[June 30, 2000] The draft specification is published in a Network Working Group Internet Draft 'XML DTD for ACAP'. Abstract: "This document describes a XML DTD suitable for describing application configuration information or modifications made to configuration information. The file format is typically used to import and export configuration information between ACAP servers, or to describe a set of changes which are to be applied to a ACAP database or a set of ACAP databases. There are a number of situations where a common interchange format is desirable. For example, one might wish to export a copy of the contents of a ACAP server to a file, move that file to a different machine, and import the contents into a second ACAP server. In addition, well-defined interchange format facilitates the development of data import or migration tools. This document describes the interchange format that has the same objective for ACAP as LDIF has for LDAP."
"ACAP servers and ACAP operations: The root element of the DTD descibed in this document is <acapservers>. It represents the collection of ACAP servers. Each ACAP server is represented by <acap> element. Nested elements represent some ACAP operation (<rename>) or a collection of an ACAP operations (<delete>, <modify>. There is a one-to-one correlation between ACAP operations which change ACAP database (modify (add or replace), delete, and entry rename), and the names of the elements that describe these operations (<modify>, <delete> and <rename> elements). This correspondence is intentional, and permits a straightforward translation from the described operation to protocol operations."
XML DTD for ACAP - ACAP Data Interchange Format. Reference: draft-melnikov-acap-xml-00.txt. By Alexey Melnikov (Messaging Direct, Ltd.). June 2000. [cache