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OASIS Members Propose New TC for Testing and Monitoring Internet Exchanges. |
In November 2007, OASIS issued a proposed charter for a new "OASIS Testing and Monitoring Internet Exchanges Technical Committee." While the proposal is not associated with a supporting (pre-TC-formation) Technical Committee Discussion List, technical issues addressed in the TC Charter Proposal are similar to some being treated by the current OASIS Test Assertions Guidelines (TAG) TC and OASIS ebXML Implementation Interoperability and Conformance (IIC) TC, and by the closed OASIS Conformance Technical Committee. In particular, Event-Driven Test Scripting Language (eTSL) Version 0.85 under development within the OASIS ebXML Implementation Interoperability and Conformance (IIC) TC is proposed for contribution to the TaMIE TC.
The proposed TaMIE TC will define an event-centric test case scripting markup and execution model for systems that use Internet-based messages or events in collaborations between partners, or between components, where collaboration is achieved by the means of choreographed exchanges of discrete units of data.
The proposal notes that while "electronic collaborations over Internet between business partners (e-Business / e-Government) appear to be converging toward well-established types of message
exchange patterns, the notion of event is increasingly promoted for asynchronous communication and coordination in Event-Driven Architectures (EDA) that are considered as either complementary to or part of SOA systems... in e-Business transactions as in EDAs, partners or components must agree on the
use of a combination of standards in order to interoperate with each other."
Previous work has produced "conformance and interoperability test suites (e.g, ebXML messaging V2 test suites, WS-I test assertions) and testing tools (e.g., ebXML IIC, NIST QOD, NIST Business Document Content testbed, KorBIT ebMS testbed, WS-I test tools) for each above layer individually. But the testing of integrations of standards has been ad-hoc (e.g., RosettaNet Self-Test Kit is tied to RosettaNet protocol), or limited mostly to standards in the messaging infrastructure (WS-I). Although the need for testing some form of integration of standards has been well recognized for infrastructure standards (e.g. WS-I profiles), there has been little support for testing integrations that extend to the use of standards specific to a business — e.g., for documents or choreographies. Such integrations can be construed as user-defined profiles. For example, the level of QoS required for a business transaction may depend on the nature of business data being exchanged, or on some property defined by the related business process."
The TC Charter Proposal notes that transactions as in EDAs are governed by standards that can be classified into three layers: messaging infrastructure standards, multi-message exchange standards, and business document standards. However, testing and monitoring these infrastructure layers and their integration also requires that test cases access a combination of contracts — agreements or policies — represented by meta-level documents (WS-Policy, WSDL, ebXML CPPA, ebBP definitions, XML schemas).
The proposed TC would therefore define a testing and monitoring model, as well as a test script markup, so that test cases or monitoring cases can be fully automated, and portable across test environments.
The TaMIE TC would produce four key deliverables, including (1) a requirements document, which may include use cases for Internet exchanges, test assertions for related standards, references to existing test case dialects or existing logging formats or systems; (2) a specification defining a test case execution model and scripting that supports both the testing and monitoring of message and business data exchanges; (3) a set of examples and use cases; (4) an implementation of the specification used for proof of the proposed concept and principle.
The TaMIE TC Charter Proposal references several related specifications which might serve as direct input to the new TC, or provide informative contrasting approaches.
The published document containing the "Proposed Charter for OASIS Testing and Monitoring Internet Exchanges TC" references nine related specifications or specification suites that (1) might merit attention from the TC and provide input material, or (2) similar or applicable work that is being done in other OASIS TCs or by other organizations. OASIS ebXML IIC Test Framework and WS-I Testing materials are mentioned in both categories. In category "(2)", the proposers note that the specifications "fall short of addressing TaMIE charter, in that they either target a specific protocol stack, or [target] a particular domain of business."
The following sections provide summary information for these nine related technologies, together with indication of the TaMIE TC proposers' initial disposition.
Automatic Test Markup Language (ATML) Summary
An overview of the IEEE ATML activity, from the July 2007 ATML Status Report:
ATML's mission is to define a collection of XML-based schemas that allows Automatic Test Equipment (ATE) and test information to be exchanged in a common format adhering to the XML standard. ATML defines a framework through which different architectures using XML can be implemented. It:
- defines the components from which users can build their architectures, whilst being interoperable with other compliant architectures
- shows examples of the net centric services by which this information can be exchanged across different Automatic Test System (ATS) platforms as part of a maintenance process
- defines the XML format that these elements
The ATML specifications will define: (1) how to define XML schemas that represent ATE and test information, and (2) a set of XML schemas supporting the exchange of specific ATE and test information. The ATML specifications will support:
- services that can be used for exchanging ATE and test information in a distributed net-centric environment
- services supporting the exchange of specific ATE and test information in specific common areas
The IEEE Standards Coordinating Committee 20 on Test and Diagnosis for Electronic Systems (SCC20) is the standards organisation through which the ATML components (i.e., schemas and documentation) will be published under various IEEE standards. The ATML organisation is an open, independent focus
group contributed to by the ATE industry and government agencies to advance the common exchange
of test information through the use of XML. The ATML group provides draft schemas and associated
documents, examples, use cases, requirements and conducts trial use of any ATML components. Their findings are submitted to the various SCC20 subcommittees and working groups to advance the IEEE standards
associated with the ATML components..."
Automatic Test Markup Language (ATML) Project Description
ATML Project Information:
Scope: ATML defines a standard exchange medium for sharing information between components of automatic test systems. This information includes test data, resource data, diagnostic data, and historic data. The exchange medium is defined using the extensible markup language (XML). This document specifies the architecture for the family of ATML standards.
Purpose: The purpose of ATML is to support test program, test asset and Unit Under Test (UUT) interoperablility within an automatic test environment. ATML accomplishes this through a standard medium for exchanging UUT, test and diagnostic information between components of the test system. The purpose of this document is to provide an overview of ATML goals as well as to provide guidance for usage of the ATML family of standards.
Justification: The ATML initiative is driven by a desire to standardize the XML format for use by various proprietary tools used within the automatic test industry. This will benefit both automatic (computer controlled) test equipment manufactures, maintainers and test system users in a broad range of industries including aerospace and government/military. By using a common format different tools and systems can exchange information, and form co-operative heterogeneous systems resulting in:
- Decreased test times
- Reduced incidents of Can Not Duplicate or No Fault Found
- Reduced Repair Cycle
- Formalized capture of historic data
- Improved Closed loop diagnostic systems
ATML defines a framework through which different architectures using XML can be implemented. It:
- Defines the components from which users can build their architectures, whilst being interoperable with other compliant architectures
- Shows examples of the net centric services by which this information can be exchanged across different ATS platforms as part of a maintenance process
- Defines the XML format that these elements will take
The ATML specifications will define:
- How to define XML schemas that represent ATE and test information
- A set of XML schemas supporting the exchange of specific ATE and test information
- Example services that can be used for exchanging ATE and test information in a distributed net-centric environment
- A set of services supporting the exchange of specific ATE and test information in specific common areas
Committee SCC20 and Relevant Subcommittees
Within IEEE SCC20 (IEEE Standards Coordinating Committee 20 on Test and Diagnosis for Electronic Systems), the Test Information Integration (TII) Subcommittee and Test and ATS Description Subcommittee are responsible for most of the work in the P1671 Project. See the IEEE Approval of P1671 (Standard Automatic Test Markup Language (ATML) for Exchanging Automatic Test Equipment and Test Information via XML). On 08-December-2004, the IEEE-SA Standards Board approved this project through 31-December-2008. References for SCC20 and the two subcommittees follow. Page 5 ("SCC20 Organisation for 2007") of the document ATML StatusIssue 11 supplies an organizational chart for SCC20 as of July 2007.
Automatic Test Markup Language (ATML) Project General References
Automatic Test Markup Language (ATML) Overview Documents
IEEE P1671 /D2. "Draft Trial-Use Standard for Automatic Test Markup Language (ATML) for Exchanging Automatic Test Equipment and Test Information via XML". ATML Introduction (non-normative). December 2005. 43 pages. Prepared by members of the Test Information Integration (TII) Subcommittee of the IEEE Standards Coordinating Committee 20 on Test and Diagnosis for Electronic Systems Copyright © 2005 by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. "This introduction is not part of IEEE P1671 /D2, Draft Trial-Use Standard for Automatic Test Markup Language (ATML) for Exchanging Automatic Test Equipment and Test Information via XML)." See the .doc canonical source format.
"The family of Automatic Test Markup Language (ATML) standards is being developed under the guidance of the Test Information Integration (TII) subcommittee of the IEEE Standards Coordinating Committee 20 (SCC20) to serve as standards for product test. The ATML family of standards specifies a comprehensive environment for integrating design data, test strategies and requirements, test procedures, test results management, and test system implementations. The family of ATML standards includes reference to IEEE Std. 1232 (AI-ESTATE), IEEE P1636 (SIMICA) and IEEE Std. 1641 (STD). These referenced IEEE standards are therefore part of the ATML family.
Scope: ATML defines a standard exchange medium for sharing information between components of automatic test systems. This information includes test data, resource data, diagnostic data, and historic data. The exchange medium is defined using the Extensible Markup Language (XML). This document specifies the framework for the family of ATML standards.
