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Historic's Visual Net Software Brings Visual Mapping to the UDDI Business Registry

Vancouver, B.C., CANADA. June 19, 2001. Systems Inc. (ASI), a provider of revolutionary information visualization technology, today announced that their Visual Net mapping software will act as a front end to the Universal Description, Discovery and Integration (UDDI) Registry.

Visual Net mapping enhances user ability to navigate through and find desired information in the online directory of business services.

The UDDI Business Registry is a global, public, online directory that gives businesses a uniform way to describe their services, discover other companies' services, and understand the methods necessary to conduct e-business with a particular company.

Visual Net places the UDDI Business Registry data on large-scale maps utilizing a superior navigation system and information-rich visuals to enable users to find information on businesses in a way that is more natural, more like real life. This is expected to expedite the integration of the UDDI registry into a businesses' standard work environment.

The technique behind the effective use of Visual Net for UDDI is the S.O.S. methodology -- Strategize, Organize, and Search. The visual mapping approach enables users to strategize how to sift through massive amounts of data by instantly receiving information about that data or metadata through visual cues, organize their approach in the most effective manner through the product's usability features, and search for the specific data needed.

"Our commitment to the UDDI community is to continually enhance the Registry usability, enabling users to receive maximum value," said Christopher Kurt, Program Manager for UDDI and Web Services at Microsoft Corp. "We consider Visual Net's exceptional visual approach to creating easy, quick access to information to be a great example of innovative value-added services layered on top of the UDDI Business Registry."

"A countless number of businesses worldwide will benefit from this initiative," added Kurt. "Visual Net will help UDDI Business Registry users visually navigate the large amounts of business information available to find exactly what they are looking for, and plays a part in further establishing the registry as the cornerstone of Web services architecture."

"Web services are central to the next generation of enterprise computing, but they're useless without a way to find them - like phone numbers without a phonebook or computer files without names. UDDI is an open, neutral, well-designed solution for this problem," said Tim Bray, ASI founder and CEO. "Visual Net provides the user an interface that's going to make these vast, rich data pools usable for the non-specialist. As co-inventor of XML and ardent advocate for visual mapping, I'm delighted at UDDI's arrival on the scene."

The UDDI Registry Map will feature:

  • A visual map displaying categories of information enabling users to browse through all the data and drill down into those areas of interest.

  • The ability to search the database using classification taxonomies such as the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) and the Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) code from the same interface.

  • An intuitive display that instantly and visually shows the user valuable information about data in the Registry such as how wide-ranging the services of a business are and provides a relevancy scale of the data for the user.

A demonstration of the Visual Net mapping of the UDDI Registry can be found at

About Visual Net

Visual Net is a highly customizable information visualization solution based on visual mapping techniques that enables users to easily navigate and browse data across multiple databases and in multiple formats. Visual Net can be utilized in a wide range of applications such as research libraries, corporate Intranets, eCommerce and retail cataloging, and general advanced "search and explore" of large amounts of data. Visual Net is offered as a standalone application - Visual Net for Libraries and Visual Net Enterprise - or as a tool as part of custom applications provided directly or through ASI's partner channel.

About UDDI

UDDI is a community of more than 280 business and technology leaders committed to the acceleration and broadening of business-to-business (B2B) integration and commerce through the Internet. The UDDI specification uses XML to provide businesses with a uniform way to describe their services, discover other companies' services, and understand the methods necessary to conduct e-business with a particular company. The UDDI Community expects to turn the UDDI specification over to a standards organization after the next two versions are released. More information about the UDDI project can be obtained at or at

About Systems Inc.

With offices in Vancouver, British Columbia and Seattle, Washington, is a pioneer developer of visual mapping technology. delivers its services to individuals and organizations through its flagship product Visual Net, horizontal server-side software that can be easily customized and adapted to applications requiring data be turned into useful information. was founded in 1999 by early search engine pioneer and XML co-creator Tim Bray. Privately held,'s investment partners include Royal Bank Ventures Inc., the Working Opportunity Fund, itemus inc., and Primaxis Technology Ventures Inc. For additional information, please visit or call 866-NET-MAPS.

Contacts: Systems Inc.
Stephanie Lummis

Bairey & Bedford Public Relations, LLC (b2pr)
Ann Krauss

Prepared by Robin Cover for The XML Cover Pages archive.

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