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OASIS Identity in the Cloud Technical Committee

Note: This hyperlinked version of the TC Charter and complete Call for Participation (CFP) provides a Table of Contents, additional URI references, formatting, typographic corrections, and minor clarifications. The plain text format as originally published to OASIS mailing lists is referenced below, and provides the TC's official charter.

Online Resources for OASIS IDCloud Technical Committee

OASIS Identity in the Cloud TC Charter and Call for Participation

Date:        Fri, 19 Mar 2010 13:19:13 -0400
From:        Mary McRae <>
Subject:     Call for Participation: OASIS Identity in the Cloud Technical Committee

To: OASIS members and interested parties

A new OASIS technical committee is being formed. The OASIS Identity in the Cloud Technical Committee has been proposed by the members of OASIS listed below. The TC name, statement of purpose, scope, list of deliverables, IPR Mode, audience, and language specified in the proposal will constitute the TC's official charter. Submissions of technology for consideration by the TC, and the beginning of technical discussions, may occur no sooner than the TC's first meeting (23-April-2010).

The eligibility requirements for becoming a participant in the TC at the first meeting are:

  1. you must be an employee of an OASIS member organization or an individual member of OASIS
  2. you must join the Technical Committee, which members may do by using the "Join This TC" button on the TC Members Page at [a].

To be considered a voting member at the first meeting, you must:

  1. join the Technical Committee at least seven (7) days prior to the first meeting (viz., on or before 16-April-2010)
  2. attend the first meeting of the TC, at the time and date fixed below (23-April-2010)

Of course, participants also may join the TC at a later time. OASIS and the TC welcome all interested parties.

Non-OASIS members who wish to participate may contact us about joining OASIS [b]. In addition, the public may access the information resources maintained for each TC: a general discussion list archive, document repository, and public comments facility, which will be linked from the TC's public home page at [c].

Please feel free to forward this announcement to any other appropriate lists. OASIS is an open standards organization; we encourage your participation.



Mary P McRae
Director, Standards Development
Technical Committee Administrator
OASIS: Advancing open standards for the information society
Twitter: @fiberartisan #oasisopen
Tel: 1.603.232.9090

Charter and Call for Participation

OASIS Identity in the Cloud Technical Committee

According to the OASIS rules for TC formation: Any group of at least Minimum Membership shall be authorized to begin a TC by submitting to the OASIS TC Administrator, with a copy to those listed in 2(d) and 2(e) below, the following items, written in English and provided in electronic form as plain text. No information other than these items may be included in the proposal. All items must be provided in any subsequent revision of the proposal, and must be submitted in the same manner as the original submission.

1. Normative Charter Information

1a. TC Name

The name of the TC, such name not to have been previously used for an OASIS TC and not to include any trademarks or service marks not owned by OASIS. The proposed TC name is subject to TC Administrator approval and may not include any misleading or inappropriate names. The proposed name must specify any acronyms or abbreviations of the name that shall be used to refer to the TC.

OASIS Identity In the Cloud Technical Committee

1b. Statement of Purpose

A statement of purpose, including a definition of the problem to be solved.

Cloud Computing is turning into an important IT service delivery paradigm. Many enterprises are experimenting with cloud computing, using clouds in their own data centers or hosted by third parties, and increasingly they deploy business applications on such private and public clouds. Cloud Computing raises many challenges that have serious security implications. Identity Management in the cloud is such a challenge.

Many enterprises avail themselves of a combination of private and public Cloud Computing infrastructures to handle their workloads. In a phenomenon known as "Cloud Bursting", the peak loads are offloaded to public Cloud Computing infrastructures that offer billing based on usage. This is a use case of a Hybrid Cloud infrastructure. Additionally, governments around the world are evaluating the use of Cloud Computing for government applications. For instance, the US Government has started to foster the adoption of Cloud Computing. Other governments have started or announced similar efforts.

The purpose of the OASIS Identity in the Cloud TC is to collect and harmonize definitions, terminologies, and vocabulary of Cloud Computing, and develop profiles of open standards for identity deployment, provisioning and management. Where possible, the TC will seek to re-use existing work. The TC will collect use cases to help identify gaps in existing Identity Management standards. The use cases will be used to identify gaps in current standards and investigate the need for profiles for achieving interoperability within current standards, with a preference for widely interoperable and modular methods.

