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Markup Languages: Theory and Practice. Volume 2, Number 1: Table of Contents |
This document contains an annotated Table of Contents for Markup Languages: Theory and Practice, Volume 2, Number 1 (Winter 2000). See further information on MLTP in (1) the journal publication statement, (2) the overview in the serials document, Markup Languages: Theory & Practice; and in (3) the journal description document. An online TOC is also accessible on the MIT Press Web site.
[CR: 20000803]
Bryan, Martin. "Developing Best-Practice Guidelines for XML/EDI." [PROJECT REPORT] Markup Languages: Theory & Practice 2/1 (Winter 2000) 1-10 (with 16 references). ISSN: 1099-6622 [MIT Press]. Author's affiliation: The SGML Centre; Email:; WWW:
Abstract: "The ISIS European XML/EDI Pilot Project has used Best-Practice Guidelines to
disseminate its findings to the EDI and XML communities. This paper seeks to explain why
the project team chose to create a set of guidelines rather than simply develop finished
solutions to specific problems. It also summarizes the recommendations for further
standardization work which were the raison d'être of the project."
"The work done on converting UML models into DTDs suitable for the
interchange of healthcare messages between healthcare professionals (as opposed
to just between their computer systems) was recorded in a paper entitled Mapping
from UML Generalized Message Descriptions to XML DTDs.
Automatable rules were defined for the conversion of each type of construct
permitted in a UML model, together with a set of semi-automatable rules for
conversion of UML object names into XML element or attribute names. A
program was developed to manage this process, and a suite of related healthcare
messages was developed from the UML model previously developed as part of the
European prestandard for Electronic Healthcare Record Communication
(prENV13606). The rules used while converting the selected MIGs for transportation
messages were recorded in a paper entitled Mapping Existing EDIFACT MIGs to
XML DTDs. A set of 16 basic rules was defined, with explanations
as to why they need to be applied, and an example of how each rule was applied
within the DTDs developed for the project.
Once both sets of rules were drafted the project team studied the
relationships between the two sets of rules to ascertain what features they had in
common, and why they produced differing results. From this study they were able
to identify conclusions that were of general applicability, which were recorded in
a paper entitled Best Practices for Creating XML/EDI DTDs. This
highlighted the need to simplify messages before converting them for use in an
XML/EDI environment, the advantages of formally modeling the message to
ensure that all relationships between elements were fully recorded, and the need
to have consistent rules for creating meaningful names for XML markup. The
study also highlighted the advantages to be gained by using default and fixed
attribute values to record information that was not likely to change from message
to message. When it came to documenting best practices for the use of XSL Transformations
and other members of the XML family of standards it was considered to be
advisable to target these practices at different processes. For this reason the project
team produced reports covering the role XSL can play in creating data capture
user interfaces, in validating XML messages beyond the limits provided
by XML DTDs (or XML schemas), in presenting data on web
browsers and mobile phones, and in managing the processing of transactions.[...] The project team's recommendations highlight a range of other actions
required, including a need to extend testing into other application areas, the need
to test the next generation of W3C standards as they are finalized, and the need to
actively promote the harmonization of semantic definitions. The need for
semantic repositories that could be queried using a standard, web-compatible,
method which would allow either a description of relevant elements/attributes to
be returned, or their formal definitions, was also highlighted.
The project team has also prepared a short document on Using XML for
Electronic Data Interchange, which seeks to explain the basic
concepts used in both XML and EDI in terms that can be understood by small
and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) who do not have a background in IT.
Unless we can convince such companies to adopt XML-based techniques for EDI
we will not be able to fully realize the potential of XML/EDI within Europe,
where more than 90% of firms are SMEs. The goal of the European Commission
in setting up a single market within Europe will be greatly enhanced if widespread
use of electronic data dissemination can be introduced, both between companies
and between them and the government bodies that serve them. For this reason the
European Commission has been, and will continue to be, a champion of
[Received 22 December 1999; Accepted 2 March 2000]
See (1) ISIS XML/EDI Project Website; (2) Project Deliverables; (3) "ISIS European XML/EDI Healthcare Pilot Project (XMLEPR)."
