HR-XML News 2002-05
Date: Wed, 01 May 2002 12:43:04 -0400 From: Chuck Allen - HR-XML <> To: Subject: 1. New HR-XML Specifications Available. 2. Guide to SIDES. 3. APA. 4. Interop Summit. 5. HR-XML Amsterdam Meeting.
In this [News] issue:
1. New Specifications Available 2. Guide to SIDES 3. HR-XML At APA Congress, San Antonio, May 15 (Correction) 4. Interoperability Summit Call for Papers (Due May 10!) 5. HR-XML Quarterly Meeting Amsterdam
1. New Specifications Available
The HR-XML Consortium has approved the following specifications, which are available for download:
EntityIdentifiers 1.0 (2002-05-01)
Description: This specification outlines a methodology for identifier management that can be implemented across HR-XML Consortium schemas. The specification includes a set of design norms and recommendations as well as a XML Schema data type to use for entity identifiers. This specification addresses identifiers that are used as "keys". Keys enable data in one transaction to be associate with data in other separate transactions.
Resume 2.0 (2002-05-02)
Description: The Resume 2.0 specification provides a definition for an XML Resume. The Resume 2.0 specification includes modules for employment, education, and military history.
BackgroundCheck-1_0 1.0 (2002-05-01)
Description: The BackgroundCheck schema supports background check requests to third-party suppliers of background checking services. The specification also supports the return of search results.
Staffing Industry Data Exchange Standards (SIDES) 1.0 (2002-05-01)
Description: Staffing Industry Data Exchange Standards -- commonly known by the acronym "SIDES" -- is a comprehensive suite of data exchange standards designed to offer new efficiencies and cost savings for staffing customers, staffing suppliers, and other stakeholders in the staffing supply chain. Major modules include: StaffingOrder; HumanResource; Assignment; StaffingSupplier; StaffingCustomer; StaffingAction; Extended TimeCard; and Invoice (an extended version of OAGIS 8.0 Invoice).
Time Expense Reporting 2.0 (2002-05-01)
Description: TimeCard 2.0 is a simple definition of the elements required to report time worked and expenses incurred. Some of the changes in TimeCard 2.0 are: Batch support has been removed from schema (this will be handle at the envelope level); AdditionalData modified to allow extensions; Changed dates to use CPO's DateTimeDataTypes, etc.
UserArea 1.0 (2002-05-01)
Description: This specification sets out a standard mechanisms for extending HR-XML Schemas.
2. Guide to SIDES
Are you in need of a plain-language guide to HR-XML's latest initiative for the staffing industry? The "Guide to SIDES" is a non-technical explanation of the scope and purpose of the new Staffing Industry Data Exchange Standards (SIDES) specification. Download your copy at:
3. HR-XML At APA Congress, San Antonio, May 15, 2002
The HR-XML Consortium, the global independent organization dedicated to creating XML standards for human resources management, will give its first public demonstration of its XML Timecard standard at the 20th Annual American Payroll Association Congress to be held in San Antonio, TX, May 14-18. HR-XML's presentation, titled 'It's About Time: XML Timecard Standard,' is scheduled May 15 as part of APA's Forum for Payroll Systems Professionals. Further information can be found at:
Note that in an earlier announcement to this list, an incorrect URL was published for one of the demo participants Frontline Data. The correct URL is:
4. Interoperability Summit Call for Papers (Due May 10, 2002!)
The second Interoperability Summit will be held 27-28 June 2002 (Thursday and Friday) at the Caribe Royale Hotel in Orlando, Florida. Sponsor organizations include HR-XML, OASIS, OMG, and XBRL. Please mark your calendar and take note of the agenda outlines and call for presentations below.
Day 1 Scope Statement
Chair: Karl Best, Director, Technical Operations, OASIS
Day One will focus on tactics for:
* encouraging collaboration between standards groups; * removing barriers to interoperability; and * managing against duplication of effort.
If you have a related presentation, send your proposal to:
Day 2 Scope Statement
Chair: Ms. Karen D. Larkowski, Executive Vice President, The Standish Group
There are various initiatives to define a core vocabulary and related best practices to enable electronic business. The specific scope, methodologies, and deliverables of these initiatives vary, but broadly speaking, they are directed at delivering libraries of business content, models schema design best practices. These initiatives include:
* UN/CEFACT's eBusiness Transition Working Group (eBTWG) * ASC X12's E-Business Cross-Industry XML architecture * OASIS Universal Business Language (UBL) TC * Open Applications Group Integration Specification * OMG's Model Driven Architecture Initiative
The purpose of the second day's program is to explore these initiatives. It is not assumed that there is one best approach to building a broad library of base business documents. Nor is it assumed that only one library will meet all needs. However, clarification of the goals, timelines, and scope connected with the work of these groups would be beneficial for the entire e-business standards community. The Interoperability Summit provides a multi-lateral, neutral venue where this information can be shared and opportunities for convergence and synergies between these groups can be explored.
Proposals for related presentations should be sent to:
Is your organization interested in participating as a sponsor of this event? Sponsor organizations have responsibility for helping finance and plan the event. We are readying a press release announcing the summit and would welcome additional sponsors in this period before the summit announcement. Please contact me or send your proposal to the summit planning mailing list (
5. HR-XML Quarterly Meeting Amsterdam
Please join us for the HR-XML Consortium's 2002 July 15-16 in Amsterdam!
Hear about the latest approaches to web services and schema design best practices. Learn about adoption of HR-XML in the Netherlands and elsewhere in Europe. Gain unique access to industry thought leaders and help influence the direction of e-business standards for human resources management. Learn how your organization can leverage standards to reduce integration costs and improve time to market!
Please use the on-line form to submit your RSVP:
The meeting will be held at the Radisson SAS Hotel, Amsterdam.
The Radisson SAS Hotel is located in the historic heart of Amsterdam, close to museums, theatres, nightlife, and shopping.
The hotel is located 20 kilometres from Schiphol Airport. From the nearby central railway station, trains travel to and from Schiphol Airport every 15 minutes.
Radisson SAS Hotel Rusland 17 NL-1012 CK The Netherlands e-mail: Tel. +31 20 6231231 Fax. +31 20 5208200
Prepared by Robin Cover for The XML Cover Pages archive. See: (1) "HR-XML Consortium"; and (2) "HR-XML Publishes Staffing Industry Data Exchange Standards 1.0 (SIDES) with Industry Support."