XML/XSL Tools: XSpLit and Rhythmyx
Date: Tue, 26 Oct 1999 12:30:10 -0400 From: Vernon_Imrich@percussion.com To: xsl-list@mulberrytech.com Subject: New XML/XSL Tools: XSpLit and Rhythmyx
Several on this list have recently requested information on XML/XSL tools. Here are two new ones you may want to check out. They went Gold on October 1 1999.
Percussion Rhythmyx - virtual XML data server, visual designer maps relational databases to XML, run-time engine serves data as either XML, HTML (via XSL), or binary content.
Rhythmyx XSpLit - goes "backwards" from HTML files to XSL and XML. You start with an HTML file containing both content and format, then add labels to define the content on the page (using straight text or the "id" attribute of existing HTML tags). XSpLit parses the page, separating the content definition into an XML DTD and the formatting into an XSLT style sheet. The style sheet will thus produce an HTML page that looks like the original HTML but with any other XML content that conforms to the associated DTD. Supports repeated formatting for repeated XML fields, nested formatting, attributes, etc. XSpLit currently ships as part of Rhythmyx but can be run separately after the Rhythmyx installation.
More info and free evals available:
See: http://www.percussion.com; Or call (800) 283 - 0800
Regards, Kelly Sheeran Product Strategy Percussion Software, Inc. 781-835-1295
XSL-List info and archive: http://www.mulberrytech.com/xsl/xsl-list
Prepared by Robin Cover for the The SGML/XML Web Page archive.