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xNAL: xNL and xAL XML DTDs

xNAL: xNL and xAL XML DTDs

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' ?>

	xNL: eXtensible Name Language
	This is an XML document type definition (DTD) for
	defining customer name(s).
	Date of Creation: 1 March 2001
	Copyright(c) 2000, OASIS. All Rights Reserved []
	Contact: Customer Information Quality Technical Committee, OASIS
	Version: 1.1
	   CHANGES FROM 1.0: 
	   May 16, 2001:
	    - Replaced attribute Type in FirstName, FirstNameDetails, MiddleName and LastName to
	      NameType. Included a new attribute for these elements called "Type" 
	    - Introduced a new element "AddresseeIndicator"
	    - Removed Indicator attribute from Name, NameDetails, Person, PersonDetails
	    - Changed attribute NameType of NameDetails to CustomerType 
	    - Introduced NameType attribute for FormerName and MaidenName
	    - Changed Preposition Element to LastNamePrefix
	    - Changed LastName to cater for multiplicity 
	    - Changed FirstName to cater for multiplicity
	    - Removed fixed attribute value restriction for NameType attribute on FirstName, 
	      MiddleName and LastName
	    - Removed PersonName element
	    - Changed MaidenName to OtherName and made it handle multiplicity
	    - Removed FirstNameDetails element and FirstNameExtra element and instead, use
	      FirstName itself
<!--===========================NAML Document==============================-->
<!--The root element xNL contains the element CustomerNameDetails. All other elements
are then defined within the CustomerNameDetails element. This is so multiple records can 
be in the one XML file.   
<!ELEMENT xNL (NameDetails+)>

<!ELEMENT NameDetails (AddresseeIndicator?, (Name* | (PersonName?, Function?) | OrganisationName*), 
                       (DependencyName | DependencyNameDetails)?)>	 
<!ATTLIST NameDetails CustomerType (Person | Organisation) #REQUIRED> 

<!-- Specific for name and address where the addressee is specified. eg. ATTENTION, 
     ter attentie van (in Holland), etc -->
<!ELEMENT AddresseeIndicator   (#PCDATA)> 

<!ELEMENT Name (#PCDATA)> <!-- Person or a company -->
<!-- Joint Name, free format name, etc.. -->
<!ELEMENT OrganisationName (#PCDATA)> 
<!--- Pty. Ltd, Inc, etc. -->
<!ATTLIST OrganisationName Type CDATA #IMPLIED> 
<!-- can be legal name, trading name, former name, abbreviation, etc... -->
<!ATTLIST OrganisationName NameType  CDATA #IMPLIED>  

<!ELEMENT PersonName       (PrecedingTitle*, Title*, FirstName*, MiddleName*, LastNamePrefix?, 
							LastName*, OtherName*, FormerName*, Alias*, GenerationIdentifier*, 
						    Suffix*, GeneralSuffix?)>

<!ELEMENT PrecedingTitle (#PCDATA)>

<!--- plural title such as MESSRS.....-->

<!ELEMENT FirstName (#PCDATA)>
<!-- Given Name, Christian Name, First Name, etc.. -->
<!-- official, unofficial, initial, etc... -->

<!ELEMENT MiddleName (#PCDATA)>  
<!-- Given Name, Christian Name, First Name, etc.. -->
<!-- official, unofficial, initial, etc... -->

<!--- DE, LA, VAN DE.... -->
<!ELEMENT LastNamePrefix (#PCDATA)>
<!-- official, unofficial, initial, etc... -->

<!ELEMENT OtherName (#PCDATA)>
<!-- Maiden Name, Patronymic name, Matronymic name, etc. -->

<!ELEMENT FormerName (#PCDATA)>

<!-- Nick Name, Pet name, etc.. -->

<!-- JNR, THE THIRD, III -->
<!ELEMENT GenerationIdentifier  (#PCDATA)>

<!-- Could be compressed initials - PhD, VC, QC -->

<!-- DECEASED, RETIRED ... -->
<!ELEMENT GeneralSuffix  (#PCDATA)>

<!-- Managing Director, CEO, Marketing Manager, etc.. -->
<!ELEMENT Function (#PCDATA)>                            

<!-- Person-Person/Person-Organisation Relationship -->
<!ELEMENT DependencyName (#PCDATA)>
<!-- Care of, Wife of, etc... -->
<!ATTLIST DependencyName DependencyType CDATA #IMPLIED>

