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Last modified: November 26, 2002
Translation Web Services (TWS)

[November 18, 2002] OASIS Members Form Translation Web Services Technical Committee: "An OASIS Translation Web Services TC is being been formed by a number of OASIS members working in the translation industry. The TC will work towards creating business service definitions which the translation industry will use in Web Services. The document "Web Services for the Translation Industry" explains the background to this TC." [Peter Reynolds]

Articles, White Papers, News

  • [November 21, 2002] "Web Services for the Translation Industry." A Whitepaper from the Translation Web Services Group. November, 2002. 7 pages. Presents: the business case for a localisation Web Service; case history -- Domino Global Workbench/ BerlitzIT integration; towards an industry standard; defining a set of service types; conclusions/ next steps. "Many translation and localisation projects involve a multiple of complex tasks carried out in different countries by different companies. The management of this is a very complex business. To find out what the cost of a project will be involves sending files, data, and other information to different companies to get information on their charges. As the project progresses a lot of time is spent by project managers chasing up status information from the various vendors. Even receiving the completed translated files can be cumbersome with the project manager having to collect files from different FTP servers... By allowing computer to computer communication over the Internet automation of many localisation processes is now possible. A publisher of software or documentation could use Web Services to get not just one quote but quotes for different tasks and from different vendors. Web Services could be used as the backbone to a workflow automating the links between the different tasks. Reporting information from a number of sources could be consolidated at the customer's computer with the aid of Web Services. This document is the outline of the agenda of the Translation Web Services group. The report has been prepared by this steering group to outline what we intend to do to establish localisation Web Services and some of the issues surrounding this. It will not provide a blueprint for this but be a starting point for the conversations that will establish this blueprint. The report will begin with a business justification for a localisation Web Service and an illustration of what has been done already. This will be followed with a description and an outline of the issues that need resolving for this to become a reality..." [source .DOC]

  • [November 21, 2002] "The Impact of Translation Web Services." By Jaap van der Meer. In The LISA Newsletter: Globalization Insider Volume XI, Number 4.4 (November 19, 2002). "In November of 2001 Bill Looby of IBM gave a presentation at the LRC Summit in Limerick about web services and how this technology could apply to the translation market. A lot of talk and some real things have happened since then. Telelingua announced their T-Remote Memory product which uses a web services definition to retrieve translation matches from multiple distributed translation memory systems. Berlitz uses a web services definition in its Open Translation Connector to link content management systems with BerlitzIt. Lexelnet is about to launch its translation marketplace using web services definitions for the providers of the services. Globalsight announced its .Net edition which allows localization portals to link very easily with its globalization technology. And those who have not yet implemented web services one way or the other in their translation technology will most certainly be talking about it. Web services create the best opportunity for the cottage translation market to cross the chasm and become a professional services industry. Web services help us to overcome the dilemma that has suppressed the translation market ever since we started talking about localization as an industry (around 1990). The mergers and acquisitions of recent years and the launch of new market offerings have only reinforced this dilemma..." [alt URL]

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