[CR: 20000803]
Arnold-Moore, Timothy; Fuller, Michael; Sacks-Davis, Ron. "System Architectures for Structured Document Data." [ARTICLE] Markup Languages: Theory & Practice 2/1 (Winter 2000) 11-39 (with 57 references). ISSN: 1099-6622 [MIT Press]. Authors' affiliation: Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (RMIT), Multimedia Database Systems, Department of Computer Science; Email:; WWW:; Phone: +61 3 9925 4148; Fax: +61 3 9925 4098.
Abstract: "Semi-structured data, including but not limited to structured documents,
has specific characteristics and is used in ways different to tabular data.
SGML and XML are widely used to represent information of this type. The demands on
systems that manage semi-structured data vary from those on traditional relational systems.
This paper reviews the nature and characteristics of semi-structured data, and the functional
needs of those applications, including query requirements, document description, manipulation,
and document management needs. It examines alternative physical models for semi-structured
data, and evaluates and compares alternative system architectures."
[Conclusion:] "Structured documents are a form of semi-structured data. The characteristics of
structured document data are quite distinct from those of, say, relational data.
Documents are hierarchical, textual, variable in size, variable in structure, and
self-describing. The uses of document data also impose specific requirements:
queries must be able to target or be constrained by documents, document
elements, metadata, content, structure, and hyperlinks; transformation of
document structure is important; a data definition may not always be available,
or may be relatively general; document management needs may require support
for component management, versioning, document and component-level locking
and access control. Several main approaches exist for implementing document content
management systems, including on top of an RDBMS, as an OODBMS
application, or as a specialized, structure-aware system. Basing a content
management system on an RDBMS or OODBMS creates problems resulting from
the mismatch between document data and those approaches' data models. The
variability, inconsistency, and potential unavailability of concrete data definitions
for semi-structured data such as documents complicates data modelling and
representation in RDBMS and OODBMS based systems. In the relational
approach, a significant overhead results from fragmentation of document data
across multiple relations. Operations such as document transformation must be
carried out externally to the RDBMS engine. In contrast, a structure-aware system
benefits from directly representing document data by avoiding fragmentation;
being able to use documents' own schemas as a data definition and for validation;
being able to integrate content, structure, and metadata query processing; and
supporting document transformation internally. Document management functionality may also be affected by the choice of
approach. Under a relational approach, all document management must be
performed by a separate application layer that reassembles documents or
document components as required. Under an object-oriented approach, object
level locking and access control may be directly handled internally to the
OODBMS; however, component management and versioning support can not. A
structure-aware approach may be able to internalize all document management-related
functionality, including access control, component reuse, versioning, and
version indexing. Low cohesion between system components in architectures based on RDBMS
or OODBMS engines places overheads on content management system
implementations; these are avoided or minimized in the simpler structure-aware
architecture where there can be tight coupling between an internal XML-processing
engine and other system components."
[Received 26 September 1999; Accepted 14 February 2000.]
[CR: 20000803]
Maler, Eve. "Down With Onions." [SQUIB] Markup Languages: Theory & Practice 2/1 (Winter 2000) 40-44. ISSN: 1099-6622 [MIT Press]. Author's affiliation: Sun Microsystems; Email:
"Parameter entities in SGML and XML DTDs can help manage the design of a
document model at a higher level than single elements, by creating sets of
elements to be reused in the "choice groups" of several content models. A
common technique is to identify and name these groups wherever they appear,
combining them with each other and with other elements as needed in layers, like
the layers of an onion. While multi-layered paramater entities are easy to
construct, they often introduce dependencies into the higher-order organization of
a document type, so that changing an entity leads to undesirable side effects.
Although it may at first appear to be more cumbersome, a better approach is
to consider the element sets as building blocks, making a distinction between
various levels, such as the class entities (the blocks) and mixture entities (their
combinations) in this example. By avoiding the layering of elements at different
levels of content model organization, such a design better represents the inner
logic of the document model, resulting in code that is easier to understand,
modify and extend..."
