GGF Resource Management Standards Landscape
Resource Management Standards Landscape Detailed by Cross Institutional Group within Global Grid Forum
Wiki Reference Guide Available for Industry Use and Update
Lemont, IL, USA. May 10, 2006.
Global Grid Forum ( today announced an online reference guide of specifications and standards for the management of networked resources. Compiled by experts from cross institutional standards bodies throughout the world, this reference guide is designed to grow and develop with the industry. The wiki is available to view by anyone involved in grid or management technologies, free-of-charge, and does not require registration.
Developed in wiki form, the information will be continuously updated by grid and resource management professionals throughout the world. Experts and institutions interested in adopting or researching these technologies are encouraged to submit additional information as appropriate. The Global Grid Forum and the various standards bodies have established strict submission, data review and publishing requirements to maintain the integrity and legitimacy of information posted to this wiki.
Created within Global Grid Forum's working group known as the Standards Development Organization Collaboration on Networked Resources Management (SCRM), this reference guide represents a collective volume of relevant standards from leading industry bodies including the Global Grid Forum (GGF), the Distributed Management Task Force (DMTF), the Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards (OASIS), the Storage Networking Industry Association (SNIA), the Tele Management Forum (TMF), the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), the International Telecommunication Union Telecommunication Standardization Sector (ITU-T), and the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).
"GGF is excited to be the venue for all these respected and established organizations to come together and work collaboratively to produce a landscape of standards for the management of networked resources," said Mark Linesch, chairman of Global Grid Forum. "This landscape and our continued work together help to insure a better understanding of the relationship between various industry standards - enabling more effective communication and identifying opportunities for future collaboration."
"The DMTF is continuing its long-standing commitment to sharing its expertise in distributed management infrastructure and resource modeling by participating in this online reference guide," said Winston Bumpus, chair, DMTF. "Our active collaboration with the leading SDOs in the SCRM group helps ensure that the DMTF's Common Information Model, Systems Management Architecture for Server Hardware and Web-Based Enterprise Management standards address the industry's requirements, including those for utility computing, grid technology and virtualization. The wiki reference guide is providing real-time collaborative opportunities, and we look forward to taking advantage of this resource to help coordinate standards initiatives for the benefit of the industry."
"The SNIA's Storage Management Initiative Specification, as part of the SCRM landscape project, is an integral building block for integrated IT standards-based management stacks that improve interoperability and reduce IT integration efforts," said Wayne M. Adams, chairman of the SNIA. "As the SNIA expands SMI-S features for data management and brings new complimentary standards to the landscape such as the eXtensible Access Method, managing information as it correlates to its physical placement can be realized."
"ITU-T is pleased to be able to support this GGF initiative and strongly appreciates the spirit of cooperation that has allowed it," said Dave Sidor, ITU-T SG 4 chairman. "The sharing of information, pooling of resources and the recognition of the need to work together to avoid the duplication of work and most efficiently serve industry are activities that increasingly characterize the standards world. And so we applaud every new effort in this vein."
About Global Grid Forum
The Global Grid Forum (GGF) is the community of users, developers, and vendors leading the global standardization effort for grid computing. The GGF community consists of thousands of individuals in industry and research, representing over 400 organizations in more than 50 countries. Together we work for the pervasive adoption of grid computing worldwide because we believe grids will lead to new discoveries, new opportunities, and better business practices.
The work of GGF is carried out though community-initiated working groups, which develop best practices and specifications in cooperation with other leading standards organizations, software vendors, and users. GGF is funded through its Sponsor Members, including technology producers and consumers as well as academic and government research institutions. GGF meets as a worldwide community three times annually to share best practices and further develop grid-related specifications. For more info about GGF, visit the GGF Web site at
Prepared by Robin Cover for The XML Cover Pages archive.