<!ELEMENT DependencyNameDetails (NameDetails)>
<!ATTLIST DependencyNameDetails DependencyType CDATA #IMPLIED>


<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' ?>

	xAL: eXtensible Address Language
	This is an XML document type definition (DTD) for
	defining addresses.
	Date of Creation: 1 March 2001
	Copyright(c) 2000, OASIS. All Rights Reserved []
	Contact: Customer Information Quality Technical Committee, OASIS

	====================== VERSION HISTORY ==============================================
	VERSION SUMMARY (Version 1.0 to 1.1):
	May 10, 2001: - Added DependentLocalityNumber, Added NameType attribute for 
	              - Added TypeNumberOccurence attribute for DependentLocalityNumber
	              - Changed StreetRange element to "StreetNumberRange"
	              - Changed StreetNumberType to "StreetNumberPrefix"  
	May 15, 2001: - Changed "Street" to "Thoroughfare" as a Thoroufare could be street, 
	                road, river, canal, etc. Introduced an attribute "type" for 
	                Thoroughfare. All the 
	                references to Street have been changed to Thoroughfare.
	May 17, 2001: - Included POBox and Thoroughfare in LargeMailUser Element
	May 18, 2001: - DeliveryIdentifier Element included in AddressDetails element
	VERSION SUMMARY (Version 1.1 to 1.2):
	May 21, 2001: - Included DependentLocality element under Thoroughfare element
	              - Changed "CountryCode" element to "CountryNameCode"
	May 28, 2001: - Added a new attribute "Separator" to ThoroughfareNumberRange element
				  - Added a new attribute "PremiseNumberSeparator" to SubPremiseNumber 
	June 14,2001: - Added an attribute "SupplementaryInfo" to the following elements:
					Locality, DependentLocality, Thoroughfare, DependentThoroughfare, 
					Premise, SubPremise
	VERSION SUMMARY (Version 1.2 to 1.3):
	Sep 04, 2001: - Added an attribute NumberType for PremiseNumber and SubPremiseNumber
	                because some premises have old and new numbers.
	Oct 03, 2001: - Added an attribute UsageType for AdministrativeArea, SubAdministrative
					Area, Locality and DependentLocality. Sometimes locations must be 
					distinguished between postal system, and physical locations as defined
					by a political system
	November 16, 2001:
				  - Added an attribute NumberSuffixConnector and NumberPrefixConnector for
				    the following elements: ThoroughfareNumber, PremiseNumber, SubPremise Number,
				    and PostOfficeBoxNumber
<!ELEMENT xAL (AddressDetails+)>
<!ELEMENT AddressDetails (DeliveryIdentifier*, (Address | AddressLines | Country | 
                          AdministrativeArea | Locality | Thoroughfare))>
<!-- Track changes to customer address details 
     AddressType   -> Postal, residential,business, primary, secondary, etc
     CurrentStatus -> Moved, Living, Investment, Deceased, etc..
     ValidFromDate -> Start Date of the validity of address
     ValidToDate   -> End date of the validity of address
     Usage         -> Communication, Contact, etc. -->

<!ATTLIST AddressDetails
		  				 AddressType	CDATA #IMPLIED
	      				 CurrentStatus  CDATA #IMPLIED
	      				 ValidFromDate  CDATA #IMPLIED
	      				 ValidToDate    CDATA #IMPLIED
	      				 Usage          CDATA #IMPLIED

<!-- In some countries like USA, UK, Australia, each address is identifier with a unique number
     as defined by the postal authorities -->
<!ELEMENT DeliveryIdentifier   (#PCDATA)>
<!-- Defines the type of identifier. For example, in Australia it is called as 
     DPID - Delivery Point Identifier -->
<!ATTLIST DeliveryIdentifier IdentifierType  CDATA #IMPLIED>  
<!-- Old, new, etc.. -->
<!ATTLIST DeliveryIdentifier Type  CDATA #IMPLIED> 

<!-- The order of the AddressLine elements must be preserved-->
<!ELEMENT AddressLines (AddressLine+)>
<!ELEMENT Address (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT AddressLine  (#PCDATA)> 
<!-- Specification of a country	--> 
<!ELEMENT Country (AddressLines | (CountryNameCode*, CountryName*, 
                   (AdministrativeArea | Locality | Thoroughfare)*))>

