One Document Does It All: Documentation for an ODD system for tag set construction
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<!DOCTYPE TEI.1 system 'tiny.dtd' [ <!ENTITY % dtdmods system 'odd.dtd'> %dtdmods; <!ENTITY system 'comadd.odd' > <!ENTITY ref.oa1 system 'oddadd1.odd'> <!ENTITY ref.oa2 system 'oddadd2.odd'> <!ENTITY ref.ort system 'oddreft.odd'> <!ENTITY ref.ore system 'oddrefe.odd'> <!ENTITY ref.orc system 'oddrefc.odd'> <!ENTITY ref.ora system 'oddrefa.odd'> <!ENTITY system 'oddmisc.odd'> ]> <TEI.1> <header> <filDescr> <citation>C. M. Sperberg-McQueen and Lou Burnard, <title.p>One Document Does It All: Documentation for an ODD system for tag set construction.</title.p> TEI ED W29. Unpublished; for testing and development. November-December 1991. </citation> <source><citation>No source; created in m-r form.</citation> </source> </filDescr> <revHist> <list> <item>26 Mar 92 : CMSMcQ : minor reworking, case fixes <item>25 Mar 92 : CMSMcQ : fixes after successful printing <item>18 Mar 92 : CMSMcQ : continued quick revs. Skipped past detailed discussion of ref crystals without completing them, reached ca. line 840 (detailed account of Odd.dtd). <item>17 Mar 92 : CMSMcQ : continued quick revs, add tag lists in appx <item>8 Mar 92 : CMSMcQ : Quick revs, hoping to make useful for others. Got to about line 300. <item>8 Jan 92 : CMSMcQ : Upgrade to new Odd.dtd. <item>29 Dec 91 : CMSMcQ : Further expansion. <item>14 Dec 91 : CMSMcQ : Expand to broader overview document to help TEI participants who must read ODD files. <item>25 Nov 91 : CMSMcQ : Made file (as ODDDOC.P2X) </list> </header> <text> <front> <tPage> <tp.title>One Document Does It All: Documentation for an ODD System of Tag Set Construction <tp.auth>C. M. Sperberg-McQueen <tp.auth>Lou Burnard <tp.publ>Text Encoding Initiative: Document TEI ED W29 <>14 November 1991 </front> <body> <!> <div1 name='Section' n=1><head>Introduction</head> <p>The Odd (<soCalled>One Document Does it all</soCalled>) system is a prototype SGML DTD-generator developed to aid in the production of version 2 of the Text Encoding Initiative's <title>Guidelines for Text Encoding and Interchange</title> (TEI P2). It is modeled very directly on Donald Knuth's WEB system, <note><p>WEB is distributed with the public-domain code of TeX and MetaFont, which are written in WEB. See <citation>Donald E. Knuth, <title.p>Literate Programming</title.p> (submitted to <title>The Computer Journal</title> [n.d.])</citation> and <citation>[Donald Knuth], <title>The WEB System of Structured Documentation</title> [WEB User Manual], Stanford Computer Science Report CS980 (September 1983).</citation> Both are distributed with (at least some versions of) TeX.</p></note> but substitutes TEI SGML tags for TeX as the document formatting language and SGML DTDs for Pascal as the programming language. <p>In general, Odd works like this: in a single document (the Odd document) the user describes an SGML-based markup language or tag set, using the Odd tag set. The Odd document is then used by three distinct processors to produce three very different kinds of output: <list> <item>One processor (OddP2X) produces SGML-tagged prose documentation for the tag set, embedding fragments of the DTD within it (as Pascal code is intermingled with prose in the Web system); it corresponds to Knuth's <term>Weave</term> processor. <item>A second processor (OddRef) produces SGML fragments to be included in an alphabetic reference manual of the tags, attributes, and other items in the markup language. OddRef has no direct correspondence in WEB, though it is closer to <term>Weave</term> than to <term>Tangle</term>. <item>The third processor (OddDtd) produces an SGML DTD for the markup language; it corresponds to Knuth's <term>Tangle</term> processor. </list> <p>A fourth processor (DtdOdd) has been developed which makes the production of Odd documents easier: it takes a conventional DTD as input and produces a set of partially completed tag documentation crystals; it can be used as the first step in preparing Odd documentation for existing tag sets. <p>In this document, we describe the types of files used by the Odd system for input and output, the specialized tags provided by the Odd DTDs, the DTDs and their structure, and the processors which work with them. An appendix includes a brief description of the tags in Tiny.dtd, the base tag set. The document in its current form is intended for internal use within the TEI and assumes either a profound familiarity with SGML and the TEI DTDs or a great tolerance for unfamiliar technical material. <div1 n=2><head>Types of Files</head> <p>The Odd system uses and produces several types of files, with the following file extensions (common across all systems): <list type=gloss> <label>odd <item>the main document type, in the Odd tag set, input for all three processors <label>p2x <item>prose documents in the P2X prose tag set <label>ref <item>reference material on the tags of the markup language, which may be included within P2X documents or processed separately as a Ref document <label>dtd <item>normal SGML DTDs, produced by OddDtd </list> These are described in more detail below. <div2 name='Section'><head>Odd Files</head> <p>Odd is the main document type: it serves as input for all processors and contains all the information used in defining the tag set. <p>An Odd document uses, for the most part, conventional SGML tags for prose documents; because the Odd tags themselves are defined as an <term>additional tag set</term>, they are in principle usable with multiple bases, and any standard tag set for prose could be taken as the base tag set for Odd documents. At present (March 1992) the Odd system uses a prose base called Tiny.dtd, based on TEI P1 by way of the <soCalled>toy</soCalled> DTDs prepared for TEI workshops during 1991. <note place=foot>The tags present in Tiny.dtd are described briefly in an appendix to this document.</note> When TEI P2 is completed we expect to modify the Odd system to use TEI P2's tag set as its base. <p>The Odd DTD comprises additional tags to be used in what is otherwise a normal document using the Tiny tag set. Odd files should use the Odd DTD, which is invoked thus: <eg> <![ CDATA [ <!DOCTYPE TEI.1 system 'Tiny.dtd' [ <!ENTITY % dtdmods system 'Odd.dtd'> %dtdmods; ]> ]]> </eg> The Odd DTD keeps its extensions to the base prose tag set rigorously separate and visible, and thus serves as an example of the method of DTD extension envisaged by TEI ML W43 and TEI P1 chapter 8. <p>This document in its current form focuses largely on the tags of the Odd DTD. Those of the other DTDs (P2X and Ref) are very much the same, differing mostly in whether certain elements are optional or required. <div2><head>P2X Files</head> <p>P2X files contain prose documentation of the tag set; they will ultimately conform to TEI P2 but use extensions --- hence the file type of <cited>P2X</cited> (<gloss>P2 extended</gloss>), which keeps these files distinct from files vanilla-conformant with TEI P2, which we expect to use the filetype <cited>TEI</cited>. Since P2 is not ready yet, P2X files, like Odd files, currently use not P2 but the general-purpose prose tag set defined in Tiny.dtd. P2X files should use P2x.dtd, which is invoked thus: <eg> <![ CDATA [ <!DOCTYPE TEI.1 system 'Tiny.dtd' [ <!ENTITY % dtdmods system 'P2x.dtd'> %dtdmods; ]> ]]> </eg> P2X, like Odd, keeps its extensions separate from the base (here Tiny.dtd) and