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TIBCO Software Promotes Interoperability Standards

Tibco Drives Web Services Standards to Benefit Enterprise Customers

TIBCO Continues Leadership in Shaping Interoperability Standards

Palo Alto, CA, USA. June 09, 2003.

TIBCO Software Inc., a leading enabler of real-time business and the leading independent business integration software company in the world, as demonstrated by market share and analyst reports, today announced a number of intiatives demonstrating its leadership role in defining and shaping interoperability standards for enterprise integration solutions. Adherence to standards has consistently been integral to TIBCO's product strategy, and the company's leadership role in setting enterprise integration standards is attracting a wide range of customers to TIBCO, including UTi, a global, non-asset-based provider of logistic services for the shipping and storage of raw material, supplies, components and finished goods to multinational companies and smaller local businesses.

"UTi selected TIBCO for many reasons. One of the main reasons was TIBCO's thorough implementation of standards-based technologies such as XML, JMS and Java. As UTi realizes its NextLeap strategy, standards are playing an increasingly important role in delivering higher levels of agility, consistency, innovation and discipline. TIBCO is an important partner for UTi, and we are confident in their abilities to represent us and our technology needs with a wide range of standards communities." Linda Bennett, CIO, UTi Worldwide Inc.

TIBCO's commitment to standards emphasizes process modeling and choreography, and employs standards such as XML for data representation, XML Schema for data validation, XSLT for data transformation, XPath for data addressability, and WSDL for description of services. TIBCO designs its products to interoperate with other vendors' solutions and deployment environments, such as J2EE and .NET. In addition, TIBCO is actively participating in standards bodies such as OASIS and W3C, working to define the standards for future development of Web Services.

Standards Activities

  • BPEL4WS (Business Process Execution Language for Web Services): TIBCO, along with IBM, BEA, Microsoft and other vendors, joined efforts to submit the standard for Business Processes to OASIS for review and approval. Historically, standards for Web Services have not addressed business processes.

  • WSRM (Web Services Reliable Messaging): Based on its fifteen years of experience with enterprise messaging, TIBCO was asked by Microsoft to review the WSRM standard recently submitted to OASIS. TIBCO will also be participating in the co-authoring of this standard going forward. WSRM provides a vehicle for companies to exchange information reliably with each other over the Internet and receive delivery notification, a capability that was not previously supported by existing Web Services specifications. For more information, please see the press release: "Microsoft, IBM, BEA and TIBCO Announce Reliable Messaging Specifications. Publication of WS-ReliableMessaging and WS-Addressing Signifies Milestone In Development of Web Services Architecture."

  • Web Services Attachments: TIBCO participated in a consortium with AT&T, BEA, Canon France, Microsoft, and SAP to write the specification for enhanced attachment support for Web Services. This was submitted on April 1, 2003 to the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

  • WS-I (Web Services Interoperability Organization): TIBCO actively participates in the WS-I, the organization responsible for ensuring products are verified as 'fully compliant' with industry standards. TIBCO actively reviews its software to meet compliant with WS-I standards. This is the first of several interoperability tests that TIBCO will be conducting with the WS-I.

  • SOAP 1.2 (Simple Object Access Protocol): Leveraging its extensive experience with messaging, TIBCO is driving the 'next generation' messaging specification that will further define details of the SOAP standard. "Our ongoing leadership and support for standards is of great importance to our customers and partners. TIBCO products combine The Power of Now with the power of standards to offer customers and partners the most comprehensive integration solutions available today," said Brad Rode, executive vice president of products and technology, TIBCO Software Inc.

About TIBCO Software Inc.

TIBCO Software Inc. is the leading independent business integration software company in the world, demonstrated by market share and analyst reports. In addition, TIBCO is a leading enabler of Real-Time Business, helping companies become more cost-effective, more agile and more efficient. TIBCO has delivered the value of real-time business, what TIBCO calls The Power of Now, to over 2,000 customers around the world and in a wide variety of industries. For more information on TIBCO's proven business integration, business optimisation, and enterprise backbone solutions, TIBCO can be reached at 650-846-1000 or on the Web at TIBCO is headquartered in Palo Alto, CA.


Prepared by Robin Cover for The XML Cover Pages archive.

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