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XML-Based Workflow and Process Management Standards: XPDL, Wf-XML |
[September 10, 2002] "The Workflow Management Coalition, founded in August 1993, is a non-profit, international organization of workflow vendors, users, analysts and university/research groups. The Coalition's mission is to promote and develop the use of workflow through the establishment of standards for software terminology, interoperability and connectivity between workflow products. Consisting of over 285 members, spread throughout the world, the Coalition has quickly become established as the primary standards body for this rapidly expanding software market... The Coalition is divided into three major committees, the Technical Committee, the External Relations Committee, and the Steering Committee. Small working groups exist within each committee for the purpose of defining workflow terminology, interoperability and connectivity standards, conformance requirements, and for assisting in the communication of this information to the workflow user community... The Coalition has established a number of working groups, each working on a particular area of specification. The working groups are loosely structured around the "Workflow Reference Model" which provides the framework for the Coalition's standards program. The Reference Model identifies the common characteristics of workflow systems and defines 5 discrete functional interfaces through which a workflow management system interacts with its environment - users, computer tools and applications, other software services, etc." [website description 2002-09]
[June 21, 2004] Workflow Management Coalition Hosts ASAP and Wf-XML 2.0 Interoperability Demo. The Workflow Management Coalition (WfMC) has announced a multi-vendor interoperability demonstration for Wf-XML 2.0 and the OASIS Asynchronous Service Access Protocol (ASAP). The interop demo will be held June 23, 2004 at the BrainStorm Business Process Management Conference in San Francisco. ASAP is currently a Working Draft specification being developed by an OASIS Technical Committee. This TC was chartered to create a very simple extension of Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) that enables generic asynchronous webservices or long-running webservices. ASAP is a "web services protocol that can be used to access a generic service that might take a long time to complete. Existing web services protocols protocols work best when the service can provide an answer quickly, within a minute or two at the longest. ASAP is useful when the answer might take longer than this — for example services that last from minutes to months in duration. The service being invoked might be fully automated, a manual task that a person performs, or any mixture of the two. This capability to handle both automated and manual activities is what makes ASAP particularly suited for B2B and intra-organizational service request scenarios." Wf-XML Version 2.0 was produced by the Workflow Management Coalition (WfMC), and extends the ASAP model to include BPM and workflow interchange capabilities. Wf-XML "introduces the concept that factories themselves may be added and removed. The concept of a container resource is defined, and operations are defined to list factories and to create new ones. A business process engine "is a special type of asynchronous service: it has the ability to be started, to involve people in that process, and to complete some time later. One BPM engine can be easily linked to another BPM engine using Wf-XML. Wf-XML extends ASAP by including the ability to retrieve the process definition, and to monitor the current state of a running process instance. Wf-XML 2.0 both simplifies and strengthens the implementation of asynchronous services to support business process interoperability." The Interoperability Demonstration will involve products that have implemented the Wf-XML 2.0 web commerce protocol, and will include scenarios with Customer, Retailer and Manufacturer. "All clients and servers will be internet; demonstration client each have a simple UI to invoke the asynchronous services from a web form. Each implementation exposes a factory that can be called with a specified context structure, and should return a specific result structure within a few seconds."
[December 10, 2002] Workflow Management Coalition Publishes XML Process Definition Language (XPDL) Version 1.0. The Workflow Management Coalition (WfMC) has announced the release of its Workflow Standard XML Process Definition Language - XPDL 1.0. "Together with other WfMC standards, XPDL provides a framework for implementing business process management and workflow engines, and for designing, analyzing, and exchanging business processes. XPDL is the culmination of a fifteen-month effort by multiple vendors and users to provide a standard that satisfies the needs of diverse organizations. One of the key elements of the XPDL is its extensibility to handle information used by a variety of different tools. Based upon a limited number of entities that describe a workflow process definition ('Minimum Meta Model'), XPDL thus supports a number of differing approaches. The specification is intended for use by software vendors, system integrators, consultants and any other individual or organization concerned with the design, implementation, and analysis of business process management systems as well as with interoperability among workflow systems."
