papiNet website description 2002-07:
"papiNet is the global initiative to develop, maintain and promote the implementation of standard electronic transaction standards to facilitate the flow of information and facilitate computer to computer communications among all parties engaged in the buying, selling, and distribution of forest, paper and wood products. The set of standards is referred to as the papiNet standard. The standards include common terminology and standard business documents (e.g., purchase orders, shipping notices, and invoices)."
"The goals are to improve the reach and richness of communication throughout the supply chain, increase efficiencies in transactions and marketplace activities, and to support interoperability among trading partners. The papiNet standards are open and freely available."
"The papiNet standard is the set of XML message standards needed for the paper industry and complements and expands upon the foundation laid by EDI... The papiNet standard can be compared to your telephone's dial tone. Using XML and the Internet, the papiNet standard provides a digital dial tone that businesses can use to automate business information exchange. The papiNet standard leverages the existing communications infrastructure and builds on it, allowing businesses to communicate complex business documents as easily as voice communication."
"The papiNet standard is developed and maintained by a dedicated, international team of business and technical experts. The process for development of standards begins with studying and documenting the business process. Next, electronic documents needed to operate the process are defined and described. Finally, case studies and examples of live XML messages are developed. The first block of electronic transaction documents or messages was released to the public as Version 1.0 in June 2001. The messages are: Purchase Order, Order Confirmation, Invoice, , Call Off, Delivery Message. The second set of messages was Version 1.1 released in February, 2002. The messages are: Request for Quotation (RFQ), RFQ Response, ,Goods Receipt,Credit/Debit Note, Business Acknowledgement... Without standards, for every transaction each trading partner must negotiate and agree on data, data definitions and formats to be exchanged. With standards, trading partners need only negotiate and map for the first connection. Subsequent connections demand reduced effort and create fewer data issues, resulting in a more structured process..." [from the brochure description]
[June 17, 2002] "papiNet Announces Public Review Period from July 1 - August 15, 2002 for Six New Messages Designed to Enhance Electronic Business Communications in the Paper Industry." - "The members and sponsoring organizations of papiNet- the global electronic standards initiative of the paper and forest products industry - announce a 45 day public review period from July 1 - August 15 for six additional business documents, or messages. The messages to be submitted for public review are: Product Attributes, Usage, Information Request, Inventory Status, Order Status, and Inventory Change. After the public review period these messages will join the existing ten-message suite that provides the ability for the paper industry and its customers to electronically communicate business transactions involved in the procurement, order fulfillment, and inventory management processes..."
- papiNet website
- "papiNet Standard - Version 2.00. Interoperability Guidelines." Global Transaction Standards for the Paper Supply Chain. July 2002. For Industry Review.
- papiNet Description (PDF) [cache]
- "papiNet NA Established as Standards Initiative for the Paper Supply Chain." Announcement 2001-05.
- Version 2 XML Schemas. July 2002. A collection of 18 Schema files.
- Version 2 XML DTDs. July 2002. A collection of 17 DTD files. (BusinessAcknowledgementV2R00.dtd, CallOffV2R00.dtd, CreditDebitNoteV2R00.dtd, DeliveryMessageV2R00.dtd, GoodsReceiptV2R00.dtd, InfoRequestV2R00.dtd, InventoryChangeV2R00.dtd, InventoryStatusV2R00.dtd, InvoiceV2R00.dtd, OrderConfirmationV2R00.dtd, OrderStatusV2R00.dtd, papiNetCommonDefsV2R00.dtd, ProductAttributesV2R00.dtd, PurchaseOrderV2R00.dtd, RFQResponseV2R00.dtd, RFQV2R00.dtd, UsageV2R00.dtd). See also the version 1 DTDs.
- See also: "IDEAlliance Announces XML Book Industry Transaction Standards Working Group (XBITS)."