EAC (Alpha) Tag Library Skeleton
From: http://bembo.village.virginia.edu/eac.txt
<abbr> May contain: #pcdata May occur within: abstract, addressline, altdate, arc, archref, auth, bibref, bibseries, caption, container, date, didentifier, dimensions, edition, emph, entry, event, extent, extref, funact, genreform, head, head01, head02, head03, ignore, item, language, legalid, maindate, maindesc, name, nameadd, note, num, origination, p, part, physdesc, physfacet, physloc, place, publisher, ref, repository, resource, rule, sourceinfo, sourceref, subarea, subject, title, unitdate, unitid, unittitle, usedate, value Attributes: altrender #IMPLIED, CDATA audience #IMPLIED, internal, external ea #IMPLIED, CDATA expan #IMPLIED, CDATA id #IMPLIED, ID <abstract> May contain: #pcdata, abbr, archref, bibref, emph, expan, extptr, extref, lb, linkgrp, ptr, ref, title May occur within: arch, archref Attributes: altrender #IMPLIED, CDATA audience #IMPLIED, internal, external ea #IMPLIED, CDATA id #IMPLIED, ID type #IMPLIED, CDATA <address> May contain: addressline May occur within: assetstruct, bioghist, blockquote, causa, character, entry, env, event, extref, funactdesc, item, location, maindesc, note, ocd, p, ref, repository, sourceinfo Attributes: altrender #IMPLIED, CDATA audience #IMPLIED, internal, external ea #IMPLIED, CDATA id #IMPLIED, ID <addressline> May contain: #pcdata, abbr, archref, bibref, corpname, date, emph, expan, extptr, extref, famname, funact, genreform, lb, linkgrp, num, persname, place, ptr, ref, subject, title May occur within: address Attributes: altrender #IMPLIED, CDATA audience #IMPLIED, internal, external ea #IMPLIED, CDATA id #IMPLIED, ID <altdate> May contain: #pcdata, abbr, emph, expan, lb May occur within: date, usedate Attributes: altrender #IMPLIED, CDATA audience #IMPLIED, internal, external ea #IMPLIED, CDATA id #IMPLIED, ID <arc> May contain: #pcdata, abbr, emph, expan, lb May occur within: linkgrp Attributes: actuate #IMPLIED, onLoad, onRequest arcrole #IMPLIED, CDATA from #IMPLIED, NMTOKEN show #IMPLIED, new, replace, embed title #IMPLIED, CDATA to #IMPLIED, NMTOKEN xlink #FIXED, arc, arc <arch> May contain: abstract, container, note, origination, physdesc, physloc, repository, unitdate, unitid, unittitle May occur within: resourcerel Attributes: altrender #IMPLIED, CDATA audience #IMPLIED, internal, external ea #IMPLIED, CDATA id #IMPLIED, ID <archref> May contain: #pcdata, abbr, abstract, bibref, container, emph, expan, extptr, extref, lb, note, origination, physdesc, physloc, ptr, ref, repository, title, unitdate, unitid, unittitle May occur within: abstract, addressline, bibref, container, dimensions, entry, event, extent, extref, item, maindesc, note, origination, p, physdesc, physfacet, physloc, publisher, ref, repository, sourceinfo, subarea, unitdate, unitid, unittitle Attributes: actuate #IMPLIED, onLoad, onRequest altrender #IMPLIED, CDATA arcrole #IMPLIED, CDATA audience #IMPLIED, internal, external ea #IMPLIED, CDATA href #IMPLIED, CDATA id #IMPLIED, ID role #IMPLIED, CDATA show #IMPLIED, new, replace, embed targetout #IMPLIED, ENTITY title #IMPLIED, CDATA type #FIXED, simple, simple <assetstruct> May contain: address, blockquote, chronlist, descentry, head, list, note, p, table May occur within: corpdesc, famdesc Attributes: altrender #IMPLIED, CDATA audience #IMPLIED, internal, external ea #IMPLIED, CDATA id #IMPLIED, ID <auth> May contain: #pcdata, abbr, emph, expan, lb May occur within: authdecl Attributes: audience #IMPLIED, internal, external countrycode #IMPLIED, CDATA id #REQUIRED, ID ownercode #IMPLIED, CDATA sysaddress #IMPLIED, ENTITY type #IMPLIED, type, value, both <authdecl> May contain: auth May occur within: eacheader Attributes: altrender #IMPLIED, CDATA audience #IMPLIED, internal, external ea #IMPLIED, CDATA id #IMPLIED, ID <bib> May contain: #pcdata, bibseries, edition, imprint, name, note, title May occur within: resourcerel Attributes: altrender #IMPLIED, CDATA audience #IMPLIED, internal, external ea #IMPLIED, CDATA id #IMPLIED, ID <bibref> May contain: #pcdata, abbr, archref, bibseries, corpname, edition, emph, expan, extptr, extref, famname, imprint, lb, name, num, persname, ptr, ref, title May occur within: abstract, addressline, archref, container, dimensions, entry, event, extent, extref, item, maindesc, note, origination, p, physdesc, physfacet, physloc, publisher, ref, repository, sourceinfo, subarea, unitdate, unitid, unittitle Attributes: actuate #IMPLIED, onLoad, onRequest altrender #IMPLIED, CDATA arcrole #IMPLIED, CDATA audience #IMPLIED, internal, external ea #IMPLIED, CDATA href #IMPLIED, CDATA id #IMPLIED, ID role #IMPLIED, CDATA show #IMPLIED, new, replace, embed targetout #IMPLIED, ENTITY title #IMPLIED, CDATA type #FIXED, simple, simple <bibseries> May contain: #pcdata, abbr, emph, expan, lb, num, title May occur within: bib, bibref, mus, source Attributes: altrender #IMPLIED, CDATA audience #IMPLIED, internal, external ea #IMPLIED, CDATA id #IMPLIED, ID <bioghist> May contain: address, bioghist, blockquote, chronlist, didentifier, head, list, note, p, table May occur within: bioghist, desc Attributes: altrender #IMPLIED, CDATA audience #IMPLIED, internal, external ea #IMPLIED, CDATA id #IMPLIED, ID <blockquote> May contain: address, chronlist, list, note, p, table