serves as an example of tag set extension as envisaged in TEI P1 and ML W43. The P2X DTD is so constructed that Ref files may be included within P2X documents. <div2><head>Ref Files</head> <p>Ref files contain one or more <gi>tagDoc</gi>, <gi>attDoc</gi>, <gi>classDoc</gi>, and <gi>entDoc</gi> elements. Ref files are the output of the <term>OddRef</term> processor and the filetype should not be used for other files. If Ref files are to be processed as independent documents, they should use Ref.dtd, but normally Ref files are included within P2X files for processing. <div2><head>DTD Files</head> <p>DTD files contain DTD fragments; when the tag set is prepared using Odd, the DTD files are created by running the OddDtd processor on an Odd file. DTD files will contain element, attList, and comment declarations in the usual syntax. The element and attList declarations are enclosed in marked sections so that individual tags in the set can be conveniently turned off or redefined by users of the markup language; in the future names may also be replaced by entity references as described in TEI P1 chapter 8. At the moment, we expect to perform the name-indirection by post-processing the DTDs, not by modifying OddDtd. <!> <div1 n=3><head>Special Tags in Odd and P2X Documents</head> <p>To the base tag set used, the Odd system adds (1) specialized tags to appear in running prose, which mark tag names, attribute names, sample tags and lists of tag descriptions which should echo the descriptions in the reference manual, and (2) structures (reference crystals) to provide the specialized information needed to print an alphabetical reference list of tags and attributes. The following two sections describe these two classes of tag. Note that some tags are specific to Odd documents or P2X documents, while others are common to both types. <div2><head>Tags for Prose Documentation</head> <!-- desc, list, exx, dtdFrag --> <div3 id=od.names name='section'> <head>Phrase-level Tags for SGML Names</head> <p>SGML tag set documentation requires frequent mention of generic identifiers, attribute names, and special attribute values. These are all technical terms and could be tagged with <gi>term</gi>, but we distinguish them so they can be typeset differently and generate distinct types of index entries. <p>Odd and P2X documents both use the following specialized tags: <list type=gloss> <label><gi>tag</gi></label> <item>marks SGML start-tags and end-tags appearing in prose.</item> <label><gi>gi</gi></label> <item>marks a generic identifier for an SGML element type.</item> <label><gi>att</gi></label> <item>marks attribute names appearing in prose.</item> </list> All of these elements can carry the following attribute: <list type=gloss> <label><att>tei</att></label> <item>indicates whether the name marked is a TEI name or not Values: <list type=gloss> <label><term>yes</term></label> <item>the item is a TEI name and should be indexed as such</item> <label><term>no</term></label> <item>the item is not a TEI name and should not be indexed</item> </list></item> </list> <p>No specialized tag is provided for defined attribute values; they should be tagged as technical terms. Extended examples of SGML tag usage should be enclosed in <gi>eg</gi> tags; generally the contents of the <gi>eg</gi> element should be a CDATA marked section. (<gi>eg</gi> is not defined as a <term>CDATA</term> element, however, because end-tags for open elements are recognized within CDATA elements; if a CDATA element within a paragraph contains a <tag>/p</tag> tag, it will be recognized as the end-tag for the enclosing paragraph. This interferes too often with examples to make CDATA elements useful for examples of SGML tagging.) <p>As an example of these tags' use, consider the parenthetical remark in the previous paragraph, which is tagged thus: <eg> <![ CDATA [ (<gi>eg</gi> is not defined as <term>CDATA</term>, however, because end-tags for open elements are recognized within CDATA elements; if a CDATA element within a paragraph contains a <tag>/p</tag> tag, it will be recognized as the end-tag for the enclosing paragraph. This interferes too often with examples to make CDATA elements useful for examples of SGML tagging.) ]]> </eg> <p>These tags are defined formally as follows: <eg id=cadd1> <![ CDATA [ <!-- 3.1.1: Phrase-Level Tags for SGML Tags and Names --> <!ENTITY % a.teiTerm ' tei (yes | no) no ' > <!ELEMENT tag - O (#PCDATA | gi | att)* > <!ATTLIST tag; %a.teiTerm; > <!ELEMENT gi - O (#PCDATA) > <!ATTLIST gi; %a.teiTerm; > <!ELEMENT att - - (#PCDATA) > <!ATTLIST att; %a.teiTerm; > ]]> </eg> <!-- Here embed the reference crystals for this section. --> <!-- Revisions: --> <!-- 27 Mar 92 : MSM : normalize case of identifiers --> <!-- 8 Jan 92 : MSM : upgrade to new Odd.dtd --> <!-- ComAdd.ref: reference crystals for tags in ComAdd.dtd: --> <!-- tag, gi, att, and the class teiTerm. --> <!-- *************************************************** tag --> <!-- *************************************************** gi --> <!-- *************************************************** att --> <!-- ************************************************ teiTerm --> <div3 id=od.tagl><head>Tag Lists with Descriptions</head> <p>The normal method of introducing tags in TEI documentation is to provide a single paragraph introducing a set of related tags, list the tags and attributes involved, provide examples, and end with a DTD fragment showing how the tags are defined. The following tags are provided for the lists of tags and attributes: <list type=gloss> <label><gi>tagList</gi></label> <item>marks a list of tags to be inserted into the prose documentation, formatted as a glossary list. Attributes include: <list type=gloss> <label><att>style</att></label> <item>indicates layout style to use for tag description list Values: <list type=gloss> <label><term>one-line</term></label> <item>each <gi>tagDesc</gi> generates list item with the gi as the term and the one-line <gi>desc</gi> from the <gi>tagDoc</gi> element as the description.</item> <label><term>long</term></label> <item>undefined; present only as stub and reminder that other styles may be desired later.</item> <label><term>green</term></label> <item>undefined reminder that other styles may be desired later.</item> </list></item> </list> </item> <label><gi>tagDesc</gi></label> <item>indicates that a given gi should be included at this point in a <gi>tagList</gi>. Attributes include: <list type=gloss> <label><att>tagDoc</att></label> <item>indicates which gi should be included in a tag list.</item> <label><att>atts</att></label> <item>indicates which attributes of the element, if any, should be mentioned in the description of the tag.</item> </list> </item> <label><gi>adList</gi></label> <item>marks a list of attributes and their descriptions. Attributes include: <list type=gloss> <label><att>classDoc</att></label> <item>specifies the element class for which the attributes in the list are defined.</item> <label><att>atts</att></label> <item>indicates which attributes of the class, if any, should be included in the list.