This document is an annotated and linked version of the XTech '99 Schedule. See the original/canonical document on the GCA Web site. See the main conference entry for the other information on the XTech '99 Conference. Last modified: April 07, 1999. [Work in progress. Authors are invited to send relevant URLs for their online materials.]
XTech '99 Schedule
Sunday TutorialsBuilding XML ApplicationsFull-day tutorial: Sunday March 7thInstructor: Simon St. LaurentWhy Attend? Basics, ProgrammingBuilding XML Applications will explore the tools available to developers who want to create XML-based applications of a variety of scales. Modular approaches and layered approaches for document structure and processing will receive particular attention, as will the special needs of Internet and Intranet implementations. XML makes it easy for developers to apply generic technologies to specific problems, and this seminar will make it easy for developers to find and apply the tools they need.
Practical Formatting Using XSLFull-day tutorial: Sunday March 7thInstructor: Ken HolmanWhy Attend? Basics, Hands-On, XSLThis tutorial introduces the concepts and formatting basics of the proposed Extensible Stylesheet Language (XSL), expected to be standardized in mid-1999. The course combines the use of lectures and hands-on exercises to convey the material. For the practical exercises, attendees are invited to bring a personal computer with their own XSL environment or they can use public-domain XSL software that will be made available for either a Java-based or a Windows-based environment. The objectives of the course are to understand the role and utility of the standard, to successfully write XSL scripts for both print and display devices, and to efficiently navigate the available documentation and resources. References:
XLink QuickStartFull-day tutorial: Sunday March 7thInstructor: Eliot KimberWhy Attend? Basics, LinkingXML Link is an application of XML designed to provide high-function hyperlinking for Web-based XML documents. This course introduces the basic concepts and syntax of the Xlink and Xpointer specifications. The instructor provides enough syntax detail to enable the recognition and creation of XLink documents. References:
Introduction to XMLHalf-day tutorial: Sunday March 7th (Morning)Instructor: Tim BrayWhy Attend? Basics, TheoryThis tutorial is a crash introduction to XML for those who are new to it. Some familiarity with the Web in general and HTML in particular will be helpful to attendees. The topics covered include:
Attendees should expect to leave with a good basic grasp of XML concepts and syntax.
Extending Mozilla or How to Do the ImpossibleHalf-day tutorial: Sunday March 7th (Morning)Instructor: Heikki Toivonen [and Johnny Stenbäck]Why Attend? Netscape, MetadataThe Mozilla development has been doomed from the beginning because it was clearly impossible to develop anything within the constraints of the project. This tutorial puts you on the way to do the impossible and become a Mozilla developer everyone will be envious of. [Tutorial Abstract: This document will contain information on how to create new components with XPCOM, how to add functionality without XPCOM and how to embed the Mozilla browser in other applications (either as an ActiveX control or programmatically). There will also be information on how to create plugins according to the new XPCOM interface. Sample code will be included for all cases." See also the longer/full [handout] abstract. Tutorial materials are available online at
XML and Electronic CommerceHalf-day tutorial: Sunday March 7th (Afternoon)Instructor: Dr. Robert J. GlushkoWhy Attend? Basics, E-Commerce, ManagementXML is rapidly taking hold as the foundation of "document-based computing" through which the Web will become "smart enough" to overcome the limitations of HTML and to enable the new business models of the network economy. The winners in the network economy will be those companies that can best identify, aggregate, manage, and distribute information. This tutorial describes the information requirements for conducting electronic commerce and explains why HTML can't meet them. It positions XML as the solution and explains how a company can make the transition to XML given various HTML starting points. It describes the "domain-specific languages" for commerce, including the OBI, OTP, RosettaNet, and ICE specifications to raise the issue of interoperability between XML applications. Finally, it describes the Common Business Library approach being developed by Veo Systems and the CommerceNet eCo framework project whose goal is to build upon the CBL idea and create an architectural foundation for future domain-specific commerce languages.
