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Software Products Certified Under ebXML Messaging 2.0 Interoperability Testing

14 Software Products Certified eBusinessReady for ebXML Messaging Interoperability

Interoperability Certified Software Facilitates Implementation and Saves Costs

Lawrenceville, NJ, USA. January 28, 2003.

eBusinessReady, an industry-neutral software compliance and interoperability testing program under joint partnership of the Uniform Code Council, Inc. (UCC) and Drummond Group, Inc. (DGI), announced today that software products from 11 leading solution providers successfully completed the program's ebXML Messaging 2.0 interoperability testing. A total of 14 software products were certified eBusinessReady.

Companies demonstrating interoperability among their products included bTrade, inc., Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Cyclone Commerce, Fujitsu, IPNet Solutions, Inc., Sonic Software, Sterling Commerce, Inc., Sun Microsystems, Sybase, Inc., TIBCO Software, Inc., and XML Global Technologies. Sun Microsystems funded testing scholarships for several of the participants.

An eBusinessReady certified product enables vertical and horizontal interoperability across the supply chain and distribution channels. ebXML Messaging is a key standard that enables web services, providing secure and reliable messaging for B2B communications. The companies underwent testing to demonstrate that their ebXML messaging software products complied with a common level of interoperability, enabling them to effectively communicate with other eBusiness solutions, eliminating costly communication obstacles and facilitating efficient trading partner relationships.

"ebXML and ebXML messaging, continues to become an important business tool across industry as trading partners rely on Web solutions to communicate product and transaction information," said Michael Di Yeso, executive vice president and COO of the UCC. "An eBusinessReady certified product enables software users to save implementation costs and truly utilize open communication across their supply chain."

"Interoperability is critical to ensure that all ebXML components can work together seamlessly," said Rik Drummond, chief executive officer of DGI. "It enables other vertical industry standards that have endorsed ebXML messaging to be successful within this framework and facilitates adoption of the standard, accelerating the development and delivery of interoperable solutions to the global user community."

The next round of ebXML Messaging 2.0 interoperability testing is set for June 2003. To participate in the June round, software products must either have successfully completed the testing announced today or must take part in the pre-requisite testing scheduled to begin in February 2003. For more information, please visit or email

Test results are available at The following companies and products participated in the test:

--  bTrade, inc.: ebXML Connector version 2.0
--  Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC):
      Public Health Information Network Messaging Systems Version 2.0
--  Cyclone Commerce: Cyclone Interchange/Activator v4.2
    Cyclone Central version 4.2
--  Fujitsu: Fujitsu Interstage Application Server Enterprise Edition version 5
--  IPNet Solutions, Inc.: IPNet BizManager v2
--  Sonic Software: Sonic BPM v2.0 SP3 (formerly eXcelon BPM)
--  Sterling Commerce, Inc.: Sterling Integrator Version 2.1
    Gentran Integration Suite 2.1
--  Sun Microsystems: Sun ONE Integration Server v1.0
--  Sybase, Inc.: Sybase Web Services Integrator V2.5
--  TIBCO Software, Inc.: TIBCO BusinessConnect ebXML Protocol 1.2
    TIBCO BusinessPartner ebXML Protocol 1.2
--  XML Global Technologies, Inc.: GoXML Messaging 3.0

About eBusinessReady

eBusinessReady is an industry-neutral software testing program, under joint partnership of the Uniform Code Council, Inc. (UCC) and Drummond Group, Inc. (DGI), to enable vertical and horizontal interoperability across the global supply chain. For software buyers, eBusinessReady provides a valued resource for product selection and cost savings by taking the guesswork out of implementing interoperable supply chain solutions. For software vendors, eBusinessReady certifies solutions and enables companies to deliver certified interoperable products to their customers. The eBusinessReady program addresses the needs of enterprises and supply chains by providing a neutral third party test of software solutions for interoperability and compliance. Visit for more information, or email:

About ebXML

ebXML, sponsored by UN/CEFACT and OASIS, is a modular suite of specifications that enables enterprises of any size and in any geographical location to conduct business over the Internet. Using ebXML, companies now have a standard method to exchange business messages, conduct trading relationships, communicate data in common terms and define and register business processes. For more information, visit


Drummond Group, Inc.
Olga Flores Finneran
Tel: +1 512/657-7684

Uniform Code Council, Inc.
Cecily Laidman
Tel: +1 609/620-4526

Prepared by Robin Cover for The XML Cover Pages archive. General references in "Electronic Business XML Initiative (ebXML)."

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