[September 10, 2002] Workflow Management Coalition Publishes XML Process Definition Language (XPDL) Beta. The Workflow Management Coalition (WfMC) has released a draft beta version for the XML Process Definition Language (XPDL), together with a supporting XML schema. The document relates to WfMC's Interface One, supporting Process Definition Import and Export. The interface includes a common meta-model for describing the process definition and an XML schema specifying XPDL. Interface One is one of five functional interfaces to a workflow service identified by the WfMC as part of its standardization program. The draft document "describes the meta-model which is used to define the objects and attributes contained within a process definition. The XPDL grammar is directly related to these objects and attributes. This approach needs two operations to be provided by a vendor: (1) Import a workflow definition from XPDL; (2) Export a workflow definition from the vendor's internal representation to XPDL. The specification uses XML as the mechanism for process definition interchange. XPDL forms a common interchange standard that enables products to continue to support arbitrary internal representations of process definitions with an import/export function to map to/from the standard at the product boundary. A variety of different mechanisms may be used to transfer process definition data between systems according to the characteristics of the various business scenarios. In all cases the process definition must be expressed in a consistent form, which is derived from the common set of objects, relationships and attributes expressing its underlying concepts." [Full context]
[May 06, 2002] "Workflow Management Coalition (WfMC) and Business Process Management Initiative ( Announce Historic First Joint Standards Meeting." - "The Workflow Management Coalition (WfMC) and the Business Process Management Initiative (BPMI) today announced that both groups have agreed to a first-ever formal joint meeting to be held in London Wednesday June 26, 2002. Joint work will spotlight development of standards for Workflow and Business Process Management, with collaboration focusing on the standards revolving around Wf-XML, BPML and XPDL. A definition of the business process being managed is key to workflow management technology. Accordingly, some experts feel that workflow technology is a superset of business process definition technology. Conversely others believe that, because business process management goes beyond workflow, workflow is a subset of business process management. The WfMC and the BPMI have acknowledged, at a minimum, a substantial overlap in process definition exists. Informal discussions have recognized that both organizations would benefit from common techniques for defining the business processes. These informal discussions have led to this forthcoming historic formal meeting... The joint meeting is open to members of either organization. The WfMC and BPMI organizations will share in any intellectual property resulting from this joint initiative and their contributions will recognized appropriately through branding..."
[January 18, 2000] A beta version of the The Workflow Management Coalition Specification was published in January, 2000. See the complete reference below.
[July 12, 1999] A communiqué provided by Carol Prior (Australian and New Zealand Country Contact for the Workflow Management Coalition) announced an initiative of the Workflow Management Coalition to provide XML-based workflow standards. "Work has been underway since early 1999 and a draft specification is now available for industry comment. The specification builds on the foundation of WfMC's earlier work, providing an evolution of the existing workflow standards into XML-based exchanges between workflow systems. The WfMC initiative has brought together the work originated in the OMG jointFlow submission and the initial proposals from the IETF sponsored SWAP (Simple Workflow Access Protocol) group. Wf-XML is an XML-based variant of the WfMC Interoperability Interface which can work with HTTP or a number of other transport mechanisms, including email and direct TCP/IP connection, or MOM (Message Oriented Middleware). The specification - currently at alpha level - includes a definition of the basic DTDs defining the XML encoding of workflow messages to support interoperability. This will be extended to include workflow operations from the other WfMC interfaces, to form a complete XML-based specification for all workflow functions. Wf-XML complements work being done by other XML groups (e.g., XML/EDI) in defining their own industry data definitions in XML format. These XML data definitions focus on how the business data is structured. For example, how to describe an automobile: the make; model; trim; mileage. Wf-XML provides the process flow instructions, in XML format. Business data associated with an inter-organisational process would be passed as attachments in XML form. Wf-XML will provide organisations with an easy-to-implement way of automating business processes. The Wf-XML specification will be made available to interested parties for comment." See the WfMC Web site and the full announcement for further details.
Workflow Management Coalition
2 Crown Walk
SO22 5XE
United Kingdom
Tel: +44 1962 873401
Fax: +44 1962 868111
Principal References
- The Workflow Management Coalition website
- e-workflow portal
- Workflow Standards Framework
- List of Members
- The Workflow Reference Model. Document Number TC00-1003
- Workflow Management Coalition Public Documents
- Workflow Management Coalition Workflow Standard - Interoperability Wf-XML Binding. The Workflow Management Coalition Specification. Document Number: WFMC-TC-1023. Document Status: Final Draft. 14-November-2001. Version 1.1. 57 pages. Send comments to The Wf-XML Binding is WFMC 'Interface 4 - Interoperability'. With V1.1 XML DTD. See details below.
