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Last modified: March 17, 2000
ICDE 2000: 16th International Conference on Data Engineering

16th International Conference on Data Engineering. February 29 - March 3, 2000, Holiday Inn on the Bay, San Diego, CA, USA.

  • Sponsored by the IEEE Computer Society Technical Committee on Data Engineering. "The 16th International Conference on Data Engineering will continue in its tradition of being a premier forum for presentation of research results and advanced data-intensive applications and discussion of issues on data and knowledge engineering. The mission of the conference is to share research solutions to problems of today's information society and to identify new issues and directions for future research and development work."
  • Call for Papers
  • Proceedings
  • Program
  • Note Session 26: "XML and databases": (1) Oracle8i - "The XML Enabled Data Management System" (V. Krishnamurthy - Oracle); (2) "XML and DB2" (J. Cheng - IBM); (3) "Data Channel's Approach to XML and Databases" (George Kondrach, E. Kimber, P. Prescod - DataChannel). Also: (1) "Efficient Storage of XML Data" (C.-C. Kanne and G. Moerkotte) and (2) Xwrap: An XML-enabled Wrapper Construction System for Web Information Sources (L. Liu, C. Pu, W. Han -- Oregon Graduate Institute).

Abstracts for XML-related papers:

  • [March 18, 2000] "XWRAP: An XML-Enabled Wrapper Construction System for Web Information Sources." [Session 28: Web-Based Systems] By Ling Liu, Calton Pu, and Wei Han (Georgia Institute of Technology, College of Computing, Atlanta, Georgia 30332-0280). Paper presented at the 16th International Conference on Data Engineering. February 29 - March 3, 2000, Holiday Inn on the Bay, San Diego, CA, USA. [Proceedings] "This paper describes the methodology and the software development of XWRAP, an XML-enabled wrapper construction system for semi-automatic generation of wrapper programs. By XML-enabled we mean that the metadata about information content that are implicit in the original web pages will be extracted and encoded explicitly as XML tags in the wrapped documents. In addition, the query-based content filtering process is performed against the XML documents. The XWRAP wrapper generation framework has three distinct features. First, it explicitly separates tasks of building wrappers that are specific to a Web source from the tasks that are repetitive for any source, and uses a component library to provide basic building blocks for wrapper programs. Second, it provides a user-friendly interface program to allow wrapper developers to generate their wrapper code with a few mouse clicks. Third and most importantly, we introduce and develop a two-phase code generation framework. The first phase utilizes an interactive interface facility to encode the source-specific metadata knowledge identified by individual wrapper developers as declarative information extraction rules. The second phase combines the information extraction rules generated at the first phase with the XWRAP component library to construct an executable wrapper program for the given web source. We report the initial experiments on performance of the XWRAP code generation system and the wrapper programs generated by XWRAP. [...] We have presented the XWRAP approach to semiautomatically generating wrappers for Web information sources and reported our initial experiments on performance of the XWRAP code generation system and the wrapper programs generated by XWRAP. Our wrapper generation framework has three distinct features. First, it explicitly separates tasks of building wrappers that are specific to a Web source from the tasks that are repetitive for any source, and uses a component library to provide basic building blocks for wrapper programs. Second, it provides a user-friendly interface program to allow wrapper developers to generate their wrapper code with a few mouse clicks. Third and most importantly, we introduce and develop a two-phase code generation framework. The first phase utilizes an interactive interface facility to encode the source-specific metadata knowledge identified by individual wrapper developers as declarative information extraction rules. The second phase combines the information extraction rules generated at the first phase with the XWRAP component library to construct an executable wrapper program for the given web source. Our work continues along three dimensions. The first aspect focuses on providing better tools to incorporate various machine learning algorithms to enhance the robustness of information extraction rules. The second aspect is to enrich the XWRAP information extraction rule language and the component library with enhanced pattern discovery capability and various optimization considerations. The third aspect concerns the incorporation of Microsoft repository technology to handle and manage the versioning issue and the metadata of the XWRAP wrappers. Furthermore, we are interested in investigating issues such as whether the ability of following hyperlinks should be a wrapper functionality at the level of information extraction or a mediator functionality at the level of information integration." See (subscription) the full text in PDF format.

