[May 25, 2000] "The OOPML project is a component of the Docware approach: its goal is to define a XML development support for self-documented and self-tested classes (with a first step in Java)."
Abstract from the ECOOP 2000 Workshop paper: "The sophisticated document management needs of present and future Web-based environments have spawned the XML specification as well as a host of related technologies. In software engineering, XML to date has mostly been used to support three sub-activities: documentation management, data interchange and lightweight data storage. In this position paper, we propose using XML technology as the infrastructure for the integrated management of all core software development information. For several years now we have been developing the concept of design for testability based on a self-documented and self-testable class model. The aim of this paper is to propose a master document type that captures all relevant information for a class, i.e. documentation, contracts, tests, and so on. This document is defined by an XML DTD and we have tentatively named the resulting markup language OOPML: Object-Oriented Programming Markup Language. After presenting our DTD prototype and describing the dedicated software development framework that we are currently building, we explore the enhanced work and control activities made possible by XML technology. Related software project activities (design with UML, documentation, project management) are also explored."
"XML Support to Design for Testability." By Daniel Deveaux, Guy St-Denis, and Rudolf Keller. Also in PDF and Postscript format. [cache, PDF]
OOPML DTD. A DTD for documented and self-testable classes [oopml.dtd]; FPI is "-//UBS-AGLAE//DTD oopml Software Project Documents//FR"; [cache]