XML Query Engine
Date: Wed, 07 Jun 2000 13:44:51 -0700 From: Howard Katz <howardk@fatdog.com> To: xml-dev@xml.org Subject: ANNOUNCE: XML Query Engine
I'm pleased to announce the general availability of XML Query Engine. A prerelease version of the engine is available for free download and evaluation athttp://www.fatdog.com.
XML Query Engine is a JavaBean component that lets you search your XML documents for element and attribute content using a full-text-enabled version of XQL. The engine uses a SAX parser of your choice to build a traditional inverted index of your documents' full-text content. You need to do a bit of straightforward Java programming to wire the engine to your front-end code.
XML Query Engine uses a standard Java result-listener architecture to deliver its results in one of several flavours of XML or CSV. Result-set nodes can optionally bear additional "navigational metadata" describing the nodes in terms of their location within the original documents. You can use this metadata to re-navigate back into the original files using either SAX or DOM for further post-processing if desired. Several sample applications included in the distribution and on the website show how to do this.
The current version is still pre-beta. It's primarily intended for use as a personal productivity tool and on servers with low to medium-volume traffic. There are memory-dependent limitations on maximum index size. The engine is very fast: indexing speed on my 466 box is up to 75,000 words per second. Full technical documentation is available on the website, which has been extensively revamped. Size of the XQEngine.jar file, together with the antlr.jar parser generator used to parse the XQL, is about 100K.
Howard Katz
This is xml-dev, the mailing list for XML developers. List archives are available at http://xml.org/archives/xml-dev/
Prepared by Robin Cover for The XML Cover Pages archive. For related resources, see XML and Query Languages."