[CR: 20000803]
Rath, Hans Holger. "Topic Maps: Templates, Topology, and Type Hierarchies." [ARTICLE] Markup Languages: Theory & Practice 2/1 (Winter 2000) 45-64 (with 24 references). ISSN: 1099-6622 [MIT Press]. Author's affiliation: STEP Electronic Publishing Solutions GmbH; Email:; WWW:
Abstract: "The new ISO standard ISO/IEC 13250 Topic Maps defines a model and architecture for the semantic structuring of link networks. Dubbed the 'GPS of the information universe,' topic maps will become the solution for organizing and navigating large and continuously growing information pools, and provide a 'bridge' between the domains of knowledge representation and information management. This paper presents several technical issues of which are of great interest when applying topic maps to real world applications. The main focus of the paper is the introduction of 'topic map templates' -- a semi-official term coined by the standards' committee for a concept that the author argues is a necessary but as yet unstandardized addition to the basic model. Furthermore: association taxonomies, class hierarchies, and consistency constraints of topic maps are presented and discussed."
[Conclusion:] "The new topic map standard ISO/IEC 13250 defines a model and architecture for
the semantic structuring of link networks. It can be seen as a base technology for
modeling knowledge structures. The standards working group defined topic maps
in such a way that a limited but implementable set of core concepts express the
necessary semantics.
The STEP Group has investigated how topic maps can be applied to reference
works and uncovered some concepts which are not made explicit in the standard:
(1) ability to separate the declarative part from the 'real' map,
(2) predefined association types and association type properties,
(3) class hierarchies for types, and
(4) consistency constraints as input to map validation.
The paper has explained these concepts and presented meaningful solutions.
First experiences have shown that the part of a topic map made up by all
topics used as themes and types by other 'objects' in the map should be clustered
somehow. For this purpose the term topic map template was coined by the ISO
working group. Templates can be used as starting points for new maps or can be
used by reference in order to provide all the themes and types the map needs.
Standardizing topic map templates will offer base topic maps for specific
application areas and could form the basis of semantic application profiles.
We looked at related academic fields like mathematics, linguistics, and
philosophy to get some substantial input about relations. The results are a list of
association type properties which give important hints to the topic map software
and a list of basic association types which could act as built-in superclasses.
The introduction of the superclass-subclass relationship was the logical
consequence. Another technical issue covered by the paper is the validation problem. Topic
maps might become rather big with millions of topics, occurrences, and
associations. Manual consistency checking will be impossible. All the previously
defined concepts open the possibility for sophisticated rule-based validation of
topic maps. The proposed consistency constraints are those rules which declare
the semantics not expressible with DTDs and which control the validation
process. A couple of examples proved that standardizing the missing concepts as
predefined topic map templates will help both the topic map developer and the
topic map user. The improvements were presented on a level that they can be
used as input to the ISO working group for further discussions."
[Received 17 December 1999; Accepted 15 February 2000]
See other references in: "(XML) Topic Maps."
[CR: 20000803]
Hori, Masahiro; Ono, Kouichi; Kondoh, Goh; Singhal, Sandeep. "Authoring Tool for Web Content Transcoding." [ARTICLE] Markup Languages: Theory & Practice 2/1 (Winter 2000) 65-80 (with 23 references). ISSN: 1099-6622 [MIT Press]. Authors' affiliation: Tokyo Research Laboratory; Email:
Abstract: "Users are increasingly accessing the Internet from information appliances such as PDAs, cell
phones, and set-top boxes. Since these devices do not have the same rendering capabilities
(display size, color depth, screen resolution, etc.) as desktop computers, it is necessary for
Web contents to be adapted, or transcoded, for proper presentation on a variety of client
devices. In this paper, we present a framework of external annotation, in which content
adaptation hints are associated with Web documents as separate XML files. On the basis of
the framework, we introduce an annotation vocabulary for transcoding, which is employed for
the adaptation of HTML documents to small screen devices. We then explain a prototype
annotation tool that allows visual authoring for creating external annotations in accordance
with the vocabulary for transcoding. Finally, we compare our approach with related work."
