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DTD for TVProgramML

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
From: 2002-04-17
    DTD for TVProgramML
The "dtd" extension is used to deccribe programs on radio, TV, satelite, CS and cable broadcasting, etc.
<!ELEMENT tv.program (program.information, program.content, settlement.information?)>
<!ATTLIST tv.program
    xml:lang CDATA #IMPLIED
A string of characters whose meaning is determined by a controlled vocabulary.

The Vocabulary attribute,if present,provides a pointer to a TopicSet which is the 
controlled vocabulary that can be used to resolve the meaning of the newsml_formalname.

The newsml_scheme attribute, if present, serves to distinguish which of possibly
multiple naming schemes in the controlled vocabulary is the one that governs
this newsml_formalname. For a match to be obtained within the controlled vocabulary,
the rule is that the newsml_formalname and the Scheme must both match. If there is
no newsml_scheme attribute on the current element, the match will be to an item in
the vocabulary that has the current formal name and no scheme. If there is a
newsml_scheme attribute on the current element, then both the formal name and the
scheme in the controlled vocabulary must match.

<!ENTITY % newsml_code " newsml_formalname CDATA #IMPLIED
                       newsml_urn CDATA #IMPLIED
                       newsml_scheme CDATA #IMPLIED">
================= program.information=====================
The "" attribute is an ID to distinguish programs to be broadcast on the same day.  If there are more than one programs on different stations' lists which, however, have the same ID, those programs are identical.  Such an ID consists of the date of broadcast (CCYYMMDD), the name of a medium (radio, TV, Satellite, etc.) and serial number.  The "xml:lang" attribute is the language used in this administrative information.
<!ELEMENT program.information (language?, administrative.information, rights.information, descriptive.information)>
<!ATTLIST program.information ID #REQUIRED
    xml:lang CDATA #IMPLIED
====================== language========================
The languages used in programs, which are the languages used in the broadcasting mode or the main voice of bilingual broadcast.  For instance, set Japanese as the language for Japanese-English bilingual English converation lesson programs, while set English as the one for CNN programs broadcast on CS, etc.  Enter the ISO's language code should be used for the "newsml_code" attribute.
<!ELEMENT language (#PCDATA)>
<!ATTLIST language
Administrative information (date of broadcasting, starting and ending dates, length of programs, medium, mode, charge, additional broadcasting details and URL).

The "parentalrate" attribute indicates whether or not the program has age limits.
00 = No limit.  Anybody can watch/listen to this program ragardless of age. 
(There are no specific limits for infants of three years old and younger.)
01 = Four years olds and younger are prohibited from watching/listening to this program.
02 = Five years olds and younger are prohibited from watching/listening to this program.
03 = Six years olds and younger are prohibited from watching/listening to this program.
04 = Seven years olds and younger are prohibited from watching/listening to this program.
05 = Eight years olds and younger are prohibited from watching/listening to this program.
06 = Nine years olds and younger are prohibited from watching/listening to this program.
07 = Ten years olds and younger are prohibited from watching/listening to this program.
08 = Eleven years olds and younger are prohibited from watching/listening to this program.
09 = Twelve years olds and younger are prohibited from watching/listeinig to this program.
10 = Thirteen years olds and younger are prohibited from watching/listening to  this program.
11 = Fourteen years olds and younger are prohibited from watching/listening to this program.
12 = Fifteen years olds and younger are prohibited from watching/listening to this program.
13 = Sixteen years olds and younger are prohibited from watching/listening to this program.
14 = Seventeen years olds and younger are prohibited from watching/listening to this program.
15 = Eighteen years olds and younger are prohibited from watching/listening to  this program.
16 = Nineteen years olds and younger are prohibited from watching/listening to  this program.
17 = Twenty years olds and younger are prohibited from watching/listening to  this program.

