spider [HTML/Web processor]." SGML Users' Group Newsletter 31 (June 1995) 14-15. ISSN: 0952-8008.
The article describes the use of InContext Spider by XSoft and Corel. Contact InContext, or link directly to the InContext Systems Web Site.
[CR: 19951015]
"InfoAccess Launches HTML Transit." <TAG>: The SGML Newsletter 8/10 (October 1995) 8. ISSN: 1067-9197.
Note on a template-based architecture to generate HTML using word-processor source files.
[CR: 19960312]
"InfoAccess Ships HTML Transit." <TAG> 9/2 (February 1996) 12. ISSN: 1067-9197.
Brief description of the word-processor to HTML conversion tool. Supports HTML 3.0 draft specification and other grammars. A demo version can be obtained via the Internet:
[CR: 19951209]
"InfoAccess to Sell Hughes AIMSS. Hytime-based Tools Create Interactive Electronic Manuals." Seybold Report on Publishing Systems 25/5 (November 20 1995) 16. ISSN: 0736-7260.
The article reports on one of the first industry applications of HyTime for hypermedia documents. The AIMSS software (Advanced Integration Maintenance Support System) is a set of tools for creating SGML-based interactive documents.
[CR: 19951209]
"Inforium Browses SGML in Relational Databases. Waterloo researchers blend structured text, standard DBMS." Seybold Report on Publishing Systems 25/3 (October 9 1995) 22-23. ISSN: 0736-7260.
The article describes LivePage, a product from Inforium which stores SGML documents as fragments within a relational database and allows SQL access to the documents. Livepage consists of a group of Windows client applications that communicate with SQL databases. Livepage currently supports Oracle, Watcom, Sybase, and Microsoft SQL server databases.
[CR: 19960325]
"Inforium Announces LivePAGE WebMaster." <TAG>: The SGML Newsletter 9/3 (March 1996) 10. ISSN: 1067-9197.
Description of LivePAGE WebMaster, which uses relational database technology to manage information on a Web site and deliver information as documents.
[CR: 19971014]
"Inso Corporation Announcements." <TAG>: The SGML Newsletter 10/9 (September 1997) 9. ISSN: 1067-9197.
The article briefly describes Inso's DynaWeb 3.1 and DynaBase 2.1, recently released. Both products are said to now support XML. According to a related press release (August 12, 1997), DynaWeb 3.1 "Targeted for technical and commercial online publishers, [...] is the first publishing system that enables the display of Device Independent (DVI) mathematical equations by Web browsers" [archive copy]. Note: since the writing of this article, DynaBase 3.0 has been announced, with "full support for eXtensible Markup Language (XML) documents, Web page pre-generation for use with file-based Web servers, enhanced security, and new workgroup and personal packs to augment the current enterprise offering." [mirror copy]
[CR: 19960716]
"INSO Has Agreement to Acquire EBT." <TAG>: The SGML Newsletter 9/7 (July 1996) 9. ISSN: 1067-9197.
A note on the announcement by INSO (NASDAQ: INSO) that it will purchase Electronic Book Technologies for US $39.8 million in cash, continuing support for EBT's Dynatext, DynaWeb, DynaTag and related products. EBT was founded in 1989, and has 150 employees worldwide. See: the press release [mirror copy].
[CR: 19980423]
"Lernout & Hauspie Buys Inso's Linguistic Line." Seybold Report on Publishing Systems 27/14 (April 13, 1998) 54). ISSN: 0736-7260.
Summary: Lernout & Hauspie Speech Products is to buy the assets of Inso's linguistic software business unit for some $19.5 million. "Included in the assets to be transferred are all of Inso's linguistic software products, including its proofing tools, reference works and information management tools, the Quest database search technology, and all customer and supplier agreements related to those products." The Seybold editors believe this decision "signals its [Inso's] intent to focus on publishing software... and to rely less on OEM sales." In April 1998, Inso 'reported net revenues of $17,632,000 for the quarter ended March 31, 1998 as compared with net revenues of $19,062,000 for the quarter ended March 31,1997.' See also: "Inso Corporation Enters Into Agreement to Sell Linguistic Software Business Unit to Lernout."
[CR: 19950925]
"Intel Debuts SGML Tech Doc via WWW." <TAG>: The SGML Newsletter 8/8 (August 1995) 10. ISSN: 1067-9197.
A note on Intel's experimental use of SGML for delivery of technical documentation. Intel used the Pinnacles Component Information Standard (PCIS) DTD as the basis for conversion of documents into SGML. See the Intel database entry.
[CR: 19980508]
"InterCAP/ArborText to Integrate CGM Graphics." <TAG>: The SGML Newsletter 11/4 (April 1998) 9. ISSN: 1067-9197.
Note on the March 1998 announcement for "the licensing and integration of InterCAP's ActiveCGM file translation and viewing technology within ArborText's ADEPT Editor software for creating, managing, and publishing XML and SGML documents." See the press release, also from ArborText.
[CR: 19950716]
"SGML Open Co-Sponsors Inter.Com.95 Conference." <TAG> 7/7 (July 1995) 12. ISSN: 1067-9197. .
The event represents a "new conference and exposition focusing on business solutions and trends in the electronic and online publishing market." An SGML pre-conference tutorial will be offered.
[CR: 19960716]
"Interleaf Provides Support for Microsoft." <TAG>: The SGML Newsletter 9/4 (April 1996) 16. ISSN: 1067-9197.
Note on the arrangement whereby Interleaf will provide reseller training and support for Microsoft's 32-bit version of SGML Author for Word (under Windows '95).
[CR: 19970916]
"Interleaf Announces Interleaf 6 SGML." The Gilbane Report on Open Information & Document Systems 3/6 (January- February 1996) 23. ISSN: 1067-8719.
Announcement for Interleaf 6 SGML, an integrated solution for publishing SGML documents.
[CR: 19970207]
"Interleaf SureStyle Provides Style for Word." <TAG>: The SGML Newsletter 9/12 (December 1996) 14. ISSN: 1067-9197.
Note on the Microsoft Word add-on that helps authors focus on content, and to convert Word documents to SGML or HTML (based upon consistent use of Word styles). The tool complements SGML Author for Word: "checks documents for consistent style usage by examining direct formatting and finding matching styles in the authors' template...automatically removes direct formatting, such as bold or italic, and applies correct styles to documents." See:
[CR: 19960325]
"Interleaf 6 SGML Announced." <TAG>: The SGML Newsletter 9/3 (March 1996) 12. ISSN: 1067-9197.
Interleaf SGML 6 is described as "a publishing hub for creating, assembling and publishing SGML information." See also the Interleaf WWW server description: Interleaf 6 SGML is a powerful publishing hub for creating, assembling, and publishing SGML information. This extended version of Interleaf's premier publishing system provides full access to the advanced features of Interleaf 6 while creating documents to conform to an SGML Document Type Definition (DTD). Only Interleaf 6 SGML lets you manage SGML and non-SGML documents throughout their lifecycle in one integrated system. From Interleaf 6 SGML, documents can be: (1) published to paper; (2) viewed by an SGML viewer; (3) converted to HTML for World Wide Web publication; (4) included in an Interleaf WorldView collection; (5) passed to other SGML systems."
[CR: 19960125]
"Japan Consortium Picks Interleaf." Seybold Report on Publishing Systems 25/8 (December 31, 1995) 2). ISSN: 0736-7260.
Interleaf Japan and more than a dozen business partners have formed a consortium using Interleaf's RDM I6 editor and Intellecte's Liaison API as core technologies in an SGML-based document management system.
[CR: 19950716]
"Interleaf Acquires Avalanche. Interview with Avalanche VP describes impact of acquisition." <TAG> 6/8 (August 1993) 13. ISSN: 1067-9197.
A <TAG> interview with Eric Severson on the history and implications of Interleaf's acquisition of Avalanche Development Corporation.
[CR: 19950716]
"Interleaf's Intellecte and Internet." SGML Users' Group Newsletter 28 (August 1994) 22-23. ISSN: 0952-8008.
Notes on Interleaf's WorldView 2.0, partnership with Berger-Levrault, and partnership with MecklerWeb.
[CR: 19950716]
"International Banking Organization Uses SGML at Help Desk." <TAG> 6/7 (July 1993) 13. ISSN: 1067-9197.
Note on the use of an SGML-based system (EBT DynaText) by The Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication (SWIFT), a non-profit company owned by its 2000 member banks.
[CR: 19950716]
"International Hytime Workshops." SGML Users' Group Newsletter 30 (March 1995) 10-11. ISSN: 0952-8008.
Announcement for a series of workshops on HyTime by TechnoTeacher, Inc. and High Text, S.A.R.L.
[CR: 19960823]
Jones, Chris. "Microstar will make it easier to use SGML." InfoWorld 18/35 (August 26, 1996) 6.
The author provides a preview of Microstar's announcements for Near & Far Author 2.0 (with other business partnership developments) at the Seybold San Francisco Conference (September 11-13, 1996).
Karney, James. "SGML: It's Still à la Carte." PC Magazine 14/3 (February 7, 1995) 168-171. ISSN: 0888-8507.