Purpose: The purpose of ATML is to support test program, test asset, and Unit Under Test (UUT) interoperability within an automatic test environment. ATML accomplishes this through a standard medium for exchanging UUT, test and diagnostic information between components of the test system. The purpose of this document is to provide an overview of ATML goals as well as to provide guidance for usage of the ATML family of standards..."
ATML Framework Overview and Architecture.IEEE Std. 1671-2006. December 15, 2006. IEEE Trial-Use Standard for Automatic Test Markup Language (ATML) for Exchanging Automatic Test Equipment and Test Information via XML. Technical Contact: Chris C Gorringe (Phone:+44 1202 872800). (ISBN: 0-7381-5245-5, 2006; E-ISBN: 0-7381-5246-3; DOI: 10.1109/IEEESTD.2006.261413). History: PAR APP: Dec 08, 2004, BD APP: Sep 15, 2006. This later publication (available apparently only through purchase from IEEE) is part of the published Trial-Use Standard, and provides a later version of the ATML overview.
Availability: "For non-technical questions, including pricing, availability and ordering, please contact IEEE Customer Service at 1-800-678-IEEE (in the U.S.and Canada); or 1-732-981-0060 (outside the U.S. and Canada); or send a detailed email message to To purchase this standard, or for pricing and availability go to and type in the standard number."
"ATML defines a standard exchange medium for sharing information between components of automatic test systems. This information includes test data, resource data, diagnostic data, and historic data. The exchange medium is defined using the Extensible Markup Language (XML). This document specifies the framework for the family of ATML standards. Project Purpose: The purpose of ATML is to support test program, test asset, and Unit Under Test (UUT) interoperability within an automatic test environment. ATML accomplishes this through a standard medium for exchanging UUT, test, and diagnostic information between components of the test system. The purpose of this document is to provide an overview of ATML goals as well as to provide guidance for usage of the ATML family of standards. Abstract: This trial-use standard specifies the framework for the family of ATML standards. ATML defines a standard exchange medium for sharing information between components of an Automatic Test System (ATS), using the Extensible Markup Language (XML).
Automatic Test Markup Language <ATML/>. September 28, 2004. 16 pages. Issue 0.11. This document is an early version of the ATML overview. From the ATML web site Management Area. See the .doc canonical source format.
"ATML is the standardization of test information to allow test program and test asset interoperability, and UUT test data including results and diagnostics to be interchanged between heterogeneous systems. [The goal is] to define a collection of XML schemas that allows ATE and test information to be exchanged in a common format adhering to the XML standard... External Interfaces represent the information that exchanges between two distinct subsystems. For ATML these subsystems are defined as: TestResults, Diagnostics, TestDescription, Instrument, TestConfiguration, UUTData, TestStation, and InterfaceAdapter. This information shall be representable in XML and defined through the use of XML Schema Document (XSD) conforming to the XMLSchema specification..."
Automatic Test Markup Language (ATML) Schemas
ATML Download Site. Candidate Schemas (all 1671 Schemas). 14-August-2007 or later.
Description of schema files from the README: The schemas published at this location are copies associated with the ATML trial-use standard at the time it was published. As such, updated schemas may be available more frequently than the standard. All updated schemas will have a new XML namespace and version to avoid invalidation of any XML instance documents. For a list of current development ATML schemas with their version, see [/ATML/]. For the complete archive of ATML schemas by version, see [Archive]
Snapshots of example schemas from "current schemas" as of 2007-11:
Current Project Authorization Request (PAR) Documents of SCC-20
Active PARs for P1671:
- IEEE-P1671: ATML Overview. "Standard Automatic Test Markup Language (ATML) for Exchanging Automatic Test Equipment and Test Information via XML." Life Cycle: Trial-Use.
- SASB/SCC20. P1671.1. Test Descriptions (Ion Neag). "Trial-Use Standard Automatic Test Markup Language (ATML) for Exchanging Automatic Test Equipment and Test Information via XML: Exchanging Test Descriptions."
- SASB/SCC20. P1671.2. Instrument Descriptions (Teresa Lopes). "Trial-Use Standard Automatic Test Markup Language (ATML) for Exchanging Automatic Test Equipment and Test Information via XML: Exchanging Instrument Descriptions."
- SASB/SCC20. P1671.3. Exchanging UUT Description Information (John Ralph). "Standard Automatic Test Markup Language (ATML) for Exchanging Automatic Test Information via XML (Extensible Markup Language): Exchanging UUT (Unit-Under-Test) Description Information."
- SASB/SCC20. P1671.4. Exchanging Test Configuration Data (Tim Davis). "Standard for Automatic Test Markup Language (ATML) for Exchanging Automatic Test Information via XML: Exchanging Test Configuration Information."
- SASB/SCC20. P1671.5. Exchanging Test Adapter Information (Tamara Einspanjer and Ron Taylor). "Standard for Automatic Test Markup Language (ATML) for Exchanging Automatic Test Information via XML: Exchanging Test Adapter Information." Test Station and Test Adapter both share the 'Test Equipment' XML Schema; the Test Equipment Schema is documented in the Test Station Standard. The Test Station Standard is therefore a normative reference to the Test Adapter Standard.
- SASB/SCC20. P1671.6. Exchanging Test Station Information (Tamara Einspanjer and Ron Taylor). "Standard for Automatic Test Markup Language (ATML) for Exchanging Automatic Test Information via XML: Exchanging Test Station Information."
Commentary on Automatic Test Markup Language (ATML)
ATML: The Standard for Interfacing Test System Components Using XML. Tutorial from National Instruments Corporation. NI Developer Zone. May 11, 2007. "A new XML-based standard for ATE and test information data exchange, known as Automatic Test Markup Language (ATML), is emerging with widespread support among test and measurement industry leaders and major government programs alike. Led by the Naval Air Systems Command and ATE industry members, ATML is a cooperative effort to define a collection of XML schemas to represent test information, such as test programs, test asset interoperability, and unit under test (UUT) test data (including test results and diagnostics procedures)."
"Implementing ATML in Distributed ATS for SG-III Prototype." By Chen Ming (et al). Plasma Science and Technology Volume 9, Number 2 (April 2007), 227-230. "With the forthcoming large-scale scientific experimental systems, we are looking for ways to construct an open, distributed architecture within the new and the existing automatic test systems. The new standard of Automatic Test Markup Language meets our demand for data exchange for this architecture through defining the test routines and resultant data in the XML format. This paper introduces the concept of ATML(Automatic Test Markup Language) and related standards, and the significance of these new standards for a distributed automatic test system. It also describes the implementation of ATML through the integration of this technology among the existing and new test systems."
"ATML: A New Standard for ATE." By Ron Harrison (National Instruments). From EE-Evaluation Engineering (March 2005). "For many years, leading electronics manufacturers have searched for standards to improve-the way they share test-system and test-result information with the rest of the enterprise. Despite initial industry efforts to regulate test-system and execution communications through standards such as IPC 25xx, many test organizations already have or are considering developing their own proprietary XML-based data exchange standards to meet specific needs for sharing ATE and test information. However, this no longer may be necessary. A new XML-based standard for ATE and test information data exchange, known as Automated Test Markup Language (ATML), is emerging with widespread support among test and measurement industry leaders as well as major government programs..."
"ATML in Manufacturing Test Systems Using National Instruments TestStand." By David Rosenthal (Instrumentation Engineering). "Automatic Test Markup Language (ATML) is a means to communicate test outcomes up and down the maintenance chain. The ATML family of standards was developed in the belief that a useful exchange of test information among product life-cycle phases would improve the inefficiencies of testing in both time and budget. In a NetCentric Environment, the promise of increased compatibility leverages usability, support and maintenance to improve the future productivity of Automatic Test System (ATS) investments."
"Test Management Software." Product Announcement. From The Engineer Online (November 16, 2005). "... NI TestStand 3.5 also features an Automated Test Markup Language (ATML) reporting interface and integration. ATML is a cooperative industry effort to define a collection of XML schemas to represent test information, such as test programs, test asset interoperability and unit under test (UUT) test data, which includes test results and diagnostics procedures..."
"IEEE Sets in Motion Dual ATML Test Standards." By Greg Reed. From Test & Measurement World (November 01, 2005). "Test engineers working on automotive and aerospace applications can expect a couple of new tools to arrive soon. The IEEE is developing two standards — IEEE P1671.1 and IEEE P1671.2 — that cover the use of automatic test markup language (ATML) for exchanging descriptions via XML technology on both the test performed and the instruments evaluated. Work on the standards is already well underway; final internal ballots are ready for 2006, and delivery is expected in 2007.
Documents from IEEE. The online abstracts for the IEEE P1671 specifications and technical reports are freely available from the IEEE Xplore database [Results for "(atml) IN metadata" — your search matched 43 of 1692897 documents]; complete documents are available for a fee. Examples:
TaMIE Technical Committee Proposal Comment
Proposal Section 2a. Similar Work: Identification of similar or applicable work that is being done in other OASIS TCs or by other organizations... "ATML has been designed for exchange of diagnostic information, configuration data, and test instrument definitions between conforming software applications. It was not designed to support test scripting and execution. However, ATML representations could be complementary to executable test case scripts."
eTSL Overview
Event-Driven Test Scripting Language. Working Draft 0.85. 7-November-2007. Edited by Jacques Durand (Fujitsu Computer Systems). Contributors: Hyunbo Cho (KorBIT), Michael Kass (NIST), Jungyub Woo (Samsung Electronic), Monica Martin (Sun), Serm Kulvataniou (NIST), Jaewook Kim (NIST), Pete Wenzel (Sun). Produced by members of the OASIS ebXML Implementation Interoperability and Conformance (IIC) Technical Committee. See the document reference page and soruce PDF.