<!ELEMENT administrative.information (station, startdate, enddate, length?, media+, mode, charge?, payperview?, belongings*, url*)>
<!ATTLIST administrative.information
    parentalrate (00 | 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | 07 | 08 | 09 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17) #REQUIRED
Broadcasting service name.
Set the name of the broadcasting service, using Topicset.  The property of Topicset consists of a medium (TV, radio, sound, image, etc.), a service area (Tokyo, Osaka, etc.), media details (BS analog, BS digital, CS, cable broadcasting, etc.), a call sign, a URL, a telephone number, etc.
<!ELEMENT station (#PCDATA)>
<!ATTLIST station
The starting time and date of the program.  In an ISO8601 format.  The starting time and date of the program including commercials, which has been announced by the station (CCYYMMDDTHHMMSS{+|-}HHMM).
<!ELEMENT startdate (#PCDATA)>
The ending time and date of the program.  In an ISO8601 format.  The starting time and date of the program including commercials, which has been announced by the station (CCYYMMDDTHHMMSS{+|-}HHMM).  Normally, this ending time and date is identical to the starting time and date of the following program.
<!ELEMENT enddate (#PCDATA)>
====================== length ========================
The duration from the starting date and time to the ending date and time, normally described in minute.
<!ELEMENT length (#PCDATA)>
<!ATTLIST length
    units (seconds | minutes | hours) #REQUIRED
Medium designation : describes details of media which is designated by the "station" element.
<!ELEMENT media (#PCDATA)>
Broadcasting mode indicates broadcasting infomation on a program when it is broadcast by a station.  Mode (audio, broadcasting, additional and data modes).
<!ELEMENT mode (audio.mode?, broadcast.mode?, additional.mode?, data.mode?)>
(audio mode)
The "soundtype" attribute: describes normal, stereo, B-mode stereo and surround stereo broadcasting.
	Surround stereo: the latest audio system - 5.1-channel surround stereo - which produces three-dementional audio atmosphere with six speakers. 
	B-mode stereo: a stereo broadcasting system and its quality is even higher than the CD level.
	In case of radio programs, they are usually broadcast in stereo.  Such a program is described with an "S" in a TV time table.
The "explanation" attribute: describes the programs with explanatory voice narrations.  Using dedicated TV tuners, some programs are broadcast, in addition to normal sound, with narrations which explain scenes and the movements of characters, etc. for those who have difficulties in vision.  
The "multiple" attribute: is used to describe sound multiplex broadcast.  The programs broadcast with more than one narrations.  (For instance, the on-the-spot broadcasting of baseball games and the introduction of baseball players.)  In program time tables, the programs with this function are descrived with the Chinese charecter "ta" for "many."
<!ELEMENT audio.mode (bilingual?)>
<!ATTLIST audio.mode
    soundtype (monaural | stereo | B-mode | surround) #REQUIRED
    explanation (yes | no) "no"
    multiple (yes | no) "no"
======================bilingual ========================
This is used to indicate the secondery used language in bilingual program (the main language is stored as element of program.information/language).
<!ELEMENT bilingual (#PCDATA)>
<!ATTLIST bilingual
(visual mode)
The SDTV attribute: is used to describe standard TV (SDTV) broadcasting.
The HDTB attribute: is used to describe high-definition TV (HDTV) broadcasting. 
The progressive attribute: the prograssive broadcasting method uses all the 525 vertical interlace scanning lines every 1/60 second.
The wide attribute: is used to describe wide-vision broadcasting.  There are a variety of screen sizes; however, the vista size (wide: high = 1:1.85), wide (9:16) and cinesco (1: 2.3) are popular among them.  The programs broadcase in this wide-vision system are described with a "W."
The multiview attribute: is used to describe multi-view broadcasting.  By dividing channels which are normally broadcast in the HDTV method into as many as three SDTV formats, more than one channels of related programs are broadcast in one program.
<!ELEMENT broadcast.mode EMPTY>
<!ATTLIST broadcast.mode
    SDTV (yes | no) "no"
    HDTV (yes | no) "no"
    progressive (yes | no) "no"
    wide (yes | no) "no"
    multiview (yes | no) "no"
(additional mode)
The multiple attribute: is used to describe character multiplex broadcast. This method uses subtitles on the screeen for those who have difficulties in hearing. The programs with this function are listed with the Chinese character "ji" for "character".
The sign language attribute: is to describe the programs in which a sign language service is provided. Such programs are listed with the Chinese character "te" for "hand".
The subtitle attribute: is to describe subtitled programs.
<!ELEMENT additional.mode EMPTY>
<!ATTLIST additional.mode
    multiple (yes | no) "no"
    sign-language (yes | no) "no"
    subtitles (yes | no) "no"
(digital data broadcasting)
The "coupling" attribute: is used when the program is broadcast in linking with digital data related to the program.  (For example, if a viwer clicks on the closing of the charecter he/she sees on TV, the information of the closing will be displayed on the screen.)
The "interactive" attribute: is used when the program is broadcast in a two-way data broadcasting system.  Such programs allow viewers to download information using remote controllers and to enjoy shopping and quizes by means of using the telephone line.
<!ELEMENT data.mode EMPTY>
<!ATTLIST data.mode
    coupling (yes | no) "no"
    interactive (yes | no) "no"
The "monthly" attribute: is information on charged programs and describes the monthly rates for watching such programs (CS and cable broadcasting). 
The "unit" attribute: is the monetary unit for such rates.
<!ELEMENT charge (#PCDATA)>
<!ATTLIST charge
    monthly CDATA #IMPLIED
(pay-per-view rates for programs)
The "payperview" attribute: is rates for pay-per-view programs and describes the rates when viewers have to pay for each program (CS and cable).  It is usually used when viewers do not have monthly contracts with stations. 
The "unit" attribute: is the monetary unit for such rates.
<!ELEMENT payperview (#PCDATA)>
<!ATTLIST payperview
    amountofmoney CDATA #IMPLIED
===================== belongings======================
Additional information on programs, shown in codes.  It describes additional information on programs. 

