Frequently Asked Questions
What is XAML?
Why is XAML important for the delivery of e-commerce
kind of applications will XAML enable?
Who is supporting XAML?
Are other participants invited to join this
When will the work of XAML be made available
to the public?
When is initial spec to be completed?
What standards body will XAML be submitted to?
How does XAML support/extend existing
transaction monitors?
What is the relationship between
XAML and other transaction protocols (XA)?
What is the relationship between XAML and JTS/JTA?
does XAML relate to other Web Services standards?
does XAML relate to registries (UDDI)?
does XAML relate to service description languages (WSDL,
How does XAML relate to business process
modeling languages (ebXML business process, BPML)?
does XAML relate to XML-based
web service transport protocols
(XP, SOAP, ebXML Transport)?
How does XAML relate to ebXML?
How does XAML relate to e-speak?
How does XAML relate to BizTalk/.NET?
What is XAML?
Transaction Authority Markup Language (XAML) is a vendor-neutral
standard that enables the coordination and processing of online
transactions in the rapidly emerging world of XML web services
- the revolutionary new model of Internet-based computing
that is now being adopted by all major systems and software
vendors. XAML is intended to be a completely open standard
for web-based business transactions.
The standard defines a set of XML message formats and interaction
models that web services can use in order to provide business-level
transactions that span multiple parties across the Internet.
Why is XAML important for the delivery of
e-commerce solutions?
As plug-and-play e-commerce emerges, businesses are mixing
and matching web services from multiple partners to create
sophisticated business web services. Because these “business
webs” are comprised of aggregated calls to loosely coupled
web services distributed across the web, and provided by multiple
businesses, coordination among these web services is imperative,
in order to carry out business-level transactions. There needs
to be the notion of a transaction at the web service level,
as well as a means by which software systems can coordinate
the processing of calls to multiple web services to provide
higher-level business transactions.
XAML will provide the standard mechanism to enable XML web
services to participate in business transactions spanning
multiple parties across the Web. Web services provide unprecedented
business interoperability by enabling businesses to share
processes and competencies on the web, creating a new era
of business connectivity and dynamic, “plug-and-play” e-commerce.
What kind of applications
will XAML enable?
As plug-and-play e-commerce
emerges, businesses are mixing and matching web services from
multiple partners to create sophisticated e-business applications.
Because these "business webs" consist of loosely
coupled web services distributed across the web from multiple
businesses, coordination among these web services is imperative,
in order to carry out business-level transactions. There needs
to be the notion of a transaction at the web service level,
as well as a means by which software systems can coordinate
the processing of calls to multiple web services to provide
higher-level business transactions.
Who is supporting XAML?
Bowstreet, Hewlett-Packard, IBM, Oracle and Sun are leading
the XAML initiative to ensure distributed e-business transactions
across the Internet. However, XAML is not owned by any one
vendor. Instead, the standards proposal will be submitted
to an appropriate open standards body to ensure that it remains
an open industry standard in which any company and organization
can participate.
other participants invited to join the initiative?
Once the specification reaches a stage when it can be reasonably
submitted to a standards body, such as W3C, OASIS, or IETF,
the XAML Group will submit the XAML specification. Any interested
company is encouraged to participate in the evolution of XAML
via the standards organization selected.
When will
the work of XAML be made available to the public?
The target date for submission to a standards body is Jan
15, 2001.
When is initial spec to be completed?
The XAML Group has targeted Jan. 15, 2001 for the initial
draft of the specification to be completed.
What standards body will XAML be submitted to?
At this time, the XAML group has not determined which standards
body is the most appropriate for XAML. However, as the specification
evolves, the group will vote on an appropriate organization
and submit a draft of the specification.
How does
XAML support/extend existing transaction monitors?
XAML will enable web services to expose transactional semantics
of the resources providing the services. Given that TP monitors
commonly provide some of the management and coordination functions
of these resources 'behind the firewall" today, one of the
goals of XAML is to enable TP monitors to participate and
support the transactional semantics offered by web services.
This includes passing of transaction ID's through web service
messages, and supporting the XAML web service operations of
commit and cancel.
At the level
above individual web services, there is a new layer of software
providing business-level transactions. This software makes
calls to multiple web services, often spanning business boundaries.
Given that XAML enables individual web services to support
transactional semantics, there is also an opportunity for
XAML to specify standard means for coordinating business-level
transactions across collections of web services.
To this end,
one of the goals of XAML is to define message interfaces and
interaction models that help software systems providing the
business-level transactions to coordinate the interactions
among web services. There is an opportunity to define XML
interfaces and interaction models for a new breed of web services
that would help software systems at the business transaction
level. These services would provide brokering capabilities
for managing the interactions among web services, for both
web services supporting XAML, as well as web services that
do not support XAML. This new breed of web services requires
XML interfaces and interaction models that defines how software
systems at the business transaction level would interact,
to request assistance in shepharding a set of web services
towards completion.
