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Created: October 30, 2001.
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OASIS/ebXML Registry TC Publishes Updated Registry Services Specification.

Members of the OASIS ebXML Registry Technical Committee have completed a revised Registry Services Specification which "defines the interface to the ebXML Registry Services as well as interaction protocols, message definitions and XML schema." Appendix B of the version 1.01 specification supplies the ebXML Registry DTD Definition; Appendix A entitled "Web Service Architecture" provides a WSDL Terminology Primer, Registry Service Abstract Specification, and Registry Service SOAP Binding. The ebXML Registry "provides a set of services that enable sharing of information between interested parties for the purpose of enabling business process integration between such parties based on the ebXML specifications. The shared information is maintained as objects in a repository and managed by the ebXML Registry Services defined in this document. The Registry Services may be implemented in several ways including, as a public web site, as a private web site, hosted by an ASP or hosted by a VPN provider. A separate document, ebXML Registry Information Model, provides information on the types of metadata that are stored in the Registry as well as the relationships among the various metadata classes."

Bibliographic information: OASIS/ebXML Registry Services Specification. Draft Specfication Version 1.01. By members of the OASIS/ebXML Registry Technical Committee. 27-October-2001. 120 pages. Status: This document, in its current form, has been approved by the OASIS/ebXML Registry Technical Committee as DRAFT Specfication of the TC.

Excerpts from the version 1.01 specification, front matter:

This document defines the interface to the ebXML Registry Services as well as interaction protocols, message definitions and XML schema. A separate document, ebXML Registry Information Model, provides information on the types of metadata that are stored in the Registry as well as the relationships among the various metadata classes.

The ebXML Registry provides a set of services that enable sharing of information between interested parties for the purpose of enabling business process integration between such parties based on the ebXML specifications. The shared information is maintained as objects in a repository and managed by the ebXML Registry Services defined in this document. The Registry Services may be implemented in several ways including, as a public web site, as a private web site, hosted by an ASP or hosted by a VPN provider.

The ebXML Registry Service is comprised of a robust set of interfaces designed to fundamentally manage the objects and inquiries associated with the ebXML Registry. The two primary interfaces for the Registry Service consist of a Life Cycle Management interface that controls the required processes necessary for managing an object within the Registry and a Query Management Interface that controls the release of information from the Registry. Both of these interfaces are accessed through the use of a Registry Client Interface. This specification defines the interfaces exposed by the Registy Service as well as the interface for the Registry Client...

This version of the specification does not preclude ebXML Registries from cooperating with each other to share information, nor does it preclude owners of ebXML Registries from registering their ebXML registries with other registry systems, catalogs, or directories. Examples include: (1) an ebXML Registry of Registries that serves as a centralized registration point; (2) cooperative ebXML Registries, where registries register with each other in a federation; (3) registration of ebXML Registries with other Registry systems that act as white pages or yellow pages. The document "Using UDDI to Find An ebXML Registry/Repository" provides an example of ebXML Registries being discovered through a system of emerging white/yellow pages known as UDDI...

The Registry Services specification is first in a series of phased deliverables. Later versions of the document will include additional functionality planned for future development. It is assumed that: (1) Interoperability requirements dictate that that at least one of the normative interfaces as referenced in this specification must be supported. (2) All access to the Registry content is exposed via the interfaces defined for the Registry Services. (3) The Registry makes use of a Repository for storing and retrieving persistent information required by the Registry Services. This is an implementation detail that will not be discussed further in this specification.

From the TC Charter: "The OASIS ebXML Registry TC develops specifications to achieve interoperable registries and repositories, with an interface that enables submission, query and retrieval on the contents of the registry and repository. Further, the Registry TC seeks to develop specifications that serve a wide range of uses, covering the spectrum from general purpose document registries to real-time business-to-business registries. Additionally, as part of its specification development work, this TC explores and promotes various emerging models for distributed and cooperating registries."

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