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DMTF Releases Three Web-Based Enterprise Management (WBEM) Specifications

Distributed Management Task Force Releases Final Status of WBEM Specifications

Standard Enables Industry Organizations to Make Significant Progress on 2003 Initiatives

Portland, OR, USA. March 18, 2003.

Distributed Management Task Force, Inc. (DMTF) today announced the final release of three Web-Based Enterprise Management (WBEM) Specifications.

The status, "final release," indicates that the Specifications are stable and have been successfully used in multiple, independent implementations. Web-Based Enterprise Management (WBEM) is a set of management and Internet standard technologies developed to unify the management of enterprise and Internet computing environments. This release provides the ability for the industry to deliver a well-integrated set of standard-based management tools leveraging Web technologies.

WBEM relies on HTTP and XML to offer a Web-based approach for exchanging Common Information Model (CIM) data across otherwise disparate technologies and platforms. In this way, WBEM is a forefather of today's Web services, as it anticipated the use of Internet standards and protocols to facilitate a more consistent approach to sharing information.

"WBEM is now a mature standard that enables the IT community to better provision and manage computing and networking environments. Both open-source and vendor implementations have validated the specifications and demonstrate the interest in using web technologies for management," said Andrea Westerinen, DMTF vice president of technology. "In addition, the finalization of the WBEM Specifications enables other industry organizations to build on this progress in areas such as storage, applications, security and grid computing."

The DMTF has developed a core set of standards defining the WBEM infrastructure. These standards describe the encoding of the Common Information Model (CIM) using XML (xmlCIM), and define operations and the transport mechanism for the encoded data (CIM Operations over HTTP). CIM is defined by a Specification, which describes its basic modeling concepts and meta-schema design, as well as the Managed Object Format (MOF) language in which it is rendered; and a Schema, which defines the semantics for a wide range of managed objects and relationships between them. CIM serves as the data model for the WBEM Specifications, and enables applications to manage a networked environment end-to-end.

"The Storage Networking Industry Association is critically dependent on this release of WBEM along with CIM. WBEM and CIM are the technological foundation on which the Storage Management Initiative (SMI) is creating management interoperability across multi-vendor storage networks. Through CIM and WBEM, the SMI will streamline vendors' engineering efforts and fundamentally expand the storage market," said Roger Reich, chairman of the SNIA-SMI.

For additional information regarding the WBEM Specification or other DMTF standards, please visit the DMTF Web site at

About DMTF

Distributed Management Task Force, Inc. (DMTF) is the industry organization leading the development, adoption, and interoperability of management standards and initiatives for desktop, enterprise, and Internet environments. DMTF is chartered to adopt, create, and maintain the specifications and technologies that provide management tools with the ability to discover, deploy, and control management data in a standard way. Working with key technology vendors and affiliated standards groups, DMTF is enabling a more integrated, cost-effective, and less crisis-driven approach to management.

Companies interested in joining the DMTF or obtaining more information about the DMTF standards and activities of the DMTF Working Committees should visit the DMTF Web site at

Distributed Management Task Force, Inc. is a non-profit 501 c (6) corporation dedicated to developing, promoting, and facilitating collaborative industry technical standards and interoperability in desktop and enterprise management for hardware and software.


MacKenzie Marketing Group
Karen Strong
Tel: +1 541/998-5310

Prepared by Robin Cover for The XML Cover Pages archive. See details in "DMTF Publishes Three Final XML Specifications for Web-Based Enterprise Management." General references in "DMTF Common Information Model (CIM)."

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