The Event-driven Test Scripting Language (eTSL) is a model and language for eBusiness / eGovernment test suites, with a particular focus on communication events, versatile usage for the QA testing phase as well as the monitoring of deployed systems, and extensible design to leverage specialized validation processors as well as XML tools such as Xpath, XSLT, and Xquery. It builds on previous experiences in conformance and interoperability testing in ebXML, WS-I as well as on learning from eBusiness proof of concepts and testing environments done within the context of the OAGI-NIST testbed and the KorBIT testbed.
Test cases for e-Business / e-Government will be used to verify the conformance of a partner endpoint to the various standards and conventions that communicating partners have agreed on. These can be of different nature:
Messaging infrastructure standards, ranging from transport level — e.g. HTTP, SMTP
— to higher-level messaging protocols and quality of service (reliability, security), such as
those defined as SOAP extensions.
Message choreographies. These include business choreographies (e.g. Conforming to UMM
business transaction patterns) as well as lower level exchange patterns that are often
necessary to establish some quality of service requirements and related context (reliability,
trust, security).
Business document standards, industry-specific such as XML schemas, or horizontal (e.g.
Modeling practice). These include syntactic as well as semantic conformance. Also
"metadata documents" such as agreements, are included in this category.
There have been conformance and interoperability testing tools and initiatives for each one of these
categories, but there is currently no support for testing an integration of the above. WS-I profiles
address mainly the integration of standards within the messaging infrastructure layer, and remain
horizontal in nature (industry-independent).
In practice, a deployed e-Business system will profile such an integration, involving all above layers
in addition to industry-specific profiles. Relying on testing each layer independently will not be
sufficient to test this integration. Testing for the conformance (or interoperability) of the sum is more
than the sum of testing for the conformance of its parts.
For example, a user community may decide that a particular messaging QoS (reliability and security
levels) should be used for specific business transactions but not for others. Such requirements
assume an ability to generate and verify test cases that mix low-level message controls and
business-level transactions aspects (e.g. involving the use of specific business documents in
payloads.) Or, some business transaction patterns must bind to lower-level protocols in a very
specific way, e.g. regarding the use of the HTTP back-channel, depending on how soon a business
response is expected, which is a business attribute...
The objective of this document is to define a model for such integrated testing, and a scripting representation for the related test cases. It builds on previous experiences in conformance and
interoperability testing in ebXML, WS-I, as well as on learning from past e-Business proof of
concepts for business collaboration done with OAGI material, in particular within the context of the
OAG-NIST testbed and semantic document validation....
TaMIE Technical Committee Proposal Comment
1c. Scope: ... deserves prime attention from the TC assuming their IP status is compatible with the IPR mode of the TC: The Event-Driven Test Scripting Language (eTSL) Version 0.85..." See also TaMIE TC proposal section "2g. List of Contributions: The following work, already submitted in October 2006 to the OASIS ebXML Implementation, Interoperability and Conformance TC, is also contributed to this TC: eTSL draft V0.85, originally derived from the TestFramework 1.1 produced OASIS IIC, 2004-2005."
JXUnit Overview
Summary from the article by Ervin Varga:
"JUnit is a framework for writing unit tests. Numerous extensions are available for different purposes; one of them is a JXUnit framework. JXUnit is a directory-driven test scripting system. A complete test suite is basically comprised from various test suites/cases located in different parts of the whole folder tree in question. Essentially, the terms test suite and test case are only conceptual in JXUnit, since, no explicit differentiation exists on the framework level between them. Nevertheless, in the rest of this paper we will use a term test suite for a test case holding other tests. A folder where they are situated names all test cases.
Using a folder tree for specifying a test suite has a clear advantage over a hard-coded variant, in sense, new suites can be easily constructed by just reorganizing folders (no code changes, no recompilations). Thus, JXUnit effectively utilizes the file system for this particular purpose. Furthermore, as JXUnit builds upon JUnit, tests can be run using the standard TestRunners (textual, AWT or SWING) found in the JUnit framework.
Nonetheless, the Quick framework is the cornerstone of JXUnit's powerfulness and flexibility. Quick is a Java based XML data binding framework, more precisely, a framework for advanced data transformations and mappings. Quick uses QJML for expressing a binding schema. This schema serves as a bridge between XML and Java object representations. By using Quick, one can easily create a Java object from data encapsulated inside an XML document, and vice versa, without ever touching the source code of the class the target Java object belongs to...
JXUnit and JUnit References
TaMIE Technical Committee Proposal Comment
Proposal Section 2a. Similar Work: Identification of similar or applicable work that is being done in other OASIS TCs or by other organizations... "JXUnit is an XML-based test-scripting system built on top of the JUnit Java classes. It is a data-driven testing system in which input to the system under
test and expected output are specified and then the actual output is evaluated.
There is no built-in support for B2B testing, in particular the communication
and the event-driven tests. However, as a general, test-scripting platform that
relies on a common programming language, JXUnit and JUnit could be used as an
implementation platform for essentially any test framework including the one
proposed here."
White Paper: Conformance Testing and Certification Framework. By Lynne Rosenthal, Mark Skall [WWW], and Lisa Carnahan. Version 1.1. June 25, 2001. 21 pages. Submitted by
William Gebert on January 23, 2002. [source PDF]
This work was produced by members of the OASIS Conformance TC which was chartered to "define and develop conformance requirements, guidelines, white papers, and methodologies to enable the development of testable specifications and conforming implementations."
Conformance Testing and Certification Framework Overview
The document "presents general concepts, components, and issues related to establishing a conformance testing program. Although originally submitted to ebXML to stimulate discussion on testing and certification and to serve as a basis upon which ebXML test programs could be developed, it is not exclusive to ebXML. This document represents a work that has been submitted to ebXML as a white paper with its purpose to stimulate discussion and possibly serve as a base document upon which ebXML testing programs could be based...
The objective of this white paper is to present an overview of a conformance and certification testing infrastructure that could be adapted for ebXML and would provide implementations of ebXML specifications the ability to verify that they comply with the specifications. Conforming implementations are a necessary prerequisite for achieving interoperability among implementations. To achieve this objective, we will describe the components necessary to enable conformance testing as well as the activities, roles and responsibilities of the organizations needed to conduct a conformance testing and certification program.
The paper presents "general concepts, components, and issues related to establishing and administering a conformance testing and certification program. It will identify the types of activities, responsibilities, services, and documentation required to conduct conformance testing. The paper addresses both formal validation and certification of products, as well as self-testing. Self-testing provides implementers the ability to perform self-tests at their locations as quality assurance checks on their own implementations of the ebXML specifications or in preparation for formal validation. Testing of the ebXML specifications will not be specifically addressed. However, a testing plan will be provideed for testing registry implementations to the ebXML Registry specification...
Background: The ebXML specification, like all standards, is not an end in itself but a means to an end. Standards are worthless if not implemented and meaningless if not implemented in a consistent and correct manner. The goal is to obtain implementations of the standard that correctly perform the functionality specified in the standard. Conformance testing helps to achieve correct implementation. It provides a way to determine whether or not these implementations conform to the standards in question. Determining whether an implementation faithfully implements a specification is essential to creating robust, interoperable solutions. Conformance testing performed by implementers early-on in the development process can help them to find and correct errors before the software reaches the marketplace, and users rely on the software. Moreover, conformance testing provides software developers and users assurance and confidence that the conforming product behaves as expected, performs functions in a known manner, or possesses a prescribed interface or format..."
TaMIE Technical Committee Proposal Comment
Proposal Section 1c. Scope, "... input material to this TC, which will deserve prime
attention from the TC assuming their IP status is compatible with the IPR mode
of the TC... Conformance testing and Certification Framework (OASIS, Conformance TC, June 2001)."
IIC Test Framework: Bibliographic Information
ebXML Test Framework. OASIS Committee Specification. Version 1.1. October 11, 2004. Draft. Document identifier: ebxml-iic-test-framework-11. Edited by Michael Kass (NIST) and Jacques Durand (Fujitsu). Contributors: Monica Martin (Sun Microsystems), Jacques Durand (Fujitsu), Christopher Frank (SEEBURGER), Serm Kulvatunyou (NIST), Tim Sakach (Drake Certivo, Inc), Hyunbo Cho (Postech), Han Kim Ngo (NIST), and Pete Wenzel (SeeBeyond). 214 pages. Produced by members of the OASIS ebXML Implementation, Interoperability and Conformance Technical Committee, and available from the TC document repository. See also the .doc format, extracted from the ZIP package [source ZIP].
The document was submitted by Mr Michael Kass on Friday, January 07, 2005 as IIC ebXML Test Framework V1.1 Technical Committee Specification. Description: "Version 1.1 of the OASIS IIC ebXML Test Framework Specification, incorporating new features that enable more complex scripting, targeted at performance and interoperability testing of business process driven ebXML web services.