Review of some SGML software tools (with faint praise: Karney says you'll have to construct an integrated solution for yourself).
Karney, James. "SGML and HTML: Tag Masters." PC Magazine 14/3 (February 7, 1995) 144-162. ISSN: 0888-8507.
Reviews some SGML and HTML "publishing" software available as of February, 1995.
Karney, James. "Bye-bye ASCII: SGML electronic documents are taking the publishing world by storm." Computer Shopper 15/3 (March, 1995) 5- (3 pages total).
[CR: 19950716]
"Latest News from ArborText [December 1994, United Airlines]." SGML Users' Group Newsletter 30 (March 1995) 11. ISSN: 0952-8008.
United Airlines adopts ArborText software (Adept-Editor). ArborText announces Internet Addition for the Adept Series (for integrated HTML/SGML document authoring in support of the WWW). Contact: +1-313-996-3566.
"Microsoft hops into SGML arena." Open Computing 11/12 (December 1994) 91-92.
[CR: 19950716]
"Microsoft SGML Author for Word." SGML Users' Group Newsletter 29 (November 1994) 18-19. ISSN: 0952-8008.
Discussion of the Word 6.0 add-on, including companion products SoftQuad Enactor and SureStyle (from Avalanche).
[CR: 19971106]
"Microsoft, ArborText, and Inso Submit XSL Proposal to W3C." <TAG>: The SGML Newsletter 10/10 (October 1997) 12. ISSN: 1067-9197.
Summary of the submission of the XSL proposal to the World Wide Web Consortium. See the dedicated section of the XML page for more on XSL.
[CR: 19980508]
"Microstar's Ælfred." <TAG>: The SGML Newsletter 11/4 (April 1998) 6. ISSN: 1067-9197.
Note on a new release of Microstar's Java-Based XML Parser, Ælfred. Ælfred "is a small, fast, DTD-aware Java-based XML parser, especially suitable for use in Java applets . . . it consists of only two core class files, with a total size of about 26K, and requires very little memory to run. ." For recent news on the Ælfred parser, see the Web site.
"Microstar Plans Move to Mainstream." The Seybold Report on Publishing Systems 25/17 (May 31 , 1996) 43. ISSN: 0736-7260.
The article describes Microstar's plans to "bring SGML into the mainstream" through an aggressive growth plan, including a relocation to larger offices in Ottawa.
[CR: 19960826]
"Microstar Boosts SGML Features for Word 6.0 Users." Computing Canada 22/16 (August 1, 1996) 49.
[CR: 19950716]
"Microstar adds FrameBuilder support to Near & Far(R)." SGML Users' Group Newsletter 30 (March 1995) 12-13. ISSN: 0952-8008.
Note on Near & Far version 1.3 and its support for FrameBuilder EDD files. FB's EDD files are similar to SGML DTDs, used in constraining document editing under FB.
[CR: 19980229]
"Interleaf and Microstar Announce Product and Services Partnership." <TAG> The SGML Newsletter 11/2 (February 1998) 9. ISSN: 1067-9197.
From the press release 980205]: "Interleaf, Inc. and Microstar Software Ltd. today announced a far-reaching SGML/XML partnership under which Interleaf and Microstar will jointly develop new XML products, Microstar was granted exclusive rights to further develop and jointly market with Interleaf three of its Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML) products: FastTAG, SGML Hammer, and SureStyle and offer SGML and Extensible Markup Language (XML) services to Interleaf customers. Under the agreement, Microstar was appointed a reseller of the Interleaf I6 Workgroup Publishing Solution and Interleaf was appointed a reseller of Microstar's SGML and XML products and services including Near & Far Designer." [local archive copy]
"Microstar Lands Contract." Seybold Report on Publishing Systems 24/6 (November 30, 1994) 26. ISSN: 0736-7260.
A note on a $935,000 (Canadian) contract awarded to Microstar by the Canadian Defense Industry Research Program (DIRP) to carry out applied research in the area of document semantics. Microstar in involved in the JCALS project, and manages SGML-related software products.
[CR: 19950716]
"MicroStar Near & Far." SGML Users' Group Newsletter 28 (August 1994) 23. ISSN: 0952-8008.
Addresses for distributors of Microstar Near & Far's DTD-browsing software products.
[CR: 19951220]
"Microstar ships structured authoring tool for Word 6." PC Week 12/50 (December 18 1995) 48. ISSN: 0740-1604.
Near & Far Author monitors a Word user during the creation of a Standard Generalized Markup Language document to ensure that the file contains all the necessary SGML format information. The structure of the document is mirrored in a graphical "tree map" that lets users monitor the creation process and gives continuous validation of the document's SGML compliance..."
"Latest News from MID/Information Logistics Group GmbH." SGML Users' Group Newsletter 26 (February 1994) 22-23. ISSN: 0952-8008.
Description of MID's SGML Editorial System (database solution for electronic publishing) and the SGML Export Filter for FrameBuilder. Also reported is the German version of DynaText released by MID. Email contact: [Ruth Ploch].
[CR: 19970306]
"Chicago Chapter of MWF Plans First Meeting." <TAG> 10/2 (February 1997) 4. ISSN: 1067-9197.
Note on the Chicago Chapter of the MidWest SGML Forum [February 20, 1997]. "This is the first meeting of the Chicago SGML Chapter since 1995. And it is only the first of a series of meetings in 1997 which will bring you valuable information, provide you a forum to ask questions and share answers, and to make valuable industry contacts."
[CR: 19960811]
Mitchell, Karen; Marshall, Patrick; Mitchell, Lori; Morrey, Brad. "Electronic Document Solutions: Reading What you Sow." InfoWorld 18/30 (July 22 1966) 66-83. ISSN: 0199-6649. Authors' affiliation: InfoWorld.
An in-depth comparison of "electronic library" solutions offered by EBT (DynaText family), Folio, InfoAccess, and Interleaf.
"The EBT solution specializes in SGML conversion, allowing you to move text or documents from a word processor and automatically convert them to SGML without having to manually tag (or code) every style sheet. However, you should be familiar with SGML before you approach this solution; most electronic publishers are. But as the World Wide Web entices new users to electronic publishing, they're usually green about SGML's intricacies. . . Unlike HTML, SGML is subtle enough to accommodate sophisticated document formatting. This solution is made up of DynaText Indexer and Browser 2.3, which is the publishing tool, and DynaTag 2.0, which includes setup, batch, and SGML tools for converting the documents. InStEd is the Inline Stylesheet Editor for creating style sheets once the document is converted."
[CR: 19970602]
Moeller, Michael. "Netscape, Microsoft Elbow for Some Room." PC Week 14/21 (May 26, 1997) 31.
Article on CDF (Channel Definition Format), based upon XML, the Extensible Markup Language.
Morgan, Cynthia. "Add-in Marks Word for Windows 6.0. [Review of Microsoft's SGML Author for Word)." Government Computer News 14/2 (January 23, 1995) 44.
Morgenstern, David. "DynaWeb Server Holds SGML Books: Web Server Queries, Converts to HTML." MacWEEK 8/28 (July 11, 1994) 12.
Morgenstern, David. "SoftQuad Ships Two HTML Editors, Upgrades SGML Authoring Program [Author/Editor 3.1; Hotmetal Pro]." MacWEEK 8/26 (June 27, 1994) 6.
[CR: 19960206]
Nadile, Lisa. "LivePage Allows SGML, HTML in One Database." PC Week / (January 29 1996) 47, 53. ISSN: 0740-1604.
"Information Atrium Inc. announced last week a management application that applies SGML relational database technology to World-Wide Web sites. The Waterloo, Ontario, company's LivePage WebMaster software builds a structure from a Web site, which can be modified using standard site-management features, Information Atrium officials said. A publishing component then places the modified infrastructure on the Web server. For users, the ability to store Standard Generalized Markup Language files and HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) files within the same database is crucial, because it provides them with two mediums on which to publish documents: the Web, via HTML, or CD ROM, via SGML." [extract]
Nadile, Lisa. "SoftQuad brings SGML to the WEB." PC Week: The Newspaper of Corporate Computing 12/23 (June 12, 1995) 30.
Short article describing Panorama (and Panorama Pro), the SGML browser/searcher that works in conjunction with Spyglass and Mosaic to deliver SGML documents on the WWW.
[CR: 19961106]
Nadile, Lisa. "Texcel Research Melds SGML with Workflow." PC Week 13/1 (January 8 1996) 47, 51. ISSN: 0740-1604.
"Texcel Research Inc. is shipping Information Manager 1.0, a high-end SGML authoring, document-management, and workflow system. Generalized Markup Language documents, which are made up of searchable and reusable named elements. Automatic assembly benefits users who need to create standardized documents out of rapidly changing data. Information Manager includes assembly templates, which retrieve content according to Document Type Definition specifications, or tags. The publishing system includes ArborText Inc.'s ADEPT SGML authoring application, a complete workflow and document-management engine, an object-oriented relational database, and an API for integration with existing systems." [extract]
See: Texcel addresses. See (for update) Texcel Announces Release 1.1 of Texcel Information Manager (October 07, 1996); [mirror copy]
[CR: 19980508]
"NC.Focus on XML Power." <TAG>: The SGML Newsletter 11/4 (April 1998) 6. ISSN: 1067-9197.