</item> </list> </item> </list> <p>In print format, both <gi>tagList</gi> and <gi>adList</gi> should be formatted like a definition list. In a <gi>tagList</gi>, each <gi>tagDesc</gi> generates the tag's GI (in angle brackets, bolded) as the term, and the element's one-line description (from the <gi>desc</gi> element in the <gi>tagDoc</gi> element) as the definition. Embedded lists of attributes may also occur within any entry for a GI; the <att>atts</att> attribute specifies which attributes defined for an element should be included in the embedded list. (The default is none.) In P2X files, <gi>tagList</gi> and <gi>tagDesc</gi> do not occur: the OddP2X processor translates them into glossary lists, as shown below.) <p>As examples of the use of these tags, consider the introduction of the phrase-level tags for SGML names in the preceding section, which was tagged thus: <eg> <![ CDATA [ <p>Odd and P2X documents both use the following specialized tags: <tagList> <tagDesc tagDoc='tag'> <tagDesc tagDoc='gi'> <tagDesc tagDoc='att'> </tagList> All of these elements can carry the following attribute: <adList classDoc='teiname' atts='tei'> ]]> </eg> <p>The P2X equivalent of this is as follows: <eg> <![ CDATA [ <!-- substitute real OddP2X output when you can --> <list type=gloss> <label><gi>tag</gi></label> <item> ... <label><gi>gi</gi></label> <item> ... <label><gi>att</gi></label> <item> ... </list> ]]> </eg> <note>The file P2xAdd.dtd does actually define a <gi>tagList</gi> element for P2X documents, but it is not used by OddP2X at this writing (18 March 1992).</note> <p>These elements are defined thus: <eg id=oadd1> <![ CDATA [ <!-- 3.1.2: Tags for Lists of Tags --> <!ELEMENT tagList - - (tagDesc+) > <!ATTLIST tagList; style (long | one-line | green) one-line > <!ELEMENT tagDesc - O EMPTY > <!ATTLIST tagDesc; tagDoc IDREF #REQUIRED atts CDATA #IMPLIED > <!ELEMENT adList - O EMPTY > <!ATTLIST adList; classDoc CDATA #REQUIRED atts CDATA #IMPLIED > ]]> </eg> <!-- reference crystals for tagList, tagDesc, adList in oddadd1.odd --> <!-- OddAdd1: reference crystals for part of OddAdd.dtd: --> <!-- tagList, tagDesc, adList. --> <!-- This file is part of Odd.odd. --> <!-- Revisions: --> <!-- 26 Mar 92 : CMSMcQ : minor presentation changes --> <!-- 21 Mar 92 : CMSMcQ : correct classes: no NIL class --> <!-- 18 Mar 92 : CMSMcQ : minor revisions, checking --> <!-- 8 Jan 92 : CMSMcQ : made file. --> <!-- *********************************************** tagList --> <!-- *********************************************** tagDesc --> <!-- *********************************************** adList --> <!-- adList: marks a list of attributes belonging to a class of elements; in the documentation, this will be formatted like a definition list. --> <!-- ************************************************* adList --> <!-- ******************************************************** --> <div3 id=od.dtdf><head>Tags for Embedded DTD Fragments</head> <p>For reference manuals, at least, it is important not merely to describe the tags of a markup language in prose: the reader must be able to consult the formal definitions of the tags as well. In order to exhibit clearly the logical relationships among related tags, it is useful to be able to embed DTD fragments in a running prose commentary. (Otherwise, the user would have to consult the element and attribute-list declarations in the alphabetical reference list; not a convenient method of understanding a group of tags which conceptually go together.) Indeed, the Odd system assumes that the entire DTD defining the tag set will be reproduced, not necessarily in order, in the DTD fragments included in the documentation. (In this, the influence of Web is particularly clear.) <p>The tags provided for this purpose are these: <list type=gloss> <label><gi>dtdFrag</gi></label> <item>encloses a schematic representation of a portion of a DTD within which special elements represent different types of declaration. Attributes include: <list type=gloss> <label><att>file</att></label> <item>specifies which DTD file the DTD fragment belongs in.</item> <label><att>contin</att></label> <item>identifies the previous DTD fragment continued by the current one, if any.</item> </list> </item> <label><gi>tagDecl</gi></label> <item>indicates that the element and attribute list declarations for a given element type logically belong here. Attributes include: <list type=gloss> <label><att>tagDoc</att></label> <item>indicates which element's declarations appear at this location by pointing at the <gi>tagDoc</gi> for that element.</item> </list> </item> <label><gi>entDecl</gi></label> <item>indicates that an entity declaration belongs at this point in a DTD fragment. Attributes include: <list type=gloss> <label><att>entDoc</att></label> <item>points at the reference crystal for this entity declaration.</item> </list> </item> <label><gi>claDecl</gi></label> <item>indicates that a parameter entity declaration defining an element class logically belongs at this point in a DTD fragment. Attributes include: <list type=gloss> <label><att>classDoc</att></label> <item>points at the <gi>classDoc</gi> crystal for the class in question.</item> <label><att>type</att></label> <item>indicates whether entity is for model groups or attribute lists. Values: <list type=gloss> <label><term>model</term></label> <item>entity is for model groups.</item> <label><term>atts</term></label> <item>entity is for attribute list declarations.</item> </list></item> </list> </item> <label><gi>peRef</gi></label> <item>indicates that a parameter entity reference logically belongs at this point in the DTD.</item> <label><gi>dtdRef</gi></label> <item>indicates that the contents of a distinct <gi>dtdFrag</gi> element logically belong here. Attributes include: <list type=gloss> <label><att>target</att></label> <item>points at the <gi>dtdFrag</gi> which logically belongs here.</item> </list> </item> <label><gi>commDecl</gi></label> <item>indicates that a comment declaration belongs at this point in a DTD fragment, with the same contents as the element.</item> </list> Their meanings and usage are discussed below. <p>In the simplest and most common case, the <gi>dtdFrag</gi> element contains a set of <gi>tagDecl</gi> elements which are replaced in the output with the element declaration and attribute list declaration for the element. The tag's generic identifier and its element declaration are copied directly from the <gi>tagDoc</gi> whose <att>id</att> is given as the value of the <gi>tagDecl</gi> <att>tagDoc</att> attribute. The <att>id</att> should usually be the same as the generic identifier, or the first eight characters of it, but may not be, if more than one <gi>tagDoc</gi> has the same generic identifier (as for <gi>div1</gi> in prose texts, verse texts, drama texts, and dictionaries). <p>In more complicated cases, the <gi>dtdFrag</gi> may also contain entity declarations (<gi>entDecl</gi>s), parameter entity declarations for element classes (<gi>claDecl</gi>s), parameter entity references (<gi>peRef</gi>s), references to other DTD fragments (<gi>dtdRef</gi>s), and SGML comments (<gi>commDecl</gi>s). Each of these except <gi>commDecl</gi> is empty and must point at an associated reference document crystal. N.B. the content model for <gi>dtdFrag</gi> thus tightly constrains the form taken by Odd-generated DTDs. It is not possible in Odd as currently implemented, for example, to include notation declarations in a DTD. <p><gi>entDecl</gi> indicates that a general or parameter entity declaration goes in the DTD at this point. The name and entity text of the entity declaration are copied from the appropriate <gi>entDoc</gi>, indicated by the <att>entDoc</att> attribute on the <gi>entDecl</gi> tag. <p>For example, to declare an external file containing entity declarations, which will