May occur within: assetstruct, bioghist, causa, character, env, event, funactdesc, item, maindesc, note, ocd, p, sourceinfo Attributes: altrender #IMPLIED, CDATA audience #IMPLIED, internal, external ea #IMPLIED, CDATA id #IMPLIED, ID <caption> May contain: #pcdata, abbr, emph, expan, lb May occur within: linkgrp Attributes: languagecode #IMPLIED, CDATA scriptcode #IMPLIED, CDATA xlink #FIXED, title, title <causa> May contain: address, blockquote, chronlist, descentry, head, list, note, p, table May occur within: corpdesc Attributes: altrender #IMPLIED, CDATA audience #IMPLIED, internal, external ea #IMPLIED, CDATA id #IMPLIED, ID <character> May contain: address, blockquote, chronlist, descentry, head, list, note, p, sex, table May occur within: persdesc Attributes: altrender #IMPLIED, CDATA audience #IMPLIED, internal, external ea #IMPLIED, CDATA id #IMPLIED, ID <chronhead> May contain: head01, head02, head03 May occur within: chronlist Attributes: altrender #IMPLIED, CDATA audience #IMPLIED, internal, external ea #IMPLIED, CDATA id #IMPLIED, ID <chronitem> May contain: date, event, eventgrp, place May occur within: chronlist Attributes: altrender #IMPLIED, CDATA audience #IMPLIED, internal, external ea #IMPLIED, CDATA id #IMPLIED, ID <chronlist> May contain: chronhead, chronitem, head May occur within: assetstruct, bioghist, blockquote, causa, character, env, event, extref, funactdesc, item, maindesc, note, ocd, p, ref, sourceinfo Attributes: altrender #IMPLIED, CDATA audience #IMPLIED, internal, external ea #IMPLIED, CDATA encodinganalog #IMPLIED, CDATA id #IMPLIED, ID <colspec> May contain: EMPTY May occur within: tgroup Attributes: align #IMPLIED, left, right, center, justify, char char #IMPLIED, CDATA charoff #IMPLIED, NMTOKEN colname #IMPLIED, NMTOKEN colnum #IMPLIED, NMTOKEN colsep #IMPLIED, NMTOKEN colwidth #IMPLIED, CDATA rowsep #IMPLIED, NMTOKEN <condesc> May contain: desc, eacrels, funactrels, head, identity, resourcerels May occur within: eac Attributes: altrender #IMPLIED, CDATA audience #IMPLIED, internal, external ea #IMPLIED, CDATA id #IMPLIED, ID <container> May contain: #pcdata, abbr, archref, bibref, emph, expan, extptr, extref, lb, linkgrp, ptr, ref, title May occur within: arch, archref Attributes: altrender #IMPLIED, CDATA audience #IMPLIED, internal, external ea #IMPLIED, CDATA id #IMPLIED, ID type #IMPLIED, CDATA <corpdesc> May contain: assetstruct, causa, corptype, descentry, env, funactdesc, head, legalstatus, location, ocd May occur within: desc Attributes: altrender #IMPLIED, CDATA audience #IMPLIED, internal, external ea #IMPLIED, CDATA id #IMPLIED, ID <corpgrp> May contain: corphead, nameadds, note, notes, sourceref, sourcerefs May occur within: identity Attributes: altrender #IMPLIED, CDATA audience #IMPLIED, internal, external ea #IMPLIED, CDATA id #IMPLIED, ID <corphead> May contain: date, nameadd, note, notes, part, place, sourceref, sourcerefs, usedate May occur within: corpgrp, identity Attributes: altrender #IMPLIED, CDATA audience #IMPLIED, internal, external authorized #IMPLIED, CDATA ea #IMPLIED, CDATA headtype #IMPLIED, earlier, later, identity id #IMPLIED, ID languagecode #IMPLIED, CDATA rule #IMPLIED, IDREF scriptcode #IMPLIED, CDATA type #IMPLIED, CDATA typeauth #IMPLIED, IDREF typekey #IMPLIED, CDATA <corpname> May contain: date, nameadd, part, place May occur within: addressline, bibref, eacrel, entry, event, extref, item, maindesc, note, origination, p, physdesc, physfacet, ref, repository, sourceinfo, unittitle Attributes: altrender #IMPLIED, CDATA audience #IMPLIED, internal, external ea #IMPLIED, CDATA id #IMPLIED, ID <corptype> May contain: date, note, place, source, value May occur within: corpdesc Attributes: altrender #IMPLIED, CDATA audience #IMPLIED, internal, external ea #IMPLIED, CDATA id #IMPLIED, ID type #IMPLIED, CDATA typeauth #IMPLIED, IDREF typekey #IMPLIED, CDATA <date> May contain: #pcdata, abbr, altdate, emph, expan, lb May occur within: addressline, chronitem, corphead, corpname, corptype, descentry, eacrel, entry, event, extref, famhead, famname, funactrel, imprint, item, legalstatus, location, maindesc, nameadds, note, p, pershead, persname, physdesc, physfacet, ref, resourcerel, sex, sourceinfo, title, unittitle Attributes: altrender #IMPLIED, CDATA audience #IMPLIED, internal, external calendar gregorian, CDATA ea #IMPLIED, CDATA era ce, CDATA form #IMPLIED, single, rangeclosed, rangeopen id #IMPLIED, ID normal #IMPLIED, CDATA scope #IMPLIED, begin, end, active, begin-end type #IMPLIED, CDATA typeauth #IMPLIED, IDREF typekey #IMPLIED, CDATA <desc> May contain: bioghist, corpdesc, famdesc, head, ocd, persdesc May occur within: condesc Attributes: altrender #IMPLIED, CDATA audience #IMPLIED, internal, external ea #IMPLIED, CDATA id #IMPLIED, ID <descentry> May contain: date, note, place, source, value May occur within: assetstruct, causa, character, corpdesc, env, famdesc, funactdesc, ocd, persdesc Attributes: altrender #IMPLIED, CDATA audience #IMPLIED, internal, external ea #IMPLIED, CDATA id #IMPLIED, ID type #IMPLIED, CDATA typeauth #IMPLIED, IDREF typekey #IMPLIED, CDATA <didentifier> May contain: #pcdata, abbr, emph, expan, lb May occur within: bioghist, identity Attributes: actuate #IMPLIED, onLoad, onRequest altrender #IMPLIED, CDATA arcrole #IMPLIED, CDATA