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Created: March 04, 2003.
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UDDI Version 2 Specification Submitted for Approval as an OASIS Open Standard.

On behalf of the OASIS UDDI Specifications Technical Committee, TC Co-Chairs Tom Bellwood and Luc Clément have submitted the UDDI v2 Committee Specifications for consideration as an OASIS Open Standard. UDDI v2 components include the UDDI Version 2 API Specification, Data Structure, XML Schema, Replication Specification, XML Replication Schema, XML Custody Schema, Operator's Specification, WSDL Service Interface Descriptions, and UDDI tModels.

The UDDI Specification Technical Committee, part of the OASIS Member Section, has been chartered "to continue work on the Web services registry foundations developed and published by The UDDI specifications form the necessary technical foundation for publication and discovery of Web services implementations both within and between enterprises. The scope of the UDDI Technical Committee is the support of Web services discovery mechanisms in the following areas: (1) Specifications for Web services registries and Web service interfaces to the registries; (2) Replication or synchronization mechanisms across multiple implementations; (3) Security facilities for access or manipulation of the registry and maintaining data integrity. The UDDI specifications will use implementation and language neutral XML formats defined in XML Schema where appropriate."

What is UDDI?

Universal Description, Discovery and Integration, or UDDI, is the name of a group of web-based registries that expose information about a business or other entity and its technical interfaces (or APIs). These registries are run by multiple Operator Sites, and can be used by anyone who wants to make information available about one or more businesses or entities, as well as anyone that wants to find that information. There is no charge for using the basic services of these operator sites.

By accessing any of the public UDDI Operator Sites, anyone can search for information about web services that are made available by or on behalf of a business. The benefit of having access to this information is to provide a mechanism that allows others to discover what technical programming interfaces are provided for interacting with a business for such purposes as electronic commerce, etc. The benefit to the individual business is increased exposure in an electronic commerce enabled world.

The information that a business can register includes several kinds of simple data that help others determine the answers to the questions 'who, what, where and how'. Simple information about a business -- information such as name, business identifiers (D&B D-U-N-S Number, etc.), and contact information answers the question 'Who?' 'What?' involves classification information that includes industry codes and product classifications, as well as descriptive information about the services that the business makes available. Answering the question 'Where?' involves registering information about the URL or email address (or other address) through which each type of service is accessed. Finally, the question 'How?' is answered by registering references to information about interfaces and other properties of a given service. These service properties describe how a particular software package or technical interface functions. These references are called tModels in the UDDI documentation. [From the UDDI Version 2 API Specification]

UDDI Version 2 Specifications Overview

UDDI Version 2 API Specification

UDDI Version 2.04 API, Published Specification, Dated 19 July 2002:

"This document describes the programming interface and expected behaviors of all instances of the Universal Description, Discovery and Integration (UDDI) registry. The primary audience for this document is programmers who want to write software that will directly interact with a UDDI Operator Site[1]. Private implementations of the UDDI specification should provide support for the interface described here as well as the behaviors defined... coupled with the UDDI API schema (uddiAPI2.xsd) and the information in the UDDI Version 2.0 Data Structure Reference, this document defines a programming interface that is available according to the licensing terms defined in the beginning of this document. Software developers, businesses and others are encouraged to define products and tools that make use of both public and private UDDI registries. Developers who license this specification are further encouraged to build registries that are compatible with the UDDI specifications..."

UDDI Version 2 Data Structure

UDDI Version 2.03, Data Structure Reference, Published Specification, Dated 19 July 2002:

"The programmatic interface provided for interacting with systems that follow the Universal Description Discovery & Integration (UDDI) specifications make use of Extensible Markup Language (XML) and a related technology called Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP), which is a specification for using XML in simple message based exchanges. The UDDI Version 2.0 API Specification defines approximately 40 SOAP messages that are used to perform inquiry and publishing functions against any UDDI compliant service registry. This document outlines the details of each of the XML structures associated with these messages..."