Unicode and XMLHalf-day tutorial: Sunday March 7th (Afternoon)Instructor: Dave PetersonWhy Attend? Basics, InternationalizationThe attendee at this tutorial should have some awareness of how characters are used in computers and the existence of various different character sets and fonts. (For example, MacOS, DOS, Windows, and Unix computers generally each use different character character sets. Times Roman and Helvetica on one of these systems are different font implementations implementing glyphs for the same character set--but Symbol either implements a different character set or badly misrepresents the characters in the system character set, depending on your point of view.) The attendee will gain a sharper understanding of these basic concepts, and will learn the different ways "the Unicode character set" can be understood and the problems that arise when the differences are ignored or not recognized. He or she will learn what "Unicode compliance" means, what character code standards exist or are being proposed for the World Wide Web, how XML does and does not conform to those standards, and whether the differences will be important for their applications of XML. Outline
Monday TutorialsRDF, Metadata and Dublin CoreFull-day tutorial: Monday March 8thInstructors: Ora Lassila and Bob SchlossWhy Attend? Basics, MetadataThere are a large class of applications in which properties of digital objects that can be named (whether files, Web served documents, etc.) or properties of collections of objects need to be specified. If different properties are encoded at different times and by different organizations and applications, if properties can have multiple or alternative values, or if there are dependencies between the properties or between the digital objects, numerous ways of using XML or other data interchange formats could be specified. In order to prevent application developers from re-inventing a data model and XML DOCTYPEs and conventions and redeveloping code, the W3C created the Resource Description Framework. This data model, based on directed labeled graphs, and this set of conventions for XML encoding of descriptions, is not an XML DOCTYPE and is far more than an XML namespace .... and yet is the basis for numerous data encoding standards, such as the Dublin Core and IMS cataloging systems, the P3P and CC/PP client-to-server protocols, Netscape's site table-of-contents format, and the DCD approach to XML Schemas. It is also under consideration for use in RosettaNet. Initial exploratory work on the use of RDF is part of the European Concerto DL Research program, and in proposals and prototypes related to electronic book distribution in Japan and MPEG-7 control streams. In this tutorial, we will cover:
XML Processing with PythonHalf-day tutorial: Monday March 8th (Morning)Instructor: Paul PrescodWhy Attend? Basics, ProgrammingPython is quickly gaining popularity as a fundamental technology for Internet applications. According to a recent "top100" survey, the Python Web page ranked in the top 25 most popular pages for software developers. Python's popularity is driven by its easy, intuitive syntax, clean design and powerful class libraries. These libraries give access to string manipulation, relational and object databases, URLs, various Internet protocols and HTML, XML, and SGML parsing. XML concepts manifest themselves naturally in Python's simple syntax. Python is mentioned at most SGML and XML conference, but opportunities to learn it from an instructor are rare. Although there is an established Python programming community, most people in the XML world are new to it. This tutorial presents a rare opportunity to learn from someone who has used XML and Python together for several years. The talk will presume XML knowledge and will cover Python's basic features and XML processing based on SAX, DOM and grove processing APIs.
Document AnalysisFull-day tutorial: Monday March 8thInstructors: B. Tommie Usdin and Deborah A. LapeyreWhy Attend? Basics, Management, TheoryDocument Analysis is the key to success in developing XML applications just as it is in SGML, relational databases, and any other structured information management environment. Analysis of text involves special problems, and there are some well-understood techniques for doing document analysis that newcomers to structured information may not know. In this tutorial we teach students how to approach document analysis for XML (or SGML - there is no difference as far as the analysis is concerned). The introduction will cover basic concepts of structured markup and give a grounding in what to look for when analyzing documents. The discussion will include enough detail on grouping, sequencing, and occurrence constructs that the participants will understand what can be expressed in an element declaration. (We will not assume any prior XML or SGML syntax knowledge or that participants ever need to read or write a DTD.) The grounding in Document Analysis will include examples of what to look for when analyzing documents, with special emphasis on analyzing for what is useful compared to analyzing for every insignificant detail. Specific examples of usefulness for increasing the precision of a search or reusing content will be given. The tutorial will center around an exercise in which the participants analyze a relatively complex document. Participants will use colored and shaped post-it notes to record structures, using a simple methodology that allows them to analyze, discuss, and record complex relationships without DTD syntax.