audience #IMPLIED, internal, external ea #IMPLIED, CDATA href #IMPLIED, CDATA id #IMPLIED, ID role #IMPLIED, CDATA show #IMPLIED, new, replace, embed targetout #IMPLIED, ENTITY title #IMPLIED, CDATA type #FIXED, simple, simple <dimensions> May contain: #pcdata, abbr, archref, bibref, dimensions, emph, expan, extptr, extref, lb, linkgrp, ptr, ref, title May occur within: dimensions, physdesc Attributes: altrender #IMPLIED, CDATA audience #IMPLIED, internal, external ea #IMPLIED, CDATA id #IMPLIED, ID type #IMPLIED, CDATA unit #IMPLIED, CDATA <eac> May contain: condesc, eacheader May occur within: Attributes: altrender #IMPLIED, CDATA audience #IMPLIED, internal, external ea #IMPLIED, CDATA id #IMPLIED, ID <eacheader> May contain: authdecl, eacid, languagedecl, mainhist, ruledecl, sourcedecl May occur within: eac Attributes: altrender #IMPLIED, CDATA audience #IMPLIED, internal, external countryencoding ISO 3166-1 a2, CDATA dateencoding ISO 8601, CDATA detaillevel #IMPLIED, CDATA ea #IMPLIED, CDATA encodinganalogs #IMPLIED, CDATA ys id #IMPLIED, ID langencoding ISO 639-2b, CDATA ownerencoding ISO 11551, CDATA scriptencoding ISO 15924, CDATA status #REQUIRED, draft, edited, deleted type #REQUIRED, c, p, f <eacid> May contain: #pcdata May occur within: eacheader Attributes: altrender #IMPLIED, CDATA audience #IMPLIED, internal, external countrycode #IMPLIED, CDATA ea #IMPLIED, CDATA id #IMPLIED, ID ownercode #IMPLIED, CDATA sysaddress #IMPLIED, ENTITY syskey #IMPLIED, CDATA <eacrel> May contain: corpname, date, famname, note, notes, persname, place, source May occur within: eacrels Attributes: altrender #IMPLIED, CDATA audience #IMPLIED, internal, external countrycode #IMPLIED, CDATA ea #IMPLIED, CDATA id #IMPLIED, ID ownercode #IMPLIED, CDATA reltype #IMPLIED, superordinate, subordinate, earlier, later, associative, coordinate, identity, other rule #IMPLIED, IDREF sysaddress #IMPLIED, ENTITY syskey #IMPLIED, CDATA type #IMPLIED, CDATA typeauth #IMPLIED, IDREF typekey #IMPLIED, CDATA <eacrels> May contain: eacrel, head, note, notes, sourceref, sourcerefs May occur within: condesc Attributes: altrender #IMPLIED, CDATA audience #IMPLIED, internal, external ea #IMPLIED, CDATA id #IMPLIED, ID <edition> May contain: #pcdata, abbr, emph, expan, lb May occur within: bib, bibref, mus, source Attributes: altrender #IMPLIED, CDATA audience #IMPLIED, internal, external ea #IMPLIED, CDATA id #IMPLIED, ID <emph> May contain: #pcdata, abbr, emph, expan, lb May occur within: abstract, addressline, altdate, arc, archref, auth, bibref, bibseries, caption, container, date, didentifier, dimensions, edition, emph, entry, event, extent, extref, funact, genreform, head, head01, head02, head03, ignore, item, language, legalid, maindate, maindesc, name, nameadd, note, num, origination, p, part, physdesc, physfacet, physloc, place, publisher, ref, repository, resource, rule, sourceinfo, sourceref, subarea, subject, title, unitdate, unitid, unittitle, usedate, value Attributes: altrender #IMPLIED, CDATA audience #IMPLIED, internal, external ea #IMPLIED, CDATA id #IMPLIED, ID render #IMPLIED, bold, italic, bolditalic, boldunderline, boldsmcaps, boldquoted, nonproport, altrender, quoted, smcaps, sub, super, underline <entry> May contain: #pcdata, abbr, address, archref, bibref, corpname, date, emph, expan, extptr, extref, famname, funact, genreform, lb, linkgrp, list, note, num, persname, place, ptr, ref, subject, title May occur within: row Attributes: align #IMPLIED, left, right, center, justify, char char #IMPLIED, CDATA charoff #IMPLIED, NMTOKEN colname #IMPLIED, NMTOKEN colsep #IMPLIED, NMTOKEN morerows #IMPLIED, NMTOKEN nameend #IMPLIED, NMTOKEN namest #IMPLIED, NMTOKEN rowsep #IMPLIED, NMTOKEN valign #IMPLIED, top, middle, bottom <env> May contain: address, blockquote, chronlist, descentry, head, list, note, p, table May occur within: corpdesc, famdesc, persdesc Attributes: altrender #IMPLIED, CDATA audience #IMPLIED, internal, external ea #IMPLIED, CDATA id #IMPLIED, ID <event> May contain: #pcdata, abbr, address, archref, bibref, blockquote, chronlist, corpname, date, emph, expan, extptr, extref, famname, funact, genreform, lb, linkgrp, list, note, num, persname, place, ptr, ref, subject, table, title May occur within: chronitem, eventgrp Attributes: altrender #IMPLIED, CDATA audience #IMPLIED, internal, external ea #IMPLIED, CDATA id #IMPLIED, ID <eventgrp> May contain: event May occur within: chronitem Attributes: altrender #IMPLIED, CDATA audience #IMPLIED, internal, external ea #IMPLIED, CDATA id #IMPLIED, ID <expan> May contain: #pcdata May occur within: abstract, addressline, altdate, arc, archref, auth, bibref, bibseries, caption, container, date, didentifier, dimensions, edition, emph, entry, event, extent, extref, funact, genreform, head, head01, head02, head03, ignore, item, language, legalid, maindate, maindesc, name, nameadd, note, num, origination, p, part, physdesc, physfacet, physloc, place, publisher, ref, repository, resource, rule, sourceinfo, sourceref, subarea, subject, title, unitdate, unitid, unittitle, usedate, value Attributes: abbr #IMPLIED, CDATA altrender #IMPLIED, CDATA audience #IMPLIED, internal, external ea #IMPLIED, CDATA id #IMPLIED, ID <extent> May contain: #pcdata, abbr, archref, bibref, emph, expan, extptr, extref, lb, linkgrp, ptr, ref, title