be referred to somewhere in the DTD, and to declare the entity <term>TEI</term> with the expansion <q>Text Encoding Initiative</q>, a DTD fragment should read, in part: <eg> <![ CDATA [ <entDecl entDoc = EntDecs> <entDecl entDoc = teient> ]]> </eg> <p>The document should also contain entity document crystals which define these entities (see below). <p>A <gi>claDecl</gi> indicates that a parameter entity reference defining an <term>element class</term> belongs in the DTD at this point. (For discussion of element classes, see the examples below and the discussion of <gi>classDoc</gi> in section <xref type=div3 target=o.cladoc>.) The <att>classDoc</att> attribute points at the relevant <gi>classDoc</gi> crystal; the <att>type</att> attribute indicates whether the parameter entity is to contain a list of all members of the class (for use in content models) or a set of attribute declarations common to all elements in the class (for use in attribute list declarations). If the <att>type</att> attributes on the <gi>claDecl</gi> and <gi>classDoc</gi> elements disagree, the behavior of the processors is undefined. (They should issue a warning, but this has not been implemented yet.) <p>The entity declarations generated by a <gi>claDecl</gi> element use entity names constructed from the name of the element class: the name of the class, prefixed by <q>m.</q> or <q>x.</q> for model-group entities and by <q>a.</q> for attribute-list entities. The entity text used in the declarations is generated from the reference crystals as well. For model-group entities, two entity declarations are generated: the entity text for the first (with the <q>x.</q> prefix), is the empty string; for the second (with the <q>m.</q> prefix) the entity text is a list of members of the class, separated by vertical bars and preceded by a reference to the first entity. For attribute-list entities, the entity text is a series of attribute definitions generated from the <gi>attList</gi> structure within the <gi>classDoc</gi> crystal. <p>For a class called <q>crystal</q>, for example, a <tag>claDecl classDoc=crystal type=model</tag> will cause OddDtD and OddP2X to generate two entity declarations of the form <eg> <![ CDATA [ <!ENTITY % x.crystal '' > <!ENTITY % m.crystal '%x.crystal; ... ' > ]]> </eg> where the ellipsis is filled with the names of members of the class. The <q>x.</q> entity is provided to allow users to add new elements to the class simply by defining a new meaning for that entity within their DTD subset. To add the new user-defined elements <gi tei=no>axiom</gi> and <gi tei=no>theorem</gi> to a tag set, and allow them to appear anywhere that <soCalled>crystals</soCalled> can appear the user's document would include the following lines within the DTD subset: <eg> <![ CDATA [ <!ENTITY % x.crystal 'axiom | theorem | ' > <!ELEMENT axiom - - (#PCDATA) > <!ELEMENT theorem - - (#PCDATA) > ]]> </eg> <p>For attributes shared among members of a class, a <tag>claDecl classDoc=crystal type=atts</tag> will cause OddDtD and OddP2X to generate an entity declaration of the form <eg> <![ CDATA [ <!ENTITY % a.crystal ' ... ' > ]]> </eg> <p>Elements are assigned to classes by the values given to the <gi>tagDoc</gi> crystal's <gi>classes</gi> element, as described below in section <xref target = o.tagDoc>. If, for example, the tag documentation for <gi>emph</gi> and <gi>highlighted</gi> elements assigned classes as follows: <eg> <![ CDATA [ <tagDoc id=emph> ... <classes names='soup phrases rhet'> ... </tagDoc> <tagDoc id=highligh> ... <classes names='soup phrases typogr'> ... </tagDoc> <classDoc id=soup><class>soup</class> ... </classDoc> <classDoc id=phrases><class>phrases</class> ... </classDoc> <classDoc id=rhet><class>rhetorical</class> ... </classDoc> <classDoc id=typogr><class>typographic</class> ... </classDoc> ]]> </eg> then something like the following <gi>claDecl</gi>s should appear in some <gi>dtdFrag</gi> element: <eg> <![ CDATA [ <claDecl classDoc=rhet type='model'> <claDecl classDoc=typogr type='atts' > <claDecl classDoc=soup type='model'> ]]> </eg> which would in turn generate (in the OddDtd processor) something like: <eg> <![ CDATA [ <!ENTITY % x.rhetoric '' > <!ENTITY % m.rhetoric '%x.rhetoric; emph | ...'> <!ENTITY % a.typographic 'font CDATA #REQUIRED size NUMBER #REQUIRED'> <!ENTITY % x.soup '' > <!ENTITY % m.soup '%x.soup; emph | highlighted | ...'> ]]> </eg> <p>A <gi>peRef</gi> indicates that a parameter entity reference should occur at this point in the DTD. The <gi>peRef</gi> is empty; its <att>n</att> attribute gives the name of the entity. For now, no check is made that the parameter entity is declared anywhere, so that references to external files may be included in DTD fragments without <gi>entDoc</gi> crystals having to be built for them. [The wisdom of this decision is open for discussion.] <p>Need example. <p>A <gi>dtdRef</gi> element indicates that the content of some other <gi>dtdFrag</gi> element should be inserted here; the <att>dtdFrag</att> attribute gives its <att>ID</att>. OddP2X fetches the section number and name of the other <gi>dtdFrag</gi> (the latter given as the value of its <att>N</att> attribute) and prints it as a comment, in the form: <eg> <![ CDATA [ <!-- ... declarations from section n.n (title of fragment) go here ... --> ]]> </eg> OddDtd bodily inserts a similar comment, but then follows it with the contents of the specified DTD fragment, and marks its end with a comment saying that the embedded DTD fragment is now ended. OddRef ignores <gi>dtdFrag</gi>s entirely. <p>Other comments may be specified using the <gi>commDecl</gi> element. These should all be block prose comments --- no indented lists or other fancy formatting ---, as they may be reformatted as paragraphs by OddP2X and OddDtd. <p>Need example. <div3><head>Processing of DTD Fragments</head> <p>OddP2X processes a <gi>dtdFrag</gi> by printing a nice header for the fragment and then nicely printing its contents: the comment, element and attribute list declarations are printed with appropriate delimiters, and each <gi>dtdRef</gi> element present generates a comment with a cross-reference to the appropriate DTD fragment. <p>OddDtd processes a <gi>dtdFrag</gi> by emitting a comment identifying the fragment, then writing out the contents of the fragment. Comment, element, and attList declarations are written out with appropriate delimiters, <gi>dtdRef</gi> cross-references are handled by recursively processing the appropriate <gi>dtdFrag</gi>. Finally, an ending comment is emitted. The file into which all this is written is given by the <gi>dtdFrag</gi> <att>file</att> attribute. <p>If the dtdFrag element bears a <att>contin</att> attribute, it should be viewed as a continuation of the <gi>dtdFrag</gi> whose ID is given as the <att>contin</att> value, and printed / copied immediately after it. A series of such continuations will be printed / copied in order. It is a semantic error for the ID in question to belong to anything other than a <gi>dtdFrag</gi>. <p>Examples needed here. <p>The <gi>dtdFrag</gi> element and its constituent parts are defined by the following declarations: <eg id=oadd2> <![ CDATA [ <!