<!-- Specification of an administrative area. Examples of administrative areas are provinces, 
     bundesamts, etc. There are two places where the name of an administrative area can be 
     specified. --> 
<!ELEMENT AdministrativeArea (AddressLines | (AdministrativeAreaName*, SubAdministrativeArea?, 
						      (Locality | PostOffice | PostalCode)?))>
<!-- Province or State or County or Kanton or Unknown-->
<!ATTLIST AdministrativeArea Type CDATA  #IMPLIED>
<!-- Usage type : Postal or Political : Sometimes locations must be distinguished between
     postal system, and physical locations as defined by a political system -->
<!-- Erode (Dist) where (Dist) is the Indicator -->
<!ATTLIST AdministrativeArea UsageType CDATA #IMPLIED>
<!ATTLIST AdministrativeArea Indicator CDATA #IMPLIED>

<!-- Specification of a sub-administrative area. An example of a sub-administrative areas is a 
     county. There are two places where the name of an administrative area can be specified. -->
<!ELEMENT SubAdministrativeArea (SubAdministrativeAreaName*)>
<!-- Possible values but not limited to: Province or State or County or Kanton or Unknown-->
<!ATTLIST SubAdministrativeArea Type CDATA  #IMPLIED>
<!-- Usage type : Postal or Political : Sometimes locations must be distinguished between
     postal system, and physical locations as defined bya  political system -->
<!-- Erode (Dist) where (Dist) is the Indicator -->
<!ATTLIST SubAdministrativeArea UsageType CDATA #IMPLIED>
<!-- Erode (Dist) where (Dist) is the Indicator -->
<!ATTLIST SubAdministrativeArea Indicator CDATA #IMPLIED>

<!-- Specification of a locality. Examples of localities are cities, reservations and any other 
     built-up areas. -->
<!ELEMENT Locality (AddressLines | (LocalityName*, (PostBox | LargeMailUser | PostOffice)?, 
                    Thoroughfare?, Premise?, DependentLocality?, PostalCode?)) >
<!-- Possible values not limited to: City, IndustrialEstate, Unknown -->
<!-- Usage type : Postal or Political : Sometimes locations must be distinguished between
     postal system, and physical locations as defined by a political system -->
<!-- Erode (Dist) where (Dist) is the Indicator -->
<!ATTLIST Locality UsageType CDATA #IMPLIED>
<!-- Erode (Dist) where (Dist) is the Indicator -->
<!ATTLIST Locality Indicator CDATA #IMPLIED>
<!-- Any additional info helpful to identify the localition. eg. 3kms past CITY XXX etc. -->
<!ATTLIST Locality SupplementaryInfo CDATA #IMPLIED>

<!-- Dependent localities are Districts within cities/towns, locality divisions, postal 
     divisions of cities, suburbs, etc. DependentLocality is a recursive element, but no 
     nesting deeper than two exists (Locality->DependentLocality->DependentLocality). -->
<!ELEMENT DependentLocality (AddressLines | (DependentLocalityName*, DependentLocalityNumber?, 
                             (PostBox | LargeMailUser | PostOffice)?, Thoroughfare?, Premise?, 
                             DependentLocality?, PostalCode?))>
<!-- City or IndustrialEstate or Unknown When in use for DependentLocality: PostalZone -->
<!ATTLIST DependentLocality Type CDATA  #IMPLIED>
<!-- Eg. VIA as in Hill Top VIA Parish where Parish is a locality and Hill Top is a dependent 
     locality -->
<!-- Usage type : Postal or Political : Sometimes locations must be distinguished between
     postal system, and physical locations as defined bya  political system -->
<!-- Erode (Dist) where (Dist) is the Indicator -->
<!ATTLIST DependentLocality UsageType CDATA #IMPLIED>
<!ATTLIST DependentLocality Connector CDATA  #IMPLIED>
<!-- Erode (Dist) where (Dist) is the Indicator -->
<!ATTLIST DependentLocality Indicator CDATA #IMPLIED>
<!-- Any additional info helpful to identify the location. -->
<!ATTLIST DependentLocality SupplementaryInfo CDATA #IMPLIED>