"[...] The basic ideas behind this annotation
framework are twofold. One is that new elements and/or attributes should not be
introduced into a document type definition of subject documents. The other is
that annotations may need to be created for arbitrary parts of the subject
documents... External annotation files contain hints associated with elements in an original
document. RDF is used as the syntax of annotation files. The RDF
data model defines a simple model for describing relations among resources in
terms of named properties and values. The RDF data model, however, does not
define concrete semantics in any application domains. Although the annotation
vocabulary introduced in this paper is to characterize Web resources, namely
HTML/XML documents, the vocabulary does not specify a tag set for describing
individual Web resources in itself. The role of the proposed vocabulary is to
constrain the possibilities of content alternation, decomposition, and
combination. In addition, XPath and XPointer are used for associating annotated portions of a document with their annotations. An annotation file, which is an XML document, therefore contains a set of RDF
descriptions for annotating a subject HTML file. [...] The external annotation framework presented in this paper is applicable not only to transcoding for Web-enabled personal devices, but also to other cases in which
content adaptation is desirable. For example, when HTML documents are
translated into multiple target languages by means of a machine translation
engine, linguistic annotations for proper nouns would be helpful for improving
the translation accuracy. In other situations, content adaptation may be needed,
so that user-side constraints can be met or alleviated. For example, text contents
should be transcoded into audio content for a user who is driving a car.
As an example of content adaptation engines, we are currently developing a
run-time module of page fragmentation for small screen devices. It is then needed
to consider the importance and role of elements in a subject document, so that the
document can be split into smaller pages appropriately. Existing HTML
documents are, however, not always designed taking account of this possibility.
External annotation can then be a useful approach to providing additional meta-information
for page fragmentation. We are investigating an authoring
environment that allows authoring-time content adaptation with collaboration
between the annotation tool and a run-time module for the page fragmentation.
[Received 1 February 2000; Accepted 14 February 2000]
See: "Annotation of Web Content for Transcoding." W3C NOTE 10-July-1999. By Masahiro Hori, Rakesh Mohan, Hiroshi Maruyama, and Sandeep Singhal. "Users will be accessing the Internet increasingly from information appliances such as PDAs, cell phones, and set-top boxes. These devices do not have the same rendering capabilities (display size, color depth, screen resolution, etc.) or network connectivity as traditional desktop clients, and therefore, content must be modified, or transcoded, for proper display on those devices.
This proposal presents annotations that can be attached to HTML/XML documents to guide their adaptation to the characteristics of diverse information appliances. It also provides a vocabulary for transcoding, and syntax of the language for annotating Web content. Used in conjunction with device capability information, style sheets, and other mechanisms, these annotations enable a high quality user experience for users who are accessing Web content from information appliances.
The proposed framework is broadly applicable to cases when content adaptation is desirable. It therefore enhances language translation, Web accessibility, and speech enabling efforts."
See also in this connection: "Annotation-based Web Content Transcoding", by Masahiro Hori, Goh Kondoh, Kohichi Ono, Shin-ichi Hirose, Sandeep Singhal. Email: {horim,gkondo,onono,hiroses} In Proceedings of the 9th World Wide Web Conference (WWW-9).
"Abstract: Users are increasingly accessing the Internet from information appliances such as
PDAs, cell phones, and set-top boxes. Since these devices do not have the same rendering
capabilities as desktop computers, it is necessary for Web content to be adapted, or transcoded,
for proper presentation on a variety of client devices. In this paper, we propose an
annotation-based system for Web content transcoding. First, we introduce a framework of
external annotation, in which existing Web documents are associated with content adaptation
hints as separate annotation files. We then explain an annotation-based transcoding system with
particular focus on the authoring-time integration between a WYSIWYG annotation tool and a
transcoding module. Finally, after giving an example of content adaptation using a page
fragmentation module for small-screen devices, we compare our approach with related work. . .
External annotation files contain hints associated with elements in an original document. The Resource Description Framework (RDF) is used as the syntax of annotation files. An annotation file, which is an XML document, therefore consists of a set of RDF descriptions. The RDF data model defines a simple model for describing relations among resources in terms of named properties and values. In the process of document transcoding, it is necessary to exploit user preferences and device capabilities for content adaptation. Such information profiles can be described by using Composite Capability/Preference Profiles (CC/PP). By using the RDF data model, CC/PP specifies client-side profiles, which can be delivered to a proxy server over HTTP. Furthermore, it is currently investigated ways of describing document profiles so that requirements for desired rendering can be clarified, and RDF is being employed for encoding the conformance profiles. Taking account of these standardization activities, it is reasonable for annotation vocabularies to be encoded in RDF, so that comprehensive content adaptation mechanisms can be pursued.