-- 3.1.4: DTD Fragments --> <!ELEMENT dtdFrag - O (tagDecl | dtdRef | commDecl | entDecl | claDecl | peRef)* > <!ATTLIST dtdFrag; file NAME tei.dtd contin IDREF #IMPLIED > <!ELEMENT tagDecl - - EMPTY > <!ATTLIST tagDecl; tagDoc IDREF #REQUIRED > <!ELEMENT dtdRef - O EMPTY > <!ATTLIST dtdRef; target CDATA #REQUIRED > <!ELEMENT commDecl - - (#PCDATA) > <!ATTLIST commDecl; > <!ELEMENT entDecl - O EMPTY > <!ATTLIST entDecl; entDoc IDREF #REQUIRED > <!ELEMENT claDecl - - EMPTY > <!ATTLIST claDecl; classDoc IDREF #REQUIRED type (model | atts) #REQUIRED > <!ELEMENT peRef - O EMPTY > <!ATTLIST peRef; > ]]> </eg> <!-- reference crystals for: --> <!-- dtdFrag tagDecl dtdRef commDecl entDecl claDecl peRef --> <!-- OddAdd2.ref: reference crystals for tags in oddadd.dtd: --> <!-- dtdFrag tagDecl dtdRef commDecl entDecl claDecl peRef --> <!-- This file is part of Odd.odd. --> <!-- Revisions: --> <!-- 27 Mar 92 : CMSMcQ : normalize case of identifiers --> <!-- 18 Mar 92 : CMSMcQ : more changes, claDecl not pedecl --> <!-- 8 Mar 92 : CMSMcQ : some changes --> <!-- 8 Jan 92 : CMSMcQ : made file separate --> <!-- ************************************************ dtdFrag --> <!-- ************************************************** tagDecl --> <!-- dtdRef: --> <!-- ************************************************* dtdRef --> <!-- *********************************************** commDecl --> <!-- ************************************************ entDecl --> <!-- ************************************************* claDecl --> <!-- ************************************************** peRef --> <!-- no added elements for P2X specifically, except perhaps a specialized version of tagList as a glossary list. --> <!> <div2 n=2><head>Tags for Reference Material</head> <p>In addition to the running prose documentation of the tag set, the Odd system produces reference material describing each tag and attribute. Some of the information needed for the reference section is provided in the Odd input files within <gi>tagDoc</gi>, <gi>classDoc</gi>, and <gi>entDoc</gi> elements (called here <cited>reference crystals</cited>); other pieces of information used in the reference section are generated from <gi>dtdFrag</gi>s and the like. In addition to providing much of the reference matter, the reference crystals are also used to generate the prose descriptions of tags in tag lists and the SGML declarations in DTD fragments and DTD files. <div3 id=o.tagDoc><head>tagDoc: Tag Documentation Crystal</head> <p>The <gi>tagDoc</gi> crystal documents one SGML element, providing its generic identifier, full name, definition, examples, and the like. The attributes of the element are documented with an embedded <gi>attList</gi> crystal (documented below). <p>The tags used in the Odd <gi>tagDoc</gi> crystal are these: <list type=gloss> <label><gi>tagDoc</gi></label> <item>contains reference information concerning one SGML element type</item> </list> <p>In addition to those used in Odd <gi>tagDoc</gi>s, P2X <gi>tagDoc</gi>s use the following tags: <list type=gloss> </list> <p>As an example of a complete tag documentation crystal, consider the <gi>tagDoc</gi> for the <gi>gi</gi> element described above: <eg> <![ CDATA [ <tagDoc id=gi usage=rec> <gi>gi <name>generic identifier <desc>marks a generic identifier for an SGML element type. <attList> </attList> <exemplum><eg><![ CDATA [ The <gi>entry</gi> element contains an entire dictionary entry. ]<!>]></eg> <remarks><p>Although it may be printed in angle brackets, distinguish <gi>gi</gi> from <gi>tag</gi>: the latter is for complete start- or end-tags, the former for isolated generic identifiers. <part type=top name=ext> <classes names='teiTerm'> <dataDesc>Should be a valid SGML name. <elemDecl>- O (#PCDATA) </elemDecl> <xref type=div3 target=od.names> </tagDoc> ]]> </eg> <p>The tags for tag documentation and other crystals are defined in three distinct files: OddRef.dtd for those used only in Odd documents, P2xRef.dtd for those unique to P2X documents, and ComRef.dtd for those with the same definition in both document types. The relevant portion of OddRef.dtd is this: <eg id=oreftd> <![ CDATA [ <!-- 3.2.1: Reference Crystals for Odds --> ]]> </eg> <p>The corresponding definitions in P2xRef.dtd are these: <eg id=preftd> <![ CDATA [ <!-- 3.2.1: Reference Crystals for P2X Documents --> ]]> </eg> <p>The definitions for <gi>tagDoc</gi> components in ComRef.dtd are these: <eg id=creftd> <![ CDATA [ <!-- 3.2.1: Common Reference Crystal Elements --> ]]> </eg> <!-- now add the reference crystals for this section --> <!-- OddRefT: reference crystals for OddRef tagDocs --> <!-- Revisions: --> <!-- 27 Mar 92 : CMSMcQ : normalize case in identifiers --> <!-- 19 Mar 92 : CMSMcQ : level tagDoc to tagDoc --> <!-- 18 Mar 92 : CMSMcQ : made file --> <!-- ************************************************* tagDoc --> <!-- *************************************************** name --> <!-- *************************************************** desc --> <!-- *********************************************** exemplum --> <div3 id=o.cladoc><head>classDoc: Element Class Documentation Crystal</head> <p>The <gi>classDoc</gi> crystal documents a class of elements. The membership of the class is not given within the crystal; it is governed instead by the <gi>classes</gi> element in the <gi>tagDoc</gi> and <gi>classDoc</gi> crystals describing the members and subclasses of the class. This means that when new tags are added to a tag set, they can be assigned to classes without having to change the class documentation. <p>The tags used in class documentation crystals include: <list type=gloss> <label><gi>classDoc</gi></label> <item>contains reference information for one element class: either elements which appear together in SGML content models, or elements which share some common attributes.</item> </list> <p>[Examples here.] <p>Like those of the preceding section. the SGML declarations for these elements are found in three distinct files: apart from those already defined, the file <term>OddRef.dtd</term> contains: <eg id=orefcd> <![ CDATA [ <!-- 3.2.2: Odd classDoc Crystals --> ]]> </eg> <p>The file <term>P2xRef.dtd</term> contains: <eg id=prefcd> <![ CDATA [ <!-- 3.2.2: P2X Reference Crystals for Classes --> ]]> </eg> <p>The file <term>ComRef.dtd</term> contains: <eg id=crefcd> <![ CDATA [ <!-- 3.2.2: Common Reference Crystals for Classes --> ]]> </eg> <!-- now add the reference crystals for this section --> <!-- OddRefC: reference crystals for OddRef classDocs --> <!-- Revisions: --> <!-- 27 Mar 92 : CMSMcQ : normalize case --> <!-- 19 Mar 92 : CMSMcQ : made file --> <!-- *********************************************** classDoc --> <div3 id=o.entDoc><head>entDoc: Entity Documentation Crystal</head> <p>The <gi>entDoc</gi> crystal documents a general entity or parameter entity. <p>The tags used in entity documentation crystals include: <list type=gloss> <label><gi>entDoc</gi></label> <item>contains reference information about one entity</item> </list> <p>[Examples here.] <p>Like those of the preceding sections, the SGML declarations for these elements are found in three distinct files: apart from those already defined, the file <term>OddRef.dtd</term> contains: <eg id=orefed> <![ CDATA [ <!-- 3.2.3: Odd Reference Crystals for Entities --> ]]> </eg> <p>The file <term>P2xRef.dtd</term> contains: <eg id=prefed> <![ CDATA [ <!-- 3.2.3: P2X Reference Crystals for Entities --> ]]> </eg> <p>The file <term>ComRef.dtd</term> contains: <eg id=crefed> <![ CDATA [ <!-- 3.2.3: Common Reference Crystals for Entities --> ]]> </eg> <!-- now add the reference crystals for this section --> <!-- OddRefE.odd: reference crystals for Odd entDocs etc. --> <!-- Revisions: --> <!-- 27 Mar 92 : CMSMcQ : normalize case --> <!