<!-- Possible values not limited to: Company, Institution, Cedex, LargeUser -->
<!-- Specification of a large mail user address. Examples of large mail users are postal 
     companies, companies in France with a cedex number, hospitals and airports with their own 
     post code. Large mail user addresses do not have a street name with premise name or premise
     number in countries like netherlands. But they have a POBox and street also in countries 
     like France -->
<!ELEMENT LargeMailUser (AddressLines | (LargeMailUserName*, LargeMailUserIdentifier?, 
                         BuildingName*, Department?, PostBox?, Thoroughfare?, PostalCode?))>
<!ATTLIST LargeMailUser  Type CDATA  'LargeUser' >
<!-- Specification of a post office. Examples are a rural post office where post is delivered 
     and a post office containing post office boxes.  -->
<!ELEMENT PostOffice (AddressLines | ((PostOfficeName* | PostOfficeNumber?), PostalRoute?, 
                      PostBox?, PostalCode?))>
<!-- Could be a Mobile Postoffice Van as in Isreal -->
<!-- Kottivakkam (P.O) here (P.O) is the Indicator -->
<!ATTLIST PostOffice Indicator CDATA  #IMPLIED>

<!-- Specification of a postbox like mail delivery point. Only a single postbox number can be 
     specified. Examples of postboxes are POBox, free mail numbers, etc. PostBoxType possible 
     values are, not limited to: POBox and Freepost.		-->
<!ELEMENT PostBox (AddressLines | (PostBoxNumber, PostBoxNumberPrefix?, PostBoxNumberSuffix?, 
                   Firm?, PostalCode?))>
<!-- LOCKED BAG NO:1234 where the Indicator is NO: and Type is LOCKED BAG -->
<!ATTLIST PostBox  Indicator CDATA #IMPLIED> 

<!-- Specification of a firm, company, organization, etc. It can be specified as part of an 
     address that contains a street or a postbox. It is therefore different from a large mail 
     user address, which contains neither a street nor a postbox. -->
<!ELEMENT Firm (AddressLines | (FirmName+, Department*, PostalCode?))> 
<!-- Firm type could be company, university, etc.. -->

<!ELEMENT Department (DepartmentName+ , PostalCode?)>
<!-- School in Physics School -->
<!ATTLIST Department Type   CDATA #IMPLIED>

<!-- Specification of a thoroughfare. A thoroughfare could be a rd, street, canal, river, etc.  
     Note dependentlocality in a street. For example, in some countries, a large street will 
     have many subdivisions with numbers. Normally the subdivision name is the same as the road 
     name, but with a number to identifiy it. Eg. SOI SUKUMVIT 3, SUKUMVIT RD, BANGKOK -->
<!ELEMENT Thoroughfare (AddressLines | (ThoroughfareName*, ThoroughfarePreDirection?, 
                        ThoroughfareLeadingType?, ThoroughfareTrailingType?, 
                        (ThoroughfareNumber | ThoroughfareNumberRange)?, 
                        ThoroughfareNumberPrefix?, ThoroughfareNumberSuffix?,
                        ThoroughfarePostDirection?, DependentThoroughfare?, 
                        (DependentLocality | Premise | Firm | PostalCode)?))>
<!-- Street, Road, Canal, etc -->
<!ATTLIST Thoroughfare Type CDATA #IMPLIED>
<!-- Any street dependent on this Throughfare in the address -->
<!ATTLIST Thoroughfare DependentThoroughfares (Yes|No) "No">
<!-- Corner of, Intersection of -->
<!ATTLIST Thoroughfare  DependentThoroughfaresIndicator  CDATA #IMPLIED> 
<!-- Corner of Street1 AND Street 2 where AND is the Connector -->
<!ATTLIST Thoroughfare  DependentThoroughfaresConnector  CDATA #IMPLIED>
<!-- STS in GEORGE & ADELAIDE STS, RDS IN A & B RDS, etc. Use only when
     both the street types are the same -->
<!ATTLIST Thoroughfare  DependentThoroughfaresType  CDATA #IMPLIED>
<!-- Any additional info helpful to identify the location. -->
<!ATTLIST Thoroughfare  SupplementaryInfo CDATA #IMPLIED>

<!-- DependentThroughfare is related to a street; occurs in GB, IE, ES, PT -->
<!-- Corner of, Intersection are the indicators -->
<!ELEMENT DependentThoroughfare (AddressLines | (ThoroughfareName*, ThoroughfarePreDirection?, 
                                 ThoroughfareLeadingType?, ThoroughfareTrailingType?, 
<!-- Street, Road, Canal, etc -->
<!ATTLIST DependentThoroughfare Type CDATA #IMPLIED>
<!-- Any additional info helpful to identify the location. -->
<!ATTLIST DependentThoroughfare SupplementaryInfo CDATA #IMPLIED>

