[June 30, 2000] Openly Informatics, Inc. announced today [May 24, 1999] that it was releasing several components of its efirst XML technology for free licensing. efirst XML is an application of the World-Wide Web Consortium's (W3C) eXtensible Markup Language (XML) for scholarly and scientific journal articles. efirst XML is specifically designed to allow journal articles to be optimized for presentation both on the Web and in print using a single storage format by supporting references to multiple graphic and multimedia files. It allows a journal to be built from databases by supporting multiple keys in elements such as <author>. It allows easy compatibility with HTML presentation formats through the use of HTML-style tables. Most importantly, efirst XML is designed from the ground up for XML -- it's not just a port of an SGML application. The efirst XML document type definition, or DTD, provides a level of validation that has previously required the complexity of SGML. The result is an archival-quality format compatible with inexpensive XML tools. efirst XML has been used in the production of the two most recent volumes of the MRS Internet Journal of Nitride Semiconductor Research, a pure-internet journal published by the Materials Research Society with the assistance of Openly Informatics, Inc."