May occur within: physdesc Attributes: altrender #IMPLIED, CDATA audience #IMPLIED, internal, external ea #IMPLIED, CDATA id #IMPLIED, ID type #IMPLIED, CDATA unit #IMPLIED, CDATA <extptr> May contain: EMPTY May occur within: abstract, addressline, archref, bibref, container, dimensions, entry, event, extent, extref, head01, head02, head03, item, maindesc, note, origination, p, physdesc, physfacet, physloc, publisher, ref, repository, sourceinfo, subarea, unitdate, unitid, unittitle Attributes: actuate #IMPLIED, onLoad, onRequest arcrole #IMPLIED, CDATA href #IMPLIED, CDATA role #IMPLIED, CDATA show #IMPLIED, new, replace, embed targetout #IMPLIED, ENTITY title #IMPLIED, CDATA type #FIXED, simple, simple <extref> May contain: #pcdata, abbr, address, archref, bibref, chronlist, corpname, date, emph, expan, extptr, extref, famname, funact, genreform, lb, list, note, num, persname, place, ptr, subject, table, title May occur within: abstract, addressline, archref, bibref, container, dimensions, entry, event, extent, extref, item, maindesc, note, origination, p, physdesc, physfacet, physloc, publisher, ref, repository, sourceinfo, subarea, unitdate, unitid, unittitle Attributes: actuate #IMPLIED, onLoad, onRequest arcrole #IMPLIED, CDATA href #IMPLIED, CDATA role #IMPLIED, CDATA show #IMPLIED, new, replace, embed targetout #IMPLIED, ENTITY title #IMPLIED, CDATA type #FIXED, simple, simple <famdesc> May contain: assetstruct, descentry, env, funactdesc, head, legalstatus, location, ocd May occur within: desc Attributes: altrender #IMPLIED, CDATA audience #IMPLIED, internal, external ea #IMPLIED, CDATA id #IMPLIED, ID <famgrp> May contain: famhead, nameadds, note, notes, sourceref, sourcerefs May occur within: identity Attributes: altrender #IMPLIED, CDATA audience #IMPLIED, internal, external ea #IMPLIED, CDATA id #IMPLIED, ID <famhead> May contain: date, nameadd, note, notes, part, place, sourceref, sourcerefs, usedate May occur within: famgrp, identity Attributes: altrender #IMPLIED, CDATA audience #IMPLIED, internal, external authorized #IMPLIED, CDATA ea #IMPLIED, CDATA headtype #IMPLIED, earlier, later, identity id #IMPLIED, ID languagecode #IMPLIED, CDATA rule #IMPLIED, IDREF scriptcode #IMPLIED, CDATA type #IMPLIED, CDATA typeauth #IMPLIED, IDREF typekey #IMPLIED, CDATA <famname> May contain: date, nameadd, part, place May occur within: addressline, bibref, eacrel, entry, event, extref, item, maindesc, note, origination, p, physdesc, physfacet, ref, sourceinfo, unittitle Attributes: altrender #IMPLIED, CDATA audience #IMPLIED, internal, external ea #IMPLIED, CDATA id #IMPLIED, ID <funact> May contain: #pcdata, abbr, emph, expan, ignore, lb, part May occur within: addressline, entry, event, extref, funactrel, item, maindesc, note, p, physdesc, physfacet, ref, sourceinfo, unittitle Attributes: altrender #IMPLIED, CDATA audience #IMPLIED, internal, external ea #IMPLIED, CDATA id #IMPLIED, ID type #IMPLIED, CDATA typeauth #IMPLIED, IDREF typekey #IMPLIED, CDATA valueauth #IMPLIED, IDREF valuekey #IMPLIED, CDATA <funactdesc> May contain: address, blockquote, chronlist, descentry, head, list, note, p, table May occur within: corpdesc, famdesc, persdesc Attributes: altrender #IMPLIED, CDATA audience #IMPLIED, internal, external ea #IMPLIED, CDATA id #IMPLIED, ID <funactrel> May contain: date, funact, note, notes, place, source May occur within: funactrels Attributes: altrender #IMPLIED, CDATA audience #IMPLIED, internal, external countrycode #IMPLIED, CDATA ea #IMPLIED, CDATA id #IMPLIED, ID ownercode #IMPLIED, CDATA reltype #IMPLIED, CDATA rule #IMPLIED, IDREF sysaddress #IMPLIED, ENTITY syskey #IMPLIED, CDATA type #IMPLIED, CDATA typeauth #IMPLIED, IDREF typekey #IMPLIED, CDATA <funactrels> May contain: funactrel, head, note, notes, sourceref, sourcerefs May occur within: condesc Attributes: altrender #IMPLIED, CDATA audience #IMPLIED, internal, external ea #IMPLIED, CDATA id #IMPLIED, ID <genreform> May contain: #pcdata, abbr, emph, expan, ignore, lb, part May occur within: addressline, entry, event, extref, item, maindesc, note, p, physdesc, physfacet, ref, sourceinfo, unittitle Attributes: altrender #IMPLIED, CDATA audience #IMPLIED, internal, external ea #IMPLIED, CDATA id #IMPLIED, ID type #IMPLIED, CDATA typeauth #IMPLIED, IDREF typekey #IMPLIED, CDATA valueauth #IMPLIED, IDREF valuekey #IMPLIED, CDATA <head> May contain: #pcdata, abbr, emph, expan, lb May occur within: assetstruct, bioghist, causa, character, chronlist, condesc, corpdesc, desc, eacrels, env, famdesc, funactdesc, funactrels, identity, list, notes, ocd, persdesc, resourcerels, sourcerefs, table Attributes: altrender #IMPLIED, CDATA audience #IMPLIED, internal, external ea #IMPLIED, CDATA id #IMPLIED, ID <head01> May contain: #pcdata, abbr, emph, expan, extptr, lb, ptr May occur within: chronhead, listhead Attributes: altrender #IMPLIED, CDATA audience #IMPLIED, internal, external ea #IMPLIED, CDATA id #IMPLIED, ID <head02> May contain: #pcdata, abbr, emph, expan, extptr, lb, ptr May occur within: chronhead, listhead Attributes: altrender #IMPLIED, CDATA audience #IMPLIED, internal, external ea #IMPLIED, CDATA id #IMPLIED, ID <head03> May contain: #pcdata, abbr, emph, expan, extptr, lb, ptr May occur within: chronhead Attributes: altrender #IMPLIED, CDATA audience #IMPLIED, internal, external ea #IMPLIED, CDATA id #IMPLIED, ID <identity> May contain: corpgrp, corphead, didentifier, famgrp, famhead, head, legalid, nameadds, note, notes, persgrp, pershead, sourceref, sourcerefs May occur within: condesc Attributes: altrender #IMPLIED, CDATA audience #IMPLIED, internal, external ea #IMPLIED, CDATA id #IMPLIED, ID <ignore> May contain: #pcdata, abbr, emph, expan, lb May occur within: funact, genreform, name, part, subject Attributes: altrender #IMPLIED, CDATA audience #IMPLIED, internal, external authorized #IMPLIED, CDATA ea #IMPLIED, CDATA id #IMPLIED, ID type #IMPLIED, i, s, d, di, is, ds, all <imprint> May contain: date, place, publisher May occur within: bib, bibref, mus, source Attributes: altrender #IMPLIED, CDATA audience #IMPLIED, internal, external ea #IMPLIED, CDATA id #IMPLIED, ID <item> May contain: #pcdata, abbr, address, archref, bibref, blockquote, chronlist, corpname, date, emph, expan, extptr, extref, famname, funact, genreform, lb, linkgrp, list, note, num, persname, place, ptr, ref, subject, table, title May occur within: items, list Attributes: altrender #IMPLIED, CDATA audience #IMPLIED, internal, external ea #IMPLIED, CDATA id #IMPLIED, ID <items> May contain: item May occur within: list Attributes: altrender #IMPLIED, CDATA audience #IMPLIED, internal, external ea #IMPLIED, CDATA id #IMPLIED, ID <language> May contain: #pcdata, abbr, emph, expan, lb May occur within: languagedecl Attributes: altrender #IMPLIED, CDATA audience #IMPLIED, internal, external ea #IMPLIED, CDATA id #IMPLIED, ID languagecode #IMPLIED, CDATA scriptcode #IMPLIED, CDATA <languagedecl> May contain: language May occur within: eacheader Attributes: altrender #IMPLIED, CDATA audience #IMPLIED, internal, external ea #IMPLIED, CDATA id #IMPLIED, ID <lb> May contain: EMPTY May occur within: abstract, addressline, altdate, arc, archref, auth, bibref, bibseries, caption, container, date, didentifier, dimensions, edition, emph, entry, event, extent, extref, funact, genreform, head, head01, head02, head03, ignore, item, language, legalid, maindate, maindesc, name, nameadd, note, num, origination, p, part, physdesc, physfacet, physloc, place, publisher, ref, repository, resource, rule, sourceinfo, sourceref, subarea, subject, title, unitdate, unitid, unittitle, usedate, value Attributes: NONE <legalid> May contain: #pcdata, abbr, emph, expan, lb, part May occur within: identity Attributes: altrender #IMPLIED, CDATA audience #IMPLIED, internal, external ea #IMPLIED, CDATA id #IMPLIED, ID type #IMPLIED, CDATA typeauth #IMPLIED, IDREF typekey #IMPLIED, CDATA valueauth #IMPLIED, IDREF valuekey #IMPLIED, CDATA <legalstatus> May contain: date, note, place, source, value May occur within: corpdesc, famdesc, persdesc Attributes: altrender #IMPLIED, CDATA audience #IMPLIED, internal, external ea #IMPLIED, CDATA id #IMPLIED, ID type #IMPLIED, CDATA typeauth #IMPLIED, IDREF typekey #IMPLIED, CDATA <linkgrp> May contain: arc, caption, locator, resource May occur within: abstract, addressline, container, dimensions, entry, event, extent, item, maindesc, note, origination, p, physdesc, physfacet, physloc, publisher, repository, sourceinfo, subarea, unitdate, unitid, unittitle Attributes: role #IMPLIED, CDATA title #IMPLIED, CDATA xlink #FIXED, extended, extended <list> May contain: head, item, items, listhead May occur within: assetstruct, bioghist, blockquote, causa, character, entry, env, event, extref, funactdesc, item, maindesc, note, ocd, p, ref, sourceinfo Attributes: altrender #IMPLIED, CDATA audience #IMPLIED, internal, external continuation #IMPLIED, continues, starts ea #IMPLIED, CDATA id #IMPLIED, ID mark #IMPLIED, CDATA numeration #IMPLIED, arabic, upperalpha, loweralpha, upperroman, lowerroman type #IMPLIED, simple, deflist, marked, ordered <listhead> May contain: head01, head02 May occur within: list Attributes: altrender #IMPLIED, CDATA audience #IMPLIED, internal, external ea #IMPLIED, CDATA id #IMPLIED, ID <location> May contain: address, date, note, place, source May occur within: corpdesc, famdesc, persdesc Attributes: altrender #IMPLIED, CDATA audience #IMPLIED, internal, external ea #IMPLIED, CDATA id #IMPLIED, ID type #IMPLIED, CDATA typeauth #IMPLIED, IDREF typekey #IMPLIED, CDATA <locator> May contain: EMPTY May occur within: linkgrp Attributes: href #IMPLIED, CDATA label #IMPLIED, NMTOKEN role #IMPLIED, CDATA targetin #IMPLIED, IDREF title #IMPLIED, CDATA xlink #FIXED, locator, locator <maindate> May contain: #pcdata, abbr, emph, expan, lb May occur within: mainevent Attributes: altrender #IMPLIED, CDATA audience #IMPLIED, internal, external calendar gregorian, CDATA ea #IMPLIED, CDATA id #IMPLIED, ID normal #IMPLIED, CDATA <maindesc> May contain: #pcdata, abbr, address, archref, bibref, blockquote, chronlist, corpname, date, emph, expan, extptr, extref, famname, funact, genreform, lb, linkgrp, list, note, num, persname, place, ptr, ref, subject, table, title May occur within: mainevent Attributes: altrender #IMPLIED, CDATA audience #IMPLIED, internal, external ea #IMPLIED, CDATA id #IMPLIED, ID <mainevent> May contain: maindate, maindesc, name May occur within: mainhist Attributes: altrender #IMPLIED, CDATA audience #IMPLIED, internal, external ea #IMPLIED, CDATA id #IMPLIED, ID