Additionally, the use cases may be used to perform risk and threat analyses. Suggestions to mitigate the identified risks and the threats and vulnerabilities will be provided.

The TC will focus on collaborating with relevant standards organizations such as the Cloud Security Alliance and ITU-T [ITU-T Focus Group on Cloud Computing] in the area of cloud security and Identity Management. Liaisons will be identified with other standards bodies, and strong content-sharing arrangements sought where possible, subject to applicable OASIS policies.

1c. Scope

The scope of the work of the TC, which must be germane to the mission of OASIS, and which includes a definition of what is and what is not the work of the TC, and how it can be determined when the work of the TC has been completed. The scope may reference a specific contribution of existing work as a starting point, but other contributions may be made by TC Members on or after the first meeting of the TC. Such other contributions shall be considered by the TC Members on an equal basis to improve the original starting point contribution.

The purpose of the TC is to harmonize definitions/terminologies/vocabulary of Identity in the context of Cloud Computing; to identify and define use cases and profiles; and to identify gaps in existing Identity Management standards as they apply in the cloud.

In Scope

  1. The TC will identify and may collect and publish new and/or existing definitions, terminologies, and vocabulary of Identity for Cloud Computing as the TC determines.

  2. The TC will define use cases for identity deployment, provisioning, and management in a Cloud Computing context. These may be existing use cases or new use cases as the TC determines.

  3. The TC will define interoperability profile(s) of existing protocols and formats for usage of Identity in the Cloud, based on the identified use cases. Profiles are subsets of specifications and combinations of such subsets.

  4. The TC will identify gaps in existing Identity Management interoperability protocols and formats standards at OASIS and other standards bodies and utilize the OASIS liaison process for communicating the gaps.

  5. In all of its work, the TC should, to the extent feasible, prefer widely implementable, widely interoperable, modular standards, extensions, profiles and methods that permit use by a variety of participants.

  6. The TC will build on and use existing standards and specifications when possible. When there is a need to extend existing OASIS Standards, then the TC will not undertake that exercise but will work with the Technical Committee representing the standard to provide the extension as part of that Technical Committee. As an example, if the TC requires extensions in standards such as SAML or WS-Trust, then this TC will identify the remaining work to be undertaken by the TCs responsible for those standards, or their successors.

  7. The TC will build profiles for Identity in Cloud Computing.

Out of Scope

  1. Access Control methods, Levels of Assurance (LOA) for security, and definitions and structures for expressing Personally Identifiable Information (PII); the TC may reference or suggest re-use or extension of such methods in the context of Cloud Computing, but will not develop them

  2. APIs or Implementations

  3. Creation of new protocols or formats

1d. Deliverables

A list of deliverables, with projected completion dates

  1. A document calling out in detail the specific use cases of identity deployment, provisioning and management in a Cloud Computing context that the TC plans to address in their work product. This document will be completed and approved by the TC by July 2010.

  2. A set of profiles and gaps, as described in paragraphs #3 and #4 under 'Scope', to be approved as a Committee Specification by December 2010, and the remainder if any to be approved by Committee Specifications by June 2011. The TC may elect to create one or more of such deliverables in whatever combination it deems appropriate.

  3. Optionally, such other deliverables within the scope listed in paragraphs 1-6 (including collections of definitions, terminology and vocabularies, and risk/threat assessments), as the TC may elect, until the later of June 2011 or such later date as the TC may elect to conclude.

1e. OASIS IPR Mode

Specification of the IPR Mode under which the TC will operate

Royalty Free on Limited Terms

1f. Audience

The anticipated audience or users of the work

Enterprises interested in providing or using identity management capabilities in a Cloud Computing infrastructure.

1g. Language

The language in which the TC shall conduct business


2. Non-Normative Information

Non-normative information regarding the startup of the TC

2a. Similar Work

Identification of similar or applicable work that is being done in other OASIS TCs or by other organizations, why there is a need for another effort in this area and how this proposed TC will be different, and what level of liaison will be pursued with these other organizations.