IIC Test Framework: Overview
Abstract: "This document specifies ebXML interoperability testing specification for the eBusiness
Summary: This document describes a test framework for automatically running test suites for — but not limited to — ebXML specifications. The framework includes an architecture design based on components that can be combined and distributed in different ways, to accommodate different test harnesses. It also includes an extensible test scripting language for coding test suites in an executable way. It can accommodate third-party plug-ins, that would perform advanced verifications for example on message material (e.g. semantic verification using rule engine), or that would help build testing material (e.g. digital signature). This specification is organized around the following topics: (1) Test Framework Components; (2) Test Suite Representation using XML; (3) Test Execution using Workflow Principles; (4) Test Scenarios and Test Framework Profiles; (5) Sample Instance files of Test Material; (6) Normative Schemas for Test Material.
The target audience for this specification is: (1) The community of software developers who implement and/or deploy the ebXML Messaging Service (ebMS) or use other ebXML technologies such a s Registry/Repository (RegRep), Collaboration Profile Protocol/Agreement (CPPA) or Business Process Specification Schema (BPSS) and (2) The testing or verification authority, which will implement and deploy conformance or interoperability testing for ebXML implementations.
Objectives: The OASIS IIC ebXML Test Framework is intended to support conformance and interoperability testing for ebXML (as well as other eBusiness) specifications. It describes a testbed architecture and its software components, how these can be combined to create a test harness for various types of testing. It also
describes the test material to be processed by this architecture, a mark-up language and format for
representing test requirements, and test suites (a set of Test Cases). The Test Framework described here has been designed to achieve the following objectives...
The Test Framework is a foundation for testing all ebXML architectural components such as Messaging, Registry, BPSS, CPA, and Core Components . Although designed to support testing implementations of current and future ebXML specifications , the Test Framework is flexible enough to permit testing beyond ebXML message format, to include any message envelope and payload testing of XML-based e-Business messaging services. Additionally, the IIC Test Framework can be employed for XML-based A2A ( Application to Application) conformance and interoperability testing.
Regardless of the type of testing that is employed however, all testing MUST follow the same procedural
steps, and employ the same XML format as defined by the XML schemas defined in the Appendix of this
specification. By following the formalized guidelines in this specification, conformance and interoperability
test suites can be used by any IIC Test Framework Specification compliant implementation.
The harnessing of an ebXML implementation (or possibly several implementations, in case of interoperability testing) with the Test Framework requires a moderate effort. It generally requires some interfacing work specific to an implementation, in the case no standard interface (API) has been specified.
For example, the Test Service (a component of the Test Framework) defines Actions that will need to be
called by a particular MSH implementation for ebXML Messaging Services conformance testing...
Operating the Test Framework — or one of the test harnesses that can be derived from it — in order to execute a test suite, does not require advanced expertise in the framework internals, once the test suites have been designed. The tests should be easy to operate and to repeat with moderate effort or overhead, by users of the ebXML implementation(s) and IT staff responsible for maintaining the B2B infrastructure, without expertise in testing activity. Users can define new Test Suites and Test Cases to be run on the framework. For this, they will script their tests using the proposed test suite definition language or mark-up (XML-based) for Test Cases.
A Test Suite (either for conformance or for interoperability) can be run entirely and validated from one component of the framework: the Test Driver. This means that all test outputs will be generated — and test conditions verified — by one component, even if the test harness involves several (possibly remote)components of the framework. The verification of each Test Case is done by the Test Driver at run-time, as soon as the Test Case execution is completed. The outcome of the verification can be obtained as the Test Suite has completed, and a verification report is generated...
General Methodology: This specification only addresses the technical aspect of ebXML testing, and this section describes the portion of testing methodology that relates directly to the usage of the Test Framework. A more general test program for ebXML, describing a comprehensive methodology oriented toward certification, is promoted by the OASIS Conformance TC and is described in Conformance Testing and Certification Framework (L. Rosenthal, M. Skall, L. Carnahan; April 2001, NIST). When conformance certification is the objective, the ebXML Test Framework should be used in a way that is
compliant with a conformance certification model as described in Conformance Testing and Certification Model for Software Specifications (L. Carnahan, L. Rosenthal, M. Skall; ISACC 1998 Conference).
TaMIE Technical Committee Proposal Comment
From Proposal Section 1c. Scope, input material to this TC, which will deserve prime attention from the TC assuming their IP status is compatible with the IPR mode of the TC: OASIS IIC Test Framework 1.1"
See also Section 2a. Similar Work, Identification of similar or applicable work that is being done in other OASIS TCs or by other organizations: "The OASIS ebXML IIC Test Framework (TF v1.1): This framework was designed specifically to test the conformance and interoperability of the software implementing the ebXML Messaging Specification. The framework defines components and harnesses (configurations) necessary to simulate and control the environment for conformance and interoperability tests. A shortcoming of the IIC TF is that it has been designed for ebXML messaging 2.0, and provides weak extensibility options, both for external events and for specialized evaluations. The IIC TF does not support other suites of B2B integration standards such as other SOAP profiles integrating several Web Services standards. It also does not support ebMS 3.0 and electronic documents testing."
RosettaNet Self-Test Kit Overview
The TaMIE TC proposers identified the RosettaNet Self-Test Kit as a technology potentially relevant to the work of the proposed TC, citing a thesis written by Albin Kjellin.
"RosettaNet is a globally supported standards organization that provides unmatched leadership in promoting collaborative commerce. RosettaNet aims to align the business processes of supply chain partners. This goal is achieved by the creation of RosettaNet Partner Interface Processes (PIPs) and it helps to define business processes between trading partners. Each PIP defines how two specific processes, running in two different partners' organizations, will be standardized and interfaced across the entire supply chain. PIP includes all business logic, message flow, and message contents to enable alignment of the two processes. RosettaNet has delineated the scope of supply chain processes for which it will design PIPs. This scope is divided into several clusters, segments, or groups of core business processes and within each segment are individual PIPs. The clusters and segments serve as a mechanism to group all supply chain processes into a manageable framework. When partners are ready to implement PIPs, they should not be bound by the rigidity of this framework; they should select from all segments the subset of PIPs required to address specific business interface scenarios..."
The RosettaNet Self-Test Kit includes self-service tools and utilities that provide users with the capability to test their software solutions for compliance with the RosettaNet Implementation Framework (RNIF) and Partner Interface Processes (PIP) specifications.
Whether you are a solution provider looking to launch your RosettaNet enabled products into the market, or a supply-chain company about to implement a RosettaNet e-Business process with your trading partner; you will need to test your product or solution for:
- Compliance with the RosettaNet Implementation Framework specifications for packaging, security and transport
- Content verification of the payload
- Choreography of Business Messages exchanged for each specific PIP implemented
- Ability to handle exceptions
The RosettaNet Self Test Kit includes self-service tools and utilities to give you full control of this testing process to:
- Configure the Test Scenarios: customize the testing to be performed for the specific PIPs you are implementing through an easy to use browser interface
- Automate the Execution of the Test Sequences
- Present the Test Results: results are gathered in real time during the execution of the test sequence and are available to you in a human-readable as well as machine-readable form
A Study of the RosettaNet Business-To-Business Communication Standard
The RosettaNet Standard and Compliant Platforms. A Study of the RosettaNet Business-To-Business Communication Standard and its Role in Business and Technical Integration Platforms. By Albin Kjellin. Masters Thesis. Lund University Department of Communication Systems, 2005. 51 pages. See the reference to the Masters Thesis work supervised by Per Johan Runeson [thesis, cache version].
Abstract: Modern technology and the Internet in particular have revolutionized the way business is
conducted. The need is extensive for collaborations between and amongst business and information systems. Electronically based trading has proven to provide a number of advantages such as increased speed, reliability and efficiency. The term business process has been extended to include collaboration between trading partners apposed to just describing the internal information flow. To be able to integrate organizations IT systems with each other, a global framework for e-business has to be established. There have been many initiatives from global organizations and the latest one is the RosettaNet standard.
The most central conception of the RosettaNet standard is the Partner Interface Process (PIP)
and it describes the choreography of a business message exchange between two business
partners. The PIPs are in turn controlled by the RosettaNet Implementation Framework
(RNIF) that specifies the more grammatical aspects of the business process. The context of a
business message is specified in two dictionaries, one technical and one business oriented.
The simplest way to describe the RosettaNet standard is to look at it as a language where the
dictionaries provides the words, the RNIF the grammar and the PIPs describe the dialog.
The purpose of this project is to examine two RosettaNet compliant platforms, IBM
WebSphere Partner Gateway and BEA WebLogic, to determine pros and cons in terms of
validation level, complexity and connectivity options. The testing of these two platforms has
been conducted using a test client provided by the RosettaNet consortium. The client
application is called RosettaNet Self Test Kit (RNSTK) and is used to validate compliance to
the RosettaNet standard in terms of structure and syntax. Both WebLogic and WebSphere
Integration Connect have been tested using this application. They have also been tested
against each other to determine the level of validation. IBM WebSphere Integration Connect
is by far the application that has the most complete support for the RosettaNet standard.
Messages that pass the validation in both RNSTK and WebLogic generate an exception in
WebSphere Integration Connect.
One part of this project was to modify the RNSTK to provide extra functionality. After the
modification the RNSTK can receive any type of RosettaNet message and provide a response
without needing prior configuration for that particular test scenario...
Self-Test Kit: References
- RosettaNet web site
- Self-Test Kit: 10-Step Demonstration "Take a quick, 10-step tour of the self-test application using a PIP test example. eBusinessReady will provide the current Self-Test Kit version upon registration of software compliance testing."
- Self-Test Kit FAQ Document. This document provides answers questions on use of the Self-Test Kit (STK), how to download test scripts and the scope of the RNIF 2.0 and PIP software compliance tests.