- Announcement 2002-12-10: "WfMC Announces Release of Workflow Standard XML Process Definition Language (XPDL 1.0)"
- Workflow Process Definition Interface -- XML Process Definition Language. Version 1.0. [Source .DOC, PDF]
- XPDL 1.0 XML Schema [source, text]
- Workflow Process Definition Interface -- XML Process Definition Language. WFMC-TC-1025, Beta. July 31, 2002. [cache]
- XPDL XML schema for 1.0 beta See also latest URL [cache]
- XPDL Beta ZIP file, Word .DOC
- "Workflow Standard - Interoperability
Wf-XML Binding." Document Number WFMC-TC-1023. Document Status: Draft 1.0 (Beta Status). 11-January-2000. Version 1.0 Beta.
- "Workflow Process Definition Interface -- XML Process Definition Language." Draft 0.03a (Alpha Status). May 22, 2001. Document Number WFMC-TC-1025. [cache]
- Workflow BizTalk Framework Schema Description
- The Workflow Handbook 2002 See the overview and Introduction (by Charles Plesums). Section 2 covers Workflow Standards: "The Value of Standards," by Betsy Fanning; "Wf-XML Challenge - Interoperability Demo by SAP and Staffware," by Justin Brunt and Rainer Weber; "Workflow Standard - Interoperability Wf-XML Binding Version 1.1."
[January 23, 2003] "ADVANTYS Announces the Adoption of XPDL for its eFormGen Workflow Management System." - "By adopting the XPDL standard (XML Process Definition Language) provided by the Workflow Management Coalition (WfMC), eFormGen from ADVANTYS becomes one of the first solutions using this technology. ADVANTYS specializes in the implementation of high added-value solutions in the field of corporate Inter-Intra-Extranets. Using its eFormGen Workflow Management System, ADVANTYS provides a quick and simple means of processing and disseminating eForms for enhanced workflow. 'Adoption of the XPDL standard enhances the availability, quality and timeliness of management information regardless of location and technology deployed,' said Jon Pyke, Chair of the WfMC and CTO Staffware Plc. 'In bringing this solution to their customers, ADVANTYS has demonstrated that WfMC standards support the needs of vendors seeking a competitive edge.' With XPDL, eFormGen users benefit from an upgradeable and open technical solution to store process definitions: (1) save the process definition as a file which can easily be read by a third party software program; (2) export/import the process definition to and from different eFormGen servers, even those running different versions; (3) ensure the long-term viability and upgradeability of process definitions by using a standard format adopted by other editors -- process design software and/or workflow engines... Combining eFormGen and Acrobat PDF-format documents means end-users can change any printed document or form (hardcopy or electronic) into an eForm, which can be processed directly with any web browser. No special development is required, and each eForm only takes a few minutes to build. Users view the forms online and enter and forward the content directly from their Internet, Intranet, or Extranet environment. All those involved in the workflow are informed in real time via e-mail of progress and any actionable items. Users can access their eForm account at any time to monitor on-going actions, or consult the completed process log. eFormGen is based around a practical technical solution integrating proven development standards, including ASP, XML and SQL. eFormGen's technical architecture and its ability to integrate additional development provides for integration with existing databases and applications..."