The proposed "Identity In The Cloud TC" will be incorporating several definitions, terminologies, vocabulary, and standards from OASIS standards bodies as well as standards work done by non-OASIS organizations. The TC will use standards from several OASIS TCs and standards from non-OASIS organizations, as it sees fit. Liaisons may be established, and the TC may agree to concurrent work items with other TCs and organizations, within the scope defined here. Among other things, the TC may establish liaisons with ISO JTC1 SC 38 — Distributed Application Platforms and Services (DAPS), ITU-T Study Group 17 (Security) [viz., ITU-T Focus Group on Cloud Computing], the Cloud Security Alliance (CSA), the Distributed Management Task Force (DMTF), and such other standards organizations as it may choose. The TC also may reference identity management and federation work from other standards organizations, such as Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), the Kantara Initiative, European Network and Information Security Agency (ENISA), the European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI), the CA/Browser Forum, and Open Identity Exchange (OIX).

2b. First Meeting

The date, time, and location of the first meeting, whether it will be held in person or by telephone, and who will sponsor this first meeting. The first meeting of a TC shall occur no less than 30 days after the announcement of its formation in the case of a meeting held exclusively by telephone or other electronic means, and no less than 45 days after the announcement of its formation in the case of a meeting held face-to-face (whether or not a telephone bridge is also available).

The proposed "Identity In The Cloud TC" will hold the first official meeting on April 23, 2010 at 1PM ET by telephone and will use a free conference call service. [See the calendar entry with provisional agenda for 23-April-2010, 1:00 PM to 2:30 PM ET.]

2c. Meeting Schedule

The projected ongoing meeting schedule for the year following the formation of the TC, or until the projected date of the final deliverable, whichever comes first, and who will be expected to sponsor these meetings

The TC will meet biweekly or as otherwise agreed upon by the members of the technical committee.

2d. TC Supporters

[2(d)] The names, electronic mail addresses, and membership affiliations of at least Minimum Membership who support this proposal and are committed to the Charter and projected meeting schedule

2e. Support from Primary Representatives

For each OASIS Organizational Member listed in 2(d) Supporters (above), the name, electronic mail address, membership affiliation, and statement of support for the proposed Charter from the Primary Representative

  • Paul Lipton,, CA
    CA approves our participation as co-proposers for this TC.

  • Dave Ings,, IBM
    I'm happy to confirm that final approvals have now been received and so as IBM's primary rep to OASIS I'm happy to approve IBM's participation in this new TC.

  • Michael Champion,, Microsoft
    I understand that I need to officially inform you of Microsoft's intention to participate in the OASIS Identity in the Cloud TC. As Microsoft's voting member in OASIS, please consider this message our confirmation.

  • Alan Clark;, Novell, Inc.
    As the Primary Representative for Novell, I approve Novell's participation in this TC and Novell would like to be added as a proposer.

  • Brian Campbell,, Ping Identity
    I confirm and support Ping Identity's participation in the Identity in the Cloud Technical Committee.

  • Tomas Gustavsson,, PrimeKy
    As PrimeKey's primary contact in OASIS I hereby authorize PrimeKey's participation in the IDCloud TC.

  • Bret Piatt,, Rackspace
    I approve Rackspace's participation in the Identity in the Cloud TC.

  • Mark Little,, Red Hat
    I approve of Red Hat's participation in this group and that it is very important for Cloud in general and Red Hat's activities in that area.

  • Bill Becker,, SafeNet
    SafeNet is committed to supporting and participating in the Identity in the Cloud TC. The activities called out in the TC scope and purpose will form important groundwork for the future of cloud computing.

  • Richard Sand,, Skyworth TTG Holdings
    Skyworth TTG Holdings approves our participation as co-proposers of the Identity in the Cloud TC. We look forward to working with the committee!

  • Tony Rutkowski,, Yaana Technologies
    I support the Identity in the Cloud TC.

2f. Convenor

The name of the Convenor who must be an Eligible Person

Abbie Barbir

2g. OASIS Member Section

The name of the Member Section with which the TC intends to affiliate, if any

OASIS IDtrust Member Section [bis]

2h. Contributions

Optionally, a list of contributions of existing technical work that the proposers anticipate will be made to this TC


2i. FAQ Document

Optionally, a draft Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) document regarding the planned scope of the TC, for posting on the TC's website

To be provided at a later date

2j. Specification Title

Optionally, a proposed working title and acronym for the specification(s) to be developed by the TC

To be provided at a later date

Source: IDCloud TC Charter and Call for Participation

The TC Charter/CFP was posted to three OASIS mailing lists on March 19, 2010:

Prepared by Robin Cover for The XML Cover Pages archive.

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