In addition, XPath and XPointer are used for associating annotated portions of a document with annotating descriptions. Figure 2 illustrates a way of associating an external description with a portion of an existing document. An annotation file refers to portions of an annotated document. A reference may point to a single element (e.g., an IMG element), or a range of elements (e.g., an H2 element and the following paragraphs).
If a target element has an id attribute, the attribute can be used for direct addressing without the need for a long path expression. In contrast to XPath, which allows to select particular parts of a tree derived from elements or markup constructs of an XML document, XPointer makes it possible to select a range of elements by using the range expression.
. . .Annotation descriptions could be too complicated for a simple source tag editor to maintain, because addressing by XPath/XPointer follows a hierarchy of document elements from the root to a focal element, and alternative contents are structured as a hierarchy of conjunctive/disjunctive elements for replacement. Therefore, it is crucial to provide an annotation tool for the external annotation approach. We have developed such a tool by extending an existing HTML authoring tool. The high-level design of the annotation tool is depicted in Figure 5. It consists of a WYSIWYG editor, a source tag editor, and a previewer. The WYSIWYG editor is used not only to modify a subject HTML document but also to specify a portion of the HTML document to be annotated. When the previewer is invoked, a transcoding proxy is called over HTTP and the corresponding annotation is applied to the subject document. An adapted document is then sent back to the previewer, in which the result is displayed. In this way, the annotation tool is fully integrated with the transcoding proxy, so that tool users can see the results of content adaptation and revise annotations on the fly.
Annotation-based transcoding is a way of realizing content adaptation, and a transcoding module employs external annotations, which are described in a markup language rather than a procedural programming language. On the basis of the same intermediary-based transcoding platform, it is possible to think about the other approaches. One is to provide a custom-tailored transcoding module that runs without any external meta-information. Another approach could be the case of using a general-purpose transformation engine, such as XSLT, which employs externally provided transformation rules, or XSL style sheets."
[CR: 20000803]
Brüggemann-Klein, Anne; Wood, Derick. "Caterpillars: A Context Specification Technique." [ARTICLE] Markup Languages: Theory & Practice 2/1 (Winter 2000) 81-106 (with 36 references). ISSN: 1099-6622 [MIT Press]. Authors' affiliation: [Brüggemann-Klein:] Institut für Informatik, München; Email:; [Wood:] Department of Computer Science, Hong Kong University; Email:
Abstract: "We present a novel, yet simple, technique for the specification of context in
structured documents that we call caterpillar expressions. Although we are primarily
applying this technique in the specification of context-dependent style sheets for HTML,
SGML and XML documents, it can also be used for query specification for structured documents,
as we shall demonstrate, and for the specification of computer program transformations.
From a conceptual point of view, structured documents are trees, and one of the oldest
and best-established techniques to process trees and, hence, structured documents are
tree automata. We present a number of theoretical results that allow us to compare the
expressive power of tree automata. In particular, we demonstrate that each caterpillar
expression describes a regular tree language that is, hence, recognizable by a tree automaton.
Finally, we employ caterpillar expressions for tree pattern matching. We demonstrate
that caterpillar automata are able to solve tree-pattern-matching problems for some,
but not all, types of tree inclusion that Kilpeläinen investigated in his Ph.D. thesis.
[Tree Matching Problems and Applications to Structured Text Databases.] In simulating tree pattern matching with caterpillar automata, we reprove some of
Kilpeläinen's results in a uniform framework."
The contextual technique we introduce is also applicable to the compilation
of computer programs, but has little appeal since compiler designers and writers
do not usually allow users to modify a compiler according to new context
dependencies. Our techniques may, however, be used when developing code
optimizers or other program transformation tools since, in both cases, there may
be a number of individuals collaborating on the development.
Once we have isolated the specification of contexts from the more general
specification of style sheets, we are able to provide naive users with better support
for this aspect of style specification. Indeed, it also frees us to consider different
techniques (different from attribution, for example) for context specification.