XML and JavaFull-day tutorial: Monday March 8thInstructor: Neel Sundaresan, Ph. D.Why Attend? Basics, Java, ProgrammingXML and Java are the Yin and Yang of the next generation of Web computing. XML forms the static aspect and Java forms the dynamic aspect of these combined technologies. XML provides features like structural constraints, extensibility, and separation of content from schema and from processing. Java provides a language for Object-Oriented Paradigms and Component model building using Java beans, and an extensive facility to implement software design patterns. This tutorial will discuss how XML and Java can leverage from each other, how this has been and can be used to build tools for parsing and processing XML, incorporating XML structures as objects in traditional and non-traditional applications, and using XML to communicate between Java-based business applications.
Perl and XMLHalf-day tutorial: Monday March 8th (Afternoon)Instructor: Clark CooperWhy Attend? Basics, ProgrammingThe tutorial begins as an introduction to perl. This is an abbreviated version of a perl tutorial given at GE Power Systems. Particular attention is paid to references and the object style used by XML::Parser. An overview of XML::Parser is presented next, explaining the architecture and programming model of the module. The salient features of XML::Parser are explained and demonstrated with small examples. Finally, we walk through several examples that integrate the material covered. Presentation slides at:
An Introduction to ICEHalf-day tutorial: Monday March 8th (Morning)Instructor: Neil Webber and Dianne KennedyWhy Attend? Basics, E-CommerceInformation and Content Exchange (ICE) is an emerging standard for formalizing the syndicator/subscriber relationship for the Web. ICE is a standardized mechanism for managing access to content on the Web. Ice will enable the selecting, presenting, delivering, constraining, and monitoring the use of content through a "syndication relationship." This tutorial will provide publishers with a high-level background in this important new standard and help them to understand the potential ICE holds for creating new business opportunities for Web Publishing. Outline:
The W3C Document Object ModelHalf-day tutorial: Monday March 8th (Morning)Instructor: Dr. Lauren WoodWhy Attend? Basics, ProgrammingThis half-day tutorial will session will give participants an overview of the W3C Document Object Model specification. The DOM is a platform- and language-neutral interface that will allow scripts and applications to navigate and manipulate the content, structure and style of Web documents (HTML, XML, CSS). Level 1 has now been finalized, so the tutorial will consist of a discussion of the finalized Level 1 as well as the current work on Level 2, which is planned to contain ways of modelling events, CSS and a query interface.
Tuesday March 9, 1999WelcomePlenary session: Tuesday March 9th, 9:00 AMPresenter: Tim BrayConference information, logistics, and announcements. If there is any last-second breaking news that affects the conference program, here's where you'll hear about it. Since this is XML, there is almost certain to be such news.
The State of the UnionPlenary session: Tuesday March 9th, 9:10 AMPresenter: Jon BosakJon Bosak, the Chair of the World Wide Web Consortium XML Coordination Group, and generally regarded as the father of XML, shares his thoughts on where we stand now, what problems face us, and what we ought to do next.
Standards UpdatePlenary session: Tuesday March 9th, 10:00 AMModerator: Jon BosakThis is a survey of the current landscape in the area of standards. Most of these standards will be XML-related and hosted at the W3C, but we will cover any other activities that seem material. It will be a panel session, speakers being representatives of the various standards development activities.
Taking Web graphics to the Next LevelPretty-Face Session: Tuesday March 9th, 11:00 AMPresenter: Jon Ferraiolo (Adobe)Why Attend? Basics, GraphicsJon Ferraiolo will discuss the benefits of Web based Vector Graphics formats defined in XML syntax, including Adobe's PGML proposal and the W3C's standardized version (now under active development) named Scaleable Vector Graphics (SVG), and give a demo of the latest implementation that Adobe has of SVG.