UDDI Version 2 XML Schema

Version 2.0 UDDI XML Schema 2001: uddi_v2.xsd -

UDDI Version 2 Replication Specification

UDDI Version 2.03, Replication Specification, Published Specification, Dated 19 July 2002:

"This document describes the data replication process and programmatic interface required to achieve complete data replication between UDDI Operators. The replication process makes use of Extensible Markup Language (XML) and a related technology called Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP). SOAP is a specification for using XML in simple message-based exchanges. The UDDI Version 2.0 Programmer's Reference Specification provides a short introduction to the project and describes the public UDDI interfaces. This specification describes the interfaces required to perform all of the UDDI Operator to UDDI Operator communications... Implementers will find information in this document that defines the required replication process protocol and recommended and required behaviors all UDDI Node Operators must implement as a part of their UDDI Services. The goal of these policies and behaviors is to ensure that the UDDI Service works smoothly, both for the user community as a whole, and for the individual operators..."

UDDI Version 2 XML Replication Schema

Version 2.03 Replication XML Schema 2001: uddi_v2replication.xsd -

UDDI Version 2 XML Custody Schema

UDDI XML Custody Schema: uddi_v2custody.xsd -

UDDI Version 2 Operator's Specification

UDDI Version 2.01, Operator's Specification, Published Specification, Dated 19 July 2002:

"This document is one of several that define the UDDI Version 2.0 Specification. It covers UDDI Node Operator requirements beyond those specified in the UDDI Version 2.0 Programmer's Reference and the UDDI Version 2.0 Replication Specification. The UDDI Version 2.0 Programmer's Reference provides a short introduction to the UDDI project and describes the public UDDI interfaces. The replication specifications describe the protocol used for UDDI Operator Nodes to synchronize registry information. This document describes the behavior and operational parameters required of all UDDI Node Operators... Implementers will find information in this document that defines one required protocol (Custody Transfer), as well as recommendations and the operational behaviors all UDDI Node Operators are required to implement as a part of their UDDI services. The goal of these policies and behaviors is to ensure that UDDI services works smoothly and consistently, both for the user community as a whole, and for the individual Node Operators. The document also touches upon such topics as site security and data management..."

UDDI Version 2 WSDL Service Interface Descriptions

UDDI Inquire API: inquire_v2.wsdl -
UDDI Publish API: publish_v2.wsdl -

UDDI Version 2 tModels

UDDI Registry tModels -
"This document contains the Registry tModel definitions -- those that constitute the UDDI APIs. It covers: UDDI Inquiry APIs (Version 1), UDDI Inquiry APIs (Version 2), UDDI Publication APIs (Version 1), UDDI Publication APIs (Version 2), UDDI Taxonomy API (Version 1), and UDDI Taxonomy API (Version 2).

UDDI Other Core tModel -
"This document contains tModel definitions used to help register UDDI businessServices using leading industry encoding schemes and standard protocols. It Covers UDDI Homepage Specification, UDDI HTTP Transport, UDDI SMTP Transport, UDDI FTP Transport, UDDI Fax Protocol, and UDDI Telephone Specification.

Replication tModels -
"This tModel represents the programming interface for replication between UDDI instances in Version 2. Operators Sites use this programming interface to replicate data between them. Its requires mutual authentication and HTTPS as defined in the UDDI Version 2.0 Replication Specification. The design goal for the UDDI Replication API is to provide a simple, scalable, secure mechanism for UDDI Operator Nodes to exchange and propagate registry change information. This tModel represents the UDDI Version 2 Replication API. The details of this API are specified in the UDDI Version 2 Replication Specification."

Taxonomy tModels -
"This document contains the UDDI core tModels that represent categorization schemes such as taxonomies, identifier systems, and relationships. Covers: UDDI Types Taxonomy; North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) 1997 Release; United Nations Standard Products and Services Code System (UNSPSC) Version 7.0; United Nations Standard Products and Services Code System (UNSPSC) Version 3.1; ISO 3166 Geographic Code System; General Keywords Taxonomy; UDDI OwningBusiness Identifier System; UDDI Relationships Classification System; UDDI Operators Identifier System; UDDI IsReplacedBy Identifier System; Dun & Bradstreet D-U-N-S Number Identifier System; Thomas Register Supplier Identifier Code System.

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