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RosettaNet Merges With UCC

RosettaNet Merges With the Uniform Code Council

Unified Organizations Will Promote Global Leadership of B2B Standards

Lawrenceville, N.J., USA. August 5, 2002.

The Uniform Code Council, Inc. (UCC), leaders in facilitating efficient international business, and RosettaNet, the high technology industry's leading e-business standards consortium, today announced a merger between the two organizations.

Under the agreement, RosettaNet will become a subsidiary of the UCC, while continuing to operate as an entity directly with its members. The merger is aimed at strengthening the development and adoption of business-to-business (B2B) standards across the industries served by the two organizations and expanding the standards-based business opportunities for respective member companies.

A primary goal of the relationship is to accelerate B2B integration via industry implementation efforts for XML standards and emerging services. By forming a common architectural environment, the two organizations will drive joint development of B2B standards supporting multiple industries, thereby increasing the speed and number of implementations across user communities, and attracting adjacent industry sectors on a worldwide basis.

"Our users have consistently said that they need critical mass of standards adoption to truly achieve an efficient supply chain. The complementary strengths of RosettaNet and the UCC can work together to facilitate the ease and speed of standards implementation for the multiple industries we serve today and beyond," said Tom Rittenhouse, President and CEO of the UCC. "We are pleased to welcome the RosettaNet organization and its members as a subsidiary of the UCC, and we look forward to continuing to add value for all of our members."

"Our work with the UCC is about moving industries forward, in terms of optimizing supply chain efficiency," said Jennifer Hamilton, CEO of RosettaNet. "RosettaNet will continue its momentum in the high technology industry, while we seek opportunities to serve adjacent markets and expand our value-added service offerings, particularly in the areas of training and interoperability. We are pleased to join the UCC and excited about the future collaboration and related potential for growth and expansion."

The UCC and RosettaNet have worked together since 1998, collaborating on existing projects to promote a single, unified approach to the standards adoption process. The merger presents a greater opportunity around a variety of standards initiatives, such as supply chain interoperability, which will be driven by the proliferation of high quality business processes supported by robust solution provider offerings.

The UCC currently works within 23 industries with an emphasis on retail and grocery. RosettaNet focuses on the high tech sector, and specifically companies representing electronic components, information technology and semiconductor manufacturing. The pairing of the two organizations will accelerate strategic innovation and leadership initiatives throughout the industries serviced by each organization, resulting in rapid supply chain integration across global trading networks.

"The UCC and RosettaNet are ideally positioned to take B2B integration to the next level," said Colin Evans, Chair of RosettaNet's Executive Board and Director of Distributed Systems at Intel Research and Development. "Both organizations have a stellar track record of providing business and technical leadership and together they represent a huge opportunity for supply chain integration, lower costs and sharing of technology and solutions."

The merger is consistent with the UCC's long-term strategy that defines the high technology industry as a prime sector to continue expanding the usage of UCC's standards into additional markets. "Our organization's XML-based business processes are complementary to RosettaNet standards," said Barry Beracha, Chairman of the UCC Board of Governors and Chief Executive Officer of the Sara Lee Bakery Group. "The merger will allow us to leverage our strengths and expertise of product identification into the high technology sector, as well as other adjacent supply chains."

"The alignment of UCC and RosettaNet is indicative of a maturation in standards development organizations working together to facilitate the ease and speed of standards implementation for the broadest set of industry "user" communities," said Hollis Bischoff, Vice President, eBusiness Strategies at META Group, Inc. "The UCC and RosettaNet are addressing the market demand for streamlined standards initiatives that reduce confusion and quickly respond to industry needs."

About the Uniform Code Council

The Uniform Code Council, Inc., a not-for-profit standards organization, is one of the most respected leaders in global commerce. The UCC administers the Universal Product Code (U.P.C.) and provides a full range of integrated standards and business solutions for over 260,000 member companies doing business in 23 major industries. The UCC's commitment to leadership, innovation, and technology support has enabled companies to utilize open and global standards to optimize their supply chain and business processes.

About RosettaNet

RosettaNet is an independent, non-profit consortium dedicated to the collaborative development and rapid deployment of open Internet-based business standards that align processes within the global high-technology trading network. More than 450 companies worldwide, representing over $1 trillion in annual information technology, electronic components and semiconductor manufacturing revenues currently participate in RosettaNet's standards development, strategy and implementation activities.


Elias/Savion Public Relations for the UCC
Mark Silvey
Tel: +1 412/642-7700

Prepared by Robin Cover for The XML Cover Pages archive. See additional details in the news item.

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