XFML Core Specification
October 08, 2002.
XFML Core Specification
"Today the XFML Core (aka XFML version 1.0) spec is officially published at http://purl.oclc.org/NET/xfml/core/. XFML Core is an XML language for sharing hierarchical faceted metadata and indexing efforts. XFML Core is a stable and frozen spec, and is permanently licensed to the public. XFML won't solve all your metadata problems - instead it is focused on sharing indexing efforts with faceted metadata.
XFML was designed for power and simplicity. Coding an XFML export is often as easy as writing a template. Here is an simple XFML template for Moveabletype: http://poorbuthappy.com/ease/000494.html. Drupal already has an XFML export: [URL to come] Livetopics, a tool to add topical metadata to Radio Userland also exports XFML: [URL to come]
Once people are exporting XFML, you can share it, and use it in other applications. Facetmap, an application to browse faceted metadata, was the first application to import XFML: http://facetmap.com.
The real power of XFML lies in the concept of connecting topics. This allows you to reuse indexing efforts. It means you don't have to index the entire web yourself, you can reuse parts of other XFML maps. Metadata authoring applications that take advantage of this concept are being developed.
XFML Core was developed by Peter Van Dijck (http://petervandijck.net), with crucial support and feedback from Matt Mower, Travis Wilson, Eric Scheid, Danny Ayers, David Gammel, Leonard Will, Louis Argerich and many more that I have forgotten to mention here."
Prepared by Robin Cover for The XML Cover Pages archive.