Since regular expressions are understood by many people who are not
programmers per se, and they are a simple specification technique, we decided to
use them for context specification. There is a body of somewhat related work,
which we discuss below ('Caterpillars and context'), in which a similar decision
was made.
We make the well-accepted assumption that a set of similar documents are
modeled by syntax trees or abstract syntax trees of a given grammar (an SGML
document grammar, an XML document grammar or HTML) that generates the
set of all such documents. From now on we will no longer mention SGML and
HTML but restrict ourselves to XML and XML document grammars. Indeed, for
this paper it is irrelevant which specific grammar mechanism is used to define
classes of documents.
We introduce and motivate ('Caterpillars and context' and 'Evaluating caterpillar
expressions') the notions of caterpillars and context and establish a basic
complexity result for the evaluation of caterpillar automata on document trees. In
another section ('Caterpillar-regular and regular tree languages'), we investigate
the expressive power of caterpillar automata in comparison with tree automata.
In particular, we demonstrate that each caterpillar expression describes a regular
tree language that is, hence, recognizable by a tree automaton. Finally, in the following
section ('Caterpillars and tree pattern matching'), we demonstrate that
caterpillar automata can be used to solve tree-pattern-matching problems...
We have mentioned our interest in document classes that are constrained by
some type of grammars, for example by XML DTDs. The results in this paper
hold for the classes of all documents that are given as trees over a fixed alphabet.
Applications, particularly applications based on document databases, often come
with non-trivial document grammars. It is therefore pertinent to generalize our
results to document classes defined by non-trivial document grammars and to
address the open questions in this light. Children, and even adults, were able to draw complex figures very quickly in
the Logo language using the turtle as metaphor and
guide. We hope that our use of caterpillars will garner a similar response from
graphics designers."
[Received 7 January 2000; Accepted 15 February 2000]
For related presentations, see (1) Technical Report HKUST-TCSC-2000-02 =
"Caterpillars, Context, Tree Automata and Tree Pattern Matching",
by Anne Brüggemann-Klein and Derick Wood. "We present a novel, yet simple, technique
for the specification of context in structured documents that we call caterpillar expressions. Although we are primarily applying this technique in the specification of context-dependent style sheets for HTML, SGML and XML documents, it can also be used for query specification for structured documents, as we shall demonstrate, and for the specification of computer program transformations. From a conceptual point of view, structured documents are trees, and one of the oldest and best-established techniques to process trees and, hence, structured documents are tree automata. We present a number of theoretical results that allow us to compare the expressive power of caterpillar expressions and caterpillar automata, their companions, to the expressive power of tree automata. In particular, we demonstrate that each caterpillar expression describes a regular tree language that is, hence, recognizable by a tree automaton. . ." [cache] and (2) Technical Report HKUST-TCSC-1998-04, by
Anne Brüggemann-Klein, Stefan Hermann, and Derick Wood:
"Context and Caterpillars and Structured Documents."
- "We present a novel, yet simple, technique for the specification of context in structured documents that we call caterpillar expressions. Although we are applying this technique in the specification of context-dependent style sheets for HTML, XML, and SGML documents, it is clear that it can be used in other environments such as query specification for structured documents and for computer program transformations. In addition, we present a number of theoretical results that allow us to compare the expressive power of caterpillar expressions to that of tree automata. . ." [cache]
Readers may wish to note that Anne Brüggemann-Klein and Derick Wood have published on a wide range of computer science topics relating to SGML/XML markup and parsing.
[CR: 20000803]
Cournane, Mavis. "[Review of] XML Specification Guide." [BOOK REVIEW] Markup Languages: Theory & Practice 2/1 (Winter 2000) 107-108. ISSN: 1099-6622 [MIT Press]. Author's affiliation: CSW Informatics Ltd, 4240 Nash Court, Oxford Business Park South, Oxford OX4 2RU; Tel +44/0 1865 337400; Fax +44/0 1865 337433. WWW: Email:
Book review of XML Specification Guide, by Ian S. Graham and Liam Quin (Wiley, 1999). "This book is a must for those who want to understand the nitty-gritty of XML. Unlike many books on the subject, it is durable. It deals with the concrete and formal specification. The insights it gives will be relevant for today and tomorrow. It should become the definitive reference book for all needing to understand XML."

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