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StrikeIron Announces WSBizNet Additions and OnDemand Web Services for Excel

StrikeIron Announces Beta Release of OnDemand Web Services for Excel

First Drag and Drop Solution for Integrating Web Services Directly into Microsoft Excel

Research Triangle Park, NC, USA. November 16, 2004.

StrikeIron Inc., developer of the innovative StrikeIron Web Services Business Network (WSBizNet) to simplify working with Web services announced the beta release of StrikeIron OnDemand Web Services for Excel. This product connects Excel users to the on-demand world of Web services and begins the process of bridging software to the model of software-as-service. In a separate release today, StrikeIron also announced the addition of five financial management Web services to the WSBizNet.

"OnDemand Web Services for Excel is the first simple, easy to use, drag and drop add-in solution for integrating Web services directly into Excel spreadsheets," said Richard Holcomb, CEO of StrikeIron. "Users can now take advantage of building real-time, on-demand access to data utilizing Web services without any programming knowledge.

By working with a familiar spreadsheet environment, OnDemand Web Services for Excel uses Web services to let you connect to real-time data and processes; a process that previously would have been extremely costly and require time consuming importing, exporting and formatting with each update.

Technical issues such as finding, understanding, accessing and integrating Web Services into Excel are eliminated by OnDemand Web Services for Excel. The product takes advantage of the StrikeIron Web Services Business Network and StrikeIron's powerful underlying "dynamic invocation" technology that requires no compiling, no programming and no additional software.


  • Simply drag and drop Web services operations directly into cells in your spreadsheet.
  • Automatically drop operation labels into the spreadsheet or customize your own labels.
  • Flexibility to perform any Excel calculation or function on the output of the Web services.
  • Secure Invisible Link option that erases the data for security to prevent viewing by unauthorized users.
  • Simple "word" search available with access to almost 1000 Web services through the StrikeIron Web Services Business Network to find the best Web service for your needs.
  • Direct access to WSDL locations in UDDI registries for internal development.
  • Integrated access to the StrikeIron Web Services Business Network for enhanced graphic Search services, Web Services Knowledge Base, Web Services Analyzer and the Premium Web Services.


  • Improve business decisions as a result of real-time access to critical data.
  • Improve productivity and lower costs by eliminating unnecessary steps in data management and distribution.
  • Save IT time and cost of supporting specialized data access applications.
  • Reduce Excel application development time and expense.
  • Increase flexibility for future changes with the utilization of Web services.
  • Improve security of data through the Invisible Link option.
  • Assure reliability and security of the StrikeIron Premium Web Services.
  • Greater productivity with the on-demand integrated access to the break-through graphical tools and Web Services directory on the StrikeIron Web Services Business Network.


The beta is available for free. Downloads and beta instructions are available at:

About StrikeIron

Based in Research Triangle Park, NC, StrikeIron, Inc. is pioneering a break-through with the StrikeIron Web Services Business Network(WSBizNet) to greatly simply working with Web Services and enable broader adoption by business users and developers. WSBizNet is an innovative integrated set of on-demand services and easier-to-use graphical tools to simplify publishing, finding, understanding, and utilizing Web services. WSBizNet provides access to almost 1000 Web services and an infrastructure platform for easier and faster development of on-demand applications. The Aurora Funds, Inc. provided funding for StrikeIron after recognizing the significant opportunity presented by Web services and this unique management team. For more information, visit


StrikeIron, Inc.
James Neiser or Richard Holcomb
Tel: +1 919-405-7010

Prepared by Robin Cover for The XML Cover Pages archive.

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