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OSS ASN.1 Tools for C and Java With XML Support

OSS Nokalva Announces XML Support

Somerset, NJ., USA. December 16, 2002.

OSS Nokalva, Inc., the world's leading developer of ASN.1 software for building data communications applications, announced today the immediate availability of the OSS ASN.1 Tools for C and Java with XML support. A C++ beta version is also currently available.

"We are very excited because our new software allows ASN.1 application developers to effortlessly encode data in XML," commented Bancroft Scott, President of OSS Nokalva. "This creates an exciting opportunity for developers to maximize their return on investment in robust ASN.1 technology with the added benefits of XML. The addition of XML encoding enables XML to be used in places that are bandwidth constrained such as cell phones, PDAs and embedded systems. Developers can now view binary encoded data in human readable format using XML without sacrificing ASN.1's simple and efficient message description."

The OSS ASN.1 Tools support the XML addition to ASN.1 as described in ASN.1:2002. The tools generate fully XML-standards compliant XML encodings, giving developers a means of representing ASN.1 values using XML with the ASN.1 type definition as the schema. The generated XML is governed by the XML Encoding Rules (XER) and Canonical XML Encoding Rules (CXER), providing the user with control over the visual quality of the generated encoding. It also allows for the viewing and editing of the encoded data using any tools that recognize XML independent of ASN.1.

Ana Greenspan, OSS' Director of Sales, stated, "Developers will be very happy with this new XML-enabled version of the OSS ASN.1 Tools. Leveraging the availability of XML skills within the developer base will lead to shorter development, debugging and maintenance times. Developers worldwide have used our tools with confidence for over a decade."

The OSS ASN.1 Tools are currently shipping for a base price of $2,900. The product includes complete documentation, on-line help and one year 24 x 7 real time support. A 30-day free evaluation is available. For more information, including purchasing and pricing details, please visit, or send email to

About XER

XER is the latest encoding rule standardized by ITU-T to encode ASN.1-defined data in XML.

About OSS ASN.1 Tools

The OSS ASN.1 Tools enable you to more accurately and efficiently develop ASN.1 applications. The software completely shields the user from the intricacies of the encoding rules and complexities of manual coding and debugging. All software supports the full ASN.1 syntax as described by the ASN.1:1990, ASN.1:1997 and ASN.1:2002 standards and the following encoding rules: Basic Encoding Rules (BER), Packed Encoding Rules (PER) (aligned and unaligned), Distinguished Encoding Rules (DER), Canonical Encoding Rules (CER), Canonical XML Encoding Rules (CXER), and XML Encoding Rules (XER).

About OSS Nokalva

OSS Nokalva, a privately held company in Somerset, New Jersey, U.S.A. develops ASN.1, biometrics, and XML based software, and provides consulting services to support software developers. OSS Nokalva has been instrumental in shaping and developing both the standards and technologies that are changing the communications industry. For more information, visit, contact our sales department at +1-732-302-9669, or email


Alex Dong
Director of Marketing
OSS Nokalva, Inc.
Tel: +1 732-302-9669

Prepared by Robin Cover for The XML Cover Pages archive. See: (1) "ASN.1 Markup Language (AML)"; (2) "XML Encoding Rules for ASN.1 (XER)."

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