Note on a publication XML: Enabling Application Interoperability, written by J.P. Morgenthal of NC.Focus. To be distributed to attendees at events. See the Web site for details.
[CR: 19980612]
"Netscape Adopts XML Parser, and RDF." <TAG> The SGML Newsletter 11/5 (May 1998) 9. ISSN: 1067-9197.
Note on the decision of Netscape Communications Corporation to include James Clark's expat XML parser into Netscape 5.0 code, under the name Mozilla. See more in the database entry: XML in Mozilla.
[CR: 19950716]
"New ATA-100 Revision Released." <TAG> 6/7 (July 1993) 14. ISSN: 1067-9197.
Note on Revision 31 of ATA [Air Transport Association] Specification 100. Contact: 1-202-626-4000.
"New Publications About SGML." Seybold Report on Publishing Systems 23/9 (January 3, 1994) 7). ISSN: 0736-7260.
Note on the Hytime book by DeRose and Durand, and The Charles F. Goldfarb Series on Open Information Management.
[CR: 19950716]
"New Windows 5.0 Smart Editorial System." SGML Users' Group Newsletter 29 (November 1994) 17. ISSN: 0952-8008.
Announcement for Auto-Graphics' Smart Editorial System which offers a forms ("fill in the blanks") approach to authoring. Contact: 1-800-776-6939.
[CR: 19951015]
"New Version of Graphical DTD Editor Released." <TAG>: The SGML Newsletter 8/10 (October 1995) 12. ISSN: 1067-9197.
Announcement for SGML Companion version 1.1, from Publishing Development, ab.
[CR: 19950925]
"Newspaper Industry Unveils New Standard." <TAG>: The SGML Newsletter 8/8 (August 1995) 10. ISSN: 1067-9197.
Brief article on the SGML-based standard for distribution of news, sponsored by the NAA (Newspaper Association of America) and the IPTC (International Press Telecommunications Council).
[CR: 19950716]
"Nice Technologies: Nice Technologies Announces SGML for Word." SGML Users' Group Newsletter 27 (May 1994) 16. ISSN: 0952-8008.
Description of "SGML for Word" and "AAP2ISO," two products in a family of "SGML Works" software offerings. Contact:, or +33-5042-4940.
[CR: 19951220]
"Nice Technologies Announces TagPerfect 1.0." <TAG> 8/12 (December 1995) 16. ISSN: 1067-9197.
TagPerfect is "a configurable RTF-to-SGML filter" which uses a Nice Technologies SGML parser and an RTF conversion program written in Microsoft C++. Contact Eric van Herwijnen, email:
[CR: 19950716]
"Northern California SGML Users' Group." SGML Users' Group Newsletter 26 (February 1994) 20. ISSN: 0952-8008.
Contact: 1-415-812-4425 [Dennis Arnon].
[CR: 19970619]
"Novell to Use AIS's Balise Software." <TAG>: The SGML Newsletter 10/6 (June 1997) 16. ISSN: 1067-9197.
Novell has negotiated an arrangement for worldwide access to the Balise SGML and text-conversion software, from AIS. "The agreement includes both software products and support and takes immediate effect. I t applies to all Novell divisions, affiliates and partners worldwide. Novell will use Balise as a key component in a multi-client, SGML-based internal corporate production system for printed and electronic documentation, which will be deployed throughout several Novell locations and subsidiaries worldwideBalise is an SGML application programming environment, and will be used in Novell's electronic document production systems." See the press release for other details; [mirror copy]. URL for AIS:
[CR: 19980508]
"SGML Open Changes Name to OASIS." <TAG>: The SGML Newsletter 11/4 (April 1998) 12. ISSN: 1067-9197.
Brief note on the decision of the SGML Open Consortium to change its name to OASIS, as per the press release. For OASIS, "the name change reflects the consortium's expanded mission to embrace the complete spectrum of structured information processing standards including XML."
[CR: 19950716]
"Official Report on the Status of the SGML Five-year Review." <TAG> 6/7 (July 1993) 6-8. ISSN: 1067-9197.
Official text of the interim report, created from WG8 documents N1289 and N1350. Date: May 7, 1993. See further the database entry for the ISO 8879 revision process.
[CR: 19971105]
"OMUG '97: 5th Annual OmniMark User Group Meeting." <TAG>: The SGML Newsletter 10/10 (October 1997) 9. ISSN: 1067-9197.
Announcement for the OMUG meeting at SGML/XML '97, December 1997. Seealso
[CR: 19980508]
"OmniMark's Konstructor." <TAG>: The SGML Newsletter 11/4 (April 1998) 7. ISSN: 1067-9197.
Description of OmniMark Konstructor, announced by the company as "the first XML-enabled development suite for high-volume, personalized web content management and delivery to combine extended XML/hypertext support, rapid custom development, distributed processing, and intelligent load management for large-scale web delivery." For more information, see the press release or the OmniMark Home Page
[CR: 19980515]
"OmniMark Ships Konstructor, Gains as Ally." Seybold Report on Internet Publishing 2/9 (May 1998) 2. ISSN: 1090-4808.
Brief note ["As we went to press. . ."] on OmniMark's new Konstructor - an "advanced
[XML-based] development suite for website content management and delivery applications." AGENCY.COM is already using the Konstructor software to develop large corporate Web sites.
[CR: 19971205]
"OmniMark Adds XML, Enhances Server Scalability in New Version." <TAG> 10/11 (November 1997) 10. ISSN: 1067-9197.
The article overviews some of the features planned for OmniMark version 3.2, including XML support and load management for Omnimark server environments. For details, see the company web site and "Creating HTML from XML/SGML," by Andrew Kowal.
[CR: 19970331]
"OmniMark Technlogies Has Moved." <TAG> 10/3 (March 1997) 12. ISSN: 1067-9197.
New office addresses for OmniMark (Spring 1997): OmniMark Technologies Corporation, 1400 Blair Place, Ottawa, Ontario, CANADA K1J 9B8; Tel: +1 613-745-4242; FAX: +1 613-745-5560
[CR: 19961112]
"User Group News. OmniMark User Group." Seybold Report on Publishing Systems 26/3 (October 14, 1996) 9). ISSN: 0736-7260.
A note on the meeting of the OmniMark Users Group at SGML '96. See OMUG '96 - 4th Annual OmniMark User Group Meeting. November 16-17; or see the announcement from Eric Skinner.
[CR: 19970825]
"Open for Business Seminar." <TAG>: The SGML Newsletter 10/8 (August 1997) 14. ISSN: 1067-9197.
Note on the September 1997 seminar sponsored by SGML Open and the Northern California SGML Users' Group (Millbrae, California). See the SGML Open calendar.
[CR: 19950716]
"Developments at OpenText." SGML Users' Group Newsletter 27 (May 1994) 16. ISSN: 0952-8008.
Description of OpenText's software as used by Blue Cross/Blue Shield of Oregon, and OpenText support for Japanese language text.
[CR: 19951209]
"Open Text Joins with Odesta, Goes Public. Canadian full-text specialist to transform into big-system vendor.." Seybold Report on Publishing Systems 25/5 (November 20 1995) 9-10. ISSN: 0736-7260.
The article describes the merger between Open Text and Odesta, positioning Open Text "to challenge Interleaf, Documentum, IDI, and other firms supplying...document management systems."
[CR: 19970619]
"Oracle / I4I Agreement." <TAG>: The SGML Newsletter 10/6 (June 1997) 14. ISSN: 1067-9197.
A note on the arrangement whereby I4I will deliver its S4 technology into Oracle's Network Computing Architecture (NCA), providing developers the ability to validate, manipulate, and navigate SGML documents with an application. The enviroment-level facility is called the S4 Cartridge. The I4I URL:
"SoftQuad delivers SGML over Internet via WWW. Panorama Plugs SGML into Mosaic, Provides Richer View with Tables, Math." Seybold Report on Publishing Systems 24/7 December 12, 1994 18-19. ISSN: 0736-7260.
The article overviews Panorama, an SGML browser which works in conjunction with Mosaic on the World Wide Web. A basic version will be free (downloadable from NCSA and other sites), while an enhanced commercial version called Panorama Pro will offer superior editing and authoring facilities (bookmarks, annotations, stylesheets, navigators). Panorama has been developed for SoftQuad by Synex AB of Stockholm.
See further information on the "Public Software" page of this database, or link to SoftQuad.
Parkinson, Kirsten L. "DynaText Publishing to go to Macintosh: Will Build SGML Files [Electronic Book Technologies Inc.'s DynaText 2.0 desktop publishing software]." MacWEEK 7/14 (April 5, 1993) 4.
[CR: 19960409]
"Passage Systems Opens SGML Classes to Public. Study SGML, Internet, HyTime, DTDs." Seybold Report on Publishing Systems 25/13 (March 31, 1996) 12). ISSN: 0736-7260.
Description of some of the [upcoming] SGML training classes formerly offered by Passage Systems only to clients. The courses are now open to the general public.
