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Ipedo XML Database

Ipedo Unveils XML Database Breakthrough

First Main-Memory, Native-XML Database Offers Performance Advantage for Leading-Edge Internet and Wireless Applications

Redwood City, CA, USA. May 07, 2001.

Ipedo, Inc., a leading provider of software products that ensure rapid delivery of dynamic content over the Internet, today introduced the Ipedo XML Database, a breakthrough product that is the first to combine native-XML information storage and processing with ultra-fast main-memory performance. Used standalone or in conjunction with existing databases and file systems, the Ipedo XML Database can deliver the performance levels required by the new generation of XML-intensive Web services, B2B marketplaces and wireless applications.

The Ipedo XML Database simplifies XML content management, enabling e-businesses to achieve the flexibility of a dynamic and reusable XML content infrastructure without sacrificing performance. Specialized XML handling features and core performance allow companies to improve search relevance and style management for large Web sites, enable dynamic B2B portal content assembly and accelerate content customization for wireless devices.

"XML offers compelling advantages for applications that store and exchange large amounts of complex data, but it comes at the cost of increased data handling overhead," said Tim Matthews, president of Ipedo. "Ipedo XML Database is the only solution on the market today that can deliver the real-time performance that these data-intensive applications require."

"We use XML to unify our databases and to provide an open standards based platform for 'once-use, many times' publishing," said Benjamin Franz, Lead XML Developer, Freerun Technologies, Inc. "The Ipedo XML Database provides us with a clean, scalable solution for our XML data management that shortens implementation and simplifies maintenance and modification."

Native XML Database Technology

The Ipedo XML Database stores XML data natively in its structured hierarchical form, which eliminates the complex process of mapping the XML data tree structure to two-dimensional tables, substantially improving overall performance. Utilizing the W3C's XML query standard XPath, XML document collections can be queried directly in XML syntax. The Ipedo XML Database also contains an XSLT transformation engine that combines data access and transformation in a single step.

The all-Java design integrates easily with the leading application servers to speed the development of next generation e-business applications. SOAP, DOM and XPath APIs address the needs of systems integrators, application developers and database administrators.

At the core of the Ipedo XML Database is Ipedo's Active Edge architecture, a combination of sophisticated network caching and intelligent main-memory data processing techniques. Optimized for 64-bit systems, large amounts of memory can be directly utilized for processing, resulting in more than a ten-times performance boost with excellent ROI.

Availability and Pricing

The Ipedo XML Database is available now for Windows 2000, Windows NT, Sun Solaris and Red Hat Linux. Pricing on a per server basis starts at $50,000.

About Ipedo

Ipedo develops a range of high-performance dynamic content delivery products to accelerate Internet and wireless applications. Based on its Active Edge performance technology, Ipedo's product line offers caching for a range of user profile and XML data. Ipedo's products can be used to provide rapid personalization, instant delivery, and scalable data access to very large user populations in ASPs, ISPs, Web portals, B2B exchanges, wireless services and next-generation Internet telephony. Ipedo is available on the Web at

Prepared by Robin Cover for The XML Cover Pages archive.

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