Dommitt Inc. (Cupertino, CA) has announced an online utility for XML diff/merge and XML DTD generation. The tool allows a user to find changes in XML documents in three easy steps, aided by HTML forms: "upload the files, view the differences between them, and generate a DTD to validate the new XML file with changes." Supporting documentation at the website demonstrates the differences between the Dommitt online tool and related software tools in the market (e.g., IBM alphaWorks XML Diff and Merge utility, Sun's diffmk perl tool, and DeltaXML). DOMMITT produces an XML document annotated with edit operations (insert, delete and update operations). DOMMITT has its roots in research directed towards diffing snapshots of object databases. Such snapshots are inherently tree structured. The algorithms stemming from this research similar to the LCS algorithm used by the UNIX diff utility, but LCS does not comprehend tree structure. So variants of this approach were used to adapt the algorithm to this new domain. DOMMITT Inc. is committed to delivering high-performance and scalable solutions in the XML space. Making these tools easy to use is also a priority. DOMMITT is structured to allow peer-to-peer XML document comparisons. This essentially implies the computationally intensive diff operation is scaled across machines that are registered in the peer network."
From the product-comparison document: "The four diff utilities -- Dommitt, DeltaXML, Sun's diffmk and IBM's xmltreediff -- all vary in the manner they report diffs. Dommitt offers significant benefits compared to these other tools: (1) Complete XML output with differences embedded in the document; (2) DTD automatically generated to validate the output; (3) Implementation in Java to encourage ISVs to embed the tool in other interesting tools..."
Principal references:
- Dommitt Inc. web site
- Documentation
- Comparing features in the IBM, Sun, DeltaXML and DOMMITT diff tools
- Comparing Diff tools - Concrete example with sample XML file representing some fictitious DSML data.
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