[This local archive copy is from the official and canonical URL, http://www.juridicum.su.se/iri/corpus/bookcontents.htm; please refer to the canonical source document if possible.]

Critical Factors in Legal Document Management: A study of Standardised Markup Languages. By Cecilia Magnusson Sjöberg. Stockholm: Jure AB, 1998. ISBN: 91-7223-045-2. See the main bibliography entry and http://www.juridicum.su.se/iri/corpus/publications.html.



Table of Contents



1 Critical factors in legal document management

1.1 Introduction

1.2 Expected and accomplished results

1.3 Main contents of the study

2 The Corpus Legis project

2.1 Background

2.1.1 Legal document management and IT

2.1.2 The orientation of the research

2.2 Hypotheses

2.3 Method and terminology

2.3.1 Method

2.3.2 Terminology General Relevant system concepts

3 A short introduction to SGML and other related standards

3.1 The SGML standard

3.2 SGML related standards

3.3 A sample of applications

3.4 Pitfalls and potentials

4 Standards in a legal context

4.1 Introduction

4.2 A legally founded framework for electronic networks

4.2.1 The development of legal shells for technical standards

PART II the corpus legis system

5 The structure of the corpus

5.1 An overview

5.2 The main part

5.2.1 Introduction

5.2.2 Legis

5.3 The Comparative part

5.3.1 Introduction

5.3.2 Compar

5.4 The historical part

6 Technical setting

7 Document analysis

7.1 General

7.2 Incorporation of documents

7.3 Taxonomy

8 DTD-development

8.1 General

8.2 DTD components

8.3 The logic of a DTD

8.4 DTD categorisation

8.5 Technical aspects

8.5.1 The SGML declaration

8.5.2 Public identifiers, etc. (entities)

8.6 Legal elements

8.7 Format elements

8.8 Referencing

8.8.1 General

8.8.2 Implementation technique

9 Markup

9.1 General

9.2 Markup levels

9.3 Practical implications

9.4 Categories

9.5 Some Restraints

PART III applications of the corpus legis system

10 Introduction to the applications

10.1 Legal information retrieval

10.2 On using linguistic methods

10.2.1 Background

10.2.2 Some basic questions and concepts

11 The Panorama browser application

11.1 General

11.2 Stylesheets and navigators

12 The PRISE IR-application

12.1 PRISE

12.2 Z39.50

13 The Corpus Legis Application Demonstrator in Dataware II

13.1.1 Overview

13.1.2 Functionality

13.1.3 Advantage Introduction Facts Focus Form

13.1.4 Drawbacks

13.2 Results

13.2.1 Introduction

13.2.2 Document authoring

13.2.3 Document analysis

13.2.4 DTD-design

13.2.5 Markup

13.3 Concluding remarks

PART IV implications for legal system management

14 General implications

14.1 Considerations

14.2 Overall goals

14.3 A sample of obstacles

14.4 Prospects of future benefits

14.4.1 General

14.4.2 Regulatory management

14.4.3 Electronic archiving

14.4.4 'Docware' in legal education Introduction Relevant docware features Application areas Caution Benefits

15 Components in a strategy for legal document management

15.1 General

15.2 Coverage

15.3 Information view

15.4 Encoding

16 Concluding remarks

17 References

17.1 Literature

17.2 Public official material

17.3 Sources on the Internet

17.4 List of Project Documentation

18 Index of figures

18.1 Main Chapters

18.2 Appendix 11 – SoftQuad Panorama 1.50 (browser)

18.3 Appendix 17 – PRISE

18.4 Appendix 18 – Illustrations of The Corpus Legis Application Demonstrator

in Dataware II




Appendix 1 – Tree structure of legis.dtd

Appendix 2 – Legis.dtd

Appendix 3 – SGML declaration for legis.dtd

Appendix 4 – Model summary of legis.dtd

Appendix 5 – Sample of SGML document (legis)



Appendix 6 – Tree structure of compar.dtd

Appendix 7 – Compar.dtd

Appendix 8 – SGML declaration for compar.dtd

Appendix 9 – Model summary of compar.dtd

Appendix 10 – Sample of SGML document (compar)


Applications of the Corpus Legis System

Appendix 11 – SoftQuad Panorama Pro 1.50 (browser)

Appendix 12 – Legis Navigator (Panorama application)

Appendix 13 – Legis Stylesheet (Panorama application)

Appendix 14 – Legis Navigator Stylesheet (Panorama application)

Appendix 15 – Compar Navigator (Panorama application)

Appendix 16 – Compar Stylesheet (Panorama application)

Appendix 17 – PRISE

Appendix 18 – Illustrations of The Corpus Legis Application Demonstrator

                        in Dataware II

Appendix 19 – Computational linguistic results