<!-- Specification of a single premise, for example a house or a building. The premise as 
     a whole has a unique premise (house) number or a premise name.  There could be more than 
     one premise in a street referenced in an address. For example a building address near a 
     major shopping centre or raiwlay station  -->
<!ELEMENT Premise (AddressLines | (PremiseName*, (PremiseLocation | PremiseNumber*)?, 
                   PremiseNumberPrefix?, PremiseNumberSuffix?, BuildingName*, 
                   (SubPremise* | Firm?), PostalCode?, Premise?))>
<!ATTLIST Premise PremiseDependency CDATA  #IMPLIED>
<!-- NEAR, ADJACENT TO, ..... -->
<!ATTLIST Premise PremiseDependencyType CDATA #IMPLIED> 
<!-- DES, DE, LA, LA, DU in RUE DU BOIS. These terms connect a premise/thoroughfare type and
     premise/thoroughfare name. Terms may appear with names AVE DU BOIS -->
<!ATTLIST Premise PremiseThoroughfareConnector CDATA #IMPLIED>
<!-- Any additional info helpful to identify the location. -->
<!ATTLIST Premise SupplementaryInfo CDATA #IMPLIED>

<!-- Specification of a single sub-premise. Examples of sub-premises are apartments and suites. 
     Each sub-premise should be uniquely identifiable. SubPremiseType: Specification of the name
     of a sub-premise type. Possible values not limited to: Suite, Appartment, Floor, Unknown.-->
<!-- Multiple levels within a premise by recursively calling SubPremise Eg. Level 4, Suite 2, 
     Block C -->
<!ELEMENT SubPremise (AddressLines | (SubPremiseName*, (SubPremiseLocation | SubPremiseNumber*)?, 
                      SubPremiseNumberPrefix?, SubPremiseNumberSuffix?, BuildingName*, Firm?, 
                      PostalCode?, SubPremise?))>
<!-- SubPremiseType may be Apartment, Lot, etc.-->
<!-- Any additional info helpful to identify the location. -->
<!ATTLIST SubPremise SupplementaryInfo CDATA #IMPLIED>

<!-- Specification of a postcode. The postcode is formatted according to country-specific rules. 
     Example: SW3 0A8-1A  -->
<!ELEMENT PostalCodeNumber (#PCDATA)>
<!-- Old Postal Code, new code, etc-->
<!ATTLIST PostalCodeNumber NumberType  CDATA #IMPLIED> 

<!-- Sub-element of the PostalCode, specification of a post town. A post town is not the same 
     as a locality. A post town can encompass a collection of (small) localities. It can also be 
     a subpart of a locality. An actual post town in Norway is "Bergen". -->
<!ELEMENT PostTown (PostTownName+, PostTownSuffix?)>

<!-- Values may for example be CEDEX 16 (France)-->
<!ELEMENT SortingCode (#PCDATA)> 

<!-- Examples are: 1234 (USA), 1G (UK), etc. -->
<!ELEMENT PostalCodeNumberExtension (#PCDATA)>
<!-- DeliveryPointSuffix, NewPostalCode, etc.. -->
<!ATTLIST PostalCodeNumberExtension Type  CDATA #IMPLIED> 

<!-- Specification of the name of an administrative area. Examples of administrative areas are 
     provinces counties, special regions (such as "Rijnmond"), etc. Possible values of NameType 
     not limited to: Official, Unique, Abbreviation, OldName, Synonym.-->
<!ELEMENT AdministrativeAreaName (#PCDATA)> 
<!ATTLIST AdministrativeAreaName NameType CDATA #IMPLIED>

<!-- Specification of the sub-administrative area name. Examples are county (Ireland) and 
     concelho (Portugal). Possible values of NameType not limited to: Official, Unique, 
     Abbreviation, OldName, Synonym.			-->
<!ELEMENT SubAdministrativeAreaName (#PCDATA)>
<!ATTLIST SubAdministrativeAreaName NameType CDATA #IMPLIED> 

<!--#DOCUMENTATION:Specification of the name of a locality. Possible values of NameType not 
    limited to: Official, Unique, Abbreviation, OldName, Vanity name, Synonym.-->
<!ELEMENT LocalityName (#PCDATA)> 
<!ATTLIST LocalityName NameType CDATA #IMPLIED>