[CR: 19980508]
"Perl the Top Scripting Language for XML?" <TAG>: The SGML Newsletter 11/4 (April 1998) 10. ISSN: 1067-9197.
Brief note on the meeting of several key Perl and XML Developers at O'Reilly & Associates, March 1998. See the database entry XML and Perl for additional information.
"Announcing SGML Companion." SGML Users' Group Newsletter 26 (February 1994) 23. ISSN: 0952-8008.
Brief description of a tool to assist with DTD creation, graphical display of SGML element structures, DTD documentation, SGML-to-RTF filtering, and other interactive support facilities. Developed with assistance from the Swedish National Board for Industrial and Technical Development. Contact: Christian Wallgren, [Email,].
[CR: 19970306]
"Penta Publisher, New from Penta Software." <TAG> 10/2 (February 1997) 14. ISSN: 1067-9197.
Brief description of the SGML composition system which was introduced at the SGML '96 Conference in Boston, Massachusetts. From the SGMLPublisher Overview: "SGMLPublisher allows users to directly format SGML elements, attributes and entitites. Document integrity is always preserved, and instances can be effortlessly exchanged with other SGML conforming systems. . . SGMLPublisher is fully integrated with all of Penta's highly regarded composition and page makeup modules: QualiType and MathMaster for sophisticated, high quality textual and mathematical composition; DesignMaster for precise interactive page makeup."
[CR: 19970619]
"Penta Software At University of Chicago Press." <TAG>: The SGML Newsletter 10/6 (June 1997) 13. ISSN: 1067-9197.
Announcement for the license of Penta's SGMLPublisher software by the Journals Division of the University of Chicago Press. SGML has been used in the Journals Division for several years. Penta's software will add high-quality text composition and pagination functions to the work flow.
[CR: 19960826]
Perenson, Melissa J. "SGML Moves Nearer and Nearer." PC Magazine 15/4 (February 20, 1996) 75.
". . . SGML is now migrating to the mainstream, too, thanks to innovative programs such as Microstar Software's $399 Near & Far Author for Microsoft Word 6.0. Designed as an add-on for Microsoft Word, Near & Far enables you to create structured SGML documents without having to leave your familiar Word environment. No prior knowledge of SGML is necessary, since Near & Far Author uses a graphical, tree-view model of your document to provide a guide to the document's structure and style."
[CR: 19951015]
"Pindar Provides More Online IEE Titles." <TAG>: The SGML Newsletter 8/10 (October 1995) 12. ISSN: 1067-9197.
Pindar PLC currently produces Electronic Letters for the Institution of Electrical Engineers (IEE) using SGML encoding, and has recently been awarded a contract by IEE to produce online and typeset versions of eleven IEE "Proceedings" titles, published bi-monthly. The "Proceedings" titleswill amount to about 5,200 pages per year.
"Pratt & Whitney Orders XyVision PDM. $4 Million 60-seat Editorial/Document Management and Publishing System." Seybold Report on Publishing Systems 22/7 (December 21, 1992) 21). ISSN: 0736-7260.
A note on Parlance Document Manager and its integration with Arbortext's SGML editor and Open Text's ("SGML") PAT software for indexing and retrieval.
Press, Larry. "The Internet is Not TV: Web Publishing." Communications of the Association for Computing Machinery 38/3 (March 1995) 17-22. 12 references. ISSN: 0001-0782. Author affiliation: California State University, Dominguez Hills.
[CR: 19960202]
"New Rainbow Maker Available." <TAG>: The SGML Newsletter 9/1 (January 1996) 15. ISSN: 1067-9197.
A short note on the release of Rainbow Maker version 2.01. Rainbow Maker translates document processing file formats into an SGML representation based upon the structural information in the files. Supported file formats in version 2.01 include RTF, MIF, and Interleaf ASCII. See the entry for Rainbow in this database for other information.
[CR: 19961205]
"Improved Access to Archival Collections: The FASt Track." The Research Libraries Group News 40 (Spring 1996) 11 [13, 15]. ISSN: 0196-173X.
Description of the FAST (Finding Aids SGML Training) program that is part of RLG efforts to train workers in SGML coding practices for RLG digital access projects. Kris Kiesling is heading up the FAST effort (mid 1996), together with cooperation of Lisa Browar, Tim Hoyer, and Ricky Erway. RLG members from the UK and Ireland are also participating. Note that this issue of the newsletter is dedicated to a description of the RLG project "Studies in Scarlet," which is to use SGML in structuring some of the full-text materials.
Online: "Studies in Scarlet". See also New Access to Archival Collections -- The FAST Track [mirror copy].
[CR: 19970331]
"[Yuri Rubinsky and Murray Maloney, SGML On the Web: Small Steps Beyond HTML] New SGML Book ." <TAG> 10/3 (March 1997) 10. ISSN: 1067-9197.
Note on the publication of the book SGML On the Web: Small Steps Beyond HTML, by Yuri Rubinsky and Murray Maloney, as a volume in the Charles F. Goldfarb Series on Open Information Management. ISBN: 0-13-519984-0, by Prentice Hall.
See the main bibliographic entry for other details on the book.
[CR: 19970916]
"Yuri Rubinsky." The Gilbane Report on Open Information & Document Systems 3/6 (January- February 1996) 1. ISSN: 1067-8719.
A front-page tribute to Yuri Rubinsky, whose activities so impacted leaders in the document management industry. See the larger collection of tributes to Yuri from his friends and colleagues.
[CR: 19970326]
"SAE J2008 Becomes a Legislative Requirement." <TAG> 10/3 (March 1997) 4. ISSN: 1067-9197.
At an SAE J2008 Task Force Meeting (February 27, 1997), advisemane was given that the Draft SAE J2008 has been mandated by the California Air Regulations Board (CARB) for selling vehicles in the US, beginning in the year 2002. See the main entry for the SAE J2008 (and T2008) Automotive and Truck Standard.
[CR: 19960520]
"SAE J2008 Status." <TAG> 9/5 (May 1996) 13. ISSN: 1067-9197.
Update on the J2008 Data Model of the SAE (Society of Automotive Engineers) for passenger car and light truck vehicles. The J2008 uses SGML as its primary form of markup. The American Trucking Association is developing T2008 as a modification of J2008.
More on J2008 (from Dianne Kennedy, chair of the DTD Working Group): "SAE J2008 is a family of standards developed by the membership of the Society of Automotive Engineers in response to the mandate of the Clean Air Act to partition and provide easy access to emission-related automotive service information. At the heart of this SGML standard is a relational Data Model for Automotive Service Information rather than any particular document model. The SGML definition set forth within J2008 provides a hierarchical representation of the Data Model. In addition, this standard provides models for common text constructs such as tables, paragraphs, lists, and procedures which are found within automotive service information." [From:] For additional details, see the J2008 main entry.
[CR: 19971227]
"SGML Europe '93 and Documation Europe '93." <TAG> 6/5 (May 1993) 11. ISSN: 1067-9197.
This announcement briefly describes the two named conferences, which are to be held back-to-back. SGML Europe '93 (formerly the 'International Markup' conference) is sponsored by the Graphic Communications Association, and will be held in Rotterdam, Netherlands, May 9-12, 1993. Documation Europe '93 (May 11-14, 1993) has a focus upon the production of documentation.
[CR: 19970726]
"SGML Activity at Seybold San Francisco." <TAG>: The SGML Newsletter 10/7 (July 1997) 14. ISSN: 1067-9197.
Note on SGML/XML events planned for Seybold San Francisco Conference and Exposition, September 30, 1997 - October 2, 1997. Several instructional events are sponsored by SGML Open and the SGML University.
[CR: 19971227]
"SGML Open Consortium Officially Launched. Press Conference at Seybold Well Attended." <TAG> 6/5 (May 1993) 11. ISSN: 1067-9197.
A note on the press conference of April 14, 1993, where the SGML Open Consortium was officially announced. Presentations were made by Yuri Rubinsky, Larry Bohn, and Haviland Wright. The consortium was launched with an initial membership of 34 supporting companies. See now the SGML Open Web site for details on the consortium's membership and SGML activities.
[CR: 19970825]
"New SGML Open Board Members." <TAG>: The SGML Newsletter 10/8 (August 1997) 14. ISSN: 1067-9197.
Karl Best (Adobe), Carla Corkern (Isogen) Rick Hedden (ArborText) and Bill Smith (Sun Microsystems) have been elected recently to the SGML Open Board of Directors.
[CR: 19951220]
"SGML Tips & Techniques. Don't Forget Semantics." <TAG> 8/12 (December 1995) 15. ISSN: 1067-9197.
..."For example, consider the case of a table that consists of one header row followed by one or more body rows. Both the header row and the body row consist of one or more cells. The [SGML] parser would allow you to create a table with three cells in the header row and five cells in the body rows..." [Bibliographer's note: What is being modeled in an SGML table DTD that features "rows" and "cells"? Suppose that tables were views of information (part of the processing model), and that data which could be meaningfully displayed in tabular format were represented in the SGML as objects and attributes: would we have better SGML validation on the information at the "semantic" level? -rcc]
[CR: 19950716]
"Semiconductor Vendors Use SGML to Develop Electronic Data Book Standard." <TAG> 6/7 (July 1993) 15. ISSN: 1067-9197.