00 = The program may not be broadcast (for example, when a baseball game is played at a regualar outdoor stadium, it may be called off). 
01 = The program may be extended (for example, an on-the-spot broadcast of a sport event, which may be extended out of the planned flamework). 
02 = The program may be interrupted.
03 = The program may be replaced. Because of the interruption of scheduled program, planned broadcasting order may be replaced.
04 = Undecided (what program will be broadcast is not decided a few days before the broadcasting day. Usually not used.)
16 = The program may be interrupted with breaking news.
17 = The program may be extra broadcasted.
<!ELEMENT belongings EMPTY>
<!ATTLIST belongings
The URLs of the program and related websits are displayed.  The URL of the broadcasting station is described in TopicSet of the "station" element.
Information on rights (information on copy rights and the rights of users).
<!ELEMENT rights.information (copyright*, usagerights?)>
The copyright that pertains to a program object.
<!ELEMENT copyright (copyright.holder,, copyright.description*)>
The "copyright.holder" element: is used to describe the broadcasting station which has produced the program.
<!ELEMENT copyright.holder (#PCDATA)>
<!ATTLIST copyright.holder
The "" element: is used to indicate when the copyright is in effect.
The "copyright.description" element: is used to describe the contents of the copyright.
<!ELEMENT copyright.description (#PCDATA)>
<!ATTLIST copyright.description
    xml:lang CDATA #IMPLIED
    variant CDATA #IMPLIED
User right information.
<!ELEMENT usagerights (analogcopy?, digitalcopy?, telerecording?, ondemand?, accumulation?, singleview?)>
Analog copy flag: is used to have digital recording devices automatically judge if they can accept analog recording.

0 = Analog recording is prohibited.
1 = Analog recording is allowed only one time.
2 = Analog recording is allowed no matter how many times.
<!ELEMENT analogcopy (#PCDATA)>
<!ATTLIST analogcopy
    frequency (0 | 1 | 2) #REQUIRED
Digital copy flag: is used to have digital recording devices automatically judge if they can accept digital recording.

