[September 21, 2000] The OMDoc format is an extension of OpenMath standard. Status [2000-09-21]: "The project is in the initial phase of language and tools development, we are planning to release omdoc 1.0 on October 1. 2000. Version 1.0 is the result of using omdoc in various experiements and projects, stabilizes these experiences to serve as a basis for more sophisticated tools."
Background: "Unfortunately, the proposed OpenMath standard only partially fulfils the goal of establishing a basis for communication of mathematics between mathematical software systems (and humans), since it exclusively deals with the representation of the mathematical objects proper and not with mathematical documents, which have a complex structure of their own. Since almost all of mathematics is currenty communicated in this form (publications, letters, e-mails, talks,...), it is necessary to provide a standardized infrastructure for this as well. We propose an extension of the OpenMath standard to alleviate this perceived limitation. . . We propose an extension to the OpenMath standard that allows to represent the semantics and structure various kinds of mathematical documents, including articles, textbooks, interactive books, courses. To ensure widespread applicability, we will use the term document in inclusive, rather than exclusive way (including papers, letters, interactive books, e-mails, talks, communication between mathematical services on the Internet,...), claiming that all of these can be fitted into a common representation."
A number of tools have been created to support the management and creation of OMDocs. "So far, we have developed: (1) the MBase system, which is a database based on OMDoc, it can be used to store, query and reference mathematical documents represented in OMDoc. (2) a LaTeX stylesheet latex2omdoc.sty that allows to generate OMDoc from LaTeX documents -- the source of the manual contains an example. It generates the OMDoc file latex2omdoc.xml. and (3) a bunch of XSL style files to present OMDoc to the user and transform it into input formats of various mathematical software systems..."
"OMDoc: Towards an OpenMath Representation of Mathematical Documents." The Manual. [cache]
"OMDoc: Towards an Internet Standard for the Administration, Distribution and Teaching of mathematical Knowledge." In Proceedings of Artificial Intelligence and Symbolic Computation, Springer LNAI, 2000.
"OMDoc: An Infrastructure for OpenMath Content Dictionary Information." In Bulletin of the ACM Special Interest Group for Algorithmic Mathematics, SIGSAM, 2000.
See: OpenMath Standard