<!-- Specification of the name of a Thoroughfare (also dependant street name). Possible values 
     of NameType not limited to: Official, Unique, Abbreviation, OldName, Synonym.-->
<!ELEMENT ThoroughfareName (#PCDATA)>
<!-- Possible values of NameType not limited to: Official, Unique, Abbreviation, 
     OldName, Synonym.			-->
<!ATTLIST ThoroughfareName NameType  CDATA #IMPLIED>   
<!ELEMENT ThoroughfareLeadingType   (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT ThoroughfareTrailingType   (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT ThoroughfareNumber         (#PCDATA)>
<!-- 12 Archer Street is "Single" and 12-14 Archer Street is "Range" -->
<!ATTLIST ThoroughfareNumber NumberType (Single|Range) "Single">
<!-- No. in Street No.12 or "#" in Street # 12, etc.-->
<!ATTLIST ThoroughfareNumber Indicator CDATA #IMPLIED>
<!-- No.12 where "No." is before actual street number -->
<!ATTLIST ThoroughfareNumber IndicatorOccurrence (Before|After) "After">
<!ELEMENT ThoroughfareNumberSuffix   (#PCDATA)>   
<!-- 12-A where 12 is number and A is suffix and "-" is the connector -->
<!ATTLIST ThoroughfareNumberSuffix NumberSuffixConnector CDATA #IMPLIED>      
<!ELEMENT ThoroughfarePreDirection   (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT ThoroughfarePostDirection  (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT ThoroughfareNumberPrefix     (#PCDATA)> 
<!-- A-12 where 12 is number and A is prefix and "-" is the connector -->
<!ATTLIST ThoroughfareNumberPrefix NumberPrefixConnector CDATA #IMPLIED> 
<!-- 1-3 Albert Avenue -->
<!ELEMENT ThoroughfareNumberRange (ThoroughfareNumberFrom, ThoroughfareNumberTo)>
<!ATTLIST ThoroughfareNumberRange Indicator CDATA #IMPLIED>
<!-- "-" in 12-14  or "Thru" in 12 Thru 14 etc. -->
<!ATTLIST ThoroughfareNumberRange Separator CDATA #IMPLIED>
<!-- No.12-14 where "No." is before actual street number -->
<!ATTLIST ThoroughfareNumberRange IndicatorOccurrence (Before|After) "After">
<!-- Odd/Even -->
<!ATTLIST ThoroughfareNumberRange Type CDATA #IMPLIED>
<!ELEMENT ThoroughfareNumberFrom  (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT ThoroughfareNumberTo  (#PCDATA)>

<!-- Specification of the number of the postoffice. Common in rural postoffices-->
<!ELEMENT PostOfficeNumber (#PCDATA)>
<!-- MS in MS 62, # in MS # 12, etc. -->
<!ATTLIST PostOfficeNumber Indicator CDATA #IMPLIED>
<!-- MS occurs before 62 in MS 62 -->
<!ATTLIST PostOfficeNumber IndicatorOccurrence (Before|After) "Before">

<!-- Specification of the name of the post office. This can be a rural postoffice where post 
     is delivered or a post office containing post office boxes.  Possible values of NameType 
     not limited to: Official, Unique, Abbreviation, OldName, Synonym.-->
<!ELEMENT PostOfficeName (#PCDATA)> 
<!ATTLIST PostOfficeName NameType CDATA #IMPLIED>

<!-- A Postal van is specific for a route as in Is`rael -->
<!ELEMENT PostalRoute ((PostalRouteName+ | PostalRouteNumber))>
<!ELEMENT PostalRouteName   (#PCDATA)>
<!ATTLIST PostalRouteName NameType CDATA #IMPLIED>
<!--Possible values of NameType not limited to: Official, Unique, Abbreviation, OldName, 
    Synonym. -->
<!ELEMENT PostalRouteNumber (#PCDATA)>

<!-- Specification of the name of a building. See also the specification of the SinglePremise 
     element. Possible values of NameType not limited to: Official, Unique, Abbreviation, 
     OldName, Synonym.-->
<!ELEMENT BuildingName (#PCDATA)>
<!-- Possible values of NameType not limited to: Official, Unique, Abbreviation, OldName, 
<!ATTLIST BuildingName NameType  CDATA #IMPLIED>   
<!-- EGIS Building where EGIS occurs before Building -->
<!ATTLIST BuildingName TypeOccurrence (Before|After) "Before"> 

