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ADX Network Service to Automate Supply Chain Transactions

ADX Introduces Third Generation Network for Supply Chain Integration

ADX Network Enables Any-To-Any Document Translation

Improved Network Access Tools For Suppliers Also Released

Newark, CA, USA. October 20, 2003.

ADX (Advanced Data Exchange), a leading provider of supply chain integration solutions, today introduced the third generation of the ADX Network, the backbone of ADX's outsourced supply chain connectivity service that enables companies to automate transactions with all of their suppliers and partners. ADX helps large enterprises expand the success of business process automation beyond their own businesses to streamline outdated, manual processes that they share with their trading partners.

The ADX Network now enables any-to-any document translation, providing large enterprises with the capability to transfer a wide array of critical business documents with suppliers using any data standard, dialect or intermediary, including all EDI, XML, VAN and flat file formats. ADX customers are not limited by standards or formats as ADX can translate any format to any format, allowing them to exchange documents with any trading partner. ADX can accommodate any XML dialect, SAP IDoc, Oracle, MIMs or EDI document and translate and transport those to a supply or demand chain rapidly, accurately and securely.

In addition to announcing the third generation of ADX Network, ADX also released new versions of its ADX Network access products. Using the new ADX WebAccess and ADX Desktop, mid-size and small companies now have enhanced, easy-to-use tools to help them avoid the cost and complexity of installing and managing EDI or XML software solutions, and rely instead on ADX's simple, outsourced service.

"ADX has delivered on the promise of modernizing our supply chain relationships and improving business processes for us and our business partners," said James McLauchlin, EDI Analyst/Coordinator, Do it Best Corp. "The new capabilities within the ADX Network and the supplier access tools prove ADX's commitment to highly functional, cost-effective solutions for larger enterprises like Do it Best Corp. as well as suppliers in the extended supply chain."

"ADX has saved us an enormous amount of time and money and enabled us to take advantage of electronic connectivity between our business partners," said Chris Comins, president of Custom Fab, a trading partner of ADX customer Hughes Supply. "In addition, ADX access tools are very intuitive and make the entire process of exchanging documents quick and painless."

In addition to the upgrade of the ADX Network for any-to-any document translation, ADX now offers complete AS1/AS2 interoperability. AS1/AS2 standards let large enterprises significantly reduce the high costs of EDI communications through VANs by routing transactions over the Internet through ADX Network instead. ADX customers with AS2-based supplier connectivity report secure, reliable document transportation at substantial cost savings.

For suppliers, ADX WebAccess represents ADX's first completely Web-enabled access tool and gives suppliers a complete, Internet-based option to connect to the ADX Network for document exchange. Unlike other Web-based solutions, ADX WebAccess allows users to connect to multiple trading partners concurrently. ADX Desktop 3.3 offers enhanced database and back office integration through easy-to-use import/export tools.

"Enhancements to the ADX Network and supplier access tools provide our large enterprise customers with the most evolved solution available for automating transactions with their supplier base," said Daniel Walsh, ADX vice president of engineering and network operations. "With any-to-any connectivity, ADX customers can expand their electronic trading relationships to make further progress in eliminating costs and improving overall business processes across the supply chain."

About Advanced Data Exchange

ADX helps businesses automate supply chain transactions -- such as purchase orders, purchase order acknowledgements, shipping notices and invoices -- by providing easy, outsourced any-to-any translation services for all of their suppliers and customers. ADX provides supply chain integration services for more than 270 of America's leading enterprises, including Ace Hardware, Arch Coal, Do it Best Corp., Fisher Scientific, Food Lion, Hughes Supply, Kroger, Lowe's, Michaels Stores, Newark Electronics, Owens Corning, Sears, Shaw's Supermarkets, and TruServ. ADX is a privately held corporation. For more information, ADX can be contacted at 510-493-5000 or


Prepared by Robin Cover for The XML Cover Pages archive.

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