CJK Dictionary Data Sets Available in XML/XSL
Date: Wed, 10 Jan 2001 14:52:21 +0900 From: Charles Muller <acmuller@human.toyogakuen-u.ac.jp> To: xml-doc@egroups.com Subject: [xml-doc] CJK Dictionary Data Sets Available in XML/XSL
Dear Friends,
I would like you to be aware that I have, for the first time, made the full, updated content of both the Dictionary of East Asian Literary Terms [DEALT] and Digital Dictionary of Buddhism [DDB] compilations available in XML format and in downloadable ZIP packets. These are not expected to serve as functional browsing files, but instead to make the data available in a flexible format for:
Researchers in Asian studies who might want to try developing the data into a system on their own desktops.
Those who are new to XML, and are interesting in seeing how it works (including a DTD and XSL file), this material might serve as a useful learning example.
XML professional developers, from whom I would *love* to receive further advice on implementation. I am a humanities scholar with no formal web development or programming background, so the present XML implementation that you will see represents the extreme limit of my abilities.
If you are using MSIE 5.5 with the MSXML 3.0 parser (available for download from the Microsoft web site), you should be able to browse these files. If you do not have this setup, you will see the underlying code in MSIE. I have had no success with Netscape 6.
Please go to:
Charles Muller
Toyo Gakuen University
1660 Hiregasaki, Nagareyama-shiy
Chiba 270-0161 JAPAN
Prepared by Robin Cover for The XML Cover Pages archive.