<!-- Specification of the name of the premise (house, building, park, farm, etc). A premise 
     name is specified when the premise cannot be addressed using a street name plus premise 
     (house) number. Possible values of NameType not limited to: Official, Unique, Abbreviation, 
     OldName, Synonym.-->
<!ELEMENT PremiseName (#PCDATA)>
<!-- Possible values of NameType not limited to: Official, Unique, Abbreviation, OldName, 
<!ATTLIST PremiseName NameType  CDATA #IMPLIED>   
<!-- EGIS Building where EGIS occurs before Building, DES JARDINS occurs after 
<!ATTLIST PremiseName TypeOccurrence (Before|After) "Before"> 

<!-- Specification of the identifier of the premise (house, building, etc). Premises in a street 
     are often uniquely identified by means of consecutive identifiers. The identifier can be a 
     number, a letter or any combination of the two.  -->
<!ELEMENT PremiseNumber (#PCDATA)>  
<!-- No. in House No.12, # in #12, etc. -->
<!ATTLIST PremiseNumber Indicator CDATA #IMPLIED>
<!-- No. occurs before 12 -->
<!ATTLIST PremiseNumber IndicatorOccurrence (Before|After) "Before">
<!--  12 in BUILDING 12 occurs "after" premise type BUILDING--> 
<!ATTLIST PremiseNumber NumberTypeOccurrence (Before|After) "Before">
<!-- Old number, new number, official, un-official -->
<!ATTLIST PremiseNumber NumberType CDATA #IMPLIED>

<!ELEMENT PremiseLocation  (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT PremiseNumberSuffix (#PCDATA)>
<!-- 12-A where 12 is number and A is suffix and "-" is the connector -->
<!ATTLIST PremiseNumberSuffix NumberSuffixConnector CDATA #IMPLIED> 
<!ELEMENT PremiseNumberPrefix (#PCDATA)>
<!-- A-12 where 12 is number and A is prefix and "-" is the connector -->
<!ATTLIST PremiseNumberSuffix NumberPrefixConnector CDATA #IMPLIED> 

<!-- Possible values of NameType not limited to: Official, Unique, Abbreviation, OldName, 
<!ELEMENT SubPremiseName (#PCDATA)> 
<!-- Possible values of NameType not limited to: Official, Unique, Abbreviation, 
     OldName, Synonym.			-->
<!ATTLIST SubPremiseName NameType  CDATA #IMPLIED>  
<!-- EGIS Building where EGIS occurs before Building -->
<!ATTLIST SubPremiseName TypeOccurrence (Before|After) "Before">

<!-- Specification of the identifier of a sub-premise. Examples of sub-premises are apartments 
     and suites. sub-premises in a building are often uniquely identified by means of consecutive
     identifiers. The identifier can be a number, a letter or any combination of the two. In the 
     latter case, the identifier includes exactly one variable (range) part, which is either a 
     number or a single letter that is surrounded by fixed parts at the left (prefix) or the 
     right (postfix).-->
<!ELEMENT SubPremiseNumber (#PCDATA)> 
<!-- TH in 12TH which is a floor number, NO. in NO.1, # in APT #12, etc.-->
<!ATTLIST SubPremiseNumber Indicator CDATA #IMPLIED>
<!-- No. occurs before 1 in No.1, or TH occurs after 12 in 12TH -->
<!ATTLIST SubPremiseNumber IndicatorOccurrence (Before|After) "Before">
<!-- 12TH occurs "before" FLOOR (a type of subpremise) in 12TH FLOOR --> 
<!ATTLIST SubPremiseNumber NumberTypeOccurrence (Before|After) "Before">
<!-- "/" in 12/14 Archer Street where 12 is sub-premise number and 14 is premise number -->
<!ATTLIST SubPremiseNumber PremiseNumberSeparator CDATA #IMPLIED>
<!-- Old number, new number, official, un-official -->
<!ATTLIST SubPremiseNumber NumberType CDATA #IMPLIED>
<!ELEMENT SubPremiseLocation  (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT SubPremiseNumberSuffix (#PCDATA)>
<!-- 12-A where 12 is number and A is suffix and "-" is the connector -->
<!ATTLIST SubPremiseNumberSuffix NumberSuffixConnector CDATA #IMPLIED> 
<!ELEMENT SubPremiseNumberPrefix (#PCDATA)>
<!-- A-12 where 12 is number and A is prefix and "-" is the connector -->
<!ATTLIST SubPremiseNumberSuffix NumberPrefixConnector CDATA #IMPLIED> 