- RosettaNet Developer Tools Download
- Section 4.3 'STK' in the Thesis by Albin Kjellin.
- RosettaNet Store Kit Description
- "RNIF Compliance Test Final Report: WebSphere Partner Gateway Advanced Edition V6.0. "Drummond Group Inc. is pleased to announce that WebSphere Partner Gateway Advanced Edition V6.0 and WebSphere Partner Gateway Enterprise Edition V6.0 have completed all requirements and successfully passed all tests to prove compliance to the RosettaNet RNIF 2.0 specification on the basis of interaction with the RosettaNet Self Test Kit (STK) over the RosettaNet RNIF test suite. To fully understand what completing the test means regarding the use of the product in production, please read this document carefully."
- Tutorial: Building RosettaNet Solutions. From BEA. "The RosettaNet W3C XSD schemas for selected PIPs are included in the RosettaNet Self-Test Kit (STK) which can be downloaded from the Developer Tools area on the RosettaNet Ready Web site... If the schema for the PIP you are using is not available on this web site, it is possible to implement RosettaNet solutions in WebLogic integration using RosettaNet message definitions specified as DTD files. However, it is recommended to use W3C XSD files instead, since many of the WebLogic Integration tools such as the XQuery mapping tools (used to define data transformations) only support XSD schemas..."
TaMIE Technical Committee Proposal Comment
Proposal Section 2a. Similar Work: Identification of similar or applicable work that is being done in other OASIS TCs or by other organizations... "RNSTK is a test system provided by the RosettaNet consortium. The system allows software solutions to perform self-tests for compliance to business collaboration scenarios and the RosettaNet Integration Framework (RNIF) specification. The RNSTK tests an integrated system implementing particular B2B collaboration scenarios, yet is tightly dependent on RNIF messaging. RNSTK test suites are encoded using the RNIF specification itself. Due to these reasons, the RNSTK cannot be used to test other suites of B2B standards including the Document Type Definition semantics. Another weakness is that its architecture only supports conformance test configurations."
TTCN-3 Overview
TTCN-3 "is a product of the ETSI Technical Committee MTS (Methods for Testing and Specification). It includes a programming language that has been used for more than 15 years in standardization as well as industry. TTCN-3 is specifically designed for testing and certification, constantly developed and maintained at ETSI by a team of leading testing experts from industry, research institutes, and academia, It parovides a testing technology that applies to a variety of application domains and types of testing. TTCN-3 has been proven to work in very large and complex industrial tests, e.g., of 3G network elements... TTCN-3 has expanded into new kinds of testingm including software module testing, layer/unit testing, integration testing, and distributed systems testing..."
TTCN-3 (Testing and Test Control Notation) "is an internationally standardized testing language for formally defining test scenarios and their implementation. It is designed purely for testing. Design principles: Use one test technology for different tests: distributed, platform-independent testing, tntegrated graphical test development, -documentation and -analysis; adaptable, open test environment. Use one test technology for both distributed IT and Telco systems. TTCN-3 provides for different kinds of testing: Functional testing, Conformance testing, Scalability testing... It covers a large range within development cycle, from unit to integration testing. Triple C: (1) Configuration: Dynamic concurrent test configurations with test components; (2) Communication: Various communication mechanisms — synchronous and asynchronous; (3) Control: Test case execution and selection mechanisms. It features a well-defined syntax, static and operational semantics, different presentation formats, a module concept, extensibility via attributes, external function, external data. It is harmonized with ASN.1 (ETSI ES 201 873-7 Integration of ASN.1) and XML (Methods for Testing and Specification (MTS). The Testing and Test Control Notation version 3; Part 9: Using XML with TTCN-3 TTCN-3 and the Use of XML)."
TTCN-3 and Web Service Test Frameworks
Web Service Test Framework with TTCN-3. Master's Thesis. By Stefan Troschütz. ISSN: 1612-6793. Reference: ZFI-BM-2007-14. June 15, 2007. 143 pages. Software Engineering for Distributed Systems Group, Institute for Informatics (Zentrum für Informatik). Georg-August-University Göttingen.
"Web services are standards-based software systems designed to facilitate interoperable application-to-application integration over a network. The broadening adoption of Web services and especially their use for business purposes or critical applications introduce a growing need for efficient testing approaches that allow assuring the correctness and interoperability of Web services.
This thesis presents a framework for the testing of Web services with the standardized test specification and implementation language TTCN-3. Foremost, the mapping of a Web service description to a TTCN-3 abstract test suite, which facilitates basic testing of the Web service, is discussed in detail. A time-saving automation of the proposed mapping implemented as a Java console application is introduced afterwards. Finally, the enhancement of TTworkbench Basic, a TTCN-3 test development and execution environment, for Web service testing is presented. The implemented extension enables the execution of a TTCN-3 abstract test suite derived from a Web service description. In addition, it provides dialog-based wizards for using the automation of the mapping from within TTworkbench or defining new, more complex test cases...
Detailed rules are been presented for the mapping of a Web service description
given by means of a WSDL document to a TTCN-3 abstract test suite that allows basic
testing of the Web service. In addition to the specification of mapping rules for the
individual major WSDL elements, the mapping between TTCN-3 and XML Schema,
which forms the default type system of WSDL descriptions, is examined. The
discussion of the proposed mapping between WSDL and TTCN-3 is exemplified
through the derivation of a TTCN-3 abstract test suite from the WSDL description of an
exemplary 'Movie Database' Web service.
The proposed mapping between WSDL and TTCN-3 can be done manually but it is also
well capable of being automated. Because an automated mapping is less error-prone and
most notably less time-consuming, the WSDL2TTCN utility was implemented in the
context of this thesis. The architecture, two implementation details, the invocation, and
the available command line options of the Java console application have been presented.
Furthermore, an option has been discussed that allows changing the mapping between
WSDL and TTCN-3 in certain points in order to generate a TTCN-3 abstract test suite
fully compatible to TTworkbench Basic.
Automated Testing of XML/SOAP based Web Services. By Ina Schieferdecker (FOKUS, Berlin, Germany) and Bernard Stepien (University of Ottawa, Canada). Abstract: "Web services provide seamless connections from one software application to another over private intranets and the Internet. The major communication protocol used is SOAP being mainly XML over HTTP. The exchanged data follow precise format rules in the form of XML Document Type Definitions or more recently the proposed XML Schemas. Web service testing considers functionality and load aspects to check how a Web service performs for single clients and scales as the number of clients accessing it increases. This paper discusses the automated testing of Web services by use of the Testing and Test Control Notation TTCN-3. A mapping between XML data descriptions to TTCN-3 data is presented to enable the automated derivation of test data. This is the basis for functional and load tests of XML interfaces in TTCN-3. The paper describes the mapping rules and prototypical tools for the development and execution of TTCN-3 tests for XML/SOAP based Web services.
Testing Service Oriented Architecture Based Web Applications." By Bernard Stepien, Liam Peyton, Pulei Xiong, and Pierre Seguin. Compare TTCN-3 Examples — "The SOAP XML based service TTCN-3 example consist in an abstract test suite that enables to test the responses of a weather forecast service to requests of weather conditions for various cities. It illustrates the TTCN-3 features of typing, data templates definitions, data template parametrization, the use of timers, the mismatch of responses, the re-use of data template definitions..."
TTCN-3 References
TaMIE Technical Committee Proposal Comment
Proposal Section 2a. Similar Work: Identification of similar or applicable work that is being done in other OASIS TCs or by other organizations... "TTCN-3 (Testing and Test Control Notation Version 3, ETSI, June 2001). TTCN-3 is a powerful, programmatically complete procedural language with specialized constructs for defining test procedures, test verdicts, matching mechanisms for evaluation, timer handling and distributed test components. Due to its original focus on telecommunication systems, it also has the ability to specify encoding information, to communicate both synchronously and asynchronously, and to perform passive monitoring. These capabilities are all essential for testing in message-based B2B integration. Relative to previous test frameworks, TTCN-3 is more powerful and flexible. However, TTCN-3 notation can be difficult for a business or domain expert to use. TTCN-3 has not been designed to delegate some functions to external modules and it is weak when it comes to validating business transaction events and XML electronic documents, which are essential for B2B integration testing."
QA Framework: Specification Guidelines Overview
QA Framework: Specification Guidelines. W3C Recommendation. 17-August-2005. This version: Latest version URI: Previous version URI: Edited by Karl Dubost (W3C), Lynne Rosenthal (NIST), Dominique Hazaël-Massieux (W3C), and Lofton Henderson (CGM Open). Contributions by: Tim Boland (NIST), Jeremy Caroll (HP), Patrick Curran (Sun Microsystems), Dimitris Dimitriadis (Ontologicon), Karl Dubost (W3C), Dominique Hazaël-Massieux (W3C), Lofton Henderson (CGM Open), Björn Höhrmann, Richard T. Kennedy (Boeing), Susan Lesch (W3C), David Marston (IBM Research), Lynne Rosenthal (NIST), Mark Skall (NIST), Andrew Thackrah (Open Group), Olivier Théreaux (W3C).
Summary: "The goal of this document is to help W3C editors write better specifications, by making a specification easier to interpret without ambiguity and clearer as to what is required in order to conform. It focuses on how to define and specify conformance. It also addresses how a specification might allow variation among conforming implementations. The document presents guidelines or requirements, supplemented with good practices, examples and techniques...