What is
the relationship between XAML
and other transaction protocols?
Classical online transaction management (OLTP) is the process
of making simultaneous changes in several places “atomically”
- that is, all the changes related to a transaction are made
or none of the changes are made.
For example,
within a single database connection, the DBMS provides some
means of demarcating the beginning and end of a transaction.
This demarcation ensures that changes to the database are
made atomically.
changes must be made atomically across multiple databases.
For example, an insurance company might have to change both
its claims information and its audit information at the same
time, even though the audit information is in a separate database
from the claims information. This multiple-database change
would ensure that, during a later audit, the company would
know which agent took the first report of the loss.
In this case,
the existing XA (Transaction Authority) protocol is useful.
XA provides a standard mechanism for coordinating changes
to multiple databases (called resource managers or RMs) as
an atomic unit of work. Basically, the XA protocol asks each
RM to vote on whether a commit will be successful. Once an
RM has voted “yes,” it must be able to commit the open unit
of work without failure. The commit occurs only if all RMs
vote “yes.” This process of obtaining a vote, and then performing
a commit, is called a “two-phase commit.”
Resource managers
are most frequently databases, but they can also be message-oriented
middleware. XA allows completely heterogeneous collections
of RMs within a single transaction; for example a transaction
can commit across DB/2 and Oracle at the same time. All major
database vendors support XA.
is the relationship between XAML and JTS/JTA?
J2EE includes support for distributed transactions through
two specifications, Java Transaction API (JTA) and Java Transaction
Service (JTS). JTA is a high level, implementation independent,
protocol independent API that allows applications to access
transactions. JTS specifies the implementation of a Transaction
Manager which supports JTA and implements the Java mapping
of the OMG Object Transaction Service (OTS) 1.1 specification
using the IIOP protocol. The JTA API allows you to demarcate
transactions in a manner that is independent of the transaction
manager service or JTS.
While JTA
provides an API for demarcating transactions in Java-based
application logic, XAML provides an agreed upon protocol or
a coordinated process of interaction among transactionally-aware
web services over a defined transport.
this, a web service internally implementing JTA could expose
these transactional capabilities using XAML.
does XAML relate to other Web Service standards?
In order to understand
how XAML relates to many of the existing standards, it is
first necessary to understand what function each of these
standards performs.
When a web service is built,
described, discovered and used, there are many elements that
will be required. The combination of these many different
elements is called a web services architecture. Some categories
of these elements are: registries, business process modeling,
negotiation, service description and web service transport

In order to use a web service,
the existence of the service must be discovered. This discovery
usually takes place in a "phone book" of web services
known as a registry. Registries, such as UDDI and the ebXML
registry/repository, contain human readable information that
can be browsed and searched to find companies and their services.
Once a desired service is located,
the terms of use can be reviewed and/or negotiated. The e-speak
framework provides an elaborate negotiation mechanism. ebXML
addresses the same issue through TPAML (Trading Partner Agreement
Markup Language.)
Now that you know which service
you need, you still have to know some additional things before
you can use the web service; where is it located, what type
of input it expects, what type of output it produces, which
web service protocols it uses, etc. Service description languages,
such as WSDL, provide a standard mechanism to outline all
these details about a web service. Typically, for publicly
available web services, their service descriptions are also
made publicly available. The URI of the service description
can be registered with a web service in a registry.
Once you know those details,
you can start formulating a message to send to the service.
However, some web services will require special packaging
wrapped around the message, letting the web service know what
to do with the message.
In this situation, an underlying
web service transport protocol may need to be used, which
can provide:
1. an envelope which defines
what is in a message and what program should deal with it
2. specific information
about how to exchange instances of application-defined data-types
in a serialized format (You can think of this as how the
programs agree on the format of a text-based XML file to
send across the internet which contains information about
a relational database or other complicated data structure
within an application)
3. a definition of a convention
that can be used to represent remote procedure calls and
XML-based web service transport
protocols include: SOAP, XP (W3C XML Protocol) and ebXML Transport.
Most of these web service transport protocols make use of
existing protocols, such as: HTTP, SMTP, TCP, etc., to carry
web service requests and responses across the internet.
Another layer in the web services
architecture is business process modeling. These languages
define the business level descriptions of what needs to be
accomplished. For example, they can describe a business scenario
such as, "if a purchase order is received by my purchasing
web service, the steps that need to be completed are: check
inventory; if the inventory is available, ship product; if
product ships, let accounting know, etc."