  • [March 18, 2000] "Efficient Storage of XML Data." By Carl-Christian Kanne and Guido Moerkotte (Lehrstuhl für Praktische Informatik III, Universität Mannheim, Germany). Paper presented at the 16th International Conference on Data Engineering. February 29 - March 3, 2000, Holiday Inn on the Bay, San Diego, CA, USA. [Proceedings] "NATIX is an efficient, native repository for storing, retrieving and managing XML documents. Other systems map XML data into structures maintainable by traditional DBMS. This introduces additional layers between the logical data and its physical storage, slowing down both updates and query processing. NATIX is native in the sense that it supports tree-structured objects like XML documents at low architecture levels. One example for this low-level support of tree-structured large objects is our parameterizable split algorithm. It dynamically maintains physical records of size smaller than a page which contain sets of connected tree nodes. This not only improves efficiency by clustering sub-trees but also facilitates their compact representation. [...] Our XML repository NATIX has an integrated tree stor-age manager that manages clustered groups of document tree nodes that are treated as atomic by the underlying record manager. As subtrees of the document are changed, clustered nodes can become records of their own or again be merged into clusters. In contrast to traditional large object (LOB) managers or file systems, the decisions which parts of a document reside on the same page are based on the semantics of the data. Additionally, to satisfy special application requirements, clustering of certain node types can be enforced or forbidden by a configuration matrix." See (subscription) the full text in PDF format.

  • [March 18, 2000] "Oracle8i -- The XML Enabled Data Management System." [Session 26: XML and Databases] By Sandeepan Banerjee, Vishu Krishnamurthy, Muralidhar Krishnaprasad and Ravi Murthy (Oracle Corporation). Paper presented at the 16th International Conference on Data Engineering. February 29 - March 3, 2000, Holiday Inn on the Bay, San Diego, CA, USA. [Proceedings] "XML is here as the internet standard for information exchange among e-businesses and applications. With its dramatic adoption and its ability to model structured, unstructured and semi-structured data, XML has the potential of becoming the data model for internet data. In the recent years, Oracle has evolved its DBMS to support complex, structured, and un-structured data. Oracle has now extended that technology to enable the storage and querying of XML data by evolving its DBMS to an XML enabled DBMS - Oracle8i. In this paper, we will present Oracle's XML-enabling database technology. In particular, we will discuss how XML data can be stored, managed, and queried in the Oracle8i database. [...] XML is emerging as the standard for data inter-change on the web. Oracle8i is XML-enabled to handle the current needs of the market. Oracle8i is capable of storing structured XML data as object-relational data, and unstructured XML document as interMedia Text data. Correspondingly, Oracle8i also provides the ability to automatically extract object-relational data as XML. In Oracle8i, effi-cient querying of XML data is facilitated using standard SQL. Oracle8i also provides the ability to access XML documents using the DOM (Document Object Model) API. Oracle8i will continue to evolve to meet the needs of the web. Oracle8i's highly scalable, robust, database platform will be evolved to become a leading XML server providing efficient and seamless XML support using standard APIs, languages and protocols." See (subscription) the full text in PDF format.

  • [March 18, 2000] "XML and DB2." [Session 26: XML and Databases] By Josephine Cheng and Jane Xu (IBM Santa Teresa Laboratory). Paper presented at the 16th International Conference on Data Engineering. February 29 - March 3, 2000, Holiday Inn on the Bay, San Diego, CA, USA. [Proceedings] "The eXtensible Markup Language (XML) is a key technology that facilitates both information exchange and e-business transactions. Starting with DB2 UDB Net. Data V1, an application can generate XML documents from SQL queries against DB2 or any ODBC compliant databases. Today DB2 UDB XML Extender not only serves as a repository for both XML documents and their Document Type Definitions (DTDs), but also provides data management functionalities such as data integrity, security, recoverability and manageability. User has the option to store the entire document as an XML user-defined column or to decompose the document into multiple tables and columns. Fast search via indices is provided for both XML elements and attributes. Section search can be done against the content of the document. Query syntax adheres to W3C standards such as Extensive Stylesheet Language Transformation (XSLT) and XML Path Language (XPath) specifications. User can retrieve the entire document or extract XML elements and attributes dynamically in an SQL query. In addition, XML Extender provides stored procedure to generate XML documents from existing data. Together with Net.Data, one can browse the content of the XML documents via the Internet. [...] An end-to-end solution for storing and retrieving XML documents for both business-to-business and business-to-consumer (via browser) processing using DB2 UDB XML Extender and DB2 UDB Net.Data has been described in this paper. In particular, it has been shown that an XML document can be stored as an XML column or decomposed into multiple DB2 tables and columns. In addition, XML document can be generated from existing DB2 data. Readers interested in experimenting with XML Extender and DB2 UDB Net.Data can download the resources: (1) and (2) ['DB2's XML Extender provides new data types that let you store XML documents in DB2 databases and new functions that assist you in working with these structured documents. Entire XML documents can be stored in DB2 databases as character data or stored as external files but still managed by DB2. Retrieval functions allow you to retrieve either the entire XML document or individual elements or attibutes.'] See (subscription) the full text in PDF format.

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