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Created: June 14, 2002.
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CNet Sweden Publishes Multilingual Term Catalogues With 'Termado' XML Technology.

CNet Sweden has announced the availability of its Termado software for "management and publishing of term catalogues, lexicons and dictionaries. Using the latest XML and Web Services technology, Termado publishes term catalogues to different media but can also export term data to different applications helping businesses establishing common concepts throughout the organization. Termado consists of a termbase management system and a termbase publishing engine. The termbase management system has an easy-to-use interface for creating and managing a catalogue with terms. The termbase has been designed using linguistic and terminological models. It can represent anything from simple glossaries and dictionaries to very complex terminologies for different subject domains... The web interface supports concept searches as well as free text searching in the term catalogue. Termado automatically creates links between related concepts in the database, which can be used to navigate and explore the termbase." The product supports exchange formats such as OLIF, MARTIF, Geneter, and XTL.

"Termado is based on XML (Extensible Markup Language), the latest technology for cross media publishing and data exchange. Therefore Termado has open interfaces for import and export of terminological entries to and from other programs. Developers can easily create any XML-based format to allow support for exchange formats such as OLIF, MARTIF, Geneter and XTL... Termado features many functions for converting different sources to a uniform XML-format. The software has several built-in parsers for reading none-XML-based formats and convert it into a common XML format for term data."

Demonstration: One of the downloadable demo applications is an 'XML Dictionary' -- A complete definition of the XML languages and relating technology by Matts Ahlsén.

"Termado is a Term Catalogue System for management and publishing of term catalogues, lexicons and dictionaries. Termado is a complete tool that allows you to quickly and easily create advanced term catalogues and dictionaries and make them available for presentation, browsing and searching on the Internet, or export to external applications... Termado consists of a termbase management system and a termbase publishing engine. The termbase management system has an easy-to-use interface for creating and managing a catalogue with terms. The catalogue database manages information about concepts and the terms used to express them in various languages. The termbase management system consists of a database that has been designed using linguistic and terminological models. It can represent anything from simple glossaries and dictionaries to very complex terminologies for different subject domains. The Termado publishing engine allows the term catalogue to be published to different parallel media such as web or paper. The term catalogue can also be made available for searching and browsing from Internet. The web interface supports concept searches as well as free text searching in the term catalogue. Termado automatically creates links between related concepts in the database, which can be used to navigate and explore the termbase..." [Termado website description]

Related topics:

  • Open Lexicon Interchange Format (OLIF). "OLIF, the Open Lexicon Interchange Format, is a user-friendly vehicle for exchanging terminological and lexical data. OLIF is XML-compliant and offers support for natural language processing (NLP) systems, such as machine translation, by providing coverage of a wide and detailed range of linguistic features. OLIF is a joint effort of a group of major NLP technology suppliers, corporate users of NLP, and research institutions. In order to strenghten their power, this group has formed the OLIF Consortium which is headed by SAP."
  • XLT: XML representation of Lexicons and Terminologies. "XLT is a major deliverable of the SALT Project (Standards-based Access service to multilingual Lexicons and Terminologies). XLT is an XML-based application developed with the intent of facilitating the exchange of lexicons and terminologies. The primary member of the XLT family of formats is Default XLT Format (DXLT)."
  • Geneter (GENEric model for TERminology). "Geneter is a standard in project actually under debate at the TC37/SC3/WG4 (ISO technical committee for Terminology and sub-committee for computer applications). Its objective will be the management, the distribution and the reuse of terminological data." There is a Geneter test suite for SGML/XML compatibility. See the DTD.
  • TermBase Exchange (TBX). "TBX is an open XML-based standard format for terminological data. This standard provides a number of benefits so long as TBX files can be imported into and exported from most software packages that include a terminological database. This capability will greatly facilitate the flow of terminological information throughout the information cycle both inside an organization and with outside service providers. In addition, terminology that is made available to the general public will become much more accessible to humans and more easily integrated into existing terminological resources." See the April 2002 announcement from LISA.
  • Machine-Readable Terminology Interchange Format (MARTIF). "The terminological community has realised the problems of standardisation for the interchange of terminological information and provided a way forward with ISO FDIS 12200-1, Computer Applications In Terminology - Machine-Readable Terminology Interchange Format (Martif) -Part 1: Negotiated Interchange. The MARTIF standard ISO FDIS 12200-1 uses Standardised Generalised Markup Language (SGML) in conjunction with ISO FDIS 12620 for the robust interchange of terminological data. MARTIF provides a Document Type Definition (DTD) in SGML and ISO FDIS 12620 provides the data categories. See "Introduction to ISO 12200 (negotiated MARTIF)" and ISO 12620 Data Categories. [from The Virtual HyperGlossary]

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