PassiveTeX, TEI XSL, XSL FO March 2000
Date: Thu, 04 May 2000 13:20:30 +0100 From: Sebastian Rahtz <> To: Cc: TEI-L@LISTSERV.UIC.EDU Subject: PassiveTeX, TEI XSL, XSL FO March 2000
I have updated the contents of my PassiveTeX XSL FO processor on with a version which uses the March 2000 XSL FO spec. It does not conform, but it does something with all but 17 objects [1], and at least _recognizes_ all the properties. [2] A good many properties are ignored, and for others I do not handle the full range of values.
The TEI XSL stylesheets at have also been updated, in both their HTML and XSL FO incarnations.
I am sure that in some places the TEI XSL FO stylesheets, and PassiveTeX, misinterpret the XSL FO spec.
I will actively support and develop both PassiveTeX and the TEI stylesheets, and welcome feedback.
All of this material conforms to the Debian Free Software Guidelines.
Sebastian Rahtz
[1] bidi-override color-profile conditional-page-master-reference declarations initial-property-set instream-foreign-object leader marker marker-reference multi-case multi-properties multi-property-set multi-switch multi-toggle region-end region-start table-footer
[2] I generated the code from the spec, so things like names and defaults are exactly what is in there, for good or bad.
I forgot to mention the other important change, which is that the "language" and "hyphenate" properties are implemented. By default now no hyphenation, as per spec.
I tested this slightly. It assumes, obviously, that your TeX setup has got the right language hyphenation patterns available.
XSL-List info and archive:
Prepared by Robin Cover for The XML Cover Pages archive.