Describes the results of a June 1993 meeting by leading semiconductor industry representatives in which analysis was completed for interchange of common information. Four vendors are known as the Pinnacles Group. Contact: 1-708-296-5460.
[CR: 19961231]
"Silicon Graphics Bundles EBT's DynaWeb Server. Large-document Web server to be a standard part of SGI desktops." Seybold Report on Publishing Systems 25/8 (December 31, 1995) 23. ISSN: 0736-7260.
The article describes SGI's decision to use the DynaWeb web server from Electronic Book Technologies by bundling it with all SGI desktop workstations. For use of DynaWeb by SGI to deliver Iris Insight documentation, see SGI: The Technical Publications Library. By bundling the web server with workstations, SGI is creating an environment for other publishers to deliver online information via the WWW. For brief information in the press release, see the EBT WWW server [mirror copy]. For another descripton of DynaWeb, see the summary from an article in <TAG>.
[CR: 19960828]
"SGML Tool News." <TAG> 9/8 (August 1996) 13. ISSN: 1067-9197.
Notes on the recent release of Carthage (yacc/lex-based parser for SGML DTDs, from TEI editor Michael Sperberg-McQueen), and SP [SGML parser tools] version 1.1.1 (from James Clark), which includes Win32 UNICODE binaries.
[CR: 19951228]
"The SGML Application Server Version 1.1." SGML Users' Group Newsletter 31 (June 1995) 15. ISSN: 0952-8008.
The article describes the "SGML Application Server" from Infrastructures for Information. SAS is a set of DLLs in the Microsoft Windows environment, or C objects (MAC/OS, UNIX) for building SGML support into desktop applications. Contact: Infrastructures for Information, or link directly to Infrastructures for Information Home Page.
[CR: 19950908]
Karney, James. "SGML Author: No Training Required." PC Magazine 14/15 (September 12, 1995) 54.
The reviewers said: "We found SGML Author easy to install and use. While most SGML software for Windows lacks support for equations and tables -- elements that often occur in technical writing -- SGML Author had no problems producing text, tables, and mathematics."
[CR: 19960409]
"SGML Project Manager's Companion [Review of Travis and Waldt, The SGML Implementation Guide: A Blueprint for SGML Migration." Seybold Report on Publishing Systems 25/13 (March 31, 1996) 11). ISSN: 0736-7260.
The review of Travis and Waldt presents a positive appraisal: [the book] "is a successful endeavor and essential reeading for SGML project leaders". . .[the authors'] "business sense gives this book a unique perspective; their editorial experience gives it focus and clarity."
[CR: 19970306]
"SGML University Training And Seminars." <TAG> 10/2 (February 1997) 16. ISSN: 1067-9197.
Note on a series of seminars by the SGML University for 1997. The "SGML University is a high-quality source for education and training on SGML and related standards and the products that support them." See the Web site for details.
[CR: 19950716]
"SGML Europe '95. 16th - 19th May ." SGML Users' Group Newsletter 30 (March 1995) 9-10. ISSN: 0952-8008.
Announcement for the conference and an overview.
[CR: 19950716]
"SGML Forum of New York." SGML Users' Group Newsletter 26 (February 1994) 20. ISSN: 0952-8008.
Contact: 1-212-691-4463.
"SGML Open Adopts Technical Resolution: Consortium Agrees on Common Method for External Entity Management." Seybold Report on Publishing Systems 24/6 (November 30, 1994) 25. ISSN: 0736-7260.
The article summarizes the work of the SGML Open vendor consortium in the development of Technical Resolution 9401:1994. This resolution proposed a standard method for mapping SGML objects onto system and file-based objects (text, graphics, video, audio) which are logically part of the SGML document. The article notes that James Clark's SGMLS [and SP] SGML parser, as well as Exoterica's OmniMark, already support the use of the 'catalog' described in the technical resolution. [need xref to abstract]
[CR: 19960520]
"SGML Open Appoints New Executive Director." <TAG> 9/5 (May 1996) 14. ISSN: 1067-9197.
Note on the appointment of Robin A. Tomlin to the position of Executive Director of the SGML Open Consortium. See also the press release announcing the appointment of Robin A. Tomlin as the new Executive Director of the SGML Open Consortium. Or: see the announcement on the SGML Open WWW server, "SGML Open Appoints New Executive Director."
[CR: 19951228]
"SGML Open Elects Its Second Board of Directors." SGML Users' Group Newsletter 31 (June 1995) 12-13. ISSN: 0952-8008.
The article lists new board members (elected to begin on August 1, 1995). A full listing of SGML Open sponsors and associate members is also presented. For similar information, contact SGML Open.
[CR: 19980229]
"SGML Open News [John Riley]." <TAG> The SGML Newsletter 11/2 (February 1998) 8. ISSN: 1067-9197.
A note on the (s)election of John Riley to the SGML Open Board of Directors, to fill the vacancy left by Rick Hedden. John Riley is otherwise affiliated with Inso Corporation. Riley will serve as Chief Marketing Officer for SGML Open.
[CR: 19971205]
"SGML Open Board Change." <TAG> 10/11 (November 1997) 12. ISSN: 1067-9197.
Note on the election of Simon Nicholson of Chrystal Software to serve on the SGML Open Board of Directors, serving as Secretary/Treasurer. Nicholson replaces Bruce Brown of Datalogics.
[CR: 19950716]
"SGML Open Holds Inaugural Program. Officers elected to new leadership." <TAG> 6/8 (August 1993) 14. ISSN: 1067-9197.
Describes the formation of SGML Open consortium and its goals. The article names the current board members. Larry Bohn of Interleaf is currently the consortium president.
[CR: 19971105]
SGML Parser DLLs Developed. Integration of SGML Functionality to Common Windows and Macintosh Software Available." <TAG> 8/6 (June 1995) 8. ISSN: 1067-9197.
Describes a set of DLLs developed by Infrastructures for Information, Inc. The DLLs are to be released as an SGML Application Server (SAS) for integration into commercial word processing packages and document management applications. Contact:, or Tel. 1-416-920-6489 (Michel Vulpe).
[CR: 19951228]
"New SGML Viewer and Developer's Toolkit Available." SGML Users' Group Newsletter 31 (June 1995) 15-16. ISSN: 0952-8008.
Brief description of a runtime SGML viewer and an SGML developer's toolkit, to be released by SGML Systems Engineering. See the full text of an announcement for SGMLC. Contact: Bruce Hunter, SGML Systems Engineering, Banwell House, Banwell, Avon BSS24 6DG, England; Tel: +44 1934 822911; Fax: +44 1934 822994. Email:
[CR: 19950716]
"New SGML Users' Group is Created in Montreal." SGML Users' Group Newsletter 27 (May 1994) 7. ISSN: 0952-8008.
Note on the formation of "Groupe SGML du Québec". Contact: +1-514-524-7722. (Marc-André Ledoux, DOCUMENSA).
[CR: 19951228]
"Update Listing of [SGML Users' Group] Council Members." SGML Users' Group Newsletter 31 (June 1995) 7-10. ISSN: 0952-8008.
This issue of the newsletter supplies a complete listing of names and addresses for officers and corporate affiliates of the International SGML Users' Group. It includes national and regional chapters.
[CR: 19951228]
"Newly-Formed Irish Chapter [of the SGML Users' Group]." SGML Users' Group Newsletter 31 (June 1995) 10-11. ISSN: 0952-8008.
The article provides a report on the formation of the Irish group - SGML Users' Group of Ireland - from Sean McGrath of Digitome. Contact: Sean McGrath, email:
[CR: 19951228]
"Changes in the North Carolina SGML Users Group." SGML Users' Group Newsletter 31 (June 1995) 11. ISSN: 0952-8008.
The article describes a new relationship between the North Carolina SGML Users Group and STC (Society for Technical Communication). Contact: Nacia Avera, Semiconductor Research Corporation; Tel: 1.919.541.9470; Email:
"SGML Unit Checks Web Standards." Seybold Report on Publishing Systems 24/6 (November 30, 1994) 26. ISSN: 0736-7260.
A note on the formation of a Technical Committee within SGML Open: SGML and the Internet. The Committee is to work with the IEEE Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) on matters that concern both the SGML and (Internet) HTML communities
[CR: 19950716]
"SGML Open News." SGML Users' Group Newsletter 28 (August 1994) 20. ISSN: 0952-8008.
Note on the SGML Open Technical Resolution 9401:1994 (entity catalog, etc.).
[CR: 19951015]
"SGML Seminar Held in Zurich." <TAG>: The SGML Newsletter 8/10 (October 1995) 8. ISSN: 1067-9197.
Notes on a seminar sponsored by the Computational Linguistics Group at the University of Zurich, October 11-12, 1995. See an abstract of the program [mirror partial copy], or a detailed agenda [mirror]. Contacts: Dominic A. Merz (email:, or
Silverman, David. "SGML versus Acrobat: The Fight that Never Was." Publishers Weekly 240/33 (August 16, 1993) 36 (2 pages total).