Business process modeling languages
determine what needs to be completed and the necessary order
of completion. However, they do not control nor monitor the
underlying transactions themselves, where XAML is used to
initiate, monitor, commit, cancel, retry, or initiate a compensating
Consider this web services
architecture example:
A distributor of groceries
needs to process an order from ACME grocery store. Included
in the order is an order for 100lbs of fresh tomatoes. The
grocery distributor needs to process this order. In order
to fulfill this order the web services architecture will be
used in a variety of ways.
The first requirement (even
before the distributor gets the order) is to discover that
Johnny’s Tomato Farm and Jimmy’s Refrigerated Transport provide
the necessary business services. Both services are discovered
via a registry; in this case, the distributor searched several
different registries.
The second action is to make
sure the distributor's business web understands how to talk
with each of these web services. This is done by downloading
a service description for each of the two services. The registry
entry indicated that Jimmy's Refrigerated Transport is described
as an e-speak service; whereas, Johnny's Tomato Farm services
are based solely on SOAP. An XML description is retrieved
for the e-speak service and a WSDL document is retrieved for
the SOAP service. Links to the service description documents
were found in the registry entries.
An additional action must also
happen before the order is placed. The business process model
of a purchase order must be executed. 1)check to make sure
that the person ordering is authorized to order; 2)check to
make sure the ordering company has paid their last invoice;
and 3)proceed to order the merchandise by ensuring that both
services get managed using XAML. This entire business process
is defined by an ebXML business process model. Some additional
models may need to be set up…. If the item is perishable,
then verify the transport availability, etc.
Now, the grocery distributor
is ready for action and can accept a tomato order from ACME
grocery store.
The order from ACME grocery
store is taken via the distributor’s business web, and according
to the business process model, the person is authorized and
the finance department gives the approval. The transaction
is begun on a business level. Because Tomatoes are marked
as perishable, the "perishable food" model is initiated.
This model determines the business
logic which states that transport must be arranged before
tomatoes can be officially ordered. This logic is then used
by the software that coordinates the calling of the relevant
web services. The calling system prepares a message directed
to a web service at Johnny's Tomato Farm using SOAP, along
with XAML to specify initiation of the transaction. In like
manner, the system requests a web service at Jimmy’s Refrigerated
Transport to supply the truck and driver, again using XAML
to stage the request. Once both web services have responded
confirming availability, the calling system interacts with
the web services using XAML to facilitate the completion of
the business process.
How does XAML relate to registries (UDDI)?
UDDI defines a registry for companies and their services.
In a typical scenario using UDDI, a user/program would browse
through categories (like in a yellow pages) for a particular
service. Once the desired XML service is found, the 'service
description' for that service can be used to retrieve the
details of calling that service (see service description languages
section.) The ‘service description’ (WSDL, etc), defines the
semantics of calling a specific service.
with any other type of service, XAML services will be able
to be registered and located within UDDI registries. UDDI
can register XAML services.
does XAML relate to service description languages (WSDL, XMI)?
Services description languages define the details that
are needed to use a web service. Typically that includes:
schema for the input, schema for the output, URI of the service,
type of transport used (SOAP, XP, HTTP GET, ...) The XAML
group will consider providing binding information to service
description languages.
does XAML relate to business process modeling languages (ebXML
business process, BPML)?
BPML covers dimensions of business process modeling that
are specific to processes internal to the enterprise, including
business rules, security roles, distributed transactions,
and exception handling. XAML is targeted at coordinating business
transactions that span web services crossing corporate boundaries.
does XAML relate to XML-based
web service transport protocols
(XP, SOAP, ebXML Transport)?
XAML is designed for the coordination of transactional
web services, not XML transportation and packaging issues.
XAML will work with standard XML-based service transport protocols,
including W3C XML Protocol (XP), SOAP and ebXML transport
does XAML relate to ebXML?
ebXML is an OASIS/UN initiative to define all the layers
in the web services stack. That includes categories such as
registries, business process modeling, service descriptions,
and transport/packaging/messaging. Please refer to the above
explanation for details on how XAML relates to each of
these categories.
does XAML relate to e-speak?
E-speak is an open software platform designed for supporting
the description, registration, and discovery of e-services,
the ability to compose multiple e-services into higher-level
e-services, the ability to negotiate among e-services, and
the ability to manage e-service interactions. XAML will enhance
the e-speak platform for the coordination and processing of
online business transactions involving e-services. XAML provides
e-speak with a standard set of XML message formats and interaction
models for e-services to use to provide business level transactions
that span across companies over the Internet.
does XAML relate to BizTalk/.NET?
BizTalk/.Net is a Microsoft initiative to define all the
layers in the web services stack. That includes four categories,
registries(UDDI), business modeling languages (X-Lang), service
descriptions (WSDL), and transport/packaging/messaging(SOAP).
Please refer to the above explanation
for details on how XAML relates to each of these categories.