-- 22 Mar 92 : CMSMcQ : correct elemDecl (kill trailing >) --> <!-- 19 Mar 92 : CMSMcQ : made file --> <div3 id=o.atts><head>attList: Attribute Documentation</head> <p>Attributes may be defined either for individual elements, in which case they are documented in the relevant <gi>tagDoc</gi> crystal, or for classes of elements, in which case they are documented in the relevant <gi>classDoc</gi>. In either case, an <gi>attList</gi> crystal is used, containing one <gi>attDef</gi> crystal for each attribute. <p>Information about the attributes is printed as part of tag lists, when the attribute names are included in the <att>atts</att> attribute of a <gi>tagDesc</gi> element, or in separate lists for attributes assigned to whole classes of elements, when their names are included in the <att>atts</att> value of an <gi>adList</gi> element. The documentation crystals are also used to generate attribute list declarations for elements. <p>The tags used to document attributes are: <list type=gloss> <label><gi>attList</gi></label> <item>groups attribute definitions in a tag or class documentation crystal</item> <label><gi>attDef</gi></label> <item>contains documentation for one attribute for one element or element class</item> </list> <p>[Examples here.] <p>All tags used for attribute lists are common to both Odd and P2X documents; their definitions occur in file <term>ComRef.dtd</term>. <eg id=crefad> <![ CDATA [ <!-- 3.2.4: Common Reference Crystals for Attributes --> ]]> </eg> <!-- now add the reference crystals for this section --> <!-- OddRefA.odd: reference crystals for attLists in Odds. --> <!-- Revisions: --> <!-- 27 Mar 92 : CMSMcQ : normalize case --> <!-- 19 Mar 92 : CMSMcQ : made file --> <!-- ************************************************ attList --> <!-- ************************************************* attDef --> <!> <div1 n=4><head>DTDs and DTD Fragments</head> <p>The DTDs for the Odd system are broken up into several files, which are described in this section. <div2 id=s3.1><head>Overview of DTDs and DTD Fragments</head> <p>Each type of file has its own DTD; some are constructed from several parts. The various DTD types and the fragments from which they are made are: <list type=gloss> <label>Odd.dtd <item>The DTD for the working files from which P2 will be generated. It is added to Tiny.dtd (for the prose base), and includes OddRef.dtd (for the embedded tagDoc elements), and OddAdd.dtd (for additional elements needed in the Odd). It also provides modified definitions for various element classes, so as to include the added elements in <term>%soup;</term>. (It also redefines <term>p.float</term>, <term>f.edit</term>, and <term>f.misc</term> to omit tags and keep the definition of <term>soup</term> within limits acceptable to the default capacities of SGML processors.) <!> <label>P2x.dtd <item>The DTD for the (distributable) form of TEI P2; an extension of what is documented in TEI P2 itself. During drafting, we will use a working DTD which is added to Tiny.dtd (for the prose base) and includes P2xRef.dtd (for the reference list of tags and attributes) and P2xAdd.dtd (for any additional elements needed in the prose or elsewhere). Like Odd.dtd, P2x.dtd redefines some element classes. <!> <label>Ref.dtd <item>The DTD for the tagDoc, attDoc, and other elements to be included in the reference list of TEI P2. This is mostly just a reference to P2xRef.dtd and ComAdd.dtd (for definitions of <gi>gi</gi> etc.), but during drafting might also include its own front matter etc. so we can print reference materials in separate working documents. Like the other top-level DTDs, Ref.dtd redefines some element classes; in order for <term>soup</term> to work correctly, it also includes the low-level elements from Tiny.dtd (but not the basic structure). <!> <label>Tiny.dtd <item>based on Toy2.dtd---this will be replaced in final form of TEI P2 by TEI2.dtd itself, and in TEI P3 by TEI.dtd itself. This will define a prose base with no special additions or extensions for tag set documentation or development. In its current incarnation, Tiny.dtd includes TinyEnts.dtd and TinySoup.dtd as separate files for the definition of element classes and low-level elements; Tiny.dtd itself defines the structural base for prose. <!> <label>TinyEnts.dtd <item>DTD fragment containing definitions for parameter entities of element classes; also the definition of global attributes. This is separate from Tiny.dtd so that it can be embedded separately by users (as is done by Odd.dtd, P2x.dtd, and Ref.dtd). <!> <label>TinySoup.dtd <item>DTD fragment containing definitions for low-level elements (soup, broth, etc.). This is separate from Tiny.dtd so that Ref.dtd, which needs low-level elements but not structural elements, can embed this file separately. <!> <label>P2XRef.dtd <item>DTD fragment containing definitions for tagDoc etc. as they should be produced by the OddRef processor. It differs from OddRef.dtd in adding elements like <gi>parents</gi> and <gi>children</gi> to the <gi>tagDoc</gi> crystal. <!> <label>OddRef.dtd <item>DTD fragment containing definitions for tagDoc etc. as they should be allowed in the Odd document. It differs from P2xRef.dtd in omitting elements like <gi>parents</gi> and <gi>children</gi> (which are to be generated by the OddRef processor) and may make other elements optional instead of required. <!> <label>ComRef.dtd <item>tags defined identically by OddRef.dtd and P2xRef.dtd. <!> <label>P2xAdd.dtd <item>miscellaneous additions to Tiny.dtd needed for P2X documents: <gi>tag</gi>, <gi>att</gi>, <gi>gi</gi>, etc. (Possibly should contain <gi>tagList</gi>, <gi>dtdFrag</gi>, etc. as well, though these are not generated at present by the OddP2X processor.) It differs from OddAdd.dtd in that it is designed for the output (not the input) of the OddP2X processor. <!> <label>OddAdd.dtd <item>miscellaneous additions to Tiny.dtd needed for Odd documents: <gi>tag</gi>, <gi>att</gi>, <gi>gi</gi>, <gi>tagList</gi>, <gi>dtdFrag</gi>, etc. It differs from P2XAdd.dtd in that it is designed for the input (not the output) of the OddP2X processor. <!> <label>ComAdd.dtd <item>tags defined identically by OddAdd.dtd and P2xAdd.dtd. </list> <div2 id=s3.2><head>The Odd Tags and DTD</head> <p>As noted above, the Odd DTD is split among several files for clarity of construction and ease of maintenance. The specifics of the DTD are described in this section. <div3 id=s3.2.1> <head>Odd.dtd: Redefinitions of Element Classes</head> <p>The file Odd.dtd itself serves mostly as a driver file to include the component parts of the DTD. Because Odd.dtd is invoked in the DTD subset, it need not itself invoke the prose base tag set (Tiny.dtd). Instead, it first defines some parameter entities which will be used in the prose base, allowing the Odd tags to appear within the prose base: <eg id=oddbase> <![ CDATA [ <!-- 4.2.1: Odd.dtd: tags for defining tag sets --> <!-- Draft 1, CMSMcQ, 25 November 1991 (from DTDweb.dtd) --> <!-- This file defines elements needed for Odd documents not --> <!-- included in Tiny.dtd (the prose base). --> <!-- Revisions: --> <!-- 12 Dec 91 : MSM : copy mod to LIST, ITEM from P2X.dtd. --> <!-- 6 Dec 91 : MSM : change names for external entities. --> <!-- 26 Nov 91 : MSM : redefine f.misc, p.float, f.edit to --> <!-- get under the 240-character, 32-token limits --> <!-- 25 Nov 91 : MSM : made file --> <!-- N.B. this file is designed to be embedded in a DTD --> <!