OASIS DITA Adoption Subcommittee: Draft Statement of Purpose
Statement of Purpose for OASIS DITA Adoption Subcommittee
The OASIS DITA Adoption Subcommittee members will collaborate to provide expertise and resources to educate the marketplace on the value of the DITA OASIS Standard. By raising awareness of the benefits offered by DITA, the Subcommittee increases the demand for and availability of DITA conforming products and services, resulting in a greater choice of tools and platforms and expanding the DITA community of users, suppliers, and consultants.
By advancing the adoption of DITA through OASIS, the Subcommittee members will:
- Collaborate within the security of the OASIS open process
- Maximize message credibility by working on behalf of a vendor-neutral standards consortium
- Build on existing market awareness of OASIS as the source of DITA
- Leverage the combined resources of all participants
- Reinforce DITA as the result of an open, transparent process guided by multiple vendors, communities, and individuals
- Openly share content and coordinate program execution with other entities that share a common or similar statement of purpose on a worldwide scope
Scope of Work
OASIS DITA Adoption Subcommittee activities may extend to any of the following activities:
- Oversee the DITA XML.org Focus Area
- Review and ensure accuracy of DITA references in commonly used resources such as Wikipedia
- Host educational, vendor-neutral webinars
- Organize vendor-neutral workshops and tracks at OASIS events and other conferences
- Produce OASIS-branded primers, white papers, position papers, slide presentations, datasheets, and other collateral
- Develop best practice guidelines
- Establish liaisons with other organizations who may assist in building awareness or and promoting DITA in a variety of user communities
- Assist in coordinating promotional efforts of members, leveraging activities wherever beneficial
- Assist in coordinating press and analyst relations such as briefings, releases, and announcements
- Encourage and coordinate volunteer efforts to translate the DITA specification and other committee documents into other languages
- Interface with other TCs to define how DITA can be best integrated with other standards to address specific scenarios
- Stage interoperability and/or proof-of-concept demonstrations at industry conferences
- Other projects aimed at increasing adoption as identified by Committee members
Source: Kavi document repository, via the reference page; see the associated postings in the thread "Draft charter for the DITA Adoption Subcommittee".
Prepared by Robin Cover for The XML Cover Pages archive. See Darwin Information Typing Architecture (DITA XML).