DITA Semiconductor Information Design SC
DITA Semiconductor Information Design SC
Bob Beims, Chair
Source: Charter draft May 15, 2007, posted to the DITA TC list. Prepared by Bob Beims and Seth Park (Freescale Semiconductor).
- OASIS DITA Semiconductor Information Design Subcommittee
- DITA Semiconductor Information Design SC mailing list archives, post to dita-translation@lists.oasis-open.org.
The name "DITA Semiconductor Information Design SC" does not limit the scope of our findings and relevance to specializations.
- Identify data patterns that are consistent and/or specific to the semiconductor industry. Examples may include:
- Features
- Instruction sets data (may not have standard/native syntax/data structure)
- Register data
- Signals data
- Mechanicals data
- Electrical characteristics
- Timing data
- Thermal characteristics
Most of these content types/structures are well-defined by other standards, such as IP-XACT, IEC-61360, IEEE-P1685, etc.; others are not. This committee will define how information stored in standards-based formats will interact with DITA systems. Data stored in other XML formats may be used in a number of ways, including (but not limited to):
- Data is referenced as 'foreign' content
- Data is transformed from native format to DITA
- Determine which content types/patterns justify the creation of a DITA specialization
- Create specializations
- Establish guidelines and XSLT for transforming specialized data
- Create metadata guidelines
- Provide high-level perspective of how DITA systems should interface with RTL, Verilog, design flow tools, and other relevant tools, processes, and standard data formats
- Consider role of SVG, TDML, MATHML and characterize how they should interact with DITA. The recommendations of this committee should have enough weight to re-energize ownership and development of neglected domains.
- Provide justification for standardizing semiconductor industry and propose business benefits of participating in SIDSC
- All files required to successfully implement all specialized topic types (which will be defined at a later time), including:
- Schema, MOD files, XSLT
- Supporting online documentation (created in DITA) and hosted on OASIS web site
- Recommendations for the 'role of DITA' in semiconductor information design
Prepared by Robin Cover for The XML Cover Pages archive. See Darwin Information Typing Architecture (DITA XML).