0 = Digital recording is prohibited.
1 = Digital recording is allowed only one time.
2 = Digital recording is allowed no matter how many times.
<!ELEMENT digitalcopy (#PCDATA)>
<!ATTLIST digitalcopy
    frequency (0 | 1 | 2) #REQUIRED
===================== telerecording========================*
The videotape-recording conditions of a PPV program are set up.
0=Videotape recording forbids.
1=Videotape recording is permitted only once.
2=Videotape recording is permitted.
<!ELEMENT telerecording (#PCDATA)>
<!ATTLIST telerecording
    frequency (0 | 1 | 2) #REQUIRED
Currently, there is no product with this function.
Real-time watching flag: the contents of a program are recorded in a hard disk.
0 = Watching the program while recording it simultaneously is possible.
1 = Watching the program after the it has been recorded in a hard disk is possible. Such programs cannot be watched with TVs which do not have hard disks.
<!ELEMENT ondemand (#PCDATA)>
<!ATTLIST ondemand
    permission (0 | 1) #REQUIRED
Currently, there is no product with this function. 
Accumulatable flag: is used for automatic judgment whether is permited for accumulation into the disk.
0 = Recording on a hard disk is prohibited
1 = Recording on a hard disk is possible.
<!ELEMENT accumulation (#PCDATA)>
<!ATTLIST accumulation
    permission (0 | 1) #REQUIRED
====================singleview =======================*
(It is not used.)
The conditions of whether to be able to view and listen independently are set up.
0=The ban on accumulation.
1=Accumulation is possible.
<!ELEMENT singleview (#PCDATA)>
<!ATTLIST singleview
    permission (0 | 1) #REQUIRED
Program description information (genre, the number of episodes, the total number of episodes, the date of the first episode, a new program, the last episode, rebroadcasting, special information and key words)
==============ATTLIST descriptive.information=================
The "newprogram" attribute: is used when a new program is broadcast, described with the Chinese character "shin" for "new." 
The "final" attribite: is used when the final episode of a series of a program is broadcast, described with the Chinese character "shu" for an "end."
The "rebroadcast" attribute: is used when a program is rebroadcast, described with the Chinese charecter "sai" for "again."
<!ELEMENT descriptive.information (genre+, number?, firstdate?, particularity*, keyword*)>
<!ATTLIST descriptive.information
    newprogram (yes | no) #IMPLIED
    final (yes | no) #IMPLIED
    rebroadcast (yes | no) #IMPLIED
The genre codes which have been set up by the Association of Radio Industries and Businesses (ARIB) are described, which are different from NewsML's SubjectCode.
<!ELEMENT genre (genrecode, genrematter?)>
Large genre.
<!ELEMENT genrecode (#PCDATA)>
Medium genre.
<!ELEMENT genrematter (#PCDATA)>
==================== number ========================
The number of episodes is desctibed.
The "totalnumber" attribute: indicates the planned total number of episodes of a program.  If a program does not have the specific number of episodes, it will be described as "totalnumber = 'unknown.'".
<!ELEMENT number (#PCDATA)>
<!ATTLIST number
    totalnumber CDATA #IMPLIED
The data of the first episode of a program.
If the program is rebroadcast, it should be the data of the first episode of its original broadcast (CCYYMMDD).
<!ELEMENT firstdate (#PCDATA)>
Game information
Information on baseball, soccor games, etc. is described. 
The "classification" attribute: is used to describe the type of game - such as baseball and seccor.
<!ELEMENT particularity (location?, player*)>
<!ATTLIST particularity
    classification CDATA #REQUIRED
===================== player ========================
The names of teams and players involved in games are displayed.
The "id" attribute: is used to describe the sequence of games.
For example, in case of the broadcasting of two games simultaneously, a "location" element: Tokyo Dome, a "player" element: the Hanshin Tigers (id = "1"), a "player" element: the Yomiuri Giants (id = "1"), a "location" element: Nagoya Dome, a "player" element: the Hiroshima Carp (id = "2"), and a "player" element: the Chunichi Dragons (id = "2").
<!ELEMENT player (#PCDATA)>
<!ATTLIST player
====================location ========================
<!ELEMENT location (#PCDATA)>
<!ATTLIST location
EPG search keyword.
<!ELEMENT keyword (#PCDATA)>
================== program.content=======================
The contents of a program (title, subtitle, extended title, contents, starring characters, movie information and G-code)
<!ELEMENT program.content (title, subtitle*, extendedtitle?, body?, explanation*, programimage*, performer*, cinema?, g-code?)>
The title of a program is displayed.
<!ELEMENT title (#PCDATA)>
===================== subtitle========================
The subtitle of a program is displayed.
<!ELEMENT subtitle (#PCDATA)>
(Japan only)
The title + subtitle of the sake for automatic voice pronunciation. It is set up in katakana.
<!ELEMENT extendedtitle (#PCDATA)>
The contents of a program is displayed. 
A program interpretive article is set up.
A href attribute is used and it is linked to an external file and program description-NewsML.
<!ELEMENT explanation (#PCDATA)>
<!ATTLIST explanation
The photograph related to the program and the program is set up.
A href attribute is used and it is linked to an external image file and program photograph-NewsML.
<!ELEMENT programimage (comment*)>
<!ATTLIST programimage
<!ELEMENT comment (#PCDATA)>
====================== performer=======================
The information on starring characters is displayed.
<!ELEMENT performer (name, part?)>
<!ATTLIST performer
The names of starring characters are displayed. 
The roles of starring characters - such as directors, starring characters, authors, scenario writers, producers, those in charge of music, camera crew, narrators guests, commentators, MCs, news casters, reporters, conductors, musical instrument players, composers, DJs, VJs and examiners - are displayed.
===================== cinema========================
The production company of the movie and its native country are displayed. 
The "year" attribute: is used to describe when a movie was produced (CCYY). 
The "classification" attribute: is used to distinguish a foreign move (1) or a Japanese move (2).
<!ELEMENT cinema (country+, creator*)>
<!ATTLIST cinema
    classification (1 | 2) #REQUIRED
=====================country ========================
The country of the move.
Enter an ISO-designated code in the "code" attribute.
<!ELEMENT country (#PCDATA)>
<!ATTLIST country
======================creator ========================
The name of a company which has produced the movie is displayed. 
<!ELEMENT creator (#PCDATA)>
Gemster's G-code is displayed.
<!ELEMENT g-code (#PCDATA)>
================settlement.information =======================
The lists of programs which have been released by TV stations are displayed.
<!ELEMENT settlement.information (modification*, recommendable?, settlement.program*)>
====================== modification =======================*
The kind of information from a broadcasting station is set up.
In Japanese, it is called "bangumikakuteihyou" or "banngumituiteihyou".
A code attribute sets up change information by code.
<!ELEMENT modification (#PCDATA)>
<!ATTLIST modification
===================recommendable =======================*
A broadcasting station sets up the priority of the description to a program table.
<!ELEMENT recommendable EMPTY>
<!ATTLIST recommendable
Information on radio and TV program time tables.
<!ELEMENT settlement.program (content.format?, char-count, char-data, history*)>
The kind of program appearance is set up.
Example:Long program appearance.Short program appearance.etc.
<!ELEMENT content.format EMPTY>
<!ATTLIST content.format
=====================char-count ======================
The number of characters of a program is set up.
A rwidth attribute sets up the number of characters in the text of one line.
	9=Nine characters.
	10=Ten characters.
	0=A proportional font is used.
A lines attribute sets up the number of lines, when a rwidth attribute is nine characters or ten characters.
<!ELEMENT char-count (#PCDATA)>
<!ATTLIST char-count
    rwidth (0 | 9 | 10) #REQUIRED
The radio and TV time tables which have been designated by stations are displayed. 

