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Release of Perl libxml 0.01beta

Date:     Fri, 07 May 1999 15:35:56 -0500
From:     Ken MacLeod <>
To:       Perl-XML Mailing List <>
Subject:  ANNOUNCE: libxml 0.01beta

libxml 0.01beta is now finding it's way to at least my author's directory on CPAN, and hopefully to the XML module directory soon.

This beta contains the PerlSAX proposal, two working implementations of PerlSAX, a PerlSAX handler, demo converters PerlSAX->SAX and SAX->PerlSAX, and Data::Grove. More details below.

In the future there will be a ``stable'' line and a ``development'' line for libxml, this 0.01beta is the first in a ``development'' line. If you have a module or document that you've developed that you want to go into libxml, please get in touch with me.

libxml currently contains the following modules:

    XML::Parser::PerlSAX       BETA

        XML::Parser::PerlSAX is a Perl SAX parser using XML::Parser
        (which uses James Clark's Expat XML Parser).

    XML::Handler::Sample       BETA

        XML::Handler::Sample is a Perl SAX handler that simply prints
        out the event names as they are parsed by a SAX parser.  It
        can be used for debugging or as a template for building new
        handlers.  XML::Handler::Sample contains handlers for all
        known parser events.

    XML::ESISParser            BETA

        XML::ESISParser is a validating Perl SAX parser using James
        Clark's `nsgmls' SGML/XML Parser.  ESISParser supports both
        XML and SGML document instances.  Unless you need validation,
        you should probably be using XML::Parser::PerlSAX or

        XML::ESISParser and XML::Grove obsolete the
        SGML::SPGroveBuilder and SGML::Grove modules.

    Data::Grove                BETA
    Data::Grove::Tied          BETA
    Data::Grove::Visitor       BETA

        Data::Grove and it's helpers provide a base class for deeply
        nested or directed graph structures.  Used by XML::Grove (and
        others soon).

    XML::SAX2Perl              BETA
    XML::Perl2SAX              BETA

        SAX2Perl and Perl2SAX are SAX Parser<->DocumentHandler
        filters.  These modules translate parse events between the
        Java/CORBA style SAX methods and Perl style SAX methods.
        XML::SAX2Perl specifies the Perl style SAX methods.

The changes from 0.01d10alpha are the addition of PODs for XML::Handler::Sample, XML::ESISParser, and Data::Grove and minor updates to the other PODs and the README.

HTML-rendered PODs are also available at:

Ken MacLeod

Date:      09 May 1999 06:08:15 -0500
From:      Ken MacLeod <>
To:        Perl-XML Mailing List <>
Subject:   DOC: Perl XML modules by category

The following summarizes and cross-references Perl XML modules by categories. This was built by downloading all the modules on the Perl XML module list, browsing the modules for public modules, and attempting to group them into categories.

Please let me know if you find this useful or you have any updates or suggestions for improvement.

Perl XML modules by category

Modules using XML::Parser

  CGI::Formalware          CGI-Formalware
  CGI::XML                 CGI-XML  
  CGI::XMLForm             CGI-XMLForm
  Frontier::RPC2           Frontier-RPC
  XML::DOM::Parser         XML-DOM
  XML::Encoding            XML-Encoding
  XML::Parser::Debug       XML-Parser
  XML::Parser::Objects     XML-Parser
  XML::Parser::PerlSAX     libxml
  XML::Parser::Stream      XML-Parser
  XML::Parser::Subs        XML-Parser
  XML::Parser::Tree        XML-Parser
  XML::QL                  XML-QL

Modules for XML objects

  XML::DOM                 XML-DOM
  XML::Grove               XML-Grove
  XML::Parser::Objects     XML-Parser
  XML::Parser::Tree        XML-Parser

Modules using XML::DOM

  XML::DOM::Parser         XML-DOM
  XML::XQL                 XML-XQL

Modules writing generic XML

  XML::Generator           XML-Generator
  XML::Grove::AsCanonXML   XML-Grove
  XML::Writer              XML-Writer

Modules for querying or searching XML

  XML::DOM                 XML-DOM
  XML::Grove::IDs          XML-Grove
  XML::Grove::Path         XML-Grove
  XML::QL                  XML-QL
  XML::XQL                 XML-XQL

Modules using PerlSAX

  XML::ESISParser          libxml
  XML::Grove::Builder      XML-Grove
  XML::Grove::PerlSAX      XML-Grove
  XML::Handler::Sample     libxml
  XML::Parser::PerlSAX     libxml
  XML::Perl2SAX            libxml
  XML::SAX2Perl            libxml

Modules using XML::Grove

  XML::Grove::AsCanonXML   XML-Grove
  XML::Grove::AsString     XML-Grove
  XML::Grove::Builder      XML-Grove
  XML::Grove::IDs          XML-Grove
  XML::Grove::Path         XML-Grove
  XML::Grove::PerlSAX      XML-Grove
  XML::Grove::Sub          XML-Grove
  XML::Grove::Subst        XML-Grove
  XML::Grove::ToObjects    XML-Grove

Modules using Data::Grove

  Data::Grove::Visitor     libxml
  XML::Grove               XML-Grove

Modules converting XML in to or out of other stuff

  CGI::XML                 CGI-XML
  CGI::XMLFrom             CGI-XMLForm
  DBIx::XML_RDB            DBIx-XML_RDB
  Frontier::RPC2           Frontier-RPC
  XML::DOM                 XML-DOM
  XML::Dumper              XML-Dumper
  XML::Edifact             XML-Edifact
  XML::Grove::AsString     XML-Grove
  XML::Grove::ToObjects    XML-Grove
  XML::Parser::Debug       XML-Parser

Modules not in any other category

  Apache::MimeXML          Apache-MimeXML
  XML::DOM::UTF8           XML-DOM

All Perl XML Modules

  Apache::MimeXML          Apache-MimeXML
  CGI::Formalware          CGI::Formalware
  CGI::XML                 CGI-XML
  CGI::XMLForm             CGI-XMLForm
  DBIx::XML_RDB            DBIx::XML_RDB
  Data::Grove              libxml
  Data::Grove::Visitor     libxml
  Frontier::RPC2           Frontier-RPC
  XML::DOM                 XML-DOM
  XML::DOM::UTF8           XML-DOM
  XML::Dumper              XML-Dumper
  XML::ESISParser          libxml
  XML::Edifact             XML-Edifact
  XML::Encoding            XML-Encoding
  XML::Generator           XML-Generator
  XML::Grove               XML-Grove
  XML::Grove::AsCanonXML   XML-Grove
  XML::Grove::AsString     XML-Grove
  XML::Grove::Builder      XML-Grove
  XML::Grove::IDs          XML-Grove
  XML::Grove::Path         XML-Grove
  XML::Grove::PerlSAX      XML-Grove
  XML::Grove::Sub          XML-Grove
  XML::Grove::Subst        XML-Grove
  XML::Grove::ToObjects    XML-Grove
  XML::Handler::Sample     libxml
  XML::Parser              XML-Parser
  XML::Parser::DOM         XML-DOM
  XML::Parser::Debug       XML-Parser
  XML::Parser::Objects     XML-Parser
  XML::Parser::PerlSAX     libxml
  XML::Parser::Stream      XML-Parser
  XML::Parser::Subs        XML-Parser
  XML::Parser::Tree        XML-Parser
  XML::Perl2SAX            libxml
  XML::QL                  XML-QL
  XML::Registry            XML-Registry
  XML::SAX2Perl            libxml
  XML::Writer              XML-Writer
  XML::XQL                 XML-XQL

Prepared by Robin Cover for the The SGML/XML Web Page archive.

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