This document is a guide for editors of W3C specifications. It provides guidelines for improving conformance-related characteristics. In that respect, this document differs from other W3C process and publication-related documents. It addresses the most basic and critical topics with respect to conformance, including how to convey what is required for an implementation in order to conform and how to allow variation among conforming implementations.
The term specification is used as defined in ISO/IEC Guide 2:2004. Standardization and related activities -- General vocabulary as meaning a document that prescribes requirements to be fulfilled by a product, process or service. Specifications can be defined in one document or as a coherent set of several documents, and can import requirements of other specifications with normative references...
W3C Quality Assurance Activity References
TaMIE Technical Committee Proposal Comment
From Proposal Section 1c. Scope, "input material to this TC, which will deserve prime attention from the TC assuming their IP status is compatible with the IPR mode of the TC: QA Framework: Specification Guidelines (W3C, November 2004)"
WS-I Testing Tools Working Group
The Testing Tools Working Group of the Web Services Interoperability Organization (WS-I) develops the documentation and processes for WS-I test tools development, and develops or supervises the development of materials that test Web service implementations for conformance with WS-I profiles.
WS-I Testing Tools are used to determine whether the messages exchanged with a Web service conform to WS-I guidelines. These tools monitor the messages and analyze the resulting log to identify any known interoperability issues. These testing capabilities are important for developers to ensure that their implementations comply with the current interoperability guidelines for the use of Web services specifications. Tests are self administered and aimed at uncovering unconventional usage or errors in specification implementations, thus improving interoperability between applications and across platforms. To date, WS-I has developed tests for developers to verify their conformance with the Basic Profile 1.0, and work on the other WS-I profiles is underway.
Working Group Charter: Web Services Profile Testing Tools and Material. Edited by Tom Glover (IBM), Christopher Kurt (Microsoft), Jeff Mischkinsky (Oracle), Jacques Durand (Fujitsu), Narendra Patil (Optimyz Software, Inc), Steve Holbrook (IBM). Also available in .mht and .doc formats.
The Working Group was chartered to "develop WS-I Test Material and Tools that will facilitate the
verification of conformance to WS-I profiles. The artifacts monitored and analyzed by the tools include message material, Web Service description material and registry material. For each WS-I profile, the working group will define test assertions as a testable interpretation of the profile definitions, gathered in Test Assertions documents.
The working group will define or supervise the definition of test case material necessary to verify that the tools behave as expected, and that multiple WS-I tool implementations function in a consistent manner. Tools produced will attempt to implement testing of all assertions within Test Assertion documents in support of the use of these tools in the evaluation of profile compliance...
WS-I Test Assertion Document
Basic Security Profile [1.0] Test Assertions Version 1.0. BSP 1.0 TAD Version 1.0. Working Group Draft. 2006-06-13, uploaded 17-October-2006. Edited by Ram Poornalingam (Microsoft Corporation), Ed Johns (Microsoft Corporation), Govind Ramanathan (Microsoft Corporation), Shrikant Wagh (Optimyz Software, Inc), David Lauzon (IBM Corporation), Craig Chaney (IBM Corporation). Other contributors are noted by Keith Stobie (Microsoft Corporation) and Martin Gudgin (Microsoft Corporation). Also available in XML format.
The Test Assertion Document is the formal specification of the tests performed by the WS-I tools as specified in the interoperability Profiles. It is used by the Analyzer tool to identify interoperability issues. The analyzer specification [WS-I Analyzer Tool Functional Specification] contains a detailed explanation of all of the fields listed in this document. This is [as of 2007-11] the current Working Group Draft TAD for the Basic Security Profile.
Attachments Profile [1.0] (with Basic Profile [1.1] and Simple Soap Binding Profile [1.0]) Test Assertions Version 1.0. WS-I Final Material. June 13, 2005. AP 1.0. SSBP 1.0. TAD Version 1.0. Edited by David Lauzon (IBM Corporation) and Shrikant Wagh (Optimyz Software, Inc). Other contributors noted from Simeon Greene (Oracle Corporation), Narendra Patil (Optimyz Software, Inc.), and Keith Stobie (Microsoft Corporation).
"This document contains the test assertions for the WS-I Attachments Profile 1.0 combined with the test assertions for the WS-I Simple Soap Binding Profile 1.0 and WS-I Basic Profile 1.1. These test assertions are used by the analyzer testing tool to determine if a Web service is conformant to the Attachments Profile 1.0 in conjunction with the Simple Soap Binding Profile 1.0 and the Basic Profile 1.1."
Basic Profile 1.0 Test Assertions Version 1.1. Final Material. 2005-01-12. Edited by Jacques Durand (Fujitsu), Simeon Greene (Oracle Corporation), Peter Brittenham (IBM Corporation), Keith Stobie (Microsoft Corporation), David Lauzon (IBM Corporation), Lucien Kleijkers (Microsoft Corporation). Other contributors are noted as Ed Johns (Microsoft Corporation), Narendra Patil (Optimyz), Ajay Honnur (BEA), Rami Jaamour (Parasoft), and Shrikant Wagh (Optimyz). Also available in XML format.
"The Test Assertion Document is the formal specification of the tests performed by the WS-I tools as specified in the interoperability Profiles. It is used by the Analyzer tool to identify interoperability issues." WS-I Basic Profile 1.0 defines a set of non-proprietary Web services specifications, along with clarifications and amendments to those specifications which promote interoperability.
Basic Profile 1.1 Test Assertions Version 1.1. Final Material. 2005-01-12. Edited by Simeon Greene (Oracle Corporation), David Lauzon (IBM Corporation), and Keith Stobie (Microsoft Corporation), Other contributors are noted by Narendra Patil (Optimyz), Ed Johns (Microsoft Corporation), Ajay Honnur (BEA), Rami Jaamour (Parasoft), Shrikant Wagh (Optimyz). Also available in XML format.
The Test Assertion Document is the formal specification of the tests performed by the WS-I tools as specified in the interoperability Profiles. It is used by the Analyzer tool [WS-I Analyzer Tool Functional Specification] to identify interoperability issues...
Simple Soap Binding Profile [1.0] (with Basic Profile [1.1]) Test Assertions Version 1.0. Final Material. 2005-01-12. SSBP 1.0. BP 1.1. TAD Version 1.0. Edited by Simeon Greene (Oracle Corporation), David Lauzon (IBM Corporation), Keith Stobie (Microsoft Corporation), Ed Johns (Microsoft Corporation), and Shrikant Wagh (Optimyz Software, Inc). Other contributors are noted from Ajay Honnur (BEA), Rami Jaamour (Parasoft), Narendra Patil (Optimyz Software, Inc). Also available in XML format.
This document contains the test assertions for the WS-I Simple SOAP Binding Profile 1.0 combined with the test assertions for the WS-I Basic Profile definition. These test assertions are used by the analyzer testing tool to determine if a Web service is conformant to the Simple Soap Binding Profile 1.0 in conjunction with the Basic Profile 1.1.
WS-I Profile Test Assertion Document. Basic Profile Test Assertions, version January 2004. "The Test Assertion Document is the formal specification of the tests performed by the WS-I tools as specified in the interoperability Profiles. It is consumed directly by the Analyzer to identify interoperability issues. This is the final TAD for version 1 of the WS-I Test Tools. A candidate element is one that is to be verified for conformance. The binding of the tModel if <wsi-analyzerConfig:uddiReference> is given or the <wsi-analyzerConfig:wsdlElement> in the configuration file of the Analyzer define a candidate element for verification. A verification on an element also implies that the same verification is made for all the elements that it uses. That is, the elements it uses also become candidate elements. Verification it based on transitivity rules, applied recursively, for (1) WSDL element references and (2) UDDI references..."
TaMIE Technical Committee Proposal Comment
Proposal Section 2a. Similar Work: Identification of similar or applicable work that is being done in other OASIS TCs or by other organizations... Test Assertion Documents for WS-I profiles (WS-I, 2003-2005)."
See also Proposal Section 2a. Identification of similar or applicable work that is being done in other OASIS TCs or by other organizations: "Web Services Interoperability (WS-I) Test Tools (for Basic Profile 1.1). These tools do not allow for the scripting of a test suite; instead they apply a battery of predefined tests to any Web service material provided as input. The objective is to verify the conformance of this material to one of the WS-I profiles. The tools only passively analyze message traffic and have no ability to control the systems under test. Nevertheless, this capture and analysis architecture is un-intrusive, simple, and supports deferred testing. The analyzer tool of WS-I cannot be used as a general test engine, being tied to profile definitions; but, it can be leveraged as a specialized module by a more general monitoring capability, when the conformance of message material to WS-I profiles is required."
Excerpts from the TaMIE TC Proposed Charter (with minor corrections and additions):
Charter for the "Testing and Monitoring Internet Exchanges" Technical Committee
1a. Name and Abbreviation
Testing and Monitoring Internet Exchanges (TaMIE) TC
1b. Purpose
Electronic collaborations over Internet between business partners (e-Business / e-Government) appear to be converging toward well-established types of message exchange patterns that involve both user-defined standards and infrastructure
standards. At the same time, the notion of event is increasingly promoted for
asynchronous communication and coordination in Event-Driven Architectures (EDA)
that are considered as either complementary to or part of SOA systems. In both
cases collaboration between partners or between components is achieved by the
means of choreographed exchanges of discrete units of data — messages or events
— over an Internet-based protocol. The TC will define an event-centric test case
scripting markup and execution model for such systems.
