Content Services companion task query DTD
From: See
<!ELEMENT taskquery (and|or|not|ownedby|active|wfactive|wfownedby| workflow|needsattention|type|sharedby|undoableby)> <!ELEMENT and ((and|or|not|ownedby|active|wfactive|wfownedby| workflow|needsattention|type|sharedby|undoableby)+)> <!ELEMENT or ((and|or|not|ownedby|active|wfactive|wfownedby| workflow|needsattention|type|sharedby|undoableby)+)> <!ELEMENT not (and|or|not|ownedby|active|wfactive|wfownedby| workflow|needsattention|type|sharedby|undoableby)> <!-- A taskquery is a simple query, or a Boolean combination of queries. All simple queries evaluate to 'true' or 'false'. --> <!ELEMENT ownedby EMPTY> <!ATTLIST ownedby v CDATA #REQUIRED> <!-- Evaluates to true if the task is owned by the specified user --> <!ELEMENT active EMPTY> <!-- Evaluates to true if the task is currently 'active'. That is, if it has been assigned and not yet completed. --> <!ELEMENT wfactive EMPTY> <!-- Evaluates to true if the [...] --> <!ELEMENT wfownedby EMPTY> <!ATTLIST wfownedby v CDATA #REQUIRED> <!-- Evaluates to true if the workflow is owned by the specified user. --> <!ELEMENT workflow EMPTY> <!ATTLIST workflow v CDATA #REQUIRED> <!-- Evaluates to true if the [...] --> <!ELEMENT needsattention EMPTY> <!-- Evaluates to true if the [...] --> <!ELEMENT type EMPTY> <!ATTLIST type v (usertask, grouptask, externaltask, cgitask, submittask, updatetask, endtask, dummytask, locktask, wftask) #REQUIRED> <!-- Evaluates to true if the task is of the specified type. --> <!ELEMENT sharedby EMPTY> <!ATTLIST sharedby v CDATA #REQUIRED> <!-- Evaluates to true if the [...] --> <!ELEMENT undoableby EMPTY> <!ATTLIST undoableby v CDATA #REQUIRED> <!-- Evaluates to true if the [...] -->
Prepared by Robin Cover for The XML Cover Pages archive.