Silverman thinks the perceived opposition represents a needless tension, as the two technologies are complementary.
Simone, Luisa. "The Less-Paper Office [cover story]." PC Magazine 13/11 (June 14, 1994) 127 (2 pages total).
The article describes the role of SGML in electronic publishing, and overviews several examples of SGML software which play such a role (e.g., Avalanche Development's FastTag, DynaText from Electronic Books Technologies, and Zandar's TagWrite).
[CR: 19950925]
"New Draft of SMDL." <TAG>: The SGML Newsletter 8/8 (August 1995) 12. ISSN: 1067-9197.
Note on the new (1995) draft of the Standard Music Description Language. See the database entry for further details.
[CR: 19971014]
"Sörman's SplitVision 2.0." <TAG>: The SGML Newsletter 10/9 (September 1997) 12. ISSN: 1067-9197.
Release notes on SplitVision Builder for the creation of SGML and HyTime based IETMs. See the Sörman product description for other information.
[CR: 19970217]
"SoftQuad Acquires Alpha Database Firm." The Seybold Report on Publishing Systems 26/10 (February 10, 1997) 32. ISSN: 0736-7260.
The article describes the 100% acquisition of Alpha Software Corporation by SoftQuad, effective January 15, 1997. "The acquisition is aimed at strengthening SoftQuad's position as a leading provider of power tools that enable VARs, system integrators, ISPs and corporate IS managers to rapidly create effective and dynamic intranet applications for 'knowledge publishing'." "Alpha's database products - WebFiler, Alpha Five and Alpha Four - will soon be added to this line and will be fully supported by the combined strength of these two companies. Consumer products such as Complete Home Designer, PowerCleaner and NetMailer will be fully supported by a new division of SoftQuad International called Alpha Software Publishing." See the full press release for other details; [mirror copy].
[CR: 19960716]
"SoftQuad Announces HoTMetaL 3.0." <TAG>: The SGML Newsletter 9/6 (June 1996) 14. ISSN: 1067-9197.
A note on the release of HoTMetaL 3.0 for Windows, incorporating a number of new drag-and-drop features, customizable toolbars, graphical table and frames editor, point-and-click forms creation, support for HTML 3.2, etc.
See the feature description [mirror copy, text only].
[CR: 19950716]
"SoftQuad Ships Commercial Editor for the Internet." SGML Users' Group Newsletter 28 (August 1994) 23. ISSN: 0952-8008.
Brief description of HoTMetaL, SoftQuad's HTML editor. Contact: 1-416-239-4801.
[CR: 19960312]
"SoftQuad's HoTMetaL Pro 2.0 Now on Macintosh." <TAG> 9/2 (February 1996) 12. ISSN: 1067-9197.
Notice for the availability of the HTML editor HoTMetaL Pro 2.0 from SoftQuad Inc. on Macintosh platform. It comes with MetalWorks, SoftQuad's new graphics editing tool.
[CR: 19951228]
"SoftQuad's HoTMetaL PRO Version 2.0." SGML Users' Group Newsletter 31 (June 1995) 16. ISSN: 0952-8008.
Notes on the release of a new version of the HTML (SGML) editor for the Web. For details, connect to SoftQuad's WWW server on
[CR: 19980414]
"SoftQuad Introduces Panorama CDWeb Publisher" The Gilbane Report on Open Information & Document Systems 5/6 (November/December 1997) 22-23. ISSN: 1067-8719.
An overview of SoftQuad's product "which enables SGML content to be published directly onto a CDROM and then updated instantly and automatically via the Web." The press relese (SoftQuad Announces Panorama CDWeb Publisher") says: "SGML publishers can distribute their information directly to end users on CD-ROM and update their documents, when required, transparently over the Web, virtually eliminating the need for republishing the CDs. Information consumers also benefit by having the most current information on-hand. When an end-user loads a CD-ROM, both the information contained on the CD and the updates posted on the publisher's server are viewed as a single information source, making updates to the information effortless and completely transparent."
[CR: 19970916]
"SoftQuad and Verity Form Strategic Alliance." The Gilbane Report on Open Information & Document Systems 3/6 (January- February 1996) 26. ISSN: 1067-8719.
A note on an agreement between SoftQuad Inc. and Verity, which will bundle SoftQuad's Panorama Pro SGML browser with some of Verity's publishing products.
[CR: 19950716]
"SoftQuad Releases Application Development Environment." <TAG> 6/9 (September 1993) 11. ISSN: 1067-9197.
Brief article on SoftQuad's product 'SoftQuad Application Builder'. The tool makes it possible to customize Author/Editor for local requirements.
"SoftQuad Panorama -- A Companion for Mosaic." <TAG> 7/11 (November 1994) 9. ISSN: 1067-9197.
See further information on the "Public Software" page of this database, or link to SoftQuad.
[CR: 19950716]
"Southern California [SGML Users' Group] Chapter Update." SGML Users' Group Newsletter 26 (February 1994) 20-21. ISSN: 0952-8008.
Contact: 1-310-337-0423; Email: [Roger Watson].
[CR: 19950716]
"STEP offers SGML tools for all situations." SGML Users' Group Newsletter 28 (August 1994) 23-24. ISSN: 0952-8008.
Overview of SGML tools from STEP Stürtz Electronic Publishing GmbH. STEP integrates and develops products for document management and editorial systems. Contact:
Stevens, Larry. "Publishing Vendors Harnessing Power of SGML." MacWEEK 7/25 (June 21, 1993) 41 (2 pages total).
[CR: 19950716]
"SGML Users' Group Switzerland (SUGS)." SGML Users' Group Newsletter 26 (February 1994) 19. ISSN: 0952-8008.
Report on user conference, "Applications and Projects", November 23, 1993.
[CR: 19970726]
[SunExpert Staff -as]. "CDE [Common Desktop Environment] Release 2.1." SunExpert Journal 8/5 (May 1997) 14-16. ISSN: 1053-9239. Author's affiliation: .
"Abstract: The Open Group introduces Common Desktop Environment (CDE) 2.1, a GUI intended for use with proprietary Unix operating systems from vendors such as HP and Sun Microsystems. The Open Group has combined the development of CDE and its Motif 2.1 GUI, resulting in simultaneous enhancements to the traits and uniform transfer models of both products. CDE 2.1 includes support for 64-bit systems and incorporates thread-safe libraries, and the GUI provides an X-based printing system that centralizes printing operations across all CDE platforms. CDE also includes an SGML-based online help system, allowing users to create their own DocBook document type definition help pages. The Open Group claims that it is not marketing CDE as a direct competitor to Windows, but the GUI is slated for inclusion on future Solaris operating systems."
[CR: 19971106]
"SGML Training with CSW Informatics." <TAG>: The SGML Newsletter 10/10 (October 1997) 9. ISSN: 1067-9197.
Announcement for December 1997 SGML training seminars from CSW Informatics, together with the University of Oxford Humanities Computing Unit (HCU). See the Oxford Centre for Innovation (
[CR: 19961111]
"Synex, IDI Team to Create Huge SGML Media Archive." Seybold Report on Publishing Systems 25/9 January 29, 1995 40. ISSN: 0736-7260.
The article summarizes the joint effort to deliver an SGML-based media archive to a potential 1.5 million users (Danish Union workers and representatives). The Arbejderbevaglesens Media Archive (AMA) stores information from 51 newspapers, 15 TV stations, and 50 radio stations, as well as other documents. The AMA application uses the SGML Basis-Plus database and a SGML/HyTime hypertext browser from Synex. See the article on the Seybold WWW server.
[CR: 19970619]
"Synex Shows Viewport 2.0." <TAG>: The SGML Newsletter 10/6 (June 1997) 14. ISSN: 1067-9197.
Synex Information AB recently previewed Viewport 2.0, the SGML browser engine. "Synex ViewPort is a cross-platform SGML/HyTime browser engine for adding SGML support to any application. A ViewPort-based application can process and display SGML data from any source, even in a single document: some parts may be retrieved from databases, others from files, through networks, or even created on demand, when needed. The engine accepts both SGML and an efficient preprocessed binary format designed for CD-ROM or network delivery." Enhancements in version 2.0 include particularly facilities for hardcopy control. URL:
[CR: 19971205]
"Synex Viewport Integrated with IsoDraw." <TAG> 10/11 (November 1997) 12. ISSN: 1067-9197.
Description of the plans for IsoDraw to provide support for integration of CGM (Computer Graphics Metafile) graphics into the Synex Viewport SGML browsing toolkit. "Customers in industries that produce high volumes of documentation with large numbers of technical graphics have been frustrated by the lack of support for CGM (Computer Graphics Metafile) graphics in [some of] today's [SGML] publishing environments. CGM is the ISO (International Standards Organization) standard 2D graphics format and has been widely adopted by industries such as aerospace, automotive, defense, oil & gas, heavy equipment, machine tools, rail equipment, and telecommunications." For more information, see the press release.
[CR: 19970619]
"TARGET 2000 From Progressive Information Technologies." <TAG>: The SGML Newsletter 10/6 (June 1997) 13. ISSN: 1067-9197.