In e-Business transactions as in EDAs, partners or components must agree on the
use of a combination of standards in order to interoperate with each other.
Typically, these standards can be classified into three layers:
Messaging infrastructure standards, ranging from transport level to
higher-level messaging protocols and quality of service (QoS) including
reliability and security, such as those defined as SOAP extensions, or REST
(Representational State Transfer).
Multi-message exchange standards as manifested in business processes and
choreographies. Included standards may conform to UMM business transaction
patterns, ebXML Business Process Specification Schema (BPSS or ebBP),
WS-Choreography or WS-BPEL.
Business document standards. These may be business content structure and
semantics, taxonomies in use, code lists, semantic rules, or the XML schema
modeling style. They are industry-specific (e.g., RosettaNet PIP schemas, AIAG
Inventory Visibility and Interoperability schemas,), horizontal document
standards (e.g., based on UN/CEFACT Core Components, OAGIS Business Object
Documents schemas), or regional guidelines (e.g., KIEC's e-document modeling
There have been conformance and interoperability test suites (e.g., ebXML
messaging V2 test suites, WS-I test assertions) and testing tools (e.g., ebXML
IIC [OASIS ebXML Implementation Interoperability and Conformance (IIC) TC], NIST QOD, NIST Business Document Content testbed, KorBIT ebMS testbed, WS-I
test tools) for each above layer individually. But the testing of integrations
of standards has been ad-hoc (e.g., RosettaNet Self-Test Kit is tied to
RosettaNet protocol), or limited mostly to standards in the messaging
infrastructure (WS-I).
Although the need for testing some form of integration of standards has been
well recognized for infrastructure standards (e.g., WS-I profiles), there has
been little support for testing integrations that extend to the use of standards
specific to a business — e.g., for documents or choreographies. Such integrations
can be construed as user-defined profiles. For example, the level of QoS
required for a business transaction may depend on the nature of business data
being exchanged, or on some property defined by the related business process.
Testing and monitoring these infrastructure layers and their integration also
requires that test cases access a combination of contracts — agreements or
policies — represented by meta-level documents (WS-Policy, WSDL, ebXML CPPA, ebBP definitions, XML schemas).
This compliance objective goes beyond quality assurance for the messaging
function: it requires the monitoring of live transactions in production
environments, as well as verifying conformance of business endpoints in
operation conditions. This calls for a flexible test execution model that can
accommodate performance constraints as well as different timeliness constraints
— e.g., where tests are either deferred over log data, or executed on live
exchanges in a monitoring mode.
The output of a monitoring script also must provide more information than a
report of the type pass / fail. Different ways of "passing" or "failing" must be
reported on, as well as identifying the types of business transactions. This
reporting must be easy to consolidate, for Service Level Agreements (SLA) and
Business Activity Monitoring (BAM) purposes.
The TC will define a testing and monitoring model, as well as a test script
markup, so that test cases or monitoring cases can be fully automated, and
portable across test environments.
1c. Scope
The scope of activity for this TC must be within the following topics:
Use Cases and Requirements: Investigation of use cases that may combine
standards — or specifications submitted to an SDO — in all areas concerned by
message exchanges: protocols, QoS, choreography, documents and business content.
Selection and prioritization of related requirements.
Test Execution Model: A model for executing test cases or monitoring cases
addressing the previously described requirements will be defined. In particular,
an event-centric approach such as the one described in the event-driven Test
Scripting Language (see Input material) will be considered. This execution model
also includes a representation and access model for log data.
Test Case Scripting: An XML markup that complies with the execution model
will be designed. This may reuse or profile subsets of existing dialects that
are already in use for domains that have similar functional requirements (if
their IP status is compatible with the TC IPR mode), in which case the markup
will act as a coordination or integration language, treating these dialects
either as language extensions or as external resources used via adapters. In
particular, openness to the reuse of XML processing dialects and tools based on
recognized standards — such as XPath, XSLT, XQuery — is a requirement.
The design approach will favor:
- simplicity of use: a small number of constructs that are easy to learn and to implement as opposed to feature-rich dialects
- modular units of scripts that allows for functional reuse and extensibility
Test scripts will process run time materials (i.e., messages, events, signals),
as well as configurative artifacts such as policies and agreements, schemas and
interface definitions. Test cases or monitoring cases will also provide for more
detailed outputs than pass/fail, and will strive to support SLA monitoring, BAM
(Business Activity Monitoring) and Event-Driven Architectures (EDA). However,
the objective will not be to specify a BAM system or an SLA enforcement system,
but only the monitoring technology that can support these.
Evaluation and Investigation: of third-party markups and dialects, log
formats and existing test practices, for possible reuse or interfacing in the
test case scripting language. However no third-party specification or tool can
be made essential or necessary to an implementation of the specification to be
delivered, unless its licensing is free and unrestricted.
Methodology and Guidelines: In scope of this activity, are all forms of
support for users, such as example scripts, best practices, primers and
guideline documents, concerning all topics listed above.
Initial Input Material
The following documents are input material to this TC, which will deserve prime
attention from the TC assuming their IP status is compatible with the IPR mode
of the TC:
Other documents may be considered by the TC, subject to a TC decision.
Explicitly out-of-scope:
Defining or specifying detailed test case metadata or artifacts that would
complement the above scripting — e.g., such as supported in ATML, for
representing test environments, complete test suites, and/or their result.
Definition of particular test harnesses.
Use cases and requirements that refer to infrastructure specifications that
are not submitted to an SDO, or that refer to business documents or content that
are not approved by an organization or consortium representative of this
business domain.
1d. Deliverables
The TC will produce the following deliverables:
A requirements document, which may include use cases for Internet exchanges,
test assertions for related standards, references to existing test case dialects
or existing logging formats or systems.
A specification defining a test case execution model and scripting, that
supports both the testing and monitoring of message and business data exchanges.
A set of examples and use cases illustrating the use of above specification
for testing or monitoring business exchanges based on (a) some business content
standards, (b) some choreography standards, and (c) some specifications in the
domain of SOAP messaging or others.
An implementation of the above specification used for proof of the proposed
concept and principle.
The TC will aim at a Public Review draft of the Test Case Execution Model and Scripting by the end of 2008.
1e. IPR Mode
Royalty-Free on Limited Terms
1f. Audience
The TC is welcoming any OASIS member with an interest and/or experience in testing and monitoring.
1g. Language
Part 2: Additional Information (Non-Normative)
2a. Similar Work
Identification of similar or applicable work that is being done in other
OASIS TCs or by other organizations, why there is a need for another effort in
this area and how this proposed TC will be different, and what level of liaison
will be pursued with these other organizations
In general the following works fall short of addressing TaMIE charter, in that
they target either:
- a specific protocol stack
- a particular domain of business
Their support for testing and monitoring the implementation of a combination of
standards is either inexistent or limited, and they do not provide a versatile,
extensible scripting of test cases. The requirements that are specific to B2B
environments are not well addressed either: none is addressing both run-time
monitoring of systems in production, and conformance testing prior to
deployment. Only the latter is generally supported by existing work, e.g.
neglecting real-time monitoring cases that may lead to dynamic notification or
remedial actions, or ignoring real-time constraints about events throughput and
recovery after shutdown time.
These test environments below — with the exception of WS-I tools — do not support the combined processing of electronic documents representing agreements or policies (metadata) and of run-time logs. Finally, none supports a general-enough notion of event, along with adequate time primitives and event correlation and search capability.
(a) The OASIS ebXML IIC Test Framework (TF v1.1)
This framework was designed specifically to test the conformance and
interoperability of the software implementing the ebXML Messaging Specification.
The framework defines components and harnesses (configurations) necessary to
simulate and control the environment for conformance and interoperability tests.
A shortcoming of the IIC TF is that it has been designed for ebXML messaging
2.0, and provides weak extensibility options, both for external events and for
specialized evaluations. The IIC TF does not support other suites of B2B
integration standards such as other SOAP profiles integrating several Web
Services standards. It also does not support ebMS 3.0 and electronic documents
(b) RosettaNet Self-Test Kit (RNSTK)
RNSTK is a test system provided by the RosettaNet consortium. The system allows software solutions to perform self-tests for compliance to business collaboration scenarios and the RosettaNet Integration Framework (RNIF) specification. The RNSTK tests an integrated system implementing particular B2B collaboration scenarios, yet is tightly dependent on RNIF messaging. RNSTK test suites are encoded using the RNIF specification itself. Due to these reasons, the RNSTK cannot be used to test other suites of B2B standards including the Document Type Definition semantics. Another weakness is that its architecture only supports conformance test configurations.
(c) Web Services Interoperability (WS-I) Test Tools (for Basic Profile 1.1)
These tools do not allow for the scripting of a test suite; instead they apply a
battery of predefined tests to any Web service material provided as input. The
objective is to verify the conformance of this material to one of the WS-I
profiles. The tools only passively analyze message traffic and have no ability
to control the systems under test. Nevertheless, this capture and analysis
architecture is un-intrusive, simple, and supports deferred testing. The
analyzer tool of WS-I cannot be used as a general test engine, being tied to
profile definitions; but, it can be leveraged as a specialized module by a more
general monitoring capability, when the conformance of message material to WS-I
profiles is required. [Basic Profile 1.1 Second Edition]
(d) TTCN-3 (Testing and Test Control Notation Version 3, ETSI, June 2001)
TTCN-3 ( is a powerful, programmatically
complete procedural language with specialized constructs for defining test
procedures, test verdicts, matching mechanisms for evaluation, timer handling
and distributed test components. Due to its original focus on telecommunication
systems, it also has the ability to specify encoding information, to communicate
both synchronously and asynchronously, and to perform passive monitoring. These
capabilities are all essential for testing in message-based B2B integration.
