RDFFilter 1.0alpha
Date: Mon, 13 Mar 2000 12:19:01 -0500 (EST) From: David Megginson <david@megginson.com> To: xml-dev@xml.org Subject: ANN: RDFFilter 1.0alpha
I'm happy to announce the first release of RDFFilter 1.0alpha, a Java- and SAX2(beta)-based package for processing RDF documents, together with a small bundled RDF test suite. Download information is available at:
RDFFilter uses a relatively simple callback-based interface, and unlike DATAX, it doesn't build any in-memory trees, so it's suitable for use with very large documents.
The callback interface looks like this:
public interface RDFHandler { public static final String featureName = "http://megginson.com/sax/features/rdf"; public static final String propertyName = "http://megginson.com/sax/properties/rdf-handler"; public final static int SUBJECT_URI = 1; public final static int SUBJECT_URI_PATTERN = 2; public final static int SUBJECT_DISTRIBUTED = 3; public final static int SUBJECT_GENERATED = 4; public abstract void literalStatement (int subjectType, String subject, String predicate, String object, String language) throws SAXException; public abstract void resourceStatement (int subjectType, String subject, String predicate, String object) throws SAXException; public abstract void startXMLStatement (int subjectType, String subject, String predicate, String language) throws SAXException; public abstract void endXMLStatement () throws SAXException; }
For literal XML content (parseType="Literal"), and non-RDF XML content outside of rdf:RDF, the filter uses regular SAX2 ContentHandler callbacks. There is a simple front-end for people who don't want to have to learn how to set up all the SAX2 stuff.
All the best,
David Megginson david@megginson.com http://www.megginson.com/
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