A announcement for the release of a database publshing and SGML enablement system called TARGET 2000, from Progressive Information Technologies. Oracle is used as the underlying database.
[CR: 19960716]
"SGML Architecture Weeks." <TAG>: The SGML Newsletter 9/6 (June 1996) 16. ISSN: 1067-9197.
The article describes seminars entitled "SGML Architecture Weeks," sponsored by TechnoTeacher (Rochester) and HighText (Paris), both to be held in June 1996. The sessions feature a new curriculum on SGML architectures and meta-DTDs, together with overviews of HyTime. "The SGML Architecture Week curriculum consists of four modules [Introduction to HTML and SGML; Overview of the HyTime standard; Modern SGML: Explicit Foundations Create New Possibilities; Implementing SGML Architectures: Metafile for Interactive Documents (MID) and Topic Maps] arranged in a logical sequence of increasing conceptual depth, starting with a module designed to provide access by beginners to the entire sequence." Instructors are: Dr. Michel Biezunski, Dr. Lois Delcambre, Dr. Catherine Hamon, and Dr. Steven R. Newcomb. See further details on the TechnoTeacher WWW site:
[CR: 19950716]
"TEI Unveiling." SGML Users' Group Newsletter 27 (May 1994) 13-14. ISSN: 0952-8008.
Description of the release of TEI P3 (SGML encoding standard) by the Text Encoding Initiative. The Guidelines are described, and addresses are given for accessing them in paper copy.
[CR: 19960312]
"TetraSys Introduces EasyTag." <TAG> 9/2 (February 1996) 11. ISSN: 1067-9197.
Brief description of the convertor/parser. It reckons with RTF, GML, SGML, and other formats, and includes an SGML parser to validate converted data. Contact: +33 45 56 99 22, FAX: +33 45 56 98 77.
[CR: 19950716]
"Texcel announces Information Manager." SGML Users' Group Newsletter 30 (March 1995) 13. ISSN: 0952-8008.
Information Manager is a "complete standards-based integrated suite of applications for collaborative authoring, reviewing, querying, and distributing documents, fragments, SGML DTDs, workflow, and other metadata."
[CR: 19970306]
"Texcel to Use Willow for Software Updates." <TAG> 10/2 (February 1997) 14. ISSN: 1067-9197.
Brief article describing how Texcel will use the new ArborText development environment for updates to its leading SGML document management system. "The Willow initiative delivers technology and offers assistance to document management vendors who want to incorporate the ArborText ADEPT*Editor into document management systems. Through the addition of Willow technology in its upcoming 7.0 release, the integration and operation of ADEPT*Editor with Texcel's Information Manager will bring even higher levels of ease and power to an already powerful combination." See Texcel International Joins ArborText Willow Program as Charter Member a press release for more information.
[CR: 19951228]
"Texcel's Information Manager." SGML Users' Group Newsletter 31 (June 1995) 16. ISSN: 0952-8008.
Texcel "has introduced Information Manager, a complete standards-based integrated suite of applications for collaborative authoring, reviewing, querying and distributing documents, fragments, SGML DTDs, workflow, and even comments and other metadata components." Contact Texcel International.
[CR: 19950925]
"Timelux Ships EditTime." Seybold Report on Publishing Systems 25/2 (September 18, 1995) 32. ISSN: 0736-7260.
Note on the shipment of EditTime version 1.0, a multilingual SGML editor for Microsoft Windows, by Timelux. Early price is US $785.
[CR: 19951228]
"TIME LUX EditTIME, Version 1.0." SGML Users' Group Newsletter 31 (June 1995) 16-17. ISSN: 0952-8008.
The article describes features of EditTIME, a UNICODE-enabled SGML editor. UNICODE (ISO 10646) governs coded character sets for many languages. Features of EditTIME 1.0 include: "native SGML, UNICODE-able, Tree Manager, built-in parser [MarkTime] for on-line validation and HTML editing." It currently supports the eleven European Union languages, and runs under Windows 3.x. For further details, contact TIME LUX in Luxembourg.
[CR: 19970207]
"Two Groups Offer SGML Tool Tutorials." <TAG>: The SGML Newsletter 9/12 (December 1996) 14. ISSN: 1067-9197.
Note on SGML tools sessions offered by The SGML University (SGML Tools Survey) and the SGML Resource Center, with L.A. Burman and Associates (SGML Tool Time Seminars. Contact, respectively: and
[CR: 19971205]
"Looseleaf System Based on SGML Ready to Debut." The Seybold Report on Publishing Systems 27/6 (November 24 1997) 45. ISSN: 0736-7260.
A brief description of TopLeaf, developed by Alphabytes/MCL and Turn-Key Systems Pty Ltd (of Sydney, Australia). The system is used to produce looseleaf documentation, and is based upon SGML: "TopLeaf, is a complete SGML compliant loose-leaf publishing system which runs on standard off-the-shelf Windows95/NT/UNIX hardware." URL:
[CR: 19951209]
"Toshiba and InContext Deal." Seybold Report on Publishing Systems 25/5 (November 20 1995) 17. ISSN: 0736-7260.
A bried article on the agreement signed by Toshiba to localize and distribute InContext's SGML structured editor in Japan.
[CR: 19961112]
"[Tribute to] Bill Tunnicliffe." Seybold Report on Publishing Systems 26/3 (October 14, 1996) 10). ISSN: 0736-7260.
See also the list of tributes to the memory of William W. Tunnicliffe, early pioneer and advocate for the development and adoption of SGML. "William Tunnicliffe, chairman of the Graphic Communications Association (GCA) Composition Committee, during a meeting at the Canadian Government Printing Office in September 1967 emphasised the separation of the information content of documents from their format." [David Foott]
[CR: 19960716]
"Tweddle Litho Implements Information Management System." <TAG>: The SGML Newsletter 9/7 (July 1996) 10. ISSN: 1067-9197.
A note on the installation of two PDM (Parlance Document Management) systems, from Xyvision, at Tweddle Litho in Michigan.
[CR: 19950716]
"UK [SGML Users' Group' Chapter for March 1994." SGML Users' Group Newsletter 26 (February 1994) 19. ISSN: 0952-8008.
News on upcoming events of the UK chapter. Contact: Gaynor West, gpsl!
[CR: 19950716]
"Update on Instant Braille." <TAG> 6/9 (September 1993) 10. ISSN: 1067-9197.
Summary of a report from SoftQuad about a DTD (called "ICADD22") to be used in generating braille, large print, and computer voice editions from source data in SGML documents. A second/larger DTD includes support for tables. See the database entry for the ICADD project.
[CR: 19950716]
"U.S. Navy Installs Ship-board Electronic Publishing." <TAG> 6/8 (August 1993) 12. ISSN: 1067-9197.
Description of an SGML document system on board the USS Abraham Lincoln. The technology for the online manuals is supplied by Electronic Book Technologies in the DynaText SGML searching/browsing system, running on HP workstations. See also a related article in Seybold Report.
[CR: 19960803]
Vadlamudi, Pardhu. "Document Management Tool Upgrades Unveiled." InfoWorld 18/13 (March 25 1996) 42.
"Abstract: Document-management utility manufacturers increase their activity with a series of product releases at the Documation '96 trade show. Documentum introduces its Electronic Document Management System 3.0, a software package that includes modules for replication, security and application-development procedures. OpenText introduces its LiveLink Intranet, an integrated software package that offers a combination of workflow, text-processing and full-text searching utilities for corporate intranets. Web browsers provide access to LiveLink, channeling project-management information and providing online document control. XSoft introduces Astoria, a text-processing software package that offers micro-management of document components rather than entire files. Astoria's search engine operates with SGML-based documents, permitting users to trace and share document elements."
Product reviews: Documentum: Enterprise Document Management System 3.0, OpenText: LiveLink Intranet; XSoft: Astoria.
Vaughan-Nichols, Steven J. "Electronic Publishing: Internet Publishing Tools Proliferate." Byte 20/3 (March 1995) 30. ISSN: 0360-5280.
[CR: 19980413]
"Free Web Automation Toolkit for XML & HTML." <TAG>: The SGML Newsletter 11/3 (March 1998) 13. ISSN: 1067-9197.
The article describes the Web Automation Server from WebMethods, Inc., which uses WIDL (Web Interface Definition Language) to help companies connect existing applications to the Web. See:
[CR: 19960828]
"Implementing an SGML Publishing System." <TAG> 9/8 (August 1996) 11. ISSN: 1067-9197.
Announcement for an SGML course offered by the University of Wisconsin-Madison, Department of Engineering: "Implementing an SGML Publishing System." The instructors are Brian Travis and Dale Waldt.; [mirror copy]. Dates: October 22-25, 1996. Contact: +1 (608) 262-4341, or email: (Dick Vacca).
"Clarifications on WordPerfect SGML." Seybold Report on Publishing Systems 24/18 (May 15, 1995) 2. ISSN: 0736-7260.
Updates a summary description of WordPerfect SGML Edition presented in Seybold Special Report Volume 3 Number 8, pages 38-39.
