Release of Saxon Version 5.2
Date: Fri, 18 Feb 2000 18:47:31 -0000 From: Kay Michael <> To: Subject: Saxon 5.2 is available
As members of the SAXON mailing list will already know, version 5.2 is available at the usual location:
I thought I'd let it have a little exposure before announcing more widely.
For details of changes see:
Main features
27 bugs cleared
support for <?xml-stylesheet?> processing instruction, and embedded stylesheets
ability to take the stylesheet or source document from a DOM
several interesting new extension functions
- distinct() returns nodes with unique string-values
- evaluate() evaluates an XPath expression supplied as a string
- range()/ returns a nodeset representing a range of numbers
- tokenize() returns a nodeset representing the tokens in a supplied string
many detailed changes to output formatting, especially for HTML
ability to select the parser from the command line
There should be fewer compatibility problems with this release. The main one is a change to the way extension functions are called, to bring Saxon into line with xt and Xalan. Instance-level Java methods are now called by supplying the instance as the first argument, and new() can be used to create an instance. So for example:
Date:toString() must be replaced by Date:toString(Date:new())
Java objects can now be held in XSLT variables.
One new bug has been found so far, namely the extension <saxon:preview> does not work (and therefore the sample stylesheet play.xsl does not work). If you're using <saxon:preview>, stick with 5.1.
Mike Kay
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