Vocabularies: Opportunities for Efficiency and ReliabilityStrong-Back Session: Tuesday March 9th, 11:00 AMPresenter: Steve Newcomb (TechnoTeacher)Why Attend? Theory, Programming, MetadataIn an XML resource, the use of a given vocabulary creates complex expectations in information recipients and in the applications that those recipients will use to interpret and use the information. If accuracy and reliability are important, and if the vocabulary is large or complex, and especially if the information is expected to be useful in multi-vendor application environments, it is essential to know what those expectations are, to describe them comprehensively, rigorously and unambiguously, to be able to determine whether a given XML resource will make sense to its recipients, and to implement vocabulary-sensitive applications at reasonable cost. (If, on the other hand, your use of XML is in purely application-internal and/or single-software-vendor contexts, these concerns probably don't apply. In such a case, though, it's hard to see any point in your use of vocabularies at all; the primary reason for using vocabularies is to allow information to be interpretable by a variety of applications in an open environment.) This presentation outlines techniques and technologies for increasing the reliability of vocabulary-based information interchange, and for reducing the cost of implementing applications that must be sensitive to vocabularies. "Summary: XML needs to support validation of inheritable vocabularies. Modularity and models are the keys. The standards, methodologies, and software already exist (ISO 10744:1997, SX, GroveMinder) and are in commercial use." References:
Java Based XML and XSL Technology; Cross-platform Software for Cross-platform StandardsPretty-Face Session: Tuesday March 9th, 11:45 AMPresenter: Norbert Mikula (DataChannel)Why Attend? Java, XSLXML and XSL form the base layer for next generation Intranet and Internet architectures. Microsoft and DataChannel have been working jointly to provide the community with leading XML technology on the Java platform. This presentation will offer a comprehensive Java-based XML development framework that provides software for XML parsing, XSL processing, and pattern matching. Special attention will be paid to architectural work using these components and the utility provided by cross-platform software based on technologies such as XML and XSL
Rapid XML prototyping with Perl and XML::ParserStrong-Back Session: Tuesday March 9th, 11:45 AMPresenter: Clark Cooper (Independent Consultant)Why Attend? ProgrammingThese days, new ideas for applications of XML are popping up like bubbles in champagne. And many potential standards that build on and extend XML are in their experimental stages. There's a great need for prototype building and seeing how workable and robust these ideas are. Perl, with its excellent text processing features, it's large set of ready-made open-source modules, and flying its banner - "There's more than one way to do it" - makes a great lab bench. XML::Parser, the perl module that provides perl access to James Clark's efficient and robust XML C library, expat, has evolved with flexibility as an important requirement. Examples will be presented that demonstrate how easy it is to develop non-trivial XML prototypes with only a moderate amount of programming using perl and XML::Parser. Presentation slides at:
How can we give you what you need to give us what we need?Pretty-Face Session: Tuesday March 9th, 2:00 PMPresenter: Rick Jelliffe (Academia Sinica)Why Attend? Internationalization, ProgrammingThis paper is a call for a new kind of internationalization process: the focus should be on making life easy for developers. The "Chinese XML Now!" project at Academia Sinica, Taiwan, and XML itself are the examples considered. Non-Western communities should make part of their strategic plan to develop Websites clearly expressing their cultural and linguistic requirements. These requirements should be practical, DTD or code-level requirements. In particular, standards-making bodies should be redirected to this "informational" function, and academic research programs should be structured so the results will be presented in "developer-friendly" ways as well as formal academic fora. The talk provides a checklist for basic level of support for developers, and look at some other developments along the same lines. References:
Enabling Databases for the Web using DataCraftStrong-Back Session: Tuesday March 9th, 2:00 PMPresenter: Neel Sundaresan (IBM)Why Attend? Databases, MetadataThe Web is becoming the standard medium for applications, communication and commerce. At the same time most of the world's data is locked away in traditional databases. Any technology that will alleviate enabling the data locked up in traditional databases for the Web will be a boon to the emerging Web applications. DataCraft is a system which enables traditional databases for the Web. It models a traditional database schema as an RDF schema graph. It provides a visual representation of this graph which is liberated from the schema structure of the database and allows the user to build queries while navigating this graph. The queries are converted to the query language of the underlying database (SQL in case of relational systems) and run in the underlying system. The results are published as RDF graphs which can be exported to applications. One application would be to publish the query results or the query skeleton as an HTML form to be published on an e-commerce site. Thus such a system would liberate the site builder or the database administrator from the details of the database schema and query language. In this talk we will discuss design, implementation and usage of DataCraft and demonstrate how it can be used to enable a simple e-commerce application. References:
The World's Coolest Client-Side XML ApplicationPretty-Face Session: Tuesday March 9th, 2:45 PMPresenter: Tony Stewart (RivCom)Why Attend? Case-Study, E-Commerce, XSLThis presentation examines a recently completed interactive e-commerce application in which XML and style sheets are used to generate sophisticated data manipulation, styling and presentation in the browser. The application uses XML both as a data serialization format and as a foundation for sophisticated styling, both of which are manipulated by the user. The talk demonstrates the application and discusses the key underlying issues, including the conceptual and technical choices made by the project team, and the lessons learned.