[CR: 19980413]
"XML Active Content Technologies Council Formed." <TAG>: The SGML Newsletter 11/3 (March 1998) 14. ISSN: 1067-9197.
Brief announcement on the formation of X-ACT (XML Active Content Technologies Council) initially with 18 corporate members, particularly under the leadership of DataChannel. X-ACT will promote the use of XML for documents, data, metadata, etc. For online information about the industry consortium, see the main database entry for X-ACT.
[CR: 19960727]
"Xarchive Extracts SGML from Xpress. CMP, McGraw-Hill Fund Em Software." Seybold Report on Desktop Publishing 25/20 (July 15 1996) 34. ISSN: 0736-7260.
The article presents Xarchive, a Quark Xpress Xtension that extracts SGML document components from data produced with Xpress. The product was developed through funding from McGraw-Hill, where it is being used to convert copy from print magazines into a neutral (SGML) format for online delivery. Em Software "develops XTensions for QuarkXPress, offering a whole suite of data publishing tools." Contact:, or Em's founder and president, Chris Ryland:
[CR: 19980229]
" Announces Details for XML Xposed." <TAG> The SGML Newsletter 11/2 (February 1998) 12. ISSN: 1067-9197.
Events are planned for March 18, April 17, May 6, June 17, and July 14. See the XML Xposed web page.
"Xerox Acquires CAPS Product Line from Agfa: Expands SGML Offering with Composition and Documentation Management." Seybold Report on Publishing Systems 22/22 (August 9, 1993) 28 (3 pages total).
"XSoft Astoria Handles Document Objects. Document Manager Ties Together XSoft SGML, Workflow Products." Seybold Report on Publishing Systems 24/14 (March 27, 1995) 8. ISSN: 0736-7260.
Astoria is based upon ObjectStore, an object-oriented database from Object Design. "During the past year, ObjectStore has been at the heart of database products announced by EBT, Screen and Contex . . . Both XSoft and EBT argue that the hierarchical approach of object databases is a good match for the hierarchically structured components of SGML-encoded documents."
[CR: 19951228]
"Technology Briefing: XSoft Astoria." SGML Users' Group Newsletter 31 (June 1995) 17. ISSN: 0952-8008.
The article describes in some detail the significant features of XSoft Astoria - a document component management technology that provides control over SGML documents. Contact Laura Walker at Xsoft: +1 205-880-6072, or email
[CR: 19950716]
"XSoft introduce Astoria." SGML Users' Group Newsletter 30 (March 1995) 13. ISSN: 0952-8008.
Note on XSoft's Astoria, a document component management system. Astoria is built upon an object-oriented database (ObjectStore, from Object Design). Contact: +1-800-428-2995.
[CR: 19950716]
"News from XSoft. GlobalView, InContext, InConcert." SGML Users' Group Newsletter 27 (May 1994) 17-18. ISSN: 0952-8008.
Description of Xerox/XSoft software products.
[CR: 19981007]
"Xyvision to Integrate Products with Open Text." <TAG>: The SGML Newsletter 11/9 (September 1998) 14. ISSN: 1067-9197.
On September 1, 1998, "Xvision announced a major initiative to integrate its two key products, Parlance Document Manager and Xyvision Production Publisher, with Open Text's Livelink Intranet. This strategic integration will enable organizations to leverage the advantages of structured editing (SGML or XML), reusable information objects for multiple documents, and automated document production (print and electronic format) in an enterprise-wide workgroup collaborative environment."
[CR: 19980508]
"U.S.A. Selects XPP for Space Shuttle Docs." <TAG>: The SGML Newsletter 11/4 (April 1998) 8. ISSN: 1067-9197.
Note on the announcement: "United Space Alliance Selects Xyvision Production Publisher [XPP] for Space Shuttle Documentation. . .for the automated composition and pagination of all SGML tagged work instruction documentation used to process and prepare the Space Shuttle fleet prior to launch and after landing at the Kennedy Space Center." See links to the press release from the Xyvision Web site.
[CR: 19971227]
"Xyvision Offers Translation Manager." The Seybold Report on Publishing Systems 27/7 (December 8, 1997) 2. ISSN: 0736-7260.
Summary: "At the SGML/XML 97 Conference, Xyvision unveiled Parlance Ambassador, a comprehensive solution for managing the process of translating text and graphics information into multiple languages. Layered on top of Xyvision's component management system, Parlance Document Manager, Parlance Ambassador provides product manufacturers, software developers, and publishers with a comprehensive toolset to efficiently manage and automate the process of localizing information products for international markets. In a related announcement, Xyvision demonstrated XML technology in a 'Proof of Concept' presentation showing how Xyvision's Parlance Document Manager and WebPorter could work together to leverage the benefits of XML (eXtensible Markup Language) and help an organization easily create, edit, and publish paper and Web documents from XML data." See the company announcement.
[CR: 19970718]
"New Electronic Filing Tools from Xyvision." The Seybold Report on Publishing Systems 26/19 (July 4, 1997) 52. ISSN: 0736-7260.
Brief description of the new interface for SEC electronic filings; it is more flexible, allowing the users to create a "XyEdgar" file that maps between local markup and the required Edgar markup codes.
[CR: 19971230]
"Swissair Aircraft Maintenance Documentation." <TAG>: The SGML Newsletter 10/12 (December 1997) 9, 12. ISSN: 1067-9197.
A note on the selection of Xyvision's SGML Conductor as part of a technical documentation project of SR Technics, serving Swissair. FrameMaker+SGML and the Parlance database will be used in the implementation.
[CR: 19970331]
"Xyvision Releases PDM With Oracle 7." <TAG> 10/3 (March 1997) 12. ISSN: 1067-9197.
Paralnce Document Manager 2.3Bhas been released with the Oracle7 server as an underlying database.
[CR: 19960716]
"Xyvision's New SGML Utilities." <TAG>: The SGML Newsletter 9/4 (April 1996) 14. ISSN: 1067-9197.
Note on the DTD Reader, as demonstrated at the Seybold Conference. It allows rapid construction of a PDM hierarchy with property style sheets.
[CR: 19960325]
"IBM Selects XyVision Publishing Engine." <TAG>: The SGML Newsletter 9/3 (March 1996) 9. ISSN: 1067-9197.
Note on IBM's choice of XyVision Production Publisher (XPP) to produce printed IBM documentation, as a part of IBM's Information Development Workbench project.
[CR: 19960329]
"Xyvision wins two orders for PDM: ASTM and Thompson division go with SGML-based document management." Seybold Report on Publishing Systems 24/19 June 12, 1995 47. ISSN: 0736-7260.
Xyvision announced three significant events relating to its PDM (Parlance Document Manager) system, which integrates SGML components. 1. ASTM (American Society of Testing and Materials) in Philadelphia has recently "ordered a 50-seat PDM system to help develop, manage, review and distribute almost 10,000 standards documents." Covered in the plan is the 70-volume Annual Book of ASTM Standards: 25% of its 50,000 pages are revised annually, and some 2000 standards documents are in revision at any moment. Two years ago, ASTM decided to adopt SGML as a means of delivering information in a number of formats. 2. Warren, Gorham & Lamont is a division of Thompson Professional Publishing. It will spend several hundred thousand dollars in the first phase of a migration to SGML publishing technology under Xyvision's PDM. The move to SGML is being made, in part, to support simultaneous publication in paper and on CDROM. 3. IBM's ISSC Publishing and Consulting Services is joining with Xyvision in its PDM Partners program. ISSC is a major publishing integrator supporting the use of SGML, including a new documentation system for United Airlines.
[CR: 19960409]
"Xyvision Offers PDM for FrameMaker + SGML." Seybold Report on Publishing Systems 25/13 (March 31, 1996) 8-9). ISSN: 0736-7260.
The article describes the close integration of 'FrameMaker + SGML' (Adobe) into Xyvision's Parlance Document Manager.
[CR: 19950716]
"Xyvision Update [Exoterica/Elsevier]." SGML Users' Group Newsletter 30 (March 1995) 13-14. ISSN: 0952-8008.
Note on Parlance Document Manager (PDM) and Parlance Publisher. Xyvision will now distribute OmniMark (from Exoterica) and Elsevier Science will use Parlance Publisher. Elsevier publishes books and journals using SGML.
[CR: 19960520]
"Xyvision's WebPorter." <TAG> 9/5 (May 1996) 14. ISSN: 1067-9197.
Note on the announcement of WebPorter, an extension to Xyvision's PDM (Parlance Document Manager). It is "an extension to its Parlance Document Manager (PDM) solution that facilitates the management, organization, assembly, versioning, and distribution of information over a private (Intranet) or public (Internet) network. WebPorter also controls a "finished goods" Web Repository, which can be directly accessed and navigated by authorized users via cost-effective Web clients." See also: and
[CR: 19950716]
"Project Yao Announced." <TAG> 7/1 (January 1994) 20. ISSN: 1067-9197.
On December 7, 1993, Charles Goldfarb announced ObjectSGML (object-oriented SGML parser) and POEM (Portable Object-oriented Entity Manager), components in a new project named Yao. The HyTime parser is to be released into the public domain.

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