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Last modified: November 23, 1998
POET Integrates FrameMaker+SGML 5.5

POET Integrates FrameMaker+SGML 5.5 with POET Content Management Suite

Single-Source SGML/XML Print and Web Solution for Technical Documentation

SAN MATEO, California. November 16, 1998. XML '98 Conference.

POET Software, the leading vendor of object databases for Windows NT and content management solutions for XML objects, today announced an Author Plug-in that enables the POET Content Management Suite (CMS) to seamlessly integrate into the FrameMaker+SGML 5.5 user interface.

Now users of FrameMaker+SGML can incorporate POET CMS into their production and publishing environment to provide them with a complete content management solution, all within a user interface they are already comfortable with. This powerful combination provides additional functionality, while significantly simplifying the authoring and publishing processes, resulting in substantial cost savings.

By adding POET CMS to FrameMaker+SGML, the author immediately gains functionality like multi-user check-in/check-out, tag-aware searching, version control, querying, and more from within the familiar FrameMaker interface. Because the integration is seamless, end-users can be leveraging this added functionality in a matter of minutes without formal training. These benefits are further extended by POET CMS Web Factory, which enables dynamic web page generation from the same content. As a result, FrameMaker users gain the advantage of web publishing as well as their traditional print publishing, all from a single source.

"POET CMS integration with Adobe's FrameMaker+SGML 5.5 is again one step forward in evangelizing the XML market: It combines Adobe's user-friendly, yet powerful, authoring and publishing capabilities with POET's robust information management to give users an integrated solution," said Lani Hajagos, Senior Product Manager at Adobe.

User Benefits

Many FrameMaker users rely on the file system for storing their granular content. However, the file system is not tuned for this purpose, and requires the user to disassemble and reassemble large files by hand. POET CMS replaces this process with a solution that is tuned for storing and accessing SGML and XML components in a multi-user environment. While POET CMS provides powerful functionality, it is also easy to use, and doesn't require database expertise -- it is designed for use by authors not the IS department. By replacing the file system with a complete solution, users benefit from improved performance, functionality and a dramatic reduction in workload.

Benefits for POET Channel Partners

POET's Channel Partners provide a rich source for integrated solutions and vertical market expertise. Since customers are constantly looking for a turn-key solution, this tight integration with a leading authoring tool provides one more step toward this goal. One such Channel Partner is Group information Logistics (GiL), a POET reseller in Europe specializing in SGML/XML consulting and development. GiL will build a complete solution for document management that couple POET CMS with workflow management and integration to various authoring tools. This complete solution, named SXR (SGML/XML-based Redaktionssystem) is a pilot project paid by MTU Friedrichshafen, an affiliate of Daimler Benz, the biggest manufacturer for diesel engines and drives in Germany.

Adobe FrameMaker+SGML 5.5 with CMS

Adobe FrameMaker+SGML 5.5 software provides SGML document authoring and publishing with all the features and benefits of FrameMaker 5.5. Other key features include context sensitive editing, interactive structure view, powerful word processing, graphics support, and automated page numbering. The POET CMS Author Plugin adds storage and management functionality to FrameMaker+SGML.


The POET CMS Author Plugin for FrameMaker+SGML will be generally available in the first quarter of 1999. It is provided as a free-add-on to POET's Content Client which is retailed at $1500 per seat.

About POET Software

POET Software is the leading provider of object databases for Windows NT, providing unique value for packaged applications and embedded systems that require performance, scalability, small footprint and zero administration overhead. The company is capitalizing upon the powerful combination of its core database competency plus its expertise in providing SGML/XML solutions to drive innovation fueled by the XML technology wave. POET's new Content Management Suite is the leading solution enabling development of next-generation Web and eCommerce applications. POET's award-winning technology is used by developers in leading companies throughout the U.S. and Europe.

The company is headquartered in San Mateo, Calif., and can be reached at the POET Web site,

POET Software has built strategic relationships with leading technology companies such as Adobe, Microsoft, Novell, Intel, Ericsson LM, and General Dynamics.

[Note: See also a copy of this announcement on the Poet Web site.]


POET Software Corporation
Uschi Joshua
Tel: +1 650 286-4640

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