[September 28, 2002] "A Comparison of XPDL, BPML, and BPEL4WS." By Robert Shapiro (President and Chief Technology Officer, Cape Visions). Published by 'Rough Draft' version 1.4, August 27, 2002. 17 pages. "The Business Process Modeling Language (BPML) is representative of a new family of process definition languages intended for expressing abstract and executable processes that address all aspects of enterprise business processes, including in particular those areas important for webbased services. Microsoft's XLANG is another member of this family, as is IBM's Web Services Flow Language (WSFL). These latter two have now been combined in BPEL4WS. In this paper we focus on a comparison of BPML with XPDL, the WfMC proposed standard for an XML-based process definition interchange language. Comments in red have been added to extend the comparison to BPEL4WS, hereafter abbreviated to BPEL... Our primary objective is to clarify the differences between the BPML and XPDL (and BPEL) paradigms. We are interested in exposing what can be done with one language and cannot be done, or done only with difficulty in the other. When simple extensions are possible, we propose them. We are also concerned about the work being done by the three standards organizations: WfMC, OMG, and BPMI..." Note: " promotes a new vision for IT infrastructures shared by many and based on the convergence of several technologies and standards, including but not limited to: Business Process Management Systems, ebXML, Web services, and Content standards such as OAGIS the standard of the open application group, or RosettaNet." [source .DOC 2002-09-28, fetch from for update]
[September 17, 2002] "The WfMC Heralds BPEL4WS Standards for Business Process Management Industry." - "The Workflow ManagementCoalition (WfMC) is pleased to note the activity of major vendors such as IBM and Microsoft in the development of process definition languages and tools that are critical to workflow and other system technologies. Both IBM and Microsoft are funding members of the WfMC and were early contributors to the workflow standards including those involving process definition. The recently announced Business Process Execution Language for Web Services (BPEL4WS) is a platform for executing business processes so that they can be more easily reused and integrated with other processes. The specification enables simple execution of such processes in a web services environment. The first review of BPEL4WS suggests that the proposal is compatible with IBM and Microsoft products and therefore the proposed standard may receive de-facto support through adoption of these vendors' products. It is also apparent that almost all the features of BPEL4WS are already represented in the WfMC XPDL specification. However, there are numerous additional capabilities in the WfMC standards, such as Wf-XML, which is the process execution standard, that were not found in the specification announced by Microsoft and IBM... The WfMC has identified five functional interfaces to a workflow service as part of its standardization program. The XPDL (XML Process Definition Language) specification forms part of the documentation relating to 'Interface one' -- supporting Process Definition Import and Export. This interface includes a common meta-model for describing the process definition (this specification) and also an XML schema for the interchange of process definitions. The WfMC is committed to support the users of workflow technology for all purposes. Workflow has evolved to move work between organizations including those in separate enterprises, beyond its initial role of managing the distribution of work between people. The Coalition focuses on both the function and content of those communications as well as the tools and languages (such as XML). Work will continue on the Coalition standards as well as liaison with organizations working in related technology areas such as BPMI (collaboration announced in June 2002). The WfMC will continue to be sensitive to the wider needs of the industry and if the new BPEL4WS facilities become a significant industry direction, the Coalition will extend its focus to include that approach..."
[February 11, 2002] "WfMC Announces Release of Workflow Standard Interoperability Wf-XML Binding Version 1.1." - "The Workflow Management Coalition (WfMC) is pleased to announce the release of Workflow Standard - Interoperability: Wf-XML Binding version 1.1. This document represents a specification for a language based on the eXtensible Markup Language (XML), designed to model the data transfer requirements set forth in the Workflow Management Coalition (WfMC)'s Interoperability Abstract specification. The release of this proven XML-based standard provides organizations with an interoperability standard that facilitates a consistent method of interfacing between disparate workflow engines. This means that organizations will be able to simply and effectively implement Business to Business process integration as well as maximizing their existing investment in BP technology and legacy applications... XML version 1.1 incorporates the following enhancements: (1) Support for batch processing: This allows multiple requests/responses to be delivered within a single message. (2) Enhanced support for Parallel-Synchronized processing: The new Notify operation allows for the notification of arbitrary events as they occur in the lifecycle of a business process. (3) Context-specific data structures: A new recommended content model for contextspecific data is specified that enhances interoperability through standardization. (4) Enhanced support for asynchronous processing: This processing model is now addressed more explicitly through the addition of a new message type (Acknowledgement), as well as specification of structures in the Transport section of the message useful for correlation of messages. The release of Wf-XML version 1.0 was a landmark achievement for the WfMC in that it represented the Coalition's initial entry into the XML arena. With this release, the WfMC has further defined the fundamental protocol elements required to support interoperability among workflow systems over any transport mechanism (such as HTTP, SMTP, TCP/IP, etc.), whether synchronous or asynchronous..."
