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Intalio Promotes OASIS BPM Standard

Intalio Joins IBM, Microsoft to Promote OASIS BPM Standard

Intalio Co-Submits BPEL Spec, is Initial Member on OASIS Technical Committee to Drive Industry Towards BPM Standards Convergence

San Mateo, California, USA April 29, 2003.

Intalio, Inc., the business process management company, today announced it has joined IBM and Microsoft to co-submit the Business Process Execution Language (BPEL) 1.1 specification to OASIS. Intalio will also participate in a new OASIS Technical Committee charged with guiding BPEL to standardization. The announcement reflects Intalio's commitment to driving the business process management (BPM) market toward a common, convergent set of industry standards.

"The most critical issue facing the BPM arena today is the proliferation of competing standards and specifications," said Ismael Ghalimi, chairman of and co-founder, chief strategy officer of Intalio. "The overlap is confusing to business users and ultimately detrimental to BPM and the business community. If Web services are to prevail, vendors need to start working towards convergence and consolidate the number of standards in this space. Submitting BPEL to OASIS and the new Technical Committee are moves in the right direction."

Added OASIS Web Services Business Process Execution Language (WSBPEL) Technical Committee co-chair, Diane Jordan of IBM's Dynamic e-Business Technologies group, "Intalio's leadership in efforts such as BPMI to achieve meaningful standards in business process management technology is well recognized in the industry. We welcome their support and look forward to their contributions on the OASIS WSBPEL Technical Committee as we work toward the goal of standardizing a business process execution language for Web services."

Intalio|n³ provides full support today for the BPEL 1.0 specification and the Business Process Modeling Language (BPML) specification. Native support for BPEL 1.1 will be included in the next product release.

Committed to Convergence

The tremendous growth within the BPM arena over the past few years has included the introduction of multiple, overlapping specifications that threaten to raise artificial barriers, stall the growth of the BPM market, and hinder the evolution of Web services. Clearly, standards convergence is critical to avoiding these pitfalls, and the formation of the OASIS WSBPEL TC and the submission of BPEL 1.1 is a positive step in this direction. Submitting BPEL to OASIS allows the specification to be reviewed in a public and open forum where multiple vendors can influence the evolution of the specification towards standardization.

As a member of the OASIS WSBPEL TC, Intalio will bring its extensive experience and unique knowledge to bear on the standards convergence challenges. The company understands how to address business requirements using Web services and relevant BPM technologies. Intalio also understands the importance of formal models (such as ii-calculus) as a means to validate the correctness and integrity of process definitions. Intalio will participate in any industry effort, including OASIS and W3C efforts, to which it can provide guidance based on its unique expertise in this space.

Intalio's participation in OASIS and the OASIS WSBPEL TC reinforce its underlying BPM philosophy, which asserts the interests of the business community are best served by promoting open, royalty-free standards based on the foundation of Web services and support both short and long-lasting transactions that deliver on the promise of the process-managed enterprise. From its inception, Intalio has empowered the business user with solutions that address their most demanding business problems, deliver a standard that meets the stringent requirements of the business community, is supported by a large collective of vendors, and is provided on a royalty free basis.

When required, Intalio has worked with other vendors to create such solutions. In August 2000, the company initiated and co-founded, a non-profit corporation charged with promoting and developing the use of BPM through the establishment of specifications for process design, deployment, execution, maintenance, and optimization. To date, has grown to over 200 members and delivered key standards to the BPM market, including Business Process Modeling Language (BPML) and Business Process Modeling Notation (BPMN). Beyond its activities, Intalio initiated, co-authored and published the Web Service Choreography Interface (WSCI) specification in June 2002, working in partnership with BEA Systems, SAP AG, and Sun Microsystems. This specification was submitted royalty-free to the W3C, where Intalio actively participates in the Web Service Choreography working group that has taken up work on WSCI.

About Intalio

Intalio, The Business Process Management Company, is a leading provider of business process management systems that help Global 2,000 firms become process-managed organizations by extending business process models into executable and manageable processes that can be directly deployed on existing IT assets and seamlessly directed by business users. Founded in July 1999 by seasoned entrepreneurs and recognized innovators in enterprise software development, Intalio is a privately held, venture-backed company located in San Mateo, Calif. For more information, contact Intalio at 650/577-4700,, or


Angela Costa
Tel: +1 650/344-1260

Prepared by Robin Cover for The XML Cover Pages archive. See: (1) the news story of April 16, 2003 "OASIS Forms Web Services Business Process Execution Language TC (WSBPEL)"; (2) general references in "Business Process Execution Language for Web Services (BPEL4WS)"; (3) "Business Process Modeling Language (BPML)." The document "Business Process Management and Choreography" references related standards activity.

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