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WWW 2004 Call for Participation

WWW 2004: The Thirteenth International World Wide Web Conference

WWW2004 Call For Papers/Submissions
The Thirteenth International World Wide Web Conference
May 17-22, 2004 New York City, NY USA

Conference Highlights

Title: WWW2004. The Thirteenth International World Wide Web Conference
Venue: May 17-22, 2004. New York City, NY USA
Organized by: FIP Working Group 6.4 on Internet Applications Engineering World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)
Conference web site:
Paper submission deadline: November 14, 2003

Conference Summary

The WWW2004 conference will be held in Manhattan at the Sheraton Hotel. The technical program will include refereed paper presentations, alternate track presentations, plenary sessions, panels, and poster sessions. Tutorials and workshops will precede the main program, and a Developers Day, devoted to in-depth technical sessions designed specifically for Web developers, will follow.

Important Dates

  • Tutorial/workshop proposals deadline: October 15, 2003
  • Paper submission deadline: November 14, 2003
  • Panel proposals deadline: November 14, 2003
  • Poster submission starts: January 15, 2004
  • Poster submission deadline: February 7, 2004
  • Author notification (papers): January 31, 2004
  • Developers Day deadline: February 14, 2004
  • Final papers due: February 28, 2004
  • Author notification (posters): March 14, 2004
  • Industrial Practice track deadline: March 15, 2004
  • Conference: May 17-22, 2004

Refereed Papers Track

WWW2004 seeks original papers describing research in all areas of the Web. Papers should not have been published or be in submission at another conference or journal. Topics include but are not limited to:

Submissions should present original reports of substantive new work. Papers should properly place the work within the field, cite related work, and clearly indicate the innovative aspects of the work and its contribution to the field. Papers will be peer-reviewed by at least 3 reviewers from an International Program Committee. Accepted papers will appear in the conference proceedings published by the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), and will also be accessible to the general public via Authors are not required to transfer copyright. Papers must be submitted electronically in PDF format, and must be formatted using the ACM proceedings format. Detailed formatting requirements will be available on The official language of the conference is English. Inquiries can be sent to

Alternate Tracks

Alternate tracks include a combination of peer-reviewed papers and invited presentations. Topics include:

  • Education
  • Web of Communities
  • Web Services
  • Industrial Practice
  • Panels
  • W3C Track (latest news and views from the World Wide Web Consortium) Invited papers only

Inquiries can be sent to

Program Committee Co-Chairs

Marc Najork, Microsoft Research
Craig Wills, Worcester Polytechnic Institute


Posters provide a forum for late-breaking research, and facilitate feedback in an informal setting. Posters are peer-reviewed. Formatting and publication details will be available on

The poster area provides an opportunity for researchers and practitioners to present and demonstrate their recent Web-related research, and to obtain feedback from their peers in an informal setting. It gives conference attendees a way to learn about innovative works in progress in a timely and informal manner.

Tutorials and Workshops

A program of tutorials will cover topics of current interest to Web design, development, services, operation, use, and evaluation. These half and full-day sessions will be led by internationally recognized experts and experienced instructors using prepared content.

Workshops provide an opportunity for researchers, designers, leaders, and practitioners to explore current Web R&D issues through a more focused and in-depth manner than is possible in a traditional conference session. Participants typically present position statements and hold in-depth discussions with their peers within the workshop setting.

Developers Day

Developers Day (D-Day) will be devoted to the interests of Web developers, and will offer in-depth discussions of technologies and tools at the forefront of the Web. This day-long program will consist of several parallel streams focused on specific content areas. D-Day sessions are designed to be timely and state-of-the-art.

Refereed Track Area Chairs

Vice Chair: Corin Anderson, Google, USA
Deputy Vice Chair: Prashant Shenoy, University of Massachusetts, USA

Browsers and UI:
Vice Chair: Andreas Paepcke, Stanford University, USA
Deputy Vice Chair: Bay-Wei Chang, Google, USA

Data Mining:
Vice Chair: Krishna Bharat, Google, USA
Deputy Vice Chair: Ramakrishnan Srikant, IBM Almaden, USA 

Electronic Commerce:
WWW2004 Liason to EC2004 Conference: David Pennock, Overture Services, USA
WWW2004 Liason to EC2004 Conference: Mark Manasse, Microsoft Research, USA

Mobility and Wireless Access:
Vice Chair: Yoelle Maarek, IBM Haifa, Israel
Deputy Vice Chair: Jason Nieh, Columbia University, USA

Performance and Reliability:
Vice Chair: Mike Dahlin, University of Texas Austin, USA
Deputy Vice Chair: Steve Gribble, University of Washington, USA 

Vice Chair: Prabhakar Raghavan, Verity, USA
Deputy Vice Chair: Jon Kleinberg, Cornell University, USA 

Security and Privacy:
Vice Chair: Brian LaMacchia, Microsoft Research, USA
Deputy Vice Chair: Patrick McDaniel, AT&T Research, USA 

Semantic Web:
Vice Chair: Peter Patel-Schneider, Bell Labs, USA 
Deputy Vice Chair: Steffen Staab, University of Karlsruhe, Germany

Web Engineering:
Vice Chair: Daniel Schwabe, Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Deputy Vice Chair: Martin Gaedke, University of Karlsruhe, Germany

Alternate Track Chairs

Co-Chair: Peter Brusilovsky, University of Pittsburgh, USA
Co-Chair: Wolfgang Nejdl, University of Hannover, Germany 

Web of Communities:
Co-Chair: David De Roure, University of Southampton, UK
Co-Chair: Liddy Nevile, La Trobe University, Australia

Industrial Practice:
Chair: Raymie Stata, University of California Santa Cruz, USA Deputy Chair:
William Cook, University of Texas Austin, USA

Web Services:
Chair: Francisco (Paco) Curbera, IBM Research, USA
Deputy Chair: Mike Papazoglou, Tilburg University, Netherlands

Chair: Marie-Claire Forgue, W3C, France


Chair: Lloyd Rutledge, CWI Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Deputy Chair: Mary Ellen Zurko, IBM, USA

Tutorials and Workshops Co-Chairs

Arun Iyengar, IBM Research, USA
Bebo White, Stanford Linear Accelerator Center, USA

Poster Co-Chairs

Chair: Irwin King, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Deputy Chair: Weisong Shi, Wayne State University, USA

Conference Co-Chairs

Stuart Feldman, IBM
Michael Uretsky, New York University
IW3C2 Liason to WWW2004

Vincent Shen, W3C

Arun Iyengar, IBM Research, USA

Conference Organizers

  • International World Wide Web Conference Committee (IW3C2)
  • New York University Center For Advanced Technology
  • IBM Research
  • Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)

Conference Partners

IFIP Working Group 6.4 on Internet Applications Engineering
World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)

General questions about WWW2004 may be sent to

Source. CFP text submitted by William Cook:

William Cook, PhD
Assistant Professor
Department of Computer Sciences
University of Texas at Austin
Office: ACES 5.244
Tel: +1 (512) 471-9555

Prepared by Robin Cover for The XML Cover Pages archive.

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