Workflow Management Coalition Workflow Standard - Interoperability Wf-XML Binding. The Workflow Management Coalition Specification. Document Number: WFMC-TC-1023. Document Status: Final Draft. 14-November-2001. Version 1.1. 57 pages. Send comments to "The XML language described herein, Wf-XML, can be used to implement the three models of interoperability defined in the Interoperability Abstract specification. Specifically, chained workflows, nested workflows and parallel-synchronized workflows are supported. Wf-XML supports these three types of interchanges both synchronously and asynchronously, and allows messages to be exchanged individually or in batch operations. Furthermore, this specification describes a language that is independent of any particular implementation mechanism, such as programming language, data transport mechanism, OS/hardware platform, etc. However, because HTTP is expected to be the most prevalent data transport mechanism used for interchanging Wf-XML messages, this specification provides a description of how Wf-XML messages are to be interchanged using this protocol. This document represents a specification for a language based on the eXtensible Markup Language (XML) designed to model the data transfer requirements set forth in the Workflow Management Coalition (WfMC)'s Interoperability Abstract specification. This language will be used as the basis for concrete implementations of the functionality described in the Interoperability Abstract supporting the WfMC's Interface 4, as defined by the Workflow Reference Model . This version (1.1) of the Wf-XML specification is fully backward compatible with its previous version (1.0). For the sake of clarity, the term 'backward-compatible' is used here to mean that all changes made to the specification in this version have been additive, making it is a superset of version 1.0. For a more detailed explanation of conformance implications, see section 6 Conformance..." See the accompanying V1.1 XML DTD. The ZIP archive contains a Word/.DOC version of the spec and the XML DTD. [cache .ZIP, cache PDF for spec]
Earlier References
[Links mostly Y2000, of historic relevance]
Workflow Management Coalition Web Site
"Interoperability Wf-XML Binding Document Number WFMC-TC-1023." Final Specification. May 08, 2000. "This document represents a specification for an XML language designed to model the data transfer requirements set forth in the Workflow Management Coalition's Interoperability Abstract specification (WFMC-TC-1012). This language will be used as the basis for concrete implementations of the functionality described in the abstract in order to support the WfMC's Interface 4 (as defined by the workflow reference model)." .ZIP format; [cache]
[January 18, 2000] ""The Workflow Management Coalition Specification." By: Workflow Management Coalition. Workflow Standard - Interoperability Wf-XML Binding. Document Number WFMC-TC-1023. Document Status: Draft 1.0 (Beta Status), 11-January-2000. Version 1.0 Beta. 40 pages. "This document represents a specification for an XML language designed to model the data transfer requirements set forth in the Workflow Management Coalition's Interoperability Abstract specification (WFMC-TC-1012). This language will be used as the basis for concrete implementations of the functionality described in the abstract in order to support the WfMC's Interface 4 (as defined by the workflow reference model). Purpose: It is the intention of this specification to describe a language that can be used to achieve the two basic types of interoperability defined in the abstract specification. Specifically, simple chained workflows and nested workflows. It will support these two types of interchange both synchronously and asynchronously. Furthermore, this specification will describe a language that is independent of any particular implementation mechanism, such as programming language, data transport mechanism, platform, hardware, etc. However, because of the fact that HTTP is considered as the most important data transport mechanism for Wf-XML, this specification provides a description on how Wf-XML interchanges are transferred using this protocol." Send comments to the workgroup. [local archive copy]
Workflow BizTalk Framework Schema Description: This schema defines a language used to exchange information among Workflow Management Systems. Information marked up in compliance with this language is used to initiate, monitor and control business processes in/by remote systems..."
Announcement [also: source]
WfMC Standards
"Workflow Interoperability - Enabling E-Commerce." April 1, 1999 WfMC White Paper.
"Workflow and the Internet: Catalysts for Radical Change." June 11, 1998. WfMC announces major White Paper.