maintype #REQUIRED, create, update, delete, import <mainhist> May contain: mainevent May occur within: eacheader Attributes: altrender #IMPLIED, CDATA audience #IMPLIED, internal, external ea #IMPLIED, CDATA id #IMPLIED, ID <mus> May contain: #pcdata, bibseries, edition, imprint, name, note, title May occur within: resourcerel Attributes: altrender #IMPLIED, CDATA audience #IMPLIED, internal, external ea #IMPLIED, CDATA id #IMPLIED, ID <name> May contain: #pcdata, abbr, emph, expan, ignore, lb, part May occur within: bib, bibref, mainevent, mus, origination, repository, source Attributes: altrender #IMPLIED, CDATA audience #IMPLIED, internal, external ea #IMPLIED, CDATA id #IMPLIED, ID type #IMPLIED, CDATA typeauth #IMPLIED, IDREF typekey #IMPLIED, CDATA valueauth #IMPLIED, IDREF valuekey #IMPLIED, CDATA <nameadd> May contain: #pcdata, abbr, emph, expan, lb May occur within: corphead, corpname, famhead, famname, nameadds, pershead, persname Attributes: altrender #IMPLIED, CDATA audience #IMPLIED, internal, external ea #IMPLIED, CDATA id #IMPLIED, ID type #IMPLIED, CDATA typeauth #IMPLIED, IDREF typekey #IMPLIED, CDATA <nameadds> May contain: date, nameadd, place May occur within: corpgrp, famgrp, identity, persgrp Attributes: altrender #IMPLIED, CDATA audience #IMPLIED, internal, external ea #IMPLIED, CDATA id #IMPLIED, ID languagecode #IMPLIED, CDATA scriptcode #IMPLIED, CDATA <note> May contain: #pcdata, abbr, address, archref, bibref, blockquote, chronlist, corpname, date, emph, expan, extptr, extref, famname, funact, genreform, lb, linkgrp, list, note, num, persname, place, ptr, ref, subject, table, title May occur within: arch, archref, assetstruct, bib, bioghist, blockquote, causa, character, corpgrp, corphead, corptype, descentry, eacrel, eacrels, entry, env, event, extref, famgrp, famhead, funactdesc, funactrel, funactrels, identity, item, legalstatus, location, maindesc, mus, note, notes, ocd, p, persgrp, pershead, ref, resourcerel, resourcerels, sex, source, sourceinfo Attributes: altrender #IMPLIED, CDATA audience #IMPLIED, internal, external ea #IMPLIED, CDATA id #IMPLIED, ID type #IMPLIED, CDATA <notes> May contain: head, note May occur within: corpgrp, corphead, eacrel, eacrels, famgrp, famhead, funactrel, funactrels, identity, persgrp, pershead, resourcerel, resourcerels Attributes: altrender #IMPLIED, CDATA audience #IMPLIED, internal, external ea #IMPLIED, CDATA id #IMPLIED, ID <num> May contain: #pcdata, abbr, emph, expan, lb May occur within: addressline, bibref, bibseries, entry, event, extref, item, maindesc, note, p, ref, sourceinfo, title, unittitle Attributes: altrender #IMPLIED, CDATA audience #IMPLIED, internal, external ea #IMPLIED, CDATA id #IMPLIED, ID type #IMPLIED, CDATA <ocd> May contain: address, blockquote, chronlist, descentry, head, list, note, ocd, p, table May occur within: corpdesc, desc, famdesc, ocd, persdesc Attributes: altrender #IMPLIED, CDATA audience #IMPLIED, internal, external ea #IMPLIED, CDATA id #IMPLIED, ID type #IMPLIED, CDATA typeauth #IMPLIED, IDREF typekey #IMPLIED, CDATA <origination> May contain: #pcdata, abbr, archref, bibref, corpname, emph, expan, extptr, extref, famname, lb, linkgrp, name, persname, ptr, ref, title May occur within: arch, archref Attributes: altrender #IMPLIED, CDATA audience #IMPLIED, internal, external ea #IMPLIED, CDATA id #IMPLIED, ID <p> May contain: #pcdata, abbr, address, archref, bibref, blockquote, chronlist, corpname, date, emph, expan, extptr, extref, famname, funact, genreform, lb, linkgrp, list, note, num, persname, place, ptr, ref, subject, table, title May occur within: assetstruct, bioghist, blockquote, causa, character, env, funactdesc, ocd Attributes: altrender #IMPLIED, CDATA audience #IMPLIED, internal, external ea #IMPLIED, CDATA id #IMPLIED, ID <part> May contain: #pcdata, abbr, emph, expan, ignore, lb May occur within: corphead, corpname, famhead, famname, funact, genreform, legalid, name, pershead, persname, place, subject Attributes: altrender #IMPLIED, CDATA audience #IMPLIED, internal, external ea #IMPLIED, CDATA id #IMPLIED, ID type #IMPLIED, CDATA typeauth #IMPLIED, IDREF typekey #IMPLIED, CDATA <persdesc> May contain: character, descentry, env, funactdesc, head, legalstatus, location, ocd, sex May occur within: desc Attributes: altrender #IMPLIED, CDATA audience #IMPLIED, internal, external ea #IMPLIED, CDATA id #IMPLIED, ID <persgrp> May contain: nameadds, note, notes, pershead, sourceref, sourcerefs May occur within: identity Attributes: altrender #IMPLIED, CDATA audience #IMPLIED, internal, external ea #IMPLIED, CDATA id #IMPLIED, ID <pershead> May contain: date, nameadd, note, notes, part, place, sourceref, sourcerefs, usedate May occur within: identity, persgrp Attributes: altrender #IMPLIED, CDATA audience #IMPLIED, internal, external authorized #IMPLIED, CDATA ea #IMPLIED, CDATA headtype #IMPLIED, earlier, later, identity id #IMPLIED, ID languagecode #IMPLIED, CDATA rule #IMPLIED, IDREF scriptcode #IMPLIED, CDATA type #IMPLIED, CDATA typeauth #IMPLIED, IDREF typekey #IMPLIED, CDATA <persname> May contain: date, nameadd, part, place May occur within: addressline, bibref, eacrel, entry, event, extref, item, maindesc, note, origination, p, physdesc, physfacet, ref, sourceinfo, unittitle Attributes: altrender #IMPLIED, CDATA