Software Development 2003 East
Software Development 2003 East Call for Papers
Date: Mon, 20 Jan 2003 12:07:44 -0500 From: Elliotte Rusty Harold <> To: Subject: Software Development 2003 East Call for Papers
Once again I am chairing the XML track at Software Development 2003 East in Boston, September 15-19. The Call for Papers is now live:
Submissions are due by February 14, 2003. We're looking primarily for 90 minute classes. There are also some slots for half and full-day tutorials, panels, and birds of a feather sessions. If you haven't presented at this conference before, it's best to start off by proposing one or two 90-minute sessions. For the half- and full-day sessions, we prefer people who've presented before with good reviews, or who have a proven track record at other conferences.
For the XML track, we're interested in practical sessions covering all aspects of XML. This is not specifically an XML show, so we tend to find that our audience responds better to more practical, how-to, basic sessions as opposed to more theoretical, high-level sessions. For instance, a simple introduction to XQuery would go over better than a detailed comparison of XQuery optimization techniques. The sorts of topics we'd like to see in this track include:
Intro to XQuery XML Schema Basics Intro to RELAX NG SAX DOM for C++ Programmers XML in the .Net Environment JDOM Makes XML Easy XOM XSLT for Beginners Integrating XPath with Java Pull Parsing XML XML Parsing in Embedded Systems Developing Web Applications with XUL etc.
On the other hand, we're not so interested in more theoretical, research oriented sessions such as discussions of LMNL, JITTS, or alternative linking syntaxes. Personally, I'm interested in this stuff, but it's just not our audience, which consists mostly of working programmers who are neither XML experts nor fulltime XML developers. Assume most of the attendees do not subscribe to xml-dev.
One thing previous attendees have told us is that they'd like to see more new sessions at each show, so we're going to be looking preferentially for talks that have not previously been given at SD East. There isn't a lot of audience overlap with the West show though, so we probably will want to repeat new sessions that are scheduled for West this year.
If you have questions, you can drop me an e-mail. I'll be travelling this week so it may take me a little while to get back to you. Proposals can be submitted online:
Thanks! I look forward to seeing some of you at SD East in Boston in the Fall!
Elliotte Rusty Harold
Prepared by Robin Cover for The XML Cover Pages archive.