-- subset when the system DTD called is Tiny.dtd. It may --> <!-- need to be revised when tei2.dtd is used instead. --> <!-- 1 Glue to add the additional elements to base. With --> <!-- these, our new tags can appear in broth and soup. --> <!ENTITY % x.float'' > <!ENTITY % m.float'%x.float ' > <!ENTITY % x.edit'' > <!ENTITY % m.edit'%x.edit ' > <!ENTITY % x.misc'' > <!ENTITY % m.misc'%x.misc ' > <!ENTITY % x.list 'tagList | adList |' > <!ENTITY % x.crys 'dtdFrag | tagDoc | entDoc | classDoc | eg |' > ]]> </eg> Then it embeds the prose base's own parameter entity declarations (tinyents.dtd), so they can be used in the element declarations for Odd tags, and overrides the default declarations of two elements (list and item). <eg id=oddbase2> <![ CDATA [ <!-- 4.2.1: Odd.dtd: tags for defining tag sets (cont'd) --> <!-- (continuation of sec. 4.2.1) --> <!-- Now define global classes etc., and suppress later redef --> <!ENTITY % xents system 'tinyents.dtd' > %xents; <!ENTITY % tinents '' > <!-- 1c Now define any local modifications to standard defs. --> <!-- Redefine list so its TYPE attribute can accept GLOSS --> <!-- val. Also redefine content model to allow head for --> <!-- labels if and only if labels are actually used in the --> <!-- list. --> <!ENTITY % list 'IGNORE' > <!ELEMENT list - - (head?, ( (item*) | (head.lab?,, (label, item)+))) > <!ATTLIST list; type (ordered | bullets | noorder | simple | gloss) simple > <!-- redefine list items so they can include lists even if --> <!-- the item is not a paragraph sequence. --> <!ENTITY % item 'IGNORE' > <!ELEMENT item - O (%p.seq; | (list | %broth;)*) > <!ATTLIST item; > ]]> </eg> Finally it embeds references to the two files OddRef.dtd and oddadd.dtd, which actually define the elements and their attributes. <eg id=oddbase3> <![ CDATA [ <!-- 4.2.1: Odd.dtd: tags for defining tag sets (cont'd) --> <!-- (continuation of sec. 4.2.1) --> <!-- 2 Elements for documenting tags, to make alpha list with --> <!ENTITY % oddref system 'oddref.dtd' > %oddref; <!-- 3 Special elements for embedding in prose, for tag lists --> <!ENTITY % oddadd system 'oddadd.dtd' > %oddadd; ]]> </eg> <!-- embed ref crystals needed here --> <!-- OddMisc.Odd: reference crystals for Odd.dtd --> <!-- This file documents classes, entities, and tags --> <!-- used in the file odd.odd: --> <!-- classes float, edit, misc. --> <!-- entities x.list, x.crys, xents, xdummy, --> <!-- cs.list, cs.item, f.oddref, f.oddadd --> <!-- tags list, item --> <!-- Revisions: --> <!-- 27 Mar 92 : CMSMcQ : normalize case of identifiers --> <!-- 22 Mar 92 : CMSMcQ : correct class memberships --> <!-- 19 Mar 92 : CMSMcQ : add more crystals --> <!-- 18 Mar 92 : CMSMcQ : separated from Odd.Odd. --> <!--**************************************************** item --> <!--**************************************************** list --> <!-- ********************************************* edit class --> <!-- ********************************************* misc class --> <!-- ******************************************** float class --> <!-- ******************************************** list entity --> <!-- ******************************************** crys entity --> <!-- ******************************************* xents entity --> <!-- ***************************************** tinents entity --> <!-- ***************************************** cs.list entity --> <!-- ***************************************** cs.item entity --> <!-- **************************************** f.oddref entity --> <!-- **************************************** f.oddadd entity --> <div3 id=s3.2.2><head>OddAdd.dtd: Additional Tags for Prose</head> <div3 id=s3.2.3><head>OddRef.dtd: Tag Documentation Crystals</head> <div2 id=s3.3><head>The P2X DTD</head> <!> <div1 id=s3 n=5><head>Processors</head> <p>Four processors are envisaged as part of this system. Detailed specifications of their behavior is given in the appropriate LTD (link-type definition) files. (The LTD files are now out of date; they assume an earlier version of the Odd tag set and have not been replaced.) <list> <label>DtdOdd <item>reads a DTD and generates partial tagDoc crystals suitable for inclusion into an Odd file. <label>OddDtD <item>reads an Odd file and generates the corresponding DTD fragment(s). <label>OddRef <item>reads an Odd file and generates files containing the corresponding tagDoc, attDoc, and other crystals, suitable for inclusion in a reference list. <label>OddP2X <item>reads an Odd file and generates files containing prose documentation of the tag set suitable for printing directly; this involves expanding the <gi>tagList</gi>s and <gi>dtdFrag</gi>s of the Odd file into material which does not require cross reference among elements. It is the OddP2X output which will be processed by formatting software to print TEI P2. </list> <!> </body> <back> <div1><head>Summary of Tiny.dtd Tags</head> <p>The following tags of Tiny.dtd are used in Odd and P2X files. For details, see the corresponding tags in TEI P1 and consult files Tiny.dtd and TinySoup.dtd (or check to see whether an Odd file for these DTDs has been prepared). <list type=gloss> <label><gi>anchor</gi> <item>empty tag to mark a location <label><gi>author</gi> <item>in a bibliographic citation, marks author of work cited <label><gi>back</gi> <item>back matter <label><gi>body</gi> <item>body of text <label><gi>cb</gi> <item>column-break (empty) <label><gi>cit.ref</gi> <item>reference to a citation <label><gi>cit.str</gi> <item>structured citation <label><gi>citation</gi> <item>bibliographic citation <label><gi>cited</gi> <item>word named not used <label><gi>city</gi> <item>in citation, city of publication <label><gi>comment</gi> <item>in citation, comment on work cite <label><gi>corpus</gi> <item>top-level tag surrounding a group of TEI.1 documents (not expected to be used in P2) <label><gi>detail</gi> <item>in citation, miscellaneous publication details <label><gi>div0</gi> <item>outer-level text division (optional); in P2, this is a used to tag parts <label><gi>div1</gi> <item>main division (in P2, chapters) <label><gi>div2</gi> <item>text division (in P2, sections) <label><gi>div3</gi> <item>text division (in P2, sections) <label><gi>div4</gi> <item>text division (in P2, sections) <label><gi>editor</gi> <item>in citation, name of editor of work cited <label><gi>emph</gi> <item>emphatic/stressed word or phrase <label><gi>encDecl</gi> <item>in header, encoding declaration <label><gi>epigraph</gi> <item>quotation at head of text or section <label><gi>filDescr</gi> <item>in header, file description <label><gi>foreign</gi> <item>foreign word <label><gi>front</gi> <item>front matter <label><gi>gloss</gi> <item>definition or translation equivalent of a word, typically a foreign word or technical term <label><gi></gi> <item>head of the item column in a glossary list <label><gi>head.lab</gi> <item>head of the label column in a glossary list <label><gi>head</gi> <item>head/title of div or list <label><gi>header</gi> <item>required documentation of electronic text <label><gi>hilited</gi> <item>miscellaneous text marked by font shift or other, for unspecified reasons (in P2, deprecated except in examples of typography) <label><gi>imprint</gi> <item>in citation, information about publication <label><gi>include</gi> <item>include external entity (abortive attempt to provide hook for external entities; possibly usable for NDATA or SUBDOC entities, but probably pointless) <label><gi>indexed</gi> <item>marker