Relative to previous test frameworks, TTCN-3 is more powerful and flexible.
However, TTCN-3 notation can be difficult for a business or domain expert to
use. TTCN-3 has not been designed to delegate some functions to external modules
and it is weak when it comes to validating business transaction events and XML
electronic documents, which are essential for B2B integration testing.
(e) ATML (Automatic Test Markup Language, IEEE, December 2004)
ATML ( has been designed for exchange of diagnostic information,
configuration data, and test instrument definitions between conforming software
applications. It was not designed to support test scripting and execution.
However, ATML representations could be complementary to executable test case
(f) General Software Test Environments and Scripting JXUnit
JXUnit is an XML-based test-scripting system built on top of the JUnit Java
classes. It is a data-driven testing system in which input to the system under
test and expected output are specified and then the actual output is evaluated.
There is no built-in support for B2B testing, in particular the communication
and the event-driven tests. However, as a general, test-scripting platform that
relies on a common programming language, JXUnit and JUnit could be used as an
implementation platform for essentially any test framework including the one
proposed here.
- JXUnit: Building Suites of Test Data with XML. "JXUnit is a directory-driven test scripting system which builds on JUnit."
- JUnit. "JUnit is a simple framework to write repeatable tests. It is an instance of the xUnit architecture for unit testing frameworks."]
2b. First Meeting
Tentative date is January 30, 2008. The first meeting will be a 2-hour conference
call. Fujitsu or KIEC will sponsor the call.
2c. Projected Meeting Schedule
A 90-minute meeting every two weeks will be scheduled, unless the TC decides upon a different frequency. Assuming the first meeting is a conference call, a face-to-face meeting will be set within 2 months of the first meeting once the work has actually started, to maximize the value of face time.
2d. Co-proposers
AIAG (Automotive Industry Action Group)
Mohammad Abidi,
Dale Moberg,
Jacques Durand,
KIEC (Korea Institute for Electronic Commerce)
Hyunbo Cho,
NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology)
Nenad Ivezic,
OAGI (Open Applications Group, Inc.)
Dave Connelly,
2e. Convenor
Jacques Durand, Fujitsu
2f. Related Member Section
2g. List of Contributions
The following work, already submitted in October 2006 to the OASIS ebXML
Implementation, Interoperability and Conformance TC, is also contributed to this TC:
eTSL draft V0.85, (originally derived from the TestFramework 1.1 produced OASIS IIC, 2004-2005)
2h. Draft of F.A.Q.
Will be provided later
2i. Proposed Working Title for Deliverables
Deliverable #1: eTSM — Event-Driven Test Scripting and Model.
A specification defining a test case execution model that supports both the
testing and monitoring of message and business data exchanges, and the scripting
language for defining and executing these test cases.
Deliverable #2: eTSM Use Cases Document — A set of examples and use cases
illustrating the use of above specification for testing or monitoring business
exchanges based on: (a) some business content standards, (b) some choreography
standards, and (c) some specifications in the domain of SOAP messaging or
others. This document may serve to illustrate requirements that have been
Deliverable #3: [eTSM Implementation] — An implementation of the above specification used for proof of
the proposed concept and principle.
The goal of the OASIS Test Assertions Guidelines (TAG) TC is to help improve the quality of standards by facilitating the creation and use of test assertions by OASIS committees and others. TC officers as of 2007-11 were Patrick Curran (co-chair) and Jacques Durand (co-chair).
Statement of Purpose: The design of Test Assertions (TAs) associated with a specification or standard — referred to in this charter as target specification — has the following recognized benefits: (i) it improves the quality of this specification during its design, and (ii) it reduces the lead time necessary to create a test suite for this specification.
A test assertion (TA), also sometimes defined as test specification, is understood in this charter with the following general meaning: A TA is an independent, complete, testable statement for requirements in the specification. A TA always refers to an item under test (IUT), which is assumed to implement all or parts of the target specification, so that this IUT is concerned with the requirements addressed by the TA. This reference is either implicit or explicit if it is necessary that the TA identifies the item under test in some unambiguous manner. A TA describes the expected output or behavior for the item under test within specific operation conditions, in a way that can be measured or tested. A TA may refer to a test harness architecture, of which a description limited to the interactions between its components and the IUT may be sufficient. Test assertions are generally different from test cases, which are more detailed and contingent to a concrete test framework: TAs are the basis to write test cases, and relate the latter to the narrative of the target specification.
The general objective served by this TC is to facilitate the creation and usage of test assertions by any group involved in designing a specification or standard of which software implementations are expected to be developed, with a primary focus on OASIS technical committees. The first step in achieving this is to establish a common and reusable model, metadata, methodology and representation for TAs.
This is aligned with the intent of the former OASIS Conformance TC, although the focus in the current initiative is not on the various aspects of quality and conformance, but on a specific one, namely test assertions.
This TC also may submit its deliverables to the OASIS Technical Advisory Board (TAB) with the ultimate intent of having these deliverables recommended to the OASIS Board of Directors for contribution to a future revision of the OASIS TC Process, rules aiming at improving the quality and adoption of OASIS output. The TC would accept feedback and recommendations from the TAB and OASIS Board.
The TC will also facilitate the promotion of its deliverables and give them the visibility necessary to reach potential users in other standard organizations.
Scope of Work: The scope of activity for this TC must be within the following topics:
TA model: A model for designing Test Assertions (TA model), that is independent from any particular target specification or standard, but that may recognize different types of test assertions, and may accommodate these in a specific way. Test assertions may be for verifying conformance of an implementation to a specification, or interoperability between implementations of the same specification. The TA model may address any useful relationship identified between TAs, such as pre-requisites or pre-conditions. It may include support for grouping several TAs (or grouping entities) but will not pretend to fully model such entities as conformance profiles, specification modules or implementation roles.
Test Environment modeling: Guidelines for characterizing the test environment or test harness assumed by the test assertions, as well as the item under test or IUT (an implementation of all or part of the target specification). Such characterization may remain abstract by just focusing on the interaction between test environment and IUT. This characterization may state the expected properties and mode of operation required from the test environment in order to verify the TAs. It may be seen as some of the requirements for a real test harness intended to process test cases based on these TAs.
Related Notions: Within scope is the selection and/or refinement of definitions of concepts expected to be related to TAs, even if not directly targeted by the modeling and methodology work of this TC. Such concepts may include: test case, conformance profile or level, test environment / harness, test execution.
Methodology: A methodology to make use of this model. This may include examples derived from applying the above TA model to particular specifications or standards.
XML Markup: An XML representation for TAs and (if appropriate) for their grouping entities. Additional notations supporting the modeling of TAs (e.g., UML) are also within scope. The intent of the XML representation is left at the discretion of the TC. It could be intended as an exchange format for editing tools, or as a source for rendering/publishing, or as an input for a test tool, or a combination of these.
Case Studies: Investigation off current practices in other OASIS TCs or other organizations which have already written test assertions for their specifications.
Liaison and Promotion: Within scope are efforts to liaise with other organizations than OASIS, and cooperation with external contributors and groups that can provide input to the TC as well as become users of its deliverables. Joint deliverables are within scope.
The OASIS ebXML Implementation Interoperability and Conformance (IIC) TC is charged with enabling software providers to create infrastructure and applications which interoperate with and adhere to the ebXML specifications. TC officers as of 2007-11 were Jacques Durand (Chair) and Michael Kass (Secretary).
The OASIS ebXML IIC TC was chartered in June 2001 to "provide a means for software vendors to create infrastructure and applications which adhere to the ebXML specifications and are able to interoperate. As such, the purpose of the IIC TC included the following:
- a conformance plan
- a set of reference implementation guidelines
- a set of base line interoperability tests
- provision of guidelines and direction for third-party creation of conformance laboratories
- provision of feedback, when neccessary, to the appropriate organization(s) responsible for a specification
Additionally, it was intended that the work of this TC leverage the work of the OASIS Interoperability Conformance TC. Furthermore, the IIC TC should align its work with the ebXML Joint Coordinating Committee, established to coordinate the ebXML activities conducted under both OASIS and UN/CEFACT, and with the work taking place in all of the other ebXML TCs, whether under OASIS or UN/CEFACT.
The IIC TC should also cooperate closely with other standard bodies whose work is leveraged in present or future ebXML specifications. These include, but are not limited to, W3C and UN/CEFACT.
List of Deliverables: The initial deliverable for the IIC TC was a conformance plan that, at a minimum, deals with the Messaging aspect of ebXML. The participants aim to produce a first draft of this specification by approximately three months from the first meeting of the TC. The ultimate deliverable of the TC is to be a coordinated set of implementation guidelines and interoperability tests. In addition, the TC should work with (a) third-party organization(s) to help it (them) establish an ebXML conformance test laboratory.
The persons proposing the formation of the TC stated their intent to base their work as closely as possible on the ebXML infrastructure specifications...
Note: Most references are presented in the individual sections above, and are not duplicated here.

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