<!-- Specification of the name of a post town. A post town is not the same as a locality. A post 
     town can encompass a collection of (small) localities. It can also be a subpart of a 
     locality. Possible values of NameType not limited to: Official, Unique, Abbreviation, 
     OldName, Synonym.-->
<!ELEMENT PostTownName (#PCDATA)> 
<!-- Possible values of NameType not limited to: Official, Unique, Abbreviation, OldName, 
<!ATTLIST PostTownName NameType  CDATA #IMPLIED>  
<!ELEMENT PostTownSuffix (#PCDATA)>

<!-- Specification of the number of a postbox -->
<!ELEMENT PostBoxNumber (#PCDATA)> 
<!ELEMENT PostBoxNumberPrefix (#PCDATA)>
<!-- A-12 where 12 is number and A is prefix and "-" is the connector -->
<!ATTLIST PostBoxNumberPrefix NumberPrefixConnector CDATA #IMPLIED> 
<!ELEMENT PostBoxNumberSuffix (#PCDATA)>
<!-- 12-A where 12 is number and A is suffix and "-" is the connector -->
<!ATTLIST PostBoxNumberSuffix NumberSuffixConnector CDATA #IMPLIED> 

<!-- Specification of the name of a large mail user. Possible values of NameType not limited to: 
     Official, Unique, Abbreviation, OldName, Synonym.-->
<!ELEMENT LargeMailUserName (#PCDATA)> 
<!-- Possible values of NameType not limited to: Official, Unique, Abbreviation, 
     OldName, Synonym.			-->
<!ATTLIST LargeMailUserName NameType  CDATA #IMPLIED>  

<!-- Specification of the name of a firm. Examples of a firm are companies and organizations. 
     Possible values of NameType not limited to: Official, Unique, Abbreviation, OldName, 
<!ELEMENT FirmName (#PCDATA)> 
<!-- Specification of the name of a department. Possible NameType values not limited to: 
     Official, Unique, Abbreviation, OldName, Synonym.-->
<!ELEMENT DepartmentName (#PCDATA)> 
<!-- Possible values of NameType not limited to: Official, Unique, Abbreviation, OldName, 
<!ATTLIST DepartmentName NameType  CDATA #IMPLIED>  

<!-- Specification of the name of a country. -->
<!ELEMENT CountryName (#PCDATA)> 
<!-- Possible values of NameType not limited to: Official, Unique, Abbreviation, 
     OldName, Synonym.			-->
<!ATTLIST  CountryName NameType CDATA #IMPLIED>
<!-- Country code scheme possible values, but not limited to: iso.3166-2, iso.3166-3 for 
     two- and three-character country codes.-->
<!ELEMENT CountryNameCode (#PCDATA)> 
<!--Possible values, but not limited to: iso.3166-2, iso.3166-3 for country code schemes-->
<!ATTLIST CountryNameCode Scheme CDATA  #IMPLIED>

<!-- Specification of the identification number of a large mail user. An example are the Cedex 
     codes in France.-->
<!ELEMENT LargeMailUserIdentifier (#PCDATA)> 
<!ATTLIST LargeMailUserIdentifier Type CDATA #IMPLIED>
<!-- Building 429 in which Building is the Indicator -->
<!ATTLIST LargeMailUserIdentifier Indicator CDATA #IMPLIED>

<!-- PostalCode is the container element for either simple or complex (extended) postal 
     codes. -->
<!ELEMENT PostalCode (PostalCodeNumber, PostTown?, SortingCode?, PostalCodeNumberExtension?)>
<!-- Area Code, Postcode, etc. -->

<!ELEMENT DependentLocalityName (#PCDATA)> 
<!-- Possible values of NameType not limited to: Official, Unique, Abbreviation, 
     OldName, Vanity, Synonym.			-->
<!ATTLIST DependentLocalityName NameType  CDATA #IMPLIED>  

<!-- some areas are numbered. Eg. SECTOR 5 in A Suburb as in India or SOI SUKUMVIT 10 as
     in Thailand -->
<!ELEMENT DependentLocalityNumber (#PCDATA)>
<!-- SECTOR occurs before 5 in SECTOR 5-->
<!ATTLIST DependentLocalityNumber TypeNumberOccurrence (Before|After) "Before"> 

Prepared by Robin Cover for The XML Cover Pages archive.

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