XML-Enabling Enterprise Databases to Simplify Internet AppsStrong-Back Session: Tuesday March 9th, 2:45 PMPresenter: Steve Muench (Oracle)Why Attend? Databases, E-Commerce, ManagementTo stay ahead of their competition, leading companies in the New Economy will need to cleverly exploit the synergy of Electronic Commerce, Data Warehousing, Content Management, and Back Office Integration to do better business and do business better over the Web. Building the Internet applications that drive these businesses is hard stuff. Developers are looking for a technology which makes it dramatically easier to acquire, integrate, repurpose, and exchange any information with any partner over the Internet to make their ever-expanding enterprise databases work even harder to their strategic advantage. Integrating XML with Enterprise Databases gives developers a leg up in satisfying the increasing demand for access to information. We'll discuss the approach Oracle is taking to integrate XML into its Oracle8i database to achieve these benefits.
Mozilla from the TrenchesPretty-Face Session: Tuesday March 9th, 4:00 PMPresenter: Michael Leventhal (CITEC)Why Attend? Netscape, ProgrammingAs one group of developers that has taken the Mozilla source and done something pretty interesting and ambitious with it we think we have some pretty useful knowledge to share about what Mozilla is, how it works, its component strategy, and how you can build your own components, extending it, or just swallow it whole and make your own "Franken-Browser". We've figured out the ins and outs of the Netscape Public License and can speak to the issue of developing in and around the NPL. We can talk about the concept and the reality of an Open Source project and we give our view as to what is in the Mozilla code, the good and bad, what is worth studying, what is worth mining, and just how much XML and the DOM is built into this next generation browser technology. The second area of interest is our extensions and how we see the future of XML in browsers and applications which use browser interfaces. Obviously we think that some segments of the marketplace are going to demand more elaborate capabilities than the standard mass-market product can or should offer. In particular we are going after the higher end technical information publishers, the kind of users that have been using SGML and XML already and have been implementing linking systems, IETMs, document repositories, electronic review, document workflow, textual databases, intelligent graphics systems and so forth - without all the benefits of standard Web technology. So we will address the wide area of an application infrastructure on top of standard browser technology. AND we are going to have plenty of demos to show how applications can be constructed on that infrastructure. References:
XML Conformance Development StatusStrong-Back Session: Tuesday March 9th, 4:00 PMPresenters: Mary Brady (NIST) and Ken Holman (Crane Softwrights)Why Attend? Case-Study, TheoryThe OASIS XML Conformance Technical Subcommittee is a forum where member vendors, content providers, and users discuss issues that are pertinent to XML conformance. The objective of the Subcommittee is to develop tests to improve the quality of XML processors and determine if XML implementations and/or XML instances adhere to the XML 1.0 Recommendation. The development of tests provides implementors with the necessary measures to determine whether their implementation is conformant to the Recommendation, and ultimately, interoperable with other solutions. This presentation overviews the latest status of the work of the group and the materials available for public use. References:
Automatic Construction of DTD-directed EditorsPretty-Face Session: Tuesday March 9th, 4:45 AMPresenter: Henry Thompson (University of Edinburgh)Why Attend? Authoring, ProgrammingMany document-related editing tasks, particularly ones which involve adding, removing or specialising information by adding, removing or articulating markup, can be characterised as DTD-to-DTD upgrading problems. The version these of these tasks we are interested in are NOT the ones susceptible to complete automation, but rather ones where human intervention is in principle necessary, e.g.:
In many cases large volumes of material need such processing, and it is inappropriate or impossible to expect XML editing skills on the part of those carrying it out. We have designed and implemented a prototype DTD-difference-directed editor construction tool, which given a pair of DTDs will construct a graphical user interface to an XML document stream on the basis of a pair of DTDs characterising the input and desired output. The resulting editor will present users with a suitably configured, angle-bracket-free, component-by-component view of the stream which provides point-and-click and sweep-and-click interfaces as appropriate, specialised to the particular differences at hand. The result is an XML document upgraded to the output DTD. For the examples listed above, the style of interaction would be:
We will demonstrate the prototype, describe what kinds of DTD-pair-differences can be automatically handled and discuss what kind of annotations may be necessary to extend the range of cases handled. References:
Automatically Constructing the Intersection/Union/Difference of Two SchemasStrong-Back Session: Tuesday March 9th, 4:45 PMPresenter: Makoto Murata (Fuji Xerox)Why Attend? Programming, TheoryThis talk demonstrates a new technology for automatically constructing the intersection/union/difference of two schemata. The hedge automaton theory provides the foundation of this technology. First, input schemata (wrriten in XSchema) are converted to hedge automata (formerly called forest automata). Second, by applying boolean operations to these hedge automata, an output hedge automaton is constructed. Last, the constructed automaton is converted to a schema (again, written in XSchema). The internal representation and boolean operations of hedge automata are built on top of the "Grail" automaton construction toolkit. References:
Tuesday Management Track
The Next Meta-Shift in Business and ComputingManagement Session: Tuesday March 9th, 11:00 AMPresenter: Mansoor Zakaria (2Bridge Software)Why Attend? ManagementFrom Websites to portals, from content to metadata, from HTML to XML, from cool idea to business reality....where is the inexorable march of the Internet taking us -both as a technology platform and a fundamental change agent in business and society. And what is the potential for XML in that world.
XML Based Interactive Scientific PublishingManagement Session: Tuesday March 9th, 11:45 AMPresenter: Dr. Robert Sutor, Dr. Angel Diaz and Samuel Dooley (IBM)Why Attend? Management, GraphicsStudents, scientists, and engineers are now faced with the task of rendering the 2-D presentational structure of mathematics as well as harnessing a wealth of scientific and technical software across international boundaries and markets. The IBM techexploer Hypermedia Browser provides a LaTeX and XML-based solution for bringing interactive scientific and technical documents to the Web user.
XML Newsletter Template SystemManagement Session: Tuesday March 9th, 2:00 PMPresenter: Matt Turner (PC World Online)Why Attend? Management, Case-StudyXML is moving beyond simply document storage and delivery in publishing systems. This example looks at using XML to manage and maintain an email publishing system which has over 70 content feeds in over 300 formats.
Using Metadata in XML and Hybrid HTML/XML DocumentsManagement Session: Tuesday March 9th, 2:45 PMPresenter: Katriel Reichman (Live Linx)Why Attend? Management, MetadataXML and hybrid HTML/XML contain implicit and explicit meta information that can be used to improve document presentation, and dramatically reduce document maintenance costs. This presentation describes how metadata is used by technical documentation groups and reference publishers to automate and maintain hyperlinks to text and media.
Tales From the XML FrontlinesManagement Session: Tuesday March 9th, 4:00 PMPresenter: Dan Appelquist ( Attend? Management, Case-StudyA case study in implementing an XML-based Web publishing system at Do's, don'ts, gotchas, and other war stories.
The Practical Issues of XMLManagement Session: Tuesday March 9th, 4:45 PMPresenter: P.G. Bartlett (Arbortext)Why Attend? Basics, ManagementWhen building a business case for an automated document management, assembly and publishing system based on XML, it is important to understand which capabilities deliver the key business benefits. This presentation will describe where the pitfalls lie in implementing those capabilities, and how to leverage the benefits of the new system across the enterprise.