Time tables are displayed using specific codes (elements), such as those for stereo broadcasting, bilingual and new programs.
For example:
		<Stereophonic/>Title Name xxxxx <News/><Weather/>
	   <p>Program data xxxxxxxxx </p>
<!ELEMENT char-data (p*)>
<!ELEMENT p (#PCDATA | Space | Bilingual | Stereophonic | Nonscramble | Weather | Signlanguage | Voice | News | Teletext)*>
The space of a English character is defined with <Space count="1"/>.
The space of a Japanese character is defined with <Space count="2"/>.
    count (1 | 2) #REQUIRED
Radio and TV time table code: bilingual
<!ELEMENT Bilingual EMPTY>
Radio and TV time table code: stereo
<!ELEMENT Stereophonic EMPTY>
Radio and TV time table code: free program
<!ELEMENT Nonscramble EMPTY>
Radio and TV time table code: weather
=====================Signlanguage =======================
Radio and TV time table code: sign language
<!ELEMENT Signlanguage EMPTY>
======================Voice ========================
Radio and TV time table code: voice
Radio and TV time table code: news
Radio and TV time table code: character multiplex broadcast
===================== history ========================
Past information on each program is displayed.
For example: changes in starring characters and contents, addition of new programs, etc.
The "date" attribute: is used to describe when revisions are made (CCYYMMDDTHHMMSS{+|-}HHMM).
<!ELEMENT history (#PCDATA)>
<!ATTLIST history

Prepared by Robin Cover for The XML Cover Pages archive. See the 2002-04-17 news item "IPTC Develops RadioTV-NewsML Standard for Radio/TV Program Information."

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