for index entries in running text <label><gi>item</gi> <item>in a list, one of the things being listed <label><gi>label</gi> <item>in a list, the label for an item: possibly the number or other enumerator; in a glossary list, the term defined in the item <label><gi>lb</gi> <item>line break <label><gi>list.cit</gi> <item>list of citations <label><gi>list</gi> <item>list <label><gi>mileSton</gi> <item>milestone <label><gi>note</gi> <item>footnote, marginal note, endnote, or intext block note <label><gi>ornament</gi> <item>printer's ornament <label><gi>p</gi> <item>paragraph <label><gi>pb</gi> <item>page break <label><gi>publ</gi> <item>in a citation, publication information <label><gi>q.mark</gi> <item>phrase enclosed in quotation marks for unspecified reason (in P2, deprecated except in typographic examples) <label><gi>q</gi> <item>quotation, direct discourse <label><gi>resp</gi> <item>in citation, statement of responsibility (e.g. <q>illustrations by Maurice Sendak</q>) <label><gi>revHist</gi> <item>in header, revision history <label><gi>rule</gi> <item>printer's (vertical or horizontal) rule <label><gi>s</gi> <item>arbitrary segment of any type <label><gi>series</gi> <item>in citation, series information <label><gi>sic</gi> <item>marks editorial suspicion of a phrase (not expected to be used in P2) <label><gi>soCalled</gi> <item>phrase enclosed in <soCalled>scare quotes</soCalled> or <soCalled>inverted commas</soCalled> as a distancing device <label><gi>source</gi> <item>in header's file description, bibliographic description of copy text (includes <gi>citation</gi> element) <label><gi>TEI.1</gi> <item>top-level TEI document tag, contains header and text <label><gi>term</gi> <item>technical term <label><gi>text</gi> <item>main part of TEI document, contains front, body, back <label><gi>title.p</gi> <item>title of an article, poem, chapter, or other item published as part of a monograph, journal, or collection <label><gi>title</gi> <item>in citation or running prose, title of a published work (monograph or journal) <label><gi>tp.auth</gi> <item>author of a document, as given on title page <label><gi></gi> <item>date of document as given on title page <label><gi>tp.part</gi> <item>miscellaneous phrase on title page <label><gi>tp.publ</gi> <item>publication information for a document as given on title page <label><gi>tp.title</gi> <item>title of document as given on title page <label><gi>tPage</gi> <item>title page (within front matter) <label><gi>trailer</gi> <item>trailing statement or piece at end of chapter or book (e.g. <q>End of Part I</q>) <label><gi>vertical</gi> <item>vertical space <label><gi>xref</gi> <item>cross reference </list> <p>The following tags in Tiny.dtd are <emph>not</emph> available in Odd or P2X documents: <list type=gloss> <label><gi>abbrev</gi> <item>abbreviation <label><gi>add</gi> <item>material added by an editor <label><gi>corr</gi> <item>material corrected by an editor <label><gi>date</gi> <item>calendar date <label><gi>dates</gi> <item>date range <label><gi>del</gi> <item>material deleted by an editor <label><gi>norm</gi> <item>material normalized by an editor <label><gi>num</gi> <item>number/numeral <label><gi>propName</gi> <item>proper noun <label><gi>salute</gi> <item>salutation in a letter <label><gi>signed</gi> <item>signature (in a letter or preface) </list> <div1><head>Summary of Tags Common to Odd and P2X DTDs</head> <list type=gloss> <label><gi>att</gi> <item>attribute name <label><gi>attDef</gi> <item>attribute definition crystal <label><gi>attList</gi> <item>list of attDef crystals <label><gi>attName</gi> <item>full linguistic form of attribute name <label><gi>class</gi> <item>name of element class <label><gi>classDoc</gi> <item>element class documentation crystal <label><gi>classes</gi> <item>indicates which classes a tag or class belongs to (empty in Odd) <label><gi>dataDesc</gi> <item>prose description of legal content of an element <label><gi>dataType</gi> <item>standard-form definition of attribute value type <label><gi>default</gi> <item>attribute default specification <label><gi>desc</gi> <item>short prose description of an element, attribute, entity, or class <label><gi>eg</gi> <item>example <label><gi>elemDecl</gi> <item>formal declaration of element (omissibility, content model, exceptions -- no gi) <label><gi>entDoc</gi> <item>entity documentation crystal <label><gi>entname</gi> <item>name of entity <label><gi>equiv</gi> <item>similar or equivalent tags or constructs in other markup languages <label><gi>exemplum</gi> <item>example surrounded by optional paragraphs of prose commentary <label><gi>gi</gi> <item>generic identifier (tag name) <label><gi>item</gi> <item>basic element of a list <label><gi>list</gi> <item>sequence of items <label><gi>name</gi> <item>full linguistic form of gi, attribute name, or other abbreviated form <label><gi>part</gi> <item>indicates which part of the tag set an element belongs to (empty in Odd, character data in P2X) <label><gi>remarks</gi> <item>sequence of paragraphs with free-form commentary on usage or other peculiarities of a construct <label><gi>string</gi> <item>entity text of an entity (in <gi>entDoc</gi>) <label><gi>tag</gi> <item>SGML tag given in running text as an example <label><gi>tagDoc</gi> <item>element documentation crystal <label><gi>val</gi> <item>specific value for an attribute <label><gi>valDesc</gi> <item>prose description of what an attribute's value should be and mean <label><gi>valList</gi> <item>list of <gi>val</gi>, <gi>desc</gi> pairs giving legal, recommended, or sample values for an attribute </list> <div1><head>Summary of Tags Unique to Odds</head> <list type=gloss> <label><gi>adList</gi> <item>in prose, empty tag indicating need for a glossary list of attributes associated with an element class <label><gi>claDecl</gi> <item>in DTD fragment, indicates location of a parameter entity declaration for an element class <label><gi>commDecl</gi> <item>comment in DTD fragment, to be written as part of DTD file <label><gi>dtdFrag</gi> <item>structured fragment of a DTD <label><gi>dtdRef</gi> <item>indicates location at which another DTD fragment is to be embedded <label><gi>entDecl</gi> <item>in DTD fragment, indicates location for an entity declaration <label><gi>peRef</gi> <item>in DTD fragment, indicates location for a parameter-entity reference. <label><gi>tagDecl</gi> <item>in DTD fragment, indicates location of an element- and attList-declaration pair <label><gi>tagDesc</gi> <item>in tag list, indicates tag to be described and attributes to be listed for it <label><gi>tagList</gi> <item>sequence of tag names and descriptions, with embedded lists of attributes and values </list> <div1><head>Summary of Tags Unique to P2X</head> <list type=gloss> <label><gi>attDoc</gi> <item>attribute documentation crystal <label><gi>attlDecl</gi> <item>formal attribute list declaration for an element <label><gi>children</gi> <item>list of elements which can appear as immediate constituents of an element <label><gi>files</gi> <item>list of files in which an element is declared <label><gi>members</gi> <item>list of members of an element class <label><gi>parents</gi> <item>list of elements within which an element may appear as an immediate constituent <label><gi>refBy</gi> <item>in entity documenation crystal, list of entities which refer to an entity </list> </back> </text> </TEI1>
Prepared by Robin Cover for The XML Cover Pages archive. See the TEI website.