Wednesday March 10, 1999Keynote: General Manager, Windows DNA Infastructure, MicrosoftPlenary session: Wednesday March 10th, 9:45 AMMicrosoft Corporation is an XML pioneer, the sponsor of XIO'99, and a force in every computing-related industry. J. Allard, best known as the man who taught Microsoft about the Internet, shares Microsoft's perception of where XML fits into the big picture of the Web-driven future.
Keynote by David Siegel:
Thursday March 11, 1999Keynote: Jonathan Schwartz, Director, Enterprise Products, Sun MicrosystemsPlenary session: Thursday March 11th, 9:00 AMThis is Sun's chance to present their vision, not just of what they're doing with XML, but how XML fits into the larger picture of write-once-run-anywhere network computing. References:
Keynote: Marie Wieck, Director, Technology - Network Computing Software Division, IBMPlenary session: Thursday March 11th, 9:45 AMIBM, most visibly at their Alphaworks site, have been aggressive in bringing XML tools and technologies to market. IBM, however, is far more than a purveyor of cool Java middleware. This is another big-picture presentation, giving us IBM's view of XML in the context in the whole spectrum of computing, from legacy mainframe applications to intelligent pocket-sized devices.
XML in IE5 and on the ServerPretty-Face Session: Thursday March 11th, 11:00 AMPresenter: (Microsoft)Why Attend? MicrosoftKeynotes are for visions. Technical-track presentations are for details. In this presentation, Microsoft will give an up-to-the minute view of their XML technology deployment not only in Internet Explorer Release 5, but as a core Microsoft technology at work on both client and server. References:
Schools Interoperability Framework; An XML Case StudyStrong-Back Session: Thursday March 11th, 11:00 AMPresenter: Manish Sharma (Microsoft) et alWhy Attend? Microsoft, Case-StudySchools Interoperability Framework (SIF) is an initiative of leading educational software providers. The mission of SIF is to provide interoperability among the various software packages used by school districts across the United States. Currently there is a great deal of data redundancy in school district information because educational software packages do not have common data-object definitions or a protocol for exchanging data. For example, an application that uses student demographics cannot share data with another application that uses the same information. And school district adminstrators have no mechanism for creating reports that require consolidating cross-application data sources. The SIF initiative solves these problems by using XML to define common data objects (such as students, student contacts, teachers, and schools) and a messaging protocol for moving data objects across software packages. This presentation will provide an overview of the SIF initiative. The design of both the XML-coded data objects and the messaging protocol will be highlighted. A demonstration which shows XML-enabled interoperability among different educational software packages will be featured. References:
XML and related standards in GeckoPretty-Face Session: Thursday March 11th, 11:45 AMPresenter: Vidur Apparao (Netscape)Why Attend? NetscapeGecko is the embeddable, open-source, "next generation" layout and rendering engine currently in development on Gecko will be the core rendering component in Netscape Navigator 5.0. Among other standards, Gecko supports XML, CSS, DOM Level 1 and XSL. This talk provides an overview of the features of Gecko, specifically those related to the display of XML documents and the application of the Level 1 DOM. References:
Dynamic XML ServersStrong-Back Session: Thursday March 11th, 11:45 AMPresenter: Bob Bickel (Bluestone)Why Attend? Databases, E-Commerce, ProgrammingWho are the key providers of dynamic XML servers, what benefits do dynamic XML servers give you, when do you need dynamic XML servers, where are dynamic XML servers planned to be used, how would you implement a dynamic XML server solution, why you should consider using dynamic server technology. This discussion topic is quite technically-focussed. What Does It All Mean?Plenary Session: Thursday March 11th, 2:00 PMPresenter: Tim BrayTo close XTech'99, Tim Bray, co-editor of XML 1.0 and XML Namespaces, and probably the world's most voluble XML evangelist, tries to look back at the conference and simultaneously forward at the future, while trying not to fall flat on his face.
FarewellPlenary Session Session: Thursday March 11th, 2:50 PMPresenter: Jon BosakThis is where we say good-bye, announce upcoming events, give away door prizes, and head off into the San Jose sunshine.