audience #IMPLIED, internal, external ea #IMPLIED, CDATA id #IMPLIED, ID <physdesc> May contain: #pcdata, abbr, archref, bibref, corpname, date, dimensions, emph, expan, extent, extptr, extref, famname, funact, genreform, lb, linkgrp, persname, physfacet, ptr, ref, subject, title May occur within: arch, archref Attributes: altrender #IMPLIED, CDATA audience #IMPLIED, internal, external ea #IMPLIED, CDATA id #IMPLIED, ID <physfacet> May contain: #pcdata, abbr, archref, bibref, corpname, date, emph, expan, extptr, extref, famname, funact, genreform, lb, linkgrp, persname, ptr, ref, subject, title May occur within: physdesc Attributes: altrender #IMPLIED, CDATA audience #IMPLIED, internal, external ea #IMPLIED, CDATA id #IMPLIED, ID type #IMPLIED, CDATA unit #IMPLIED, CDATA <physloc> May contain: #pcdata, abbr, archref, bibref, emph, expan, extptr, extref, lb, linkgrp, ptr, ref, title May occur within: arch, archref Attributes: altrender #IMPLIED, CDATA audience #IMPLIED, internal, external ea #IMPLIED, CDATA id #IMPLIED, ID type #IMPLIED, CDATA <place> May contain: #pcdata, abbr, emph, expan, lb, part May occur within: addressline, chronitem, corphead, corpname, corptype, descentry, eacrel, entry, event, extref, famhead, famname, funactrel, imprint, item, legalstatus, location, maindesc, nameadds, note, p, pershead, persname, ref, resourcerel, sex, sourceinfo Attributes: altrender #IMPLIED, CDATA audience #IMPLIED, internal, external ea #IMPLIED, CDATA id #IMPLIED, ID normal #IMPLIED, CDATA type #IMPLIED, geog, juris valueauth #IMPLIED, IDREF valuekey #IMPLIED, CDATA <ptr> May contain: EMPTY May occur within: abstract, addressline, archref, bibref, container, dimensions, entry, event, extent, extref, head01, head02, head03, item, maindesc, note, origination, p, physdesc, physfacet, physloc, publisher, ref, repository, sourceinfo, subarea, unitdate, unitid, unittitle Attributes: actuate #IMPLIED, onLoad, onRequest arcrole #IMPLIED, CDATA href #IMPLIED, CDATA role #IMPLIED, CDATA show #IMPLIED, new, replace, embed targetin #IMPLIED, IDREF title #IMPLIED, CDATA type #FIXED, simple, simple <publisher> May contain: #pcdata, abbr, archref, bibref, emph, expan, extptr, extref, lb, linkgrp, ptr, ref, title May occur within: imprint Attributes: altrender #IMPLIED, CDATA audience #IMPLIED, internal, external ea #IMPLIED, CDATA id #IMPLIED, ID <ref> May contain: #pcdata, abbr, address, archref, bibref, chronlist, corpname, date, emph, expan, extptr, extref, famname, funact, genreform, lb, list, note, num, persname, place, ptr, subject, table, title May occur within: abstract, addressline, archref, bibref, container, dimensions, entry, event, extent, item, maindesc, note, origination, p, physdesc, physfacet, physloc, publisher, repository, sourceinfo, subarea, unitdate, unitid, unittitle Attributes: actuate #IMPLIED, onLoad, onRequest arcrole #IMPLIED, CDATA href #IMPLIED, CDATA role #IMPLIED, CDATA show #IMPLIED, new, replace, embed targetin #IMPLIED, IDREF title #IMPLIED, CDATA type #FIXED, simple, simple <repository> May contain: #pcdata, abbr, address, archref, bibref, corpname, emph, expan, extptr, extref, lb, linkgrp, name, ptr, ref, subarea, title May occur within: arch, archref Attributes: altrender #IMPLIED, CDATA audience #IMPLIED, internal, external ea #IMPLIED, CDATA id #IMPLIED, ID <resource> May contain: #pcdata, abbr, emph, expan, lb May occur within: linkgrp Attributes: label default, CDATA role #IMPLIED, CDATA title #IMPLIED, CDATA xlink #FIXED, resource, resource <resourcerel> May contain: arch, bib, date, mus, note, notes, place, source May occur within: resourcerels Attributes: altrender #IMPLIED, CDATA audience #IMPLIED, internal, external countrycode #IMPLIED, CDATA ea #IMPLIED, CDATA id #IMPLIED, ID ownercode #IMPLIED, CDATA reltype #IMPLIED, origination, destruction, control, causa, other rule #IMPLIED, IDREF sysaddress #IMPLIED, ENTITY syskey #IMPLIED, CDATA type #IMPLIED, CDATA typeauth #IMPLIED, IDREF typekey #IMPLIED, CDATA <resourcerels> May contain: head, note, notes, resourcerel, sourceref, sourcerefs May occur within: condesc Attributes: altrender #IMPLIED, CDATA audience #IMPLIED, internal, external ea #IMPLIED, CDATA id #IMPLIED, ID <row> May contain: entry May occur within: tbody, thead Attributes: rowsep #IMPLIED, NMTOKEN valign #IMPLIED, top, middle, bottom <rule> May contain: #pcdata, abbr, emph, expan, lb May occur within: ruledecl Attributes: audience #IMPLIED, internal, external countrycode #IMPLIED, CDATA id #REQUIRED, ID ownercode #IMPLIED, CDATA sysaddress #IMPLIED, ENTITY <ruledecl> May contain: rule May occur within: eacheader Attributes: altrender #IMPLIED, CDATA audience #IMPLIED, internal, external ea #IMPLIED, CDATA id #IMPLIED, ID <sex> May contain: date, note, place, source, value May occur within: character, persdesc Attributes: altrender #IMPLIED, CDATA audience #IMPLIED, internal, external ea #IMPLIED, CDATA id #IMPLIED, ID type #IMPLIED, CDATA typeauth #IMPLIED, IDREF typekey #IMPLIED, CDATA <source> May contain: #pcdata, bibseries, edition, imprint, name, note, sourceinfo, title May occur within: corptype, descentry, eacrel, funactrel, legalstatus, location, resourcerel, sex, sourcedecl Attributes: audience #IMPLIED, internal, external countrycode #IMPLIED, CDATA id #REQUIRED, ID ownercode #IMPLIED, CDATA sysaddress #IMPLIED, ENTITY syskey #IMPLIED, CDATA <sourcedecl> May contain: source May occur within: eacheader Attributes: altrender #IMPLIED, CDATA audience #IMPLIED, internal, external ea #IMPLIED, CDATA id #IMPLIED, ID <sourceinfo> May contain: #pcdata, abbr, address, archref, bibref, blockquote, chronlist, corpname, date, emph, expan, extptr, extref, famname, funact, genreform, lb, linkgrp, list, note, num, persname, place, ptr, ref, subject, table, title May occur within: source, sourceref Attributes: altrender #IMPLIED, CDATA audience #IMPLIED, internal, external ea #IMPLIED, CDATA id #IMPLIED, ID <sourceref> May contain: #pcdata, abbr, emph, expan, lb, sourceinfo May occur within: corpgrp, corphead, eacrels, famgrp, famhead, funactrels, identity, persgrp, pershead, resourcerels, sourcerefs Attributes: altrender #IMPLIED, CDATA audience #IMPLIED, internal, external ea #IMPLIED, CDATA id #IMPLIED, ID sourceref #IMPLIED, IDREF <sourcerefs> May contain: head, sourceref May occur within: corpgrp, corphead, eacrels, famgrp, famhead, funactrels, identity, persgrp, pershead, resourcerels Attributes: altrender #IMPLIED, CDATA audience #IMPLIED, internal, external ea #IMPLIED, CDATA id #IMPLIED, ID <subarea> May contain: #pcdata, abbr, archref, bibref, emph, expan, extptr, extref, lb, linkgrp, ptr, ref, title May occur within: repository Attributes: altrender #IMPLIED, CDATA audience #IMPLIED, internal, external ea #IMPLIED, CDATA id #IMPLIED, ID <subject> May contain: #pcdata, abbr, emph, expan, ignore, lb, part May occur within: addressline, entry, event, extref, item, maindesc, note, p, physdesc, physfacet, ref, sourceinfo, unittitle Attributes: altrender #IMPLIED, CDATA audience #IMPLIED, internal, external ea #IMPLIED, CDATA id #IMPLIED, ID type #IMPLIED, CDATA typeauth #IMPLIED, IDREF typekey #IMPLIED, CDATA valueauth #IMPLIED, IDREF valuekey #IMPLIED, CDATA <table> May contain: head, tgroup May occur within: assetstruct, bioghist, blockquote, causa, character, env, event, extref, funactdesc, item, maindesc, note, ocd, p, ref, sourceinfo Attributes: colsep #IMPLIED, NMTOKEN frame #IMPLIED, top, bottom, topbot, all, sides, none pgwide #IMPLIED, NMTOKEN rowsep #IMPLIED, NMTOKEN <tbody> May contain: row May occur within: tgroup Attributes: valign #IMPLIED, top, middle, bottom <tgroup> May contain: colspec, tbody, thead May occur within: table Attributes: align #IMPLIED, left, right, center, justify, char cols #REQUIRED, NMTOKEN colsep #IMPLIED, NMTOKEN rowsep #IMPLIED, NMTOKEN <thead> May contain: row May occur within: tgroup Attributes: valign #IMPLIED, top, middle, bottom <title> May contain: #pcdata, abbr, date, emph, expan, lb, num May occur within: abstract, addressline, archref, bib, bibref, bibseries, container, dimensions, entry, event, extent, extref, item, maindesc, mus, note, origination, p, physdesc, physfacet, physloc, publisher, ref, repository, source, sourceinfo, subarea, unitdate, unitid, unittitle Attributes: actuate #IMPLIED, onLoad, onRequest altrender #IMPLIED, CDATA arcrole #IMPLIED, CDATA audience #IMPLIED, internal, external ea #IMPLIED, CDATA href #IMPLIED, CDATA id #IMPLIED, ID render #IMPLIED, bold, italic, bolditalic, boldunderline, boldsmcaps, boldquoted, nonproport, altrender, quoted, smcaps, sub, super, underline role #IMPLIED, CDATA show #IMPLIED, new, replace, embed targetout #IMPLIED, ENTITY title #IMPLIED, CDATA type #FIXED, simple, simple <unitdate> May contain: #pcdata, abbr, archref, bibref, emph, expan, extptr, extref, lb, linkgrp, ptr, ref, title May occur within: arch, archref, unittitle Attributes: altrender #IMPLIED, CDATA audience #IMPLIED, internal, external ea #IMPLIED, CDATA id #IMPLIED, ID normal #IMPLIED, CDATA type #IMPLIED, bulk, inclusive, single <unitid> May contain: #pcdata, abbr, archref, bibref, emph, expan, extptr, extref, lb, linkgrp, ptr, ref, title May occur within: arch, archref Attributes: altrender #IMPLIED, CDATA audience #IMPLIED, internal, external countrycode #IMPLIED, CDATA ea #IMPLIED, CDATA id #IMPLIED, ID ownercode #IMPLIED, CDATA sysaddress #IMPLIED, ENTITY syskey #IMPLIED, CDATA type #IMPLIED, CDATA <unittitle> May contain: #pcdata, abbr, archref, bibref, corpname, date, emph, expan, extptr, extref, famname, funact, genreform, lb, linkgrp, num, persname, ptr, ref, subject, title, unitdate May occur within: arch, archref Attributes: altrender #IMPLIED, CDATA audience #IMPLIED, internal, external ea #IMPLIED, CDATA id #IMPLIED, ID type #IMPLIED, CDATA <usedate> May contain: #pcdata, abbr, altdate, emph, expan, lb May occur within: corphead, famhead, pershead Attributes: altrender #IMPLIED, CDATA audience #IMPLIED, internal, external calendar gregorian, CDATA ea #IMPLIED, CDATA era ce, CDATA form #IMPLIED, single, rangeclosed, rangeopen id #IMPLIED, ID normal #IMPLIED, CDATA scope #IMPLIED, begin, end, active, begin-end type #IMPLIED, CDATA typeauth #IMPLIED, IDREF typekey #IMPLIED, CDATA <value> May contain: #pcdata, abbr, emph, expan, lb May occur within: corptype, descentry, legalstatus, sex Attributes: altrender #IMPLIED, CDATA audience #IMPLIED, internal, external ea #IMPLIED, CDATA id #IMPLIED, ID valueauth #IMPLIED, IDREF valuekey #IMPLIED, CDATA
Prepared by Robin Cover for The XML Cover Pages archive. See: "Encoded Archival Context Initiative (EAC)."