[August 04, 2000] "Wf-XML and Interoperability." By Tom Spitzer. In WebTechniques Volume 5, Issue 8 (August 2000), pages 99-101. ['Tom Spitzer tells you why communicating between workflow applications just got easier.'] "Wf-XML provides a message-based architecture for communicating between workflow engines. It's much like a message-oriented middleware system (it's already a part of IBM's message-oriented middleware system). When one workflow engine sends another engine a message encoded in Wf-XML, it's effectively making a remote procedure call on that engine and providing the parameters that the procedure requires. Wf-XML can represent the data required to support chained and nested workflows. When processes are chained, a process instance being enacted by one workflow engine triggers the creation and enactment of a subprocess on a second engine. Once the subprocess initiates, the first engine maintains no interest in the subprocess. When processes are nested, the process instance enacted on the first engine causes the creation and enactment of a subprocess instance on a second engine, then waits for the subprocess to terminate before proceeding. To enable interoperability, workflow engines need to expose an API sufficient to parse a Wf-XML message and act on its contents. Although Wf-XML is defined independently of programming languages and data transport mechanisms, the WfMC expects that HTTP will become the most widely used data transport mechanism. To this end, Wf-XML can be used as an RPC mechanism between "generic services" that may consist of a number of different resources. . . Products that support process management are numerous. Many of the workflow vendors that participate in the WfMC seem poised to add the necessary interfaces to their own products. IBM is developing its MQ Series message-oriented middleware product to support workflow functions. The company claims compliance with earlier workflow processing standards (for backward compatibility) and offers an XML interface. SAP offers a Business Workflow module and indicates on its Web site that, as a funding member of WfMC, the company is committed to the interoperability of workflow engines and actively participates in the specification of WfMC guidelines, including Wf-XML. Widespread adoption of this standard will take some time, if it happens at all. I spoke to a product manager at a leading vendor of infrastructure software for corporate online procurement systems and B2B marketplaces. He agreed that it's important to integrate process steps between systems in our scenario: collaborative RFP development, and RFP processing between company and supplier. But he said that currently developers would have to write code at the API level to do it. The WfMC also has some work to do before general purpose workflow vendors adopt XML. In its standardization work since 1993, WfMC has identified five interfaces to a workflow engine. These include interfaces for process definition, access by a workflow client, invocation of external applications, administration and monitoring, and delegating processes to other workflow engines. The initial Wf-XML standard addresses only the last of these interfaces, disappointing those who are looking for a process-definition schema. Over time, the coalition is likely to define schema for additional interfaces. There's an Open Source workflow engine development project under way that's taking a pragmatic approach to schema definition. The project has already released versions of process definition and client access schema for comments. Understanding the structure of schema like these provides insight into the interfaces we need to develop. One day, the Web will support processes that cross departmental and organizational boundaries."
Frequently Asked Questions about the WfMC Interoperability Specification
Workflow Web Site References
Workflow Reference Model
[July 14, 1999] Workflow Management Coalition. Workflow Standard - Interoperability. Wf-XML Binding. The Workflow Management Coalition Specification. Document Number WFMC-TC-1023, Document Status - Draft 1.0 (Alpha Status). "This document represents a specification for an XML language designed to model the data transfer requirements set forth in the Workflow Management Coalition's Interoperability Abstract specification (WFMC-TC-1012). This language will be used as the basis for concrete implementations of the functionality described in the abstract in order to support the WfMC's Interface 4 (as defined by the workflow reference model)." This alpha document contains a provisional Wf-XML DTD. Note of 1999-07-14 from the WfMC: 'We are offering this alpha specification to all interested parties because we would welcome additional input in order to improve the specification as it is developed. PLEASE email your comments or suggestions for improvement, Having requested this specification from the WfMC, you may well be interested in taking part in the discussion and development of all of the Coalition's standards. Membership of the Coalition will allow you to do exactly this. You can find out more from our web site at:' Contact: David Stirrup, General Manager, Workflow Management Coalition. 'This document is a draft proposal submitted to the WfMC for approval. It may be changed in whole or in part at anytime as deemed necessary by the WfMC. Until given formal approval, this specification should not be utilized or referenced in any way except as a work-in-progress.' [original .DOC/.ZIP format]
"XML Based Workflow Interoperability." In Go with the Flow! - Newsletter of the Workflow Management Coalition. From Volume 2, Issue 2 - "Two of the Coalition members, PM JCALS and CSC, presented to the Atlanta meeting some preliminary workf for an XML specification for interoperability between workflow systems. Now to be known as "Wf-XML" , this initiative was enthusiastically received by the WfMC, adding as it does another binding for workflow interoperation, which is both a simple, and very open, standard. The first draft of the WfMC Wf-XML specification will be presented in June and be available for general review in July, 1999."
Contact: David Stirrup, General Manager, Workflow Management Coalition
AIIM International
PO Box 165, 2 Crown Walk
Winchester, Hampshire SO22 5XE